• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 6,025 Views, 242 Comments

Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

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Sisterly Bonds

Part IV

Written By: Secret_Shadows
Edited By: avorin
Consulting Advisor: Enlistedpony

A sibling may be the keeper of one's identity, the only person with the keys to one's unfettered, more fundamental self.’

-Marian Sandmaier

Rainbow opened her eyes, the night had been interesting to say the least. Scootaloo was still asleep as Rainbow started to get up. She slowly tried to retract her wing to her side only to find Scootaloo had wrapped herself in it and was clinging to it in her sleep.

‘So much for waking up’ Rainbow thought as she rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t help but smile at the small filly who seemed to be sleeping so peacefully. Rainbow made note that it was getting late and if Scootaloo did not wake up soon she would miss school.

“Scootaloo, wake up” Rainbow said quietly. She was reluctant to wake Scootaloo but she had to.

“Scoots, wake up” She said a bit louder, this time nudging her with a hoof.

Scootaloo groaned as she tried to roll over, only to pull hard on Rainbow’s wing in the process.

Ow!” Rainbow yelled, waking Scootaloo up instantly.

“What’s going on?” Scootaloo said, her eyes were shut about half way and her ears fell.

“You just tried to pull my wing off” Rainbow said slightly aggravated, her eyes were sending a glare into Scootaloo’s.

“I, I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I, I forgot I was sleeping up here.” She said, her ears fell even more and her head dropped down.

Rainbow was going to yell a bit more, but held back retracting her glare.

Scoo-” She stopped to see the sad look on the filly’s face, she sighed. “It’s fine, just, give me my wing back now please” Rainbow said as she gently tugged her wing back into its position after ruffling it a bit.

“Can I go back to bed now?” Scootaloo asked as she yawned and laid her head back down.

“No, you have to go to school.” Rainbow said lifting Scootaloo’s head up with her forehoof.

“Do I have to?” Scootaloo moaned, she looked up at Rainbow with big puppy dog like eyes.

Rainbow was reluctant to say yes, it was hard to say that to such an adorable little filly.

“Yes” She said putting on a stern persona.

“But Rainbow” Scootaloo moaned, she did not want to go to school for whatever reason.

“No buts Scootaloo, you’re going, I’ll fly you, now get up, you need to get ready” Rainbow said as she nudged Scootaloo off the bed.

“You should probably take a bath Scootaloo, you’re starting to get a bit, unkempt.” Rainbow said, trying to find the nicest way to say that.

“A bath...” Scootaloo moaned, she hated baths.

“Yes, a bath, don’t make me have to force you to take a bath” Rainbow said as she pushed Scootaloo into the bathroom.


“No buts” Rainbow paused for a moment. “I’m going to have to watch you take a bath to make sure you actually get one, aren’t I?” Rainbow asked, she saw the look on Scootaloo’s face.

“Lets get this over with” Rainbow said rolling her eyes as she pushed Scootaloo into the bathroom.

The bathroom was small holding just the essentials.

Rainbow started up the bath filling the tub with warm water.

“Get in” Rainbow said as she gestured for Scootaloo to get into the bathtub.

“But, its a bath, I don’t like baths” Scootaloo said, she was stepping back a bit, she was a bit afraid of water but she would never admit it.

“Come on Scootaloo, I shouldn’t need to force you to get a bath” Rainbow said as she picked up Scootaloo and tried to drop her into the tub, Scootaloo kicking the entire time.

“S-stop kicking! You’re making m-me all wet!” Rainbow said as she accidentally lost grip of Scootaloo dropping her into the tub. Scootaloo fluttered her wings causing even more splashing when she hit the water.

When Scootaloo finally recovered from being dropped into the tub she looked at Rainbow, who was soaked with water. Her mane and face were drenched and she had a very unpleased look on her face.

“Jeeze Scoots, who is getting a bath here me or you?” Rainbow said in a slightly misleading irritated tone.

Scootaloo sank into the tub a bit as she was scared that Rainbow was angry.

“I, I’m sorry Rainbow, I was, I-” Scootaloo was cut off by a splash of water hitting her face.

“Well If I have to get a bath then you do to” Rainbow said splashing Scootaloo.

“Hey, that wasn’t nice!” Scootaloo said as she splashed back.

“Oh and that was?” Rainbow responded splashing Scootaloo again.

They both giggled at their playful banter.

“Ok Scoots, time for you to actually take a bath” Rainbow said as she started to dry herself off with a warm fluffy towel on the shelf.

“Do I have to?” Scootaloo moaned a bit.

“Yes, I’ll help you” Rainbow said as she leaned over the tub.

“Your wings are really dirty, spread them out so we can clean them, clean wings help you fly” Rainbow said as she took some soap in her hooves.

“B-but Rainbow my wings are, a bit, private” Scootaloo said, her ears fell a bit and she frowned.

“I know Scoots, they are private to every pegasus, but they need cleaned” Rainbow said as she started preparing a small wash cloth.

Scootaloo reluctantly stretched her wings and gave a small yelp. Rainbow noticed the yelp but ignored it.

“Ok, now, just tell me if I hurt your wings, ok?” Rainbow said as she started to soap up Scootaloo’s wings.

Scootaloo was a bit embarrassed, no one had ever touched her wings before, it was a bit awkward feeling.

After several moments of scrubbing Scootaloo’s wings and helping her clean behind her ears and such Rainbow decided Scootaloo had bathed enough.

“Ok, now, Dry off, brush your teeth, and meet me in the kitchen” Rainbow said as she started out of the room.

Scootaloo got out of the tub and dried herself off. She went over to the sink to brush her teeth when she noticed she didn’t have a tooth brush. Rainbow noticed this.

“You can use my toothbrush, now hurry or you’ll be late” Rainbow said as she hoofed Scootaloo her toothbrush.

Scootaloo followed Rainbow into the kitchen shortly after she finished brushing her teeth where she started to make breakfast.

“Ok Scoots, uh, do you need me to make you lunch or anything?” Rainbow said as she put a look of confusion on her face. She had never gotten anyone ready for school before.

“No, I can come home to lunch” Scootaloo said. ‘Home’ She thought, her new home.

“Ok, well I am off work all week, so I’ll be here” Rainbow said, she was still looking confused as she put a small bowl down in front of Scootaloo, it was filled with cereal like foods.

Scootaloo took her time eating and then when she was finished she got up and started to the living room.

“Scootaloo, what else do you have to do to get ready for school?” Rainbow said as she cleaned up the mess Scootaloo left on the table.

“Well, I dunno I fix my mane?” Scootaloo said with a look of confusion on her face. What else was she suppose to do aside from eat? She certainly never did anything else.

“That sounds good” Rainbow said as she trotted into the living room.

Scootaloo shaked her head wildly and then looked up at Rainbow. “All fixed?” She said with a sigh.

“Are, are you ready to go?” Rainbow asked tilting her head in a confused look.

“I guess” Scootaloo said as she started to the door.

“I am going to need to fly you down aren’t I?” Rainbow asked.

“I think” Scootaloo said.

“Climb on my back” Rainbow said rolling her eyes. Scootaloo did as she was told and Rainbow flew her to School.

When they arrived at the Schoolhouse Cheerilee was in front of it giving each of the students and their parents a flier.

“Scootaloo, make sure you get this paper to your parents” Cheerilee said as she hoofed over a small paper.

“Parent Teacher Conferences” Scootaloo said aloud.

Rainbow got a worried look on her face when she heard this.

“Yes, I expect to see your mother or father here tomorrow Scootaloo, and there is no school for the rest of the week while conferences are happening” Cheerilee said.

“O, Ok” Scootaloo said as she started away from the school back to Rainbow.

“So, Scootaloo, uh, what are you going to do about that?” Rainbow said as they walked away from the school together.

“I uh, I was hoping, um, that uh, you would-” Scootaloo was cut off.

“Ohhhhh No” Rainbow said. She was never good with teachers.

“Oh come on Rainbow, if I don’t send someone then they will send me back to the orphanage! Do you know what they did to me there!” Scootaloo said instantly regretting bringing up the orphanage.

“You lived in an orphanage?” Rainbow questioned, she had a confused look on her face now. If Scootaloo lived in an orphanage, could she be considered a foalnapper?

No!” Scootaloo said in haste with a very worried expression on her face.

“Scootaloo, is there, is there something you’re not telling me?” Rainbow said, she was worried, were ponies looking for her? Was Scootaloo considered a missing pony?

‘I have to get away! Come on wingsl Fly, come on, fly!’ Scootaloo thought to herself as she tried to flap her wings to no avail.

“Someone catch her!” A stallion yelled.

Scootaloo winced in pain as she tried to fly.

‘My wings, wha-’ Scootaloo had no time to finish that thought as a large Stallion jumped and pinned her down to the ground, wings facing the ground.

No!” Scootaloo yelled through her pain of being held down onto her broken wings.

“You’re not getting away you ungrateful little foal” The stallion said with a look of rage and anger on his face, he pushed his hooves down nearly crushing hers, she whined in pain.

Scootaloo kicked her legs up into the Stallion’s stomach causing him to double over in pain.

As he unpinned her She jumped up and bolted into the forest.

“Well, I uh, I kinda, maybe, sorta ran away.” Scootaloo said with a look of guilt on her face.

“Scootaloo, you, you should probably go back.” Rainbow said as they stopped walking and faced each other.

“I, I can’t” Scootaloo said, her head fell and her ears fell.

“Why not, it has to be better than-”

They hit us!” Scootaloo snapped as she started tearing up.”They never fed us, they never kept the building warm, we didn’t even have clean water” Scootaloo was now fully crying. “I-I c-can’t go b-back” She said as she fell to the ground.

Rainbow sat down next to Scootaloo and she put her wing out around Scootaloo.

“It’s ok, nopony is going to make you go back there, you, you can stay with me, as long as you want” Rainbow said as she lifted her hooves to hug the now sobbing Scootaloo.

“I-I c-can’t go b-back” Scootaloo said still crying.

“nopony is going to make you go back, nopony is going to make you go back.” Rainbow said, this teary confession was enough to break even Rainbow’s heart.

“Rainbow ya can’t send her there” Applejack said.

“Well I know that AJ, come on, do I look that stupid?” Rainbow said with a huff. She was irritated that Applejack would even say something like that.

“Well Rainbow, you have been known to make some, unhealthy moves” Twilight said with a concerned look on her face.

The three were sitting in the Library around a small table, Scootaloo was just out of earshot sleeping on a sofa after exhausting herself with her emotional outburst.

“Twi, can you please think reasonably for one second, do you really think I would send poor Scootaloo back to that place?” Rainbow said, still noticeably aggravated.

“Well, whata’ ya gonna do?” Applejack asked with a confused look on her face.

“I was thinking of letting her stay with me.” Rainbow said, she was unsure about the decision.

“Rainbow, to legally let her stay with you, you’re going to have to become her legal guardian, luckily with the princess’s help I think I can arrange that.” Twilight said happy that she could be useful in this situation.

“Well great, I guess.” Rainbow said

“But, becoming her guardian does not mean you can just let her live with you, you have to manage her life until she is of age to live on her own, meaning you have to help her with school, personal care, food, you know, everything a parent would.” Twilight said.

“Wait, does that mean I am going to have to have the talk with her?” Rainbow asked, she started to get nervous, that was one of the things she dreaded when she was young, having to do it again just wasn’t in her list of things to do.

“Well Rainbow, it depends on Scootaloo, you’ll never know until you ask.” Twilight said rather bluntly.

Help!” Scootaloo said in her sleep. “Anypony help!

The three ponies jumped to their hooves and raced to Scootaloo who was now tossing and turning on the sofa.

“Scootaloo, are you ok?” Rainbow asked as she nudged Scootaloo with her hoof.

Scootaloo jumped as she opened her eyes, breathing heavily and shaking, and wet.

“I, I, I had a bad nightmare” Scootaloo said then noticing that she was a bit wet somewhere she really shouldn’t be, a lot wet actually.

“Oh no, no no no no!” Scootaloo cried as she realised exactly why she was wet, she sank down to the sofa and covered her face.

“Scootaloo, it’s ok, it happens, these things happen” Twilight said as she tried to comfort Scootaloo, of course she was upset over the sofa, but now was not the time to be worry about that. “Bedwetting can be the result of a lot of trauma in a young fillies life causing the brain to-” Twilight started trying to explain.

“Shush Twi” Applejack said with a look of annoyance on her face.

Twilight huffed a bit after that but she shut her mouth anyway.

“Scoots” Rainbow said as she inched closer to Scootaloo. “It, its ok” She said as she sat down on a dry part of the sofa. “It, it happens, I know, you can’t control it” Rainbow said as she put her hoof on Scootaloo’s back to try to comfort her.

Scootaloo lifted her head up a bit and looked back at Rainbow who was looking at her. She had tears in her eyes, she had been through so many repressed memories in the past day it was terrible, and now the problems manifesting themselves as bedwetting made it ten times worse.

“Sugarcube, ya ok?” Applejack said in a sympathetic voice.

“No, its terrible! I am terrible!” Scootaloo yelled.

“We’re not mad Scootaloo, its fine, accidents happen” Twilight said.

“Y-you’re not m-mad?” Scootaloo said still crying and very upset.

“No, why would you even think that?” Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened as she remembered.

“You disgusting little, wetting yourself like a foal!” The stallion said as he slapped Scootaloo sending her tumbling across the room.

“I, no reason” Scootaloo said, she was obviously lying.

“Now don’t ya go lying to me Scootaloo, I am the element of honesty after all” Applejack said, she put a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder.

“Well, when I was at the orphanage, they hit-” Scootaloo started reluctantly.

“Why those no good varmits, why the Princess should send them to the sun, but then that’d be too good for tha likes of them” Applejack cut Scootaloo off with a look of anger.

“Treating foals like that is just not safe or healthy.” Twilight added.

“It’s just, I thought you would, I can’t, I’m sorry” Scootaloo said starting to tense up again.

“Woah, Scootaloo calm down, none of us are going to hurt you.” Rainbow said.

“I know, you guys are great.” Scootaloo said, still a bit timid.

“Scoots, I was thinking, maybe, you could come live at my place, until you’re old enough to move out.” Rainbow said, a bit nervous about the idea.

“You mean it? I won’t be in your way or anything?” Scootaloo asked., she tilted her head.

“Not at all, I was thinking maybe I could be like, your guardian?” Rainbow said.

“Well, if its not too much of a burden on you Rainbow.” Scootaloo said, she looked down, the last thing she wanted was to be a burden on Rainbow.

“Nah, just look at me like an older sister.” Rainbow said, she smiled a bit.

Scootaloo smiled as she looked at Rainbow, she finally had someone close to her that didn’t want to hurt her or cause her any pain. Breaking her cool shell Scootaloo hugged Rainbow. Rainbow hesitated for a second being in the company of her friends, and the fact that she did not want to get wet, but she returned the hug anyway.

one quick bath later, Scootaloo was feeling a bit better and was talking with the three other ponies.

“Are ya sure ya want ta’ live with Rainbow sugarcube?” Applejack asked, she was slightly concerned, it being Rainbow and all.

“What? And you think i’m not good enough AJ?” Rainbow said a bit aggravated by the thought.

“That’s not wha’ I said sugarcube” Applejack Interjected

“I” Scootaloo stopped to think for a moment, she was contemplating such a big move, and thinking about what Applejack just said “Yes”

“Scootaloo this is a big step, are you absolutely sure?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, I, I’m sure” She said, a look of confidence on her face.

“Great!” Twilight said as she clapped her hooves together. “I’ll send a message to the Princess right away, Spike, Take a note!” She said as she walked into the other room with far too much enthusiasm.

A few moments later Twilight returned to the room.

“I just received word from the Princess, these forms are for you and Scootaloo to sign Rainbow” Twilight said as she smiled and levitated over the papers to Rainbow’s hooves.

Rainbow scanned the document. It was a lot to take in, she was actually going to become Scootaloo’s guardian. Was she ready for such a responsibility? Would she be able to properly take care of Scootaloo?

“I, uh, Do, Twi do you have a quill?” Rainbow asked as she looked down at the desk, ink, but no quill.

“Um” Twilight searched around a bit, starting to get frantic that her most recent list did not include check for quills. “I don’t think, oh this is a disaster, my list of a list for the list of things I need to make a list to check on does not have check for quills!” Twilight was freaking out, perhaps a bit too much.

“It’s ok Twi, I’ll just use one of my feathers” Rainbow said as she plucked a feather from her wing with an audible yelp.

Rainbow dipped her feather into the ink and started signing her name on the lines.

Rainbow gestured for Scootaloo to come over to her.

“You need to sign here if you want me to be your Guardian” Rainbow said, she pointed her hoof to a line under where she signed.

“Ok” Scootaloo said, she was a bit nervous as to what was going to happen and she was shaking a bit. Scootaloo took the Quill in her mouth and started signing her name, the moment she signed the last ‘O’ in her name the paper magically rolled up in a purple aura.

“Great! All done! I’ll get these off to the Princess Right away! Spike!” Twilight trotted into the other room with the papers in a magical tow, there was a green light and then another scroll appeared.

Twilight read the scroll and then returned with good news. “Good news! Rainbow Dash is officially your guardian Scootaloo!” Twilight said.

“Well, uh, now what?” Rainbow asked, she really didn’t know what to do now.

“Well, Rainbow, you could always get ready for that parent teacher conference tomorrow” Scootaloo said.

“Parent Teacher, no, I don’t do school” Rainbow said a bit nervous that she may likely need to do this for Scootaloo.

Scootaloo looked at Rainbow with puppy dog like eyes trying to make herself look all cute and helpless so Rainbow would break and do it for her.

“No” Rainbow said looking away and closing her eyes, her left eye peeked open to see if Scootaloo was still looking at her, and she was, Rainbow nearly lost her composure.

“No” Rainbow said again trying to regain her composure.

Scootaloo tried even harder to look all sad and helpless. “Please Rainbow Dash” Scootaloo said.

“N-” Rainbow started

“Rainbow, ya have to since yer’ her guardian now” Applejack interjected.

“Fine” Rainbow said, she sighed and gave in to defeat. “But I’m not going to like it.”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo said as she pounced on Rainbow pushing her to the ground.

“Ok ok! Calm down, its just a parent teacher conference” Rainbow said a bit taken back by how suddenly she was just pushed over.

Scootaloo’s ears fell and she dropped her head. “I’m sorry Rainbow, I was just hap-” Scootaloo was cut off by an instant urge to laugh.

“And you thought you could defeat me!” Rainbow said as she engaged Scootaloo in a tickling battle.

“Ok, aha, y-ahaha, you w-win” Scootaloo said in defeat.

“Thank you” Rainbow said as she let the little filly breath.

“No Rainbow, Thank you” Scootaloo said as she smiled and snuggled into Rainbow.

Twilight and Applejack thought the entire thing was just adorable and both said “awww” in unison.

Scootaloo instantly jumped off of Rainbow and tried to regain her cool composed attitude.

“Uh, yeah, uh hugs are gross” Scootaloo said. Rainbow and Scootaloo looked at each other before Applejack spoke.

“Sure they are Scootaloo” Applejack said with a smug look on her face.