• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 656 Views, 20 Comments

Kirin And Changeling - dudenotactive

A kirin who wished to be the best meets a changeling who wished the same. This is how their story began. .

  • ...

Fire And Deception

A lone kirin stood on the edge of a cliff beneath the night sky. He felt the cool air rushed him, his mane fluttered with the wind. The kirin shivered slightly, feeling the cold as he stood on the cliff. He glanced back towards a little town behind him in the middle of the valley through the thick jungle, the lights glimmered and sparkled in the distance. He sighed dejectedly for it could be the last time he would ever see his home.

But he steeled his heart and smiled proudly as he looked upon the vast world before him, for he has a dream to fulfill. With a regretful farewell to his village, he descends from the cliff, sliding against the stone cold surface.

Dust kicks up as his hooves grinds against the cliff side. The kirin whooped with laughter as he went straight down. And once he was close enough, he pushed the mountain away and dived towards the ground. After impressively making a single roll in the air he landed perfectly on the ground, striking a dramatic pose for no one to see. The kirin metaphorically patted himself on the back for striking an amazing landing. With that out of the way, he prepared himself for the first step out of his home.


The kirin stumbled back startled by the sudden booming voice that came out of nowhere. He straightened himself quick enough to assess the situation befallen to him. Before him in this very jungle just at the base of the mountain was an old pony in some kind of uniform. His fur was blue and his mane was blonde, he would look like a simple old stallion if it weren't for the deranged look in his eyes. And that creepy smile he wore, it just sent a shiver down the kirin's spine.

"Oh, woops, I'm really sorry about that." The old stallion apologized. He took out a lantern from nowhere and lit it up, banishing any shadows that were in the lantern's sight. "It's just that I never expected to see anyone out here so close to the Peaks of Peril. Especially an odd looking pony such as you."

The kirin stood there silently, he eyed the old pony up and down trying to get a read on him. Then he flinched as the old coot brought the lantern too close to his face and he hid away his crimson red eyes from the offending light. The light shined on his creamy white coat and lime green mane. And the thing that really surprised the pony were the chestnut brown scales on the kirin's back, the ox like tail, and the twisted looking horn on his head.

"My, never seen anything like you!" The old pony chortled. Then he poked the turf of hair on the kirin's chest. "Though I don't like to judge, but a young mare like you should really shave."

"Mare!?" For the first time since this story started, the kirin spoke. Which shocked the old coot so much more than the kirin ever was. "I am a stallion, dude. Honestly, I don't even look like a kirin mare in any way at all!"

"My apologies, but to be fair, you look like a pony mare. So you're kind are called kirins? Never thought someone would even live here to be honest. Here in the end of the line, the final destination, the last STOP!" He cleared his throat for a second. "Sorry, I have been wanting to say that for awhile now."

"You called this place the Peaks of Peril right?" The kirin asked. "What's so perilous about it?"

The old pony smiled oddly. "That's because there's nothing but uncharted jungles all around here, and nasty beasts that would certainly turn you into a snack!"

"Then why are you here?"

"I got lost trying to find the outhouse. Like I said, uncharted. Even after all my years of living here, I have a job here also."

"What exactly do you do?"

This seemed to make the old coot smile more honestly. "Oh, I sell tickets! See?" He raised a ticket dispenser in the air. "Speaking of which, would you like to buy one boyo? I heard the town Appleloosa is nice this time of year!"

"But wait a second, how do you even make any profits here in the middle of... nowhere?"

"Easy! Pony misses their stop, ends up here, then they have to pay for the train back!" The old coot guffawed very loudly.

The kirin recoiled a little but he started to worry less about the old pony. He seems alright... Though I'm not sure why someone would even want to be all alone in a place like this. He thought to himself.

"What's a train?"

The pony cleared his throat again. "A train is the magnificence of pony engineering! It is a form of transportation that carries passengers and other items such as lumber and minerals to every town or city it is connected to!"

"Woah, really?" The pony nodded to the kirin. "That's amazing!"

"So what would it be then boyo?" The ticket seller took out a number of tickets with names and time slots of when the train arrives. Which were all the same and we're about to come in an hour.

The kirin pondered it for a second, the idea was great, but he knows nothing about the world around him. Deciding right now would be an important and domino toppling move. Whatever he chooses would be the first step for his mysterious adventure in this world. He needed to think about what he was about to do, this was what he had set out for, an adventure beyond his home.

And now the gods have given him his first challenge, the dice of fate will roll once he makes a decision right here, right now. Don't really have many bits on me but I'm sure it's enough to get me a ticket... but where do I go? It should be a place where danger and adventure is always knocking. Or a hub of information to help me learn about this world I stand on. Who knows, maybe I would meet a pretty mare and just live with her... or something

"I have decided!"

"Welcome to Mud!" A pony carrying a large bag on his back greeted the kirin with an honest smile. "Would you like a complimentary mud on a stick?"

"No thank you." The kirin simply brushed the salespony off and wandered off the train station.

The kirin took in the fresh air in this town called Mud. He gazed upon the beauty that this place had. Buildings made of mud, stone, and wood. All were shaped like squares and were solid enough to stand. Ponies are a bit bland by looks but the kirin could tell that they had some kind of charm in them along with the town. And he knew that they were all interesting ponies in some way, even if they were all earth ponies. Of course there were some pegasi out and about, but this town was mostly inhabited by earth ponies and there was no sign of any unicorn at all.

Truly this place is where it will begin, his adventure into this mysterious world. The first step that changed his life for the better. And he could tell that he was destined to be here. But first on the agenda is getting some information, he would rather not jump into the face of danger blind. No, he will face his future trials with knowledge as his weapon. And then he can finally make his dream come true.

So without any more distractions, the kirin went straight over to the building with a sign that had a book on it. Figures that it was a bookstore of sorts and was the best place to start. After passing by a few interesting buildings and catching a few odd stares from the townsponies, he entered the store and discovered hundreds of books inside. He gazed upon the collection slack jawed, he had not seen a place such as this with so much reading material.

After scanning over the room, his eyes landed on a normal looking mare sitting behind the counter. She was giving him the same stare as the others did. She eyed him carefully as he approached. "Guten tag and bonjour!" The kirin cheerfully greeted the obvious shopkeeper.

"Uh... gesundheit?"

"Thank you." He smiled. "May I inquire of where the history books are located ma'am?"

She raised a hoof pointed towards one of the shelves. "J-just straight over there..."

"Thanks!" With that, he went over to the books that were displayed. He entered the aisle and browsed over the book covers on the shelves.

There were hundreds of books that dated back to a thousand years ago. The kirin couldn't believe that this much history was made while he was busy doing what he felt like back in his village. Back home he lived a simple life, but now he could see countless opportunities that were just calling for his name. He picked up a single book that was promising, but just as he was about to move on he noticed something else. His eyes landed on a book that had a picture of an oddly dressed pony, the title was "How To Be Like Shake Spear". Curiosity brought him to hold the book in his hoof and read the summary.

"Regarded as the greatest play writer in all of pony history..." He read out loud. Then his eyes widened as a smile crept on his face. "The art of theatre stage play!? Amazing!"

Quickly, he rushed back to the shopkeeper and dropped the two books on the counter.

"How much for these?"

"Sixty bits... ma'am?"

The kirin frowned. "Was the masculine voice not obvious?"

"Sorry, I didn't want to assume."

"Well, I don't really take any offense. And to be honest, some of you pony mares look like kirin stallions." He jokingly said as he paid for the books and placed them on his back.

Walking out of the store he was once again met by the cautious gaze of the townsponies. They all stood eerily like a statue and stared at the kirin. Awkwardly, he started to inch away from their gazes and towards the neighboring building. Silently and trying not to be disturbed by the odd stares, he entered the building and found himself in what looks to be a cafe. The delicious scent of coffee and tea filled the air. Classy music played in the room by a dusty old vinyl player.

There were other ponies in the cafe of course, they too were staring at the kirin like everybody else. But after a few seconds they returned to minding their own businesses. Which made the kirin feel a little glad for choosing this place out of all the buildings he could've chosen from.

Making his way to a vacant table and taking a seat far from anyone, he placed both books on the table and waved over a waitress. She was reluctant, that much was clear, but she had a job to do. After giving off his order and surprising yet another pony of his true... identity, the kirin opened the history book he had just recently purchased.

He began reading the contents with a look of enthusiasm in his eyes. But before he could even finish the first page, a random stallion had just sat down on the seat across him.

"Hey, what's a pretty mare like you sitting all alone?"

The kirin could only sigh as he closed his book. He looked up to see a stallion that many would call handsome, chiseled jaw, perfect build, blond mane and a clean white coat, his eyes were deep ocean blue that sparkled under the light. The oddest thing was that this pony was a unicorn, which surprises the kirin since he had not seen one.

"So, what's your name doll?"

The kirin frowned deeply and glared at the unicorn. "I'm a dude."

The unicorn staggered back into his seat. Eyes wide and pupils shrunk into practically dots in a sea of white. "Oh..." He said before clearing his throat. Then he excused himself and walked away.

The kirin would've been peeved off about being confused as a mare again, but the waitress had returned with his order. A tasty hazelnut white coffee that had an amazing aroma that sweeps away his worries. With the coffee in hoof, he would finally indulge himself into this world's past and current events. Once the waitress was no longer staring at him, he flipped open the book once more and went back to reading.

Only to be interrupted once more by a unicorn mare taking the empty seat in front of him. The kirin sighed and looked up uninterested for what's to come. But as his eyes set on the unicorn, he couldn't help but notice some features. Such as that she was blond, her coat was white, and the eyes were just like that stallion from before. She looked identical as the unicorn that sat there a minute ago.

"Hey, cutie," She purred. "what'cha reading?"

"It's a history book." He raised it up for her to see that it was indeed a history book.

"Oh, a bookworm are you?"

"Nah, just trying to learn more about pony society. It's my first time being outside of the village. Decided that Mud would be the perfect place to start my adventure."

The mare smiled. "My name is Golden Star. What's yours, cutie?"

The kirin smirked. "Me? Heh, my name doesn't matter out here. Back in my village, they knew me as a fellow kirin living their life. But here? I'm nobody..." He straightened himself and placed a hoof on his chest, his smirk turned into a prideful smile. "Out here, I am just a lone kirin that has nothing in his name. I walk through the lonely road we call... life. You see, my name doesn't matter outside my village, it only matters to my kin and brethren.

You can call me anything you like, but I assure you that I still hold my name close to my heart. It was the name given to me by my parents who loved me dearly. A name my friends and family calls out to when I am needed. But right here, right now, you shall learn of my name. For the first time since I left my lovely village, I shall tell another soul of what my name is. Listen well you beautiful pony, for I am-"

"I'll just call you Kirin. Seems cuter that way."

"Kirin" frowned. He tried to correct her but she simply raised a hoof to silence him.

"Anyways, you seem like a drifter. How about I take you back to my place for a well deserved rest?" Star offered.

Kirin paused for a second to ponder about it. But then decided against it. "Sorry, but I can't let myself be a burden to such a lovely mare such as you." He said before going back to his book.

He was so busy reading, that he didn't notice Star rolling her eyes at him in a rude manner. She cleared her throat and straightened herself. "I must insist, especially when you're alone in this town. And the townsponies are a bit tense ever since you came around."

Kirin looked up from his book with a look of concern. "They are?"

Star nodded with a smirk. "Of course, didn't you notice all those staring? They probably think you're a demon from your appearance."

"They do?" His face saddened a bit.

"Oh they definitely do, I think it would be best if you stayed with me at my place. And maybe you and I could catch up even."

He looked off towards the empty space to his right, thinking about what he had just heard. Of course he knew he looked a bit intimidating after his short experience on the train earlier, but he never thought that they would be so worried about him. Honestly, he couldn't blame any of them.

"You know what? Sure, I would love to accept your offer." He finally made a decision.

Star grinned devilishly as she stood up. "Then follow me."

Hours had passed since they had left the cafe back in the town called Mud and now he and this unicorn traveled through the nearby forest. The pony and the kirin were trekking along a path that led deeper into the forest, and deeper into the darkness. The sun was already dipping down and the sky turned red.

During their travel, the two had not spoken a single word. Gone was the smiling mare, replaced by a glowering unicorn that would constantly glance over her shoulder and eye Kirin in a way that unnerved him. He tried not to think about it, but she kept doing it again and again after every minute. As if once her eyes lost him he would disappear like a ghost.

"So, you live really far from town?" Kirin made an attempt to start a conversation.

"Yes, now shut up..."

Kirin was taken aback by her response. He narrowed his eyes and glared at the back of her head. "So, do you like reading books?"

"Yes." She answered.

"The book I was reading was interesting, ja?"

"Mhmm." She nodded her head.

"You got any favorites?"

"I like... to hell with this." She snapped around on her heel and pounced on Kirin before he could even blink. She snarled as she cradled on top of him and bared her mouth full of sharp teeth that could tear anyone to shreds. "You're getting on my nerves."

"Woah, hold on now! Let's not get any hasty here, no need to uh... hurt me. Please don't."

She growled deeply as she raised her hoof in the air.

"Wait, no!"

"Your adventure starts now, Kirin..." She muttered before everything went black.