• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 656 Views, 20 Comments

Kirin And Changeling - dudenotactive

A kirin who wished to be the best meets a changeling who wished the same. This is how their story began. .

  • ...

Rekindled Light

Slowly, Minion awoke. Her body ached as she gained consciousness. Her heart beats calmly, it was just as loud as the noises around her. Her eyes opened, and the darkness was replaced by a bright light that nearly blinded Minion. The changeling felt confused, everything was white. The walls, the floor, and the bed she was in.

But that was not something to be concerned about. Her hoof reached over to her right eye and felt a patch over it. She was unsure if she could still see through it or not, and Minion would've tried to peel off the patch, but she was too scared of the answer. She looked over to the left and noticed an open door. In the hallway, there were several ponies in uniform walking around, all busy with whatever work they had.

Then it hit her, the last memory she had before everything went black. Stoic's glare. The way his eyes showed no emotion, only the intent to kill. It was obvious that he despised her whole being. A changeling. And yet, she woke up. Though covered in bandages and burns, she was still intact, well mostly.

"We need to talk."

Minion screamed her lungs out, her eye widened upon realizing that Stoic was actually sitting on the right side of the room. Her blind spot, she would have never thought he was even there to begin with. He just sat there, all silent and unloving. Like a damn haunted puppet.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He promised.

"That's something, I was definitely sure you'd end me."

"Yes, that was the plan." He admitted. "But... Let's just say that I had a change of heart."

"How so?"

He rose to his hooves and walked towards the window where he looked out, his back facing her and he was vulnerable to any attacks. But she easily read the message he was sending, it was a sign that he wished not to fight, but just talk. "As you know, I am part of the Institute of Peace, and we have been doing our best to keep all races from starting a war among each other. And changelings are ones that we cannot negotiate with, as has been told in history many times before."

He glanced back at her with his piercing gaze.

"Your kind only brings war, you are a parasite in this world and would feast upon every creature you meet." These words were true, but these changelings are just part of the circle of life. Their only source of food is love, and they cannot give each other love, they must take from others. It was just nature. "The Institute does not see any redeeming qualities on changelings, they are one of the many species listed as nonnegotiable creatures, along with many of course."

"What are you getting at?" Minion scowled.

Stoic sighed, he walked over to the bedside table that was next to Minion. There he picked up a mirror and pointed the face at Minion, showing her the patch on her face along with other bandages that covered parts of her body. "Your eye is functional, the wound was not deep enough to take your vision away, but a scar will be there to forever remind you."

Minion didn't say a word, her hoof only caressed the patch as his words echoed in her head. She only snapped out of it when Stoic began talking once more.

"You showed concern for Kirin back there,"

"Yeah, what of it!?"

Stoic raised his hooves to show that he was no threat. "I mean no ill will, all I'm saying is that you were worried for Kirin. And I must commend you, you had dozens of chances to escape, and yet you stayed."

"I couldn't just leave him there, I needed to do something." It was honest, and that was something Stoic could tell.

"That is why I am giving you a chance," This piqued Minion's curiosity. She looked him straight in the eyes and waited for him to continue. "I have decided to request that the Institution would allow me to interview you, Minion."

"For what?"

"It's an evaluation to see if your race can become a member of our society, and I am happy to say the Institute approved my request."

Minion was shocked to hear that, it was a strange idea, and yet she felt a little invested in it. "But what about the things you said, aren't we changelings just parasites?"

"That's what they said about the griffons, and yet, we looked past their greedy bit pinching ways and allowed them into our borders." He said blankly, but Minion could tell that he was not fond of griffons thanks to her abilities. That was something she did not expect from someone who promotes peace. "So, will you help bridge our species together and create a new world?"

There was a moment of silence, Minion sighed. A smirk grew on her lips as she looked at him. "You do realize that is impossible right? You're right about us changelings, all we do is take just so we can feed."

"I know," He said nonchalantly. "Your species cannot be redeemed, but this was the only way I can keep the Institute from taking you in. There are things we do just to keep the peace, no matter what."

"So this is just you protecting me?"

"Yes, but I still want to interview you. To be completely honest Minion, this is the first time I have seen a changeling alive."

"Wait, you know my name?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Kirin won't stop worrying about you ever since the fire."

A small smile appeared on Minion, her heart felt lighter when she learned about what Kirin was doing in her sleep. But then again... "Where is Kirin?"

His expression darkened more than usual. He glared off to the side with regret. "No matter what I do, he just wouldn't think twice about it."

"What do you mean?"

"He's leaving, Minion..."

"What!?" She exclaimed. Quickly, she tossed the sheets of her bed aside but was prevented from leaving by Stoic. "Let me go!"

Stoic only smiled, this was the first time he showed emotion. "This is why I want to keep you safe Minion, you care for Kirin, and by the looks of it you won't stop until you see him."

"You're darn right I won't."

With that said, Stoic allowed her to go despite her current state. Minion bolted out the door, nearly crashing into a hospital staff, but all she received was a curious look from the pony. Others had stopped to stare but returned to their business soon after.

Stoic would've followed, but a series of taps attracted his attention. He looked over to the window and saw Bertrand perched outside. A letter was attached to his leg. Stoic sighed, there were so many things to do.

Kirin sighed, he sat waiting on a bench for the train to arrive. There were only a few other ponies in the station, as well as the mud vendor. He's just happy that his new friend Quick Fuse was there to see him off. Though none of them have spoken a word to each other leaving an awkward silence around them.

"Mud on a stick?" The vendor offered out of nowhere.

"N-" He paused, Kirin quickly changed his mind. "You know what? Sure, I'll have one."

The exchange was quick, the sales pony was out of his hair the moment he paid for the mud on the stick. Kirin stared at it for a second before turning to Fuse just so he could ask a question.

"So, what do I do with this?" He questioned the local of the town.

"You eat it," She answered. "but don't worry, it isn't actually made of mud. That's just what Sweet Hooves calls it. Those are chocolate muffin balls made to look like mud, he baked them himself to be in fact."

"Wait really?" Kirin immediately took a bite and was surprised to say that he was blown away. They were indeed a muffin ball on a stick. It was an amazing experience, so much that it saddened Kirin that he had to leave.

"How is it?" Fuse asked.

"It's the best muffin I have ever tasted," Kirin answered truthfully.

Fuse smirked proudly. "Heh, that's Sweet Hooves for you. He won't rest until he bakes the best pastry in town."

"Guess I'll have to miss out then since I'm leaving..."


They returned to their usual silence. Another moment to just enjoy what little time they have left with each other. Kirin checked the clock on the wall, only a few minutes before the train arrives. So he waited patiently, though he wished Stoic would be there to say goodbye. Out of all the ponies he met, it was Stoic who he liked the most. The unicorn was just an interesting character to Kirin, with that professional style Stoic had, and his skill in combat was impressive.

And Quick Fuse, they had a short time with each other, and she did bury him in rubble, but he deserved it for what he did. Still, he enjoyed her presence. And it was nice enough that she was there for him. Though Carrot and Orange dropped by just to say farewell, which was deeply appreciated. Even his boss was feeling blue about him leaving, she even gave him his weekly pay early just to show that she appreciated the work he did.

"You gonna finish that?" A voice spoke from over his shoulder.

Kirin snapped towards the left and came face to face with Minion. He gasped in surprise, but then he looked away and said nothing. Regret flashed in his eyes as he did so.

Fuse excused herself, she knew that it would be best to leave the two alone.

"No hello?" Minion said with a hint of disappointment. "Guess you're bummed out by what happened yesterday."

"How can you say that?" Kirin still hid his face. "For what I did, I don't think I should stick around anymore."

"So you remembered what happened back there?" Minion leaned towards him to look Kirin in the eyes, but he only moved away. It was clear that he was too scared to face her. "Then you remembered that I stayed."

"You should've ran, you had the chance..." He muttered.

"Yeah, I should've... but aren't we friends?"

Kirin flinched upon hearing the word, his body tensed up. Yet he still looked away from Minion.

"We can't be friends, you don't want to be anyway." He sighed. "It's for the best, we aren't exactly on the same frequency..."

"Does it matter?" Minion asked. "It doesn't, that's what. You didn't hurt me Kirin, it was the nirik in you. And thanks to the wine we had yesterday you weren't exactly in good condition. None of it was your fault, and you need to understand that."

"It is my fault!" He snapped at her. "I knew I couldn't handle wine like you and Stoic, I knew that I would turn into a nirik if I got too emotional! Anger is just a part of me, and I don't want this to happen again!"

"You can control your anger!" She shot back. "Emotions are part of every creature on the planet. We feel hate and joy for many things, you can't go and bottle up one and just forget it exists."

"You don't understand! Once I turn, I can't control myself!" He reasoned. "I can't even bear with what could have happened to you!"

Minion was taken aback, her heart skipped a beat from his words. And now she understands, he remembered it all, perhaps as clear as day. It was like a nightmare to Kirin, being helpless and unable to decide on his own. Kirin watched himself doing things he would never do. If it were not for Minion's determination and the help from others, then he would've done something that will forever haunt him.

Minion sat down on the vacant spot next to him, Kirin still kept his eyes away from her. But she did notice a few spectators nearby. She glanced at them with an arched brow wondering who some of them were, Quick Fuse and Stoic were there but she couldn't name the rest. Ignoring the strange group and the two ponies she knew, Minion turned to face Kirin with a woeful face.

"Where will you go?" She asked.

"Home," Minion felt a sharp pain in her chest. "I just think it would be best to just give up while I'm ahead. The outside world isn't a place for a destructive creature such as me."

"Don't beat yourself up like that," Minion said calmly as possible. She tried her best not to do anything that would cost her a chance. "You can still live here, you know, with me. No one seems to look at us weirdly anymore."

"Because Stoic lied to them." He whispered as to not cause suspicions on themselves. If word of the truth gets out, then he would be in quite the trouble. "Minion... I can't just go back, it's not safe anymore, I see that. It would be better if I am around my own kind, that way they can help whenever I become a nirik."

"You're a monster," She said out loud.

"I am..." He agreed without hesitation.

"Kirin, look at me."

He was reluctant, Kirin was too scared to see Minion in her current state. He saw the burns she suffered before she was taken to the hospital and the wound on her face. Kirin could still taste it, how disgusted he was with himself.

"It's okay, you can look at me." She reassured him.

Finally, he caved in and faced Minion. And as he expected, he felt regret upon seeing her. The patch on her face was the one thing that hurt him the most. But then a realization came, he wasn't staring at Golden Star, it was Minion who was seated with him on the bench. Not a beautiful blonde unicorn, but a pony-like insect called a changeling.

Somehow just from Minion's real self had calmed him. Unconsciously, his hoof caressed her left cheek. Tears started to gather in the corner of his eyes as he trembled.

"I'm sorry," He apologized, he repeated these words over and over. Until he felt Minion's embrace. She held Kirin tightly, not daring to let him go so easily.

"We're both monsters, you and I." She said to him. "There are many things that make us different, but you and I are alike in one thing, we aren't ponies."

She paused for a second soak in her own words.

"There's nothing wrong with that, we are who we are because that is how fate made us. But thanks to fate, our paths crossed leading me to something I have never wanted before. What I wanted and needed the most... was a friend."


"Kirin, I-" Kirin stopped her finishing as he gently pushed her away, breaking their embrace. A kind, calming smile greeted Minion as he did so.

"Limelight, that's my name..."

"Limelight?" A soft smile appeared on Minion. "Should've seen that coming."

"Yeah, with the green mane and my love for the theater stage play, you would've guessed my name."

"Limelight..." Minion sighed. "Are you still up for that symbiotic relationship?"

"Will it hurt when you feed on me?"

"We've already done it once, so you should know what it feels like now." Minion chuckled. "So will you stay with me, and be friends?"

"As long as you take up my other offer."

She rolled her eye at him but then smiled. "You know what? Being a monkey for some circus doesn't sound all that bad when I'm with you."

Limelight smiled back. "Then we have a deal, you and I will be the best on the stage! My first idea is that we do a musical. I have been reading about the history of Equestria and they have a lot of potentials."

A frown was all that Limelight received from Minion. She huffed and turned away. "I am already regretting this."

"So, I decided to stay... Should we tell the others?" He did his best not to look towards their spectators as he spoke.

"Nah," Minion smirked. "Let's wait until the train comes and you pretend to take it. That'll be hilarious."

"Deception will always be part of you," He chuckled softly.

"Fire and deception, the strangest combo I ever heard." Minion commented. "Limelight?"

The kirin looked away from his mud on a stick.

"Thanks for being a nuisance."

With that, the two continued to talk as they waited for their little prank to begin. While the others watched, Limelight and Minion enjoyed each other's company. What was once locked behind a sealed door came flooding out for Minion. She opened up to her friend and told her story to him.

Though the train had arrived minutes ago, the two did nothing but talk. They learned more from each other than ever before.

Two creatures of different origins found comfort with each other. One was kind and honest, and the other was deceptive and dangerous. And yet, the two were more compatible than most. Though there were a few arguments, the two continued with their conversation. It wasn't long before the sun went down and both had to go home. And the two cherished their moments together, hoping that whatever obstacle comes their way, they would face it together.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading until the end. This AN will just be me talking about stuff, so feel free to read.


I noticed that the kirin names we know ends with something relating to light or fire.

Ex: Autumn Blaze, Rain Shine, Blossom Burst and Fern Flare. (these are the names I can find on the kirins)

It's kinda like how griffons start with g in their names. So I had to follow tradition for Limelight and think of a name similar to cannon kirins.

So there were other names I had thought up but decided to use Limelight in account of his green mane. Spotlight, Blast, Torch, Showtime Dazzle (sounds like a name for females, but seeing the kirins design, this name was still on the board), Winter Glow. These are the names that I still remember.

Read ME

I am planning to write a sequel, so if you are still interested keep an eye out for it.

Anyways, that's all for now. Goodbye.