• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 657 Views, 20 Comments

Kirin And Changeling - dudenotactive

A kirin who wished to be the best meets a changeling who wished the same. This is how their story began. .

  • ...

The First Step?

It was warm, and very comfy. Kirin felt like he was in a very nice bed and the blanket is just covering him just right. Though there was that strange smell that was not what he had expected to wake up to. Then he remembered, he was far from home.

Kirin's eyes snapped open and there he discovered that he was in a dry cave. Though he had no way to tell time, he could tell that it was high noon all thanks to the large opening in the middle of the cave. It acted as a source of light and brought in fresh air. Kirin could hear the birds outside twitter and flutter outside. The cave itself was fairly large, much larger than the hole in the ceiling.

Now that he thinks about his current location, he realized and remembered what had transpired yesterday. Or maybe it was a few days ago? Kirin couldn't really tell how long he was out.

Speaking of which, he looked down to inspect his state only to find himself trapped in some kid of green slime that held him comfortably against the wall. He made an attempt to move but noticed that it had a firm hold of him. And there was also the fact that his horn was covered in the same goop, limiting his chances of any kinds of escape. Seeing that his options were small, he decided it was best to have a good look at his surroundings. He scanned around the cave for anything interesting, but all he could find was that the cave had stalagmites and rocks, six tunnels. Nothing really important that could help him with his current dilemma.

There was also a chicken in the same situation as him, fused to the wall just to his right. "Hello..." He greeted the chicken and was respectfully greeted back.

"I see you're awake!"

Kirin snapped his eyes towards Golden Star who now stood a few feet away from him just under the sun. Her beautiful blond mane shimmered and had a stunning smile that made Kirin's heart pound loudly.

"Oh, you like what you see don't you?"

"Well to be honest, a mare like you is... extraordinary. I mean, I can't really say otherwise, you're just so amazing and why am I complimenting you!? Why am I complimenting the mare who kidnapped me!?"

"There are better things to be concerned about, Kirin." She purred. "Such as..."

Star took a step towards him and away from the sunlight, a green blaze enveloped her for a second before revealing an entirely different creature that stood in front of Kirin. Gone was the beautiful mare, replaced by a strange black insect-like equine that grinned devilishly at her prey, which was Kirin.

"Surprised?" She asked the slack jawed kirin as she approached him.

He had no words, he was indeed surprised to see her transform. The way her persona melted away with the hellish green flames. Kirin was stunned once more by the mare or whatever she was. She paced back and forth in front of him, just a hoof away. She no longer had that sparkle in her eyes, something sinister was shown instead. Unlike before, those eyes were not ones you should trust, unlike the eyes of the mare she had used as a disguise for her evil plan. A plan that Kirin does not know of.

"You are..." Kirin muttered.

The bug like creature stopped in her tracks and smirked proudly. "Am I what? Deceitful? Evil? Cruel? Out with it, Kirin. I want to hear it loud and clear."


Star staggered back a little as Kirin's voice echoed through the cave. Her eyes widened, unsure what to do in this situation. She had not expected him to react this way, she thought it would be different. "W-what?" She stammered.

"Amazing! How could I not have seen it earlier!?" He smiled and nearly popped off the wall right then and there. "You were the stallion from before as well, weren't you!?"

"I uh..."

"You were!" He gasped. "Incroyable... Really, you can take any face you want and become a different pony entirely! You are perfect!"

"Okay, now you're starting to freak me out a bit..." She said as she took a few steps back.

"Please! Join me on my adventure, together we can do so many things!"

Star scoffed and backed away even further. "As if I'd go anywhere with you of all creatures! You are here to serve one purpose only, and that's to be my food source to keep me going for at least a week."

"You're going to eat me?" He said with no trace of concern at all, only curiosity.

"Of course not, my kind doesn't feed on flesh. No, we changelings feed on the magic within all creatures! The one emotion that many cherished the most and yearned for in their lives. You see my literal meal ticket, we feed on the strongest energy within us all, we feed on love."

Kirin stared at her, soaking up the new information he just received from the so-called "changeling".

"I'm sorry, but I am not that kind of kirin."

She smirked. "As if you had any other choice, Kirin, you are nothing more than a food source to me now. And there's nothing you can do to change it."

"Or!" He cuts right in. "Or we can decide on a symbiotic relationship and hit the road! Just imagine it, you on a bright stage, performing under the moonlight not as a... bug, but a beautiful mare that will dazzle the audience!"

"Pfft! As if! I have bigger plans than some monkey show." She turned to walk away but paused for a second. "You should start making new dreams while you're still alive and not an empty husk. Maybe you can be a chicken whisperer." She grinned before leaving.

"Wait!" Kirin called for her but she was already gone, going through one of the many tunnels that leads to who knows where. "I didn't even get her name..."

The chicken clucked.

"What? Golden Star is obviously not her name, she just doesn't look like someone with a name like that."

Star groaned loudly as she returned from her trip to the outside. On her back was a lively rabbit that was trapped in a slime which was made from the same material she used to imprison Kirin and that random chicken. Her hooves echoed against the surface of the cave as she neared to where she kept Kirin. It was the place she would come to call the Main Feeding Room where she would drain all her victims of their love.

It was an important part of her plan. But first she must stick with what she has, such as Kirin and that chicken she stole from town. What? She was desperate and someone was being careless with their animals that she managed to sneak one away.

Speaking of chicken, as Star entered the room her eyes fell upon the oddest thing she would see today, the chicken was walking around free from its prison. She eyed the feathered creature as it pecked and scratched the ground searching for a meal. Then she glared at the only creature that could ever do something such as this, Kirin. He was still where Star had left him, on the wall with the toughest goop a changeling could ever make.

"Hey, you're back!" Kirin smiled as she approached him cautiously. "So, did you think about my offer?"

She scoffed. "As if... Why is the chicken free?"

"Oh, well she didn't seem to like being glued to the wall, so I decided to free her and let her stretch her legs. Ain't that right Helen?" The chicken clucked in response. "See?"

Star eyed him carefully, then focused on his horn which had no slime to prevent him from properly using his magic. It was as if it wasn't there to begin with.

"How did you get the slime off your horn?"

"Oh that? Well, miss...?"

"You may call me Minion, food..."

"Minion? Your parents are not that good with names, are they?"

Star who will now be known as Minion growled deeply and slammed her hoof against the wall next to him, just an inch away from his head. "My parents are dead to me."

"Woah, got some issues I see." Kirin said smugly.

"Back to the real issue!" She scowled and backed away. "Now how did your horn get free!?"

"Well... You see, we kirins have neat tricks like you changelings. We can set ourselves on fire."

Minion stared at him blankly, quiet, allowing the wind to be the only sound in the room along with the clucking chicken. The rabbit she had also squeaked as it struggled. Then she clicked her tongue and scoffed. "Really? Like a dragon?"

"Wait, dragons exist!?"

Minion hoofed her own face with disbelief. "Can you just show me and tell me how to prevent you from setting yourself on fire?"

"Nope!" He answered.

Minion tried not to harm him, though it was a losing battle with herself, she knew nothing good would come from attacking a possibly defenseless creature. "Then why didn't you just escape!?"

"Because, I want you!" He reasoned. "You are the perfect actor to ever grace my presence! You see, like I mentioned before, I want to make you into a star on a stage!"

"For the last time, I'm not going to be the clown for your stupid circus!"

"Minion listen to me! You can be whoever you want to be in a blink of an eye, allowing you to be flexible for any role, even as the lead!" He closed his eyes and smiled warmly, then he locked them with hers and they both stared deeply into each other's eyes. "I, Kirin, have a dream! To be the greatest theater director of all time!"

She was once again silent, but not because of some absurd fact about someone's race, no, she was stunned to hear such an ambitious dream coming from a kirin such as he. He could leave any time he wanted yet he stayed just so his dream would have a chance of fruition, and she was that chance.

"I..." She had no words. But then she held a darkened expression and only scowled before removing the rabbit off her back. "Shut up."

"Hey, let's not get any ideas now..." Kirin whimpered as he noticed her slow advance, step by step she drew closer with that scowl plastered on her face.

His eyes widened when she burst into flames for a second and was replaced by a kirin. Her mane was golden blonde and her coat was creamy white, lastly her scales were charcoal black. She grinned seductively and sauntered over to Kirin until she was just close enough for her to rest a gentle hoof on his cheek.

"Shh..." She hushed him. "All this talking is making me peckish. So how about I take a bite out of you and see how you taste?"

"T-that... That would be a great idea if you weren't a stallion with a mare's voice."

"WHAT!?" She recoiled away with the same scowl before but it was now accompanied by a burning glare that pierced Kirin's soul. "How am I a stallion!?"

"Your features are too masculine, the chin looks exactly like mine, and the build of your body as well." Kirin pointed out her flaws nonchalantly. "I'm guessing you changelings make your personas from scratch. In this case, you used me as reference for your kirin form. Really prachtig, Minion." He offered her his best smile.

"You know what!? Forget this! I'm going to work on my plan!" She huffed, transforming back to her changeling form before storming off to who knows where leaving Kirin by himself again along with the rabbit and the chicken.

"Hey wait! We can work on your kirin form if we just communicate with each other!" Once again, he was unheard as Minion had already left. "Great... all alone with no one to talk to but a chicken..."

The rabbit squeaked.

"And you... sigh, when I left my village this isn't exactly what I expected..." Then something else came to his mind. "Wait, why did I say 'Kirin' instead of my real name?"