• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 309 Views, 4 Comments

Fluttershy's story - QueenCartoony

"He lulled me into a false sense of security...left message in snow reading 'I dare you to love again'

  • ...

Left in the Frozen Tundra with nothing but a hatchet and a length of rope

Chapter two

Fluttershy watched as her father and last remaining care taker few off into the sky, doing a few loops before finally taking off into the air. Fluttershy watched him, not noticing in the slightest what her father had just done to her.

She stared into the air more and more, watching incase her father decided to come back and get her, incase he was coming to get his rubies. Maybe he'll be back in a day, which isn't really that long she thought.

The pony turned her body around, facing her body foward and head upwards. Just like her Dad said, she'd sit and wait for him, and stay right here. Right in the ground. The cold, cold, cold ground. The little itzy bits white things that came from the clouds and pressed onto her fur, made her shiver. It kinda reminded her of home, like where she sleeped.

She turned around and touched the snow, grabbing it and spreading it with her hoof. The pink maned mare turned her head and watched her hoof, slowly growing more bored and bored of her actions.

After 5 minutes, she stopped and just stared at the snow, looking at the clumps and the indent she made in the snow.

The pegasus got another idea. She fell down into the snow, open arms and open wings, not caring if the cold would envelope her fur. This reminded her again of her times with her dad, when she would hug him tightly and so very lovingly but woulf never get the jesture back.

She turned her head to the side, remembering her dad saying someone was going to pick her up. Where were they? Maybe they didn't know she was there.

The mare got up quickly, wanting to see if anyone was there. Maybe the dragon was already coming soon? She opened her wings and got up in the air, looking to see if the "friend" was coming. No one was seen. The yellow mare put her hoof on her head, trying to get a better look from the snow. She might have to look higher. Flying higher and higher her head hit something. She stopped and looked up, but didn't see what it was.

"O-okay i'm gonna try something."

She flew down slowly, going at a verticle and down by about 15 feet, until she could see the top of the cave.

"Alright, one. Two. Three!!!"

The yellow pony flew as fast as she could, stretching out her hooves far, so so far that she could almost see her arms curl. Her wings were aching a bit from her not stretching before, but she ignored it.

Ignoring the pain and the snow in her face along with her mane, her speed went faster and faster and faster until...BOOM.

The yellow and pink pony landed head first into the wall. Her head was hit onto a hard, curved surface. Her wings froze and her body felt stiff, causing the mare to freeze and start falling. The mare didn't feel much until she hit the cold, cold, FREEZING snow, only having the it to break her fall.

An hour later, a yellow pony opened her eyes, groaning and blinking heavily from the pain of her trying to escape. The pony held both her hooves firm to the ground and pushed her body, escilating it up until her whole head was put off the snow. She moved her head more and more until the tips of her hooves were almost off the ground.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, moving one hoof to the side of her head and another to her legs, making her back lean over. Moving her hoof to her noggin' she felt around her temple, checking if there was a bump or anything. Nothing was their, luckily.

The filly put her hoof down, happy that there was nothing wrong with her. But besides that, what was she doing? Motioning a hoof to to chin she thought, and tried remembering what she was doing before. The long haired pony stopped motioning her hoof and looked, remebering that she was searching for her fathers friend, whatever he looked like. But above her was...something.

She moved her head up, squinting her eyes and being a bit mad from what had just occured. Her stomach rumbled, making her look down and listen as it growled. The pony looked back up and frowned. She was so hungry! Her father had forgoten to feed her this morning, like he has been doing since mommy hasn't been with them. It feels like he was forgetting her purposely. Oh well, at least he didn't forget her this time.

Then, randomly a butterfly came by into the distance, coming 10 miles off, then coming 5, then 1, then it landed on her face. The pony looked at the butterfly, suddenly feeling the urge to want it. A breif dull flash came up below her, the pony looked down and saw her left cheek, covered with butterflies. The pony gasped and grinned, getting up and flying.


The butterfly, startled by the action, started to fly away, before a rush of wind flew her back, landing it into a wet, and damp place, that smelt of stink. The butterfly, not wanting to be here any longer, started to walk out until the pony closed her mouth. The butterfly, having her limb on the teeth of the pony before, started freaking out, trying and pulling and tugging and squirming until she heard a noise.


The butterfly took her arm back and licked with her long tounge, noticing that her arm was gone! The butterfly was about to try and scramble to an exit until, a warm and long thing from beneath her pushed her up and back, going down more and more.

The yellow and pink mare burped, putting a hoof over her mouth and excusing herself. When finished swallowing and not at all realizing or caring what she had just swallowed, she look back at her new cutiemark. It had three butterflies, two going the same way and the other going another way. The yellow pony was so thrilled and happy, but she also wondered what it ment for her. Most ponies, when they got their cutiemark had made their own name from it, just liker her mom who had a cutie mark of a boat and her name was Sailor Ginger. But her Dad who was a dragon never had one. She didn't know if dragon's would get cutie marks, and she would never know.

Moving away from that, she had to think of a name for herself. 'Let's see...' she said in her mind. She would be mostly shy around ponies, but she only did that to trick them into getting what she would want, just like her Father! Except, he knew how to do it better. But okay Shy would be shown in her name, making it even more obvious that she was quiet and innocent.

"What else?" She questioned herself. What else explained who she was. What was the thing she had in common with her and her last parent. What was a thing that she would use to her advantage if any means necce-

Her wings stiffened and she looked back at them, feeling them being covered with snow and- wait. Of course! She could be named "Fluttershy!"

Flutter-meaning fly like what she could do with her wings, and Shy- meaning she was quiet infront of people and around people. It was perfect!

Fluttershy yawned, suddenly wanting to go to sleep. She didn't realize it but during this time, her mother would tell her to go to sleep. The yellow pony looked around, seeing a cave, the one that her father talked about. Picking up her body again she slowly started walking to the cave. Fluttershy walking in, she noticed that there seemed to be a torch that had a small flame on it. Once she was near it, she curled into a ball,and slept under it.


It had been a week since her father had left her, and a week since she had seen anyone. After the next day and sitting outside and waiting, she decided to count how many days she had been out there. Right now she had 5 in counting, just starting to mark the cross in the snow with the end of her axe.

It was okay though, she still believed that her fathers friend would come and pick her up. Maybe he had just forgoten and today he was going to come. She really wanted to leave this place, she didn't like it very much. She ignored the feeling of wanting to leave and thought about happier things, like her mom.

She was so nice and calm, aside from when she was arguing with dad. During the day, she'd want to go on picnic and even go on boating trips and try to teach her to boat, until her father came and crashed it and started arguing about stuff.

Fluttershy looked at the tallies. They were long and embedded deep into the snow, as if she didn't want them to go away or be forgotten. She probably wouldn't have remembered them if they did vanish. Her stomach rumbled, making her look down and look at it. She seemed to have lost some weight from not having much of anything.

"Mmmmmm" she said, realizing something.