• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 6,026 Views, 242 Comments

Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

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Shared Origins

Sisterly Bonds

Part I

‘Shared Origins’

Written By: Secret_Shadows

Edited By: avorin

Consulting Advisor: Enlistedpony

“Just as real events are forgotten, some that never were can be in our memories as if they happened.”

― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

It was night, rain was hitting against the window at an unstoppable rate, an pegasus stallion stood over his wife in the hospital room. He was orange with a rainbow colored mane and deep purple eyes, his name was Refraction. The mare was a cyan pegasus with a purple mane and magenta eyes, her name was Skylight.

Skylight was in childbirth. Just outside the room a five year old cyan pegasus foal with a rainbow mane was laying asleep on a chair awaiting her parents.

“Its a pegasus.” The doctor said as he held up a small orange pegasus filly and hoofed her over to her mother.

“She’s beautiful.” Skylight said exhausted while holding the filly in her arms.

“What should we call her?” Refraction said.

“Scootaloo.” Skylight said, her face lit up as she said the name, it was perfect.

The door to the hallway opened and Refraction walked out.

“Rainbow Dash, would you like to meet your new sister?” He said as he awoke her from her slumber.

“Whaa....” She said still half asleep.

The rain had gotten far more intense and the window was now being pounded with hailstones the size of small golf balls. A sudden flash hit the room.

The room became engulfed in a blaze of fire that quickly filled up the entire room.

“M-m-mommy?” Rainbow said running for her mother, tears in her eyes. The look on Rainbow’s face was that of worry and fear, worry about her parents, and fear that they might die.

“It’s going to be fine Dashie, just go” Skylight said still holding the newly born foal. She put on the best fake smile she could.

“B-but, the fire..” Rainbow said

“Go Dash!” Refraction yelled laying on the ground coughing.

“Its goodbye for a little while, only for a little while, just get as far away from the fire as you can.” Skylight said.

Rainbow’s eyes teared up a bit, but she did as told. She glanced back at her parents quickly with several tears falling before she ran away from the room never to see her parents again.

10 Years Later...

Rainbow flew through the halls of the building, fire everywhere, she was trying desperately to find a door, any door that led out of the building. Flames build up, she managed to find a small open area. The smoke poured into her lungs when she inhaled causing her to lose her bearings.

“Mommy! Daddy!” she yelled gasping for air.


“M-m-mommy” Rainbow said

“Wake up Rainbow!”

“Come on Rainbow Dash! Wake up! You promised you would start teaching me how to fly today!” Scootaloo said jumping on Rainbow. Normally Rainbow would be asleep on a small cloud; but today she had fallen asleep on a park bench, and Scootaloo had found her.

Pouncing on Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo managed to wake her up.

“NO!” Rainbow yelled as she jumped up in terror before regaining her composure.

“Are you-” Scootaloo was cut off.

“What do you want squirt, I’m sleeping, come back later” Rainbow said as she rolled over on her nice park bench.

“But Raaaaainboooowwwwww, you Promised!” Scootaloo said.

It was true Rainbow had promised to start teaching Scootaloo how to fly that day, but she had forgotten in her haste to take a nap.

“Come back later.” Rainbow said as she used her wing to cover her head.

Scootaloo pouted and then pounced on Rainbow again, she fell off of her nice warm bench and onto the ground.

“Ok, ok, I’m up!” Rainbow said, slightly irritated.

“Ok, lets go!” Scootaloo said as she latched onto Rainbow’s tail with her mouth pulling Rainbow almost against her will.

After several moments of Rainbow being dragged and then several more minutes of drying spit off of her tail. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were on a small hill that overlooked Ponyville, the warm summer breeze and the sun shining down on them made it a perfect day for flying.

“Ok Squirt, pay attention, its not about wanting to fly, its about form and natural skill, sure any pegasus can fly, but only skilled pegasus can do it awesomely like myself.” Rainbow said, full of herself.

She leaped into the air flapping her wings floating gently next to Scootaloo.

“Ok, we’ll start with something simple, try to float a few inches above the ground like I am.” Rainbow said.

Scootaloo flapped her small wings in an attempt to gain flight, she then jumped a few inches then fell flat on her face.

“Well, it was a good try, I guess...” Rainbow trailed off “Uh, why don’t we try that again.” She said slightly concerned.

Scootaloo again flapped her wings and jumped, this time managing to stay aloft for a few seconds. “I’m doing it! I’m doing it!” Scootaloo said in bliss, she was floating. Then she fell, again on her face, this time getting a small cut.

“Are you ok?” Rainbow said as she helped Scootaloo up. Rainbow had a slight look of concern on her face.

“Yeah I..” Scootaloo stopped when she saw the blood on her face. It wasn’t a large cut, but it was bleeding; and that was enough to freak her out. Scootaloo’s ears fell at this moment and her eyes got wide.

I’m bleeding!” She screeched as she began to feel light headed and dizzy. She may have been a tough little filly, but the sight of blood just sent chills through her body.

“Its ok, come here.” Rainbow said as she landed and pulled Scootaloo closer with her forehoof.

“I’m going to die!” Scootaloo said as she put her hoof to her face in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding.

“Scoots, It’s just a small cut, you’ll be fine” Rainbow said, she used her wing to brush the cut wiping away the small drop of blood that was on Scootaloo’s face.

“See, all better.” Rainbow said holding Scootaloo.

Scootaloo, now feeling extremely embarrassed that she made a big deal over a small amount of blood, started to blush.

“Thanks Rainbow, say you wouldn’t mind not mentioning this to anyone else, would you?” Scootaloo asked.

“No problem squirt, now come on, lets keep trying to fly.” Rainbow said.

“Come on Scootaloo, time to get you home, we need to patch up some of your scrapes anyway” Rainbow said as she looked at the small tired filly in what little light there was left.

“B-but I, I almost, h-have it.” Scootaloo said yawning, she gently flapped her wings before nearly falling over. Rainbow caught her and leaned down to Scootaloo.

“I think you need some sleep, come on, hop on my back, I’ll fly you home.” Rainbow said, she leaned down as Scootaloo climbed onto Rainbow’s back. Pulling on one of Rainbow’s wings caused a small yelp.

“Watch it Scoots, those are my wings” Rainbow said, a look of discomfort on her face.

“Sorry” Scootaloo said as she tried to climb on. Once securely on her back Rainbow ruffled her wings and lept into the air and began flying back into Ponyville. It then occurred to Rainbow that after all the time she had known Scootaloo, she didn’t know where Scootaloo lived.

“Hey uh, Scoots, where do you live?” Rainbow asked, she was slightly embarrassed that she had to ask.

“Huh, oh, uh, just drop me off at the crusader treehouse.” Scootaloo said, she yawned again, she was already falling asleep on Rainbow’s back.

“No seriously Scootaloo, where do you live?”

“The treehouse.” Scootaloo said, not realising that she was blowing her cover. For a good 3 years she had lived alone in the crusader treehouse.

“Scootaloo, are you, serious?” Rainbow asked.

“I a-wait, no, nonononono! I live in-” She stopped to think for a moment “A house, with, uh, my parents, yeah, thats it, just drop me off in the middle of Ponyville, anywhere, yeah.” Scootaloo said now slightly more awake after her little slip.

“Ok Scoots, you’re coming with me tonight, you can stay at my place until the morning.” Rainbow said as she changed her direction to head for her house.

“O-ok Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo said, now overtaken by her exhaustion, she fell asleep on Rainbow’s back just as they landed at Rainbow’s cloud home.

Rainbow quietly opened her door and trotted into her front room where their lay a small sofa, a few chairs, and a coffee table. Rainbow set Scootaloo down on a the sofa before returning with some medical supplies.

“Ok, this won’t hurt a bit” Rainbow said as she put some medicine on one of Scootaloo’s cuts.

Ow!” Scootaloo yelled. “You said it wouldn’t hurt” Scootaloo said.

“Would you have let me do it if I had said it would?” Rainbow said as she proceeded to put medicine on several other cuts.

“A-are you finished y-yet?” Scootaloo asked starting to cry a bit from the stinging.

“Yes, just going to put bandages on them now” Rainbow said as she patched up the scrapes.

After putting the supplies away and coming back to Scootaloo she found a sleeping orange filly on her sofa, Rainbow picked up Scootaloo and put her on her back. She then walked over to a door and went into her bedroom. The dimly lit room was spartan in furniture, only having a bed and a small nightstand.

Rainbow gently laid Scootaloo down on her bed and pulled the covers up over her.

“Goodnight Scootaloo.” Rainbow said as she left the room and laid down on her sofa.

As she drifted to sleep, she wondered what she was going to do about Scootaloo. The small filly was apparently homeless and Rainbow couldn’t leave Scootaloo without a home, at least for one night until she sorted this out.