• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 2,268 Views, 30 Comments

Anon, The Not Gay Mare - Gemsona

Anon isn't a lesbo

  • ...

Short 2 - Worryingly Quiet Pony

The Green Mare snorted loudly, crusty eyes snapping open. Sitting up from her small cushy twin sized bed, she uttered a deep growl before lazily raising a hoof and slamming it onto the ringing alarm. Exhaling sharply, Anon would stretch and pop her back, smacking her grimey tasting mouth before hopping off the bed, leaving it a very messy state.

After the morning ritual; Bathroom, teeth, and a quick yet filling breakfast of whole wheat toast with strawberry jelly and tofu sausage, she’d finally gather her belongings and set out for another day of work. Luckily this was her last day before her day off. With a final yawn, Anon trotted out of her cottage and into the warm summer morning. Trotting down the dirt road she glanced over to the lush grassy fields, morning dew glistening across each blade and even with a few early birds chirping and singing ine the rays of the rising sun. She’d smile, despite her destine for early mornings, The Mare did admit it was always a pleasure seeing beautiful sights like this. Almost made her consider waking up early on her days off. Almost. Looking back ahead she saw a certain Pegasis on the side of the road, her head down as she spoke to some kind of small rodent, likely a Groundhog or something. They seemed to finish their little talk as the roden skittered off into some lone shrubs. As Anon approached, the butter colored mare perked up when she heard her and looked, only for her entire face to turn beet red as she suddenly cowered down, blocking her flushed face with her delicate and soft wings.

“...Hello, Fluttershy.” Anon spoke softly and clearly, stopping a few feet away from the Pegasis. Fluttershy was easily the most obvious about her feelings, even if she rarely even speaks around Anon.The Green Mare knew very clearly, and knew not to ‘over stimulate’ her by getting too close. The yellow mare would peak in between her feathers to look at the source of her embarrassment.

“Did you have a good morning so far…?” Anon would ask again in that soft tune, craning her head a little to be level with Fluttershy. She would only vanish back behind her feathers and just barely utter the quietest peep, barely perceivable to the Green Mare.

“Fluttershy, please speak up. I can’t hear you at all. Try taking a few breaths first.” She’d add on. Fluttershy would peak her eye out again before closing them again, after a moment the Pegasus would slowly stand back up and pull her wings back. Hiding behind her hair instead, Anon could the pony’s soft small breaths, the rising and falling of her chest before she stopped. Looking back at Anon. Fluttershy’s face was still mostly red, with her eyes refusing to look at theEarth Pony. At least this was better.

“...H-Hi… Anon…” Fluttershy would whisper in just barely loud enough volume to be heard. “Y-Yes… It’s a really lovely morning… I was just talking to Tristan about if any berry bushes had bloomed yet… I wanted to get them fresh instead of at the market…”

“Isn’t all the produce in Ponyville grown locally and always fresh…?” Anon would raise a brow.

“...Not these kinds of berries. They haven’t been domesticated yet and most vendors usually import them, they lose all of their ripeness and most of their flavor by then…” The Pegasus would answer, her eyes stealing a glance at Anon before shooting back the other way, her face turning even redder for a moment.

“Welp, I… Hope that works out for you, FlutterButter But I-”

“W-wait! What... D-did you just call me…?” Fluttershy’s eyes would snap back to the Earth mare, eye wide open and her face a shade of red it would put the local apple farm to shame. Anon didn’t seem to even pick up on the look, having gotten so used to it from the many mares who also stare at her like that.

“Huh? Oh, I said ‘Flutterbutter’, like how your coat is a super pale yellow, kinda like Butter. I thought it was funny but I get it if you don’t like it.” Anon explained, glancing over she could see that Groundhog from earlier watching them from the shrubs, munching a root of some kind. Almost like it was watching TV or something.

“N-No!” The yellow mare would suddenly squeal out, loud enough to earn a jump of surprise from Anon, who looked at her with wide eyes. Fluttershy would realize what she did and awkwardly cough into her hoof and return to looking away from the other pony. “It’s fine…! I-It really is, I like it…! If you came up with it then I really do like it… Um, Anon? Can… I ask you something?”

Anon would raise a brow again and tilt her head at the Pegasus question. “Sure, Fluttershy. What do you wanna ask me?”

Fluttershy would take a deep, deep inhale and let it out before looking at Anon. “Anon… Would you like to… Watch the sunrise with m-me? It’s such a beautiful morning, would be a shame to waste it without someone to share it, right?”

Oh boy… Anon kept herself from rolling her eyes or sighing. She had to be very, very careful now. Fluttershy was obviously the most sensitive Pony in town, if not the entire continent. Each time Fluttershy proposed favors or requests like this, it was like being in the center of a minefield, if said mines were packed full of shrapnel and C4, And besides, even if she wasn’t interested Anon couldn’t allow herself to make this mare cry.

“Uh… I would really love to, Flutterbutter, but it’s a work day and I have to be there. And I agreed to watch one of Rainbow Dash’s little stunt shows.” She’d answer in the gentlest voice she could.

The Pegasis deflated a little, casting her eyes down as a small, but deeply sad look crossed her face. Anon’s eyes widened in shock as her eyes started to water up some.

“B-But! You could uh… Join us! I mean, why not spend time together? You’re friends with Rainbow, yeah? Why don’t we all hang out?” Anon would quickly add on, terrified she may have just started a bad case of water works. She hesitantly raised her hoof, reaching over to touch Fluttershy's shoulder. The Mare would suddenly stiffen as she stood straight up. Her eyes locked with Anon's and her face, neigh, her entire body was now seemingly red.

“...T-That would…. W-work… If it’s n-not too much trouble…” She’d stutter out, gulping dryly as she tried not to faint from her crush actually touching her.

“Not at all! I’m sure Rainbow wouldn’t mind! I bet she shows you all her tricks and stunts too!” Anon would give a small comforting smile on her muzzle. She’d pull her hoof back and wave at the Pegasis, trotting past her and down the trail towards the town. “Bye Flutters! Hope you have a good day!”

Fluttershy would stand there, her eyes trailing the green mare, yet she couldn’t move her head or body to watch her go. She was still paralyzed by the terribly warm and fluffy sensation in her chest. She could only quiver her lip and let out another squeak.

“...Y-You too, Anon.” She’d answer with a small smile.

Author's Note:

Welp, I feel like a total and utter liar. Took me a while huh? Well, like with many other authors life just slapped everything out of my hands and forced me to focus on it for quite a while. I don't go into details, mostly personal stuff and family. But here's hoping I actually keep my word and write alot more.