• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 311 Views, 4 Comments

Fluttershy's story - QueenCartoony

"He lulled me into a false sense of security...left message in snow reading 'I dare you to love again'

  • ...

The Dragon's my father!

"Ugh" someone said in a deep and anger-ridden tone.

"Finally that bitch is gone. Never coming back in here to steal my gems, gold or my life."

A fist clenched, showing a sign of rage co ming from a dark crimson claw, all four fingers coming together and balming into a fist. Unbunching the fist, the dragon put the hand down, snorting out a steam of air. After a bit, he picked up the phone that was in his claw before and started to dial. The phone was silent before a ringing started. The dragon pressed a button on the phone and placed it on the side of his head.

Piercing his golden reptilian like eyes, he waited. He stared off into the distance a bit, seeing his cave and looking at his precious valuables. What beauties they are. When looking over them, confidence and pride swelled in his chest, and he enjoyed the feeling. He remembered his times as a young drake, winning battles agains other dragon, cheating sometimes just to get what their gold, sometimes even stealing it. No one caught him most times but if they did surely they just didn't care since that was how dragon culture was. In a corner, it was stacked off with tons and tons of golden bits aligned with pearl necklaces and some hordes of gems.

In the middle of the pile, a bit of coins moved, seeming like something was under it. The dragon didn't move, knowing whatever was their would be frightened to their death when they saw him. A head poped out soon after, causing coins to move left and right around the thing. The thing that was in the pile was a pony head, habing two innocent turqoise eyes. The pony was yellow, having a pastel pink mane on the side of her face, almost covering her right eye. Ignoring anything else the dragon stared at the pony, seeming like he knew the horse.

The pony, or erm pegasus apperently as they moved upwards, flared open their wings and smiled wide. The dragon looked at the horse an finally remembered something, that was his and his ex wifes kid. 'I can't beilieve that stupid bitch left her here just to fucking get me' he thought angrily. Opening his palm and putting it down he rolled his eyes and growled again. He'll have to do something with her. He moved his claw onto his arm from his annoyance. After a bit he started moving his finger up and down. The dragon was about to grind his teeth and screm into the phone before a voice came on.


"Hi, hello yes, I was calling to you about the proposition you had for me."


The dragon calling stomped his foot a bit,waiting for the other to answer. 'Don't tell me he forgot about the deal, I nearly forgot about the kid' he thought.

"You mean, when I said I had some rare yellow rubies and you said you had something else to trade?"

"Yeah. I have something for ya" he said while grinning. "how about a little filly?"

The other dragon stayed silent, in shock at what his friend was asking.

"Umm dude, uuH what am I gonna do with a little baby pony? Plus, what if other ponies come and try to take it back?" Questioned the one on the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry and listen. She perfect for you man, just perfect. She can fly long period of time and distances, can carry at least 10 pounds of gems and she knows more than she shows. Look, it'd be a bargain if she went with you and traded me those rubies. You'd have a valuable helper on your side, plus she's never seen any other stupid pony, aside from her mother, but that rat isn't coming back for a fact, so if any other horse comes over she'll definetly stay with you" he explained.

The dragon on the otherside paused again, thinking and weighing his options. Take a small pegasus and have her be a worker on his side and carry his rubies. Well, he has been finding neat places where gems are but hasn't been able to get all of them in one run. Having the pony around would help him get his entire stick before the other dragons got there.

"Mmm actually, that sounds like a deal."

The red dragon smiled wider, glad to get persuade the bargain onto his friend.

"I'm wanting to do the deal today so i'll come over to your place and just get her and trade with ya-"

"No" the father blurted. He didn't want anyone to come to his cave. Not because of him being embarrassed about his cave or anything. Or just suddenly hating everone because of his divorce. It's that he didn't want anyone else to see how perfect it was. If they did then he'd try and steal most of it. But instead of having him comeover, what could he do?

"I mean, no I'm busy today but I'll cut you a deal. I'll put her in the nearby snow region where you can pick her up whenever. She'll be fine there and be waiting patiently just for you."

The dragon on the other side chuckled.

"Hehehe well sounds like a plan. I'll pick her up later today. Now where was that place again?"

He put a claw under his chin and scratched it, trying to remember and snowy places he's been too.

"UgH it was where your last birthday party was."

"Wait really? Ohhhhhh yaya I remember now."

"Alright, I'll put the kid down and go back to my ahem duties. Just put the rocks in the closed off places in the cave. Once you get their you'll see them" he explained.

"Alright by dude!"


Putting the phone down and pressing another button, he grumbled, putting aside the phone.

The dragon looked over to the pony who had changed his place. She was now next to the dragons side, measuring up to his foot. The pegasus turned her head to the foot and looked at the claws. She took both her hooves out and over and grabbed the foot tightly. Squeezing it more and more she opened her mouth and started bitting and sucking.

The father smiled.

"Aww how eager you are." He placed a claw on top of her head and pet it.

He then took the pony in his giant claws, pushing her into her palm and curled his claws onto her.

"We need to get some things for you first, filly" he talked silently to himself. He moved his legs, going to only where he knew. He did say that the pony would be able to survive on her own, but didn't explain. He went to his makeshift 'kitchen', something his wife whinned about needing. Looking at the fridge, sink and the mirror, she looked down and saw the tool that he needed, the hatchet.

He moved his other claw out and grasped onto the weapon. He turned around and left without saying a word. Next, he would need something else that would help the child. While walking, the pegasus pony moved her head left and right until she poked her head out. She looked up, not being able to see well because of her hair covering her eye. Her father ignored it, not know what his daughter had done or felt it.

After walking a bit more the dragon came into an area of trees. He looked up and squinted, as if he was looking for something. moving his head up, to the left, to the left more he then stopped and widened his eyes. Taking the hand that had the hatchet, he grabbed onto a long thin thing. There was a slight tug and the rope came down slowly and rested onto the claw. The father turned around and opened his other arm, the one with the pony. The pony saw the chance and got up, opening her wings and flapping them.

Her father stared at her, then started to talk. "Listen, come follow me. I'll be taking you to see my, friend heh and you'll be staying with him for a bit."

The pegasus mare looked at her father, turning her face and looking timid. She said in a low, and innocent voice. "U-um okay."

Turnung around the red dragon flared up his wings and went into the sky. The sudden rush of wind caused some nearby trees to shake. After a few seconds they stopped though. Fluttershy looked at the dragging flying in the aor and started to follow him.

When she came close to him, she looked at his body, remembering the times she would cuddle up against him, snuggling and feeling the warmth of his body heat, before feeliing a rush of cold from the icy floor her father pushed her onto.

Ever time she'd snuggle up to him he'd do that. Every. Single. Time. But that made her feel...mad? No, why was she mad at her dad? Maybe he's mad because he's been stressed. And then she just wants to feel the same. Well it's over right now at least. But she heard what was happening in the phone call. She was being taken to a place that had snow? That might be good, whatever snow was, and someone else was taking her? But her dad was goinng to get rubbies. Rubies are really pretty. They're nice and red like her Daddy but not as dark as him. Maybe she could steal another ruby withput him looking this time.

The dragon went down to the Snow, placing all four claws down, along with his body. The pegasus saw this and quickly went to the floor too, but went a bit too fast and crashed into the snow.

"Here" grumbled her father behind her and let go of the axe and rope.

"You'll be going to my pal, he's another dragon and you'll stay with him forever."

The father stared at her one last time, meeting his golden angrily lidded eyes and meetimg her confused, baby blue eyes.

He blinked once, then decided to turn around and fly back home.