• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 6,026 Views, 242 Comments

Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

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A Cyan Healing

Sisterly Bonds

Part VI
‘The Cyan Healing’

Written By: Secret_Shadows
Edited By: avorin
Consulting Advisor: Enlistedpony

Scootaloo awoke that morning before Rainbow, she was under Rainbow’s wing and unable to move.

‘Should I wake her up? She had a rough night, maybe if I just try to get out from under her wing’ Scootaloo thought to herself as she tried to wiggle her way out from under Rainbow’s wing.

As Scootaloo started to pull away Rainbow moved a bit in her sleep and she opened her eyes.

“Hey scootaloo, whatcha doing?” Rainbow asked as she pulled Scootaloo a bit closer into a small hug in her sleepy daze.

“I” Scootaloo thought for a moment, she decided against trying to get up “Nothing, just getting comfortable” Scootaloo said as she wiggled her way into a comfortable position.

“Thanks for, thanks for last night Scootaloo, you, you made me feel better, and helped me feel safe, knowing there is somepony I can rely on, thanks” Rainbow said as she pulled Scootaloo closer into more of a hug.

“Y-yeah, No problem Rainbow” Scootaloo said as she returned the hug as best she could from under Rainbow’s wing.

“Thanks Scoots, I love you” Rainbow said in her daze as she continued to hug Scootaloo.

“I feel the same way Rainbow!” Scootaloo said with a great sense of happiness that Rainbow finally returned her affection. She nuzzled her a bit.

Then it clicked in Rainbow’s mind that she was being all affectionate.

“Uh, yeah, how about, um...” Rainbow struggled to think of something to distract Scootaloo with. “How about breakfast? Hmm? uh, yeah, then, then I can teach you that math stuff for School or something” Rainbow said in a rush of words as they came to her mind trying to regain her cool composure.

“Rain-” Scootaloo was cut off by her stomach growling, she was hungry. “Ok, I guess” Scootaloo said a bit disappointed that Rainbow closed herself up so fast.

Rainbow retracted her wing and thought to herself.

‘phew, that was close, I almost lost my cool-awesomeness” She thought as she gave an audible sigh of relief.

After a nice morning breakfast the two pegasi sat in the kitchen, not talking until Rainbow broke the silence.

“So, what uh, what’s new with you, anything?” Rainbow asked as she sipped a small glass of water.

“Not much, I’ve been here the past few days, so, yeah” Scootaloo said, she was staring off to nowhere really.

“Maybe I can find some toys or something up in the attic, I have some of my toys from when I was a filly up there” Rainbow said as she set her drink down on the table.

“Ok, lets go” Scootaloo said as she stopped staring off into nothing.

The two pegasi trotted together to a small hallway that seemed to lead to nothing. Rainbow then reached up to the ceiling and created a hole in the clouds and fashioned a ladder out of the clouds she moved.

As they made their way up into the attic Rainbow sneezed, it was very dusty.

“Wow, you have a lot of stuff Rainbow” Scootaloo said as she noted just how many old boxes were in the room.

“Yeah, most of its from...” Rainbow trailed off and didn’t finish that sentence.

Eventually Rainbow found the box she was searching for, a small cardboard box with the words ‘Rainbow’s Toys’ Written on the side of it.

Rainbow opened the box revealing several foal and filly toys. She started lifting items out, one was a picture of her first flight.

“Great Job Dashie! Now fly back here” Refraction said cheering.

Another item was a small framed picture of spitfire with words on it.

“You’re gonna go far kid, never give up” Spitfire said as she hoofed Rainbow the picture.

The next two items she pulled out were two small plush toys hoof sewn by her mother, they were plushies of Spitfire and Soarin.

“There is one last Hearths Warming Eve present” Skylight said as she hoofed over the present to Rainbow.

“Oh cool, who is it for?” Rainbow said smiling.

“Its for you” Refraction said smiling.

Rainbow tore through the wrapping paper and opened the box.

“Oh wow!” She said enthusiastically as she pulled out two plush toys of Spitfire and Soarin, hoof sewn by her mother.

“Who is it from Dashie?” Refraction said already knowing.

“Um, there is a note, ‘To My Little Dash, I will always love you. -Mom’” Rainbow read the note.

“Oh thanks Mommy!” Rainbow said as she pounced on her mom in a giant hug before she ran off with her two new plushies to imagine an adventure, with Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolt.

Rainbow then lifted out a note from the box.

‘To My Little Dash, I will always love you. -Mom’ Rainbow read the note in her mind. She dropped the plushies and the note onto the floor as she started to tear up, a single tear rolled down her face and dripped down , it seemed to take forever for that tear to reach its target, finally, it hit the note leaving a tear stain.

“Mommy” Rainbow whispered to herself as her blank stare into nothingness started to worry Scootaloo.

“Uh, Rainbow, are you ok?” Scootaloo asked as she walked over to Rainbow.

“Uh, yeah, I, I just, it’s nothing really” Rainbow said as she put the toys and the note back in the box and closed it.

Rainbow started across the room and she noticed a small box that she seemed to not notice the writing on.

‘Skylights Jewelry’

Rainbow opened the box, she instantly broke down when she saw what was inside. She reached inside and pulled out a necklace, it was a very fancy gold chained necklace with a gold locket hanging off of it.

“I picked it out all by myself, Daddy just payed for it” Rainbow said as she hoofed the box to her mother.

Skylight opened the box revealing a necklace, it had an gold locket with a golden chain. Skylight opened the locket and it had a picture of her and Dash in it.

“Aw, thank you Sweetie” Skylight said as she gave Rainbow a hug.

“Do you like it? Huh? Huh? Huh? I picked it all by myself” Rainbow said, being slightly redundant.

“I like it very much” Skylight said as she put the locket on.

“I love you mommy” Rainbow said returning her mother's hug.

“I love you too Rainbow” Skylight said.

Rainbow opened the locket revealing a burned picture of her and Skylight in one side, and in the other side it read. ‘I’ll never forget, always I will love you’

As Rainbow read this her tears became more frequent, more and more fell to the floor as they started to pool.

‘I love you too mommy’ Rainbow thought to herself crying.

“Are, are you ok Rainbow?” Scootaloo asked inching closer.

Rainbow closed her eyes tightly and looked away as she clutched the locket close to her heart.

When Scootaloo got no response she started to get a bit worried.


“I-I’m F-fine, r-real-ly I-I a-am.”

“You don’t seem fine.”

I’m Fine!” Rainbow snapped. Scootaloo flinched a bit.

“I, I’m sorry Rainbow.”

“No, it’s, it’s fine.”

Rainbow trailed off as she dug deeper into the box finding a small paper.

Rainbow Dash

Cloudsdale Hospital


Skylight and Refraction

Cyan Pegasus

Rainbow read the paper realising it was a birth certificate of sorts. She started to dig even deeper into the box finding a feather, an orange feather that resembled Scootaloo’s feathers slightly. Rainbow though for a moment, but brushed it off in her haze.

She held the feather in her hooves as she started to tear up even more.

“Daddy” She whispered to herself.

She set the feather down in the box and picked up a pair of leather goggles that had the name ‘Refraction’ sewn into them.

She set the goggles down in the box, her eyes drawn to a small envelope that looked tear stained.

She picked it up and opened it, two small pieces of paper rested in it, she pulled them out.

‘Refraction, Cause of Death: Fire’

‘Skylight, Cause of Death: Fire’

No...” Rainbow whispered to herself.

It was an overcast day, there was a slight drizzle falling on all of the ponies gathered around two caskets. Most of the ponies adorning some form of black attire. The standout was a small cyan pegasus standing seemingly alone in the crowd, crying.

“We wish these fine souls the best on their trip to heaven.” The pastor said as the caskets were lowered into the holes.

Rainbow just started to cry even more, at her young age she didn’t understand.

She collapsed to the ground crying.

An elegant white unicorn mare came up to her and sat down next to her.

“I understand it’s a hard time for you right now, believe me, I know.” She paused.

“But your parents would not want you to be sad, they would want you to be a beacon of strength and hope” She said as she looked down at Rainbow, she put her hoof on Rainbow’s back in a comforting way.

“I, I kn-know, I, I j-just, I, I m-miss th-them” Rainbow said through her tears.

“It’s ok to cry, but know that though they are gone now, they will never leave you as long as you keep them in your heart” She said as she pointed to Rainbow’s chest.

“B-but, I’ll n-never see th-them a-again.”

“In time you will, life is a strange thing, you can’t predict the future or stop things from happening, you just have to move on, you have a strong and happy life ahead of you, live it to the fullest.” She said as she patted Rainbow head.

“I-I really m-miss them”

“I know, I know, but they will always be looking over you, I know it will be hard, but eventually you will learn that it is a part of life, and you will be happy again, these things take time.” She said as she tried to throw on a weak smile.

“I, I don’t understand” Rainbow said, she was trying to understand her parents death, she really was, but she just couldn’t.

“I know it’s hard to understand now...I can’t tell you how many times in my life I have lost somepony close to me, but you need to realise, that even though they may be physically gone, their love transcends that, they never stopped loving you”

“O-ok” Rainbow said through her tears that were slowly diminishing.

“I must go now my little pony, remember what I have said, you will be somepony very special someday, I can see it.” And with that, the mare started to walk away. As she disappeared into the crowd Rainbow could have sworn she saw the mare sprout wings and take flight.

After a while the crowd began to thin and Rainbow was the only pony still there. She was getting drenched in the downpour of rain. The night was fast approaching.

The only light was coming from the moon through a mysterious hole in the clouds.

The clouds began to part and the rain stopped, not by pegasi, by seemly by magic.

Rainbow stood over the tombstone.

‘Here lies Skylight and Refraction’

‘Valued Parents and Friends’

‘May the rest in peace’

“I miss you” Rainbow said.

“I miss the way you used to comfort me when I was sad.”

“I wish you were here now to make me feel better.”

“I’ve been crying, I don’t understand what’s going on, I wish you would come home.”

“I tried to cook your favorite dinner tonight, hay soup wasn’t the same without you cooking it mommy.”

“You would be proud of my flying progress daddy, I even got accepted into flight camp, I miss you.”

“I had a nightmare last night, so I left the candle lit, so you could come tuck me in mommy.”

“I miss you, I wish you would come home. I miss you”

The clouds started to move in again the rain started to pour again.

“I’m all alone now, I’m Scared, I love you” Rainbow said as she sat and mourned.

“I miss you” She said to herself, she looked down at the papers in her hooves, crying.

“When are you coming home?” She mumbled starting to shake a bit, her throat getting choked up.

“Rainbow, are you ok?” Scootaloo said, she put her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder.

Rainbow placed the locket around her neck and scooped up the picture of her parents and the plush toy. She placed the other items in their box and she started for the stairs out of the attic.

Scootaloo noticed Rainbow’s once proud look was gone, replaced by despair and depression.

She was about to ask again but Rainbow caught her “Sorry, I, I really” She was struggling to talk, then Rainbow started for the stairs again. “I-I need t-to be alone, L-leave me a-alone” Rainbow said as she flew down the stairs and into her bedroom.

Scootaloo completely shocked by this change in Rainbow, decided to follow her to the bedroom, the door was locked.

Scootaloo managed to unlock the door and open it.

Rainbow was laying on her bed incoherently mumbling to herself.

Mommy, Daddy, When are you coming home? I miss you, come home soon, I’ll leave the candle lit tonight, in case you come home, I miss you, please, come home.

“Rainbow, are, are you ok?”

Why did you leave me? I miss you so much, come home.

Scootaloo walked over to Rainbow and sat down next to her on the bed.

“Rainbow, it’s, it’s ok, everything is going to be fine.”

I tried, but I can’t do it, I miss you, come home please, please just come home, please.

“Rainbow, I, I don’t understand” Scootaloo said, she started to gently rub Rainbow’s back in an attempt to calm her down.

I tried as hard as I could, but I still don’t understand, When are you coming home? Why have you been gone so long? Mommy? Daddy? Where are you? I’m scared, I, I don’t want to be alone.

Rainbow was still mumbling incoherently to herself.

“Rainbow, you, you’re not alone, I’m here, I, I am here, everything is going to be alright” Scootaloo said, “You can cry if you want to”

I miss them so much, they, they're not coming home are they?

“N-no, I, I d-don’t think” Scootaloo said, she was unsure as to what to do.

It’s so hard, I, I can’t, I can’t go like this, I miss them.

“It’s going to be ok, I, I am here, you, you have me.” Scootaloo said, she laid down next to Rainbow and started to snuggle up close to her providing some much needed warmth.

I can’t do it, I just can’t, come home mommy, daddy, come home please.

“Come on, Dash, let it out, it’s ok, I won’t think any less of you for being upset, it can only hurt you more to keep it bottled up.”

It hurts, it hurts so much.

Scootaloo hugged Rainbow tightly in a warm embrace.

“Shh, It’s ok, it’s ok, just let it out.”

I want them to come home so bad, I miss them so much, but they aren’t coming home are they? I, I won’t see them ever again will I? Why does it hurt so much?

“Yes you will Rainbow, you will see them again, in your heart you will see them, you just have to find the place in your heart.”

It hurts to much, I, I can’t” Rainbow closed her eyes tightly when she said this, nearly wincing from the pain of losing her parents, all over again.

“They will always be looking down on you, silently protecting you, forever.”

I miss them.”
“Rainbow, you’re parents wouldn’t want to see you like this, and neither do I, come on, it’s going to be ok, just calm down a bit, come on, you can do it, please, for me, I-I love you Rainbow, and it breaks my heart seeing you like this, please, for me, for your parents” Scootaloo trailed off, herself starting to cry.

I Could Have Saved Them!” Rainbow yelled.

“You can’t change the past Rainbow, please, just, please?”

Rainbow fixed her gaze on Scootaloo, who was now crying, and she sees herself, as a young upset filly, alone, and upset.

“Scootaloo, I-”

Scootaloo continued to cry. Rainbow was hit with a sudden wave of emotions, she finally realised her parents were gone, and they weren’t coming home.

Rainbow tightened the embrace she shared with Scootaloo.

“Th-thank you Sc-Scootaloo” Rainbow said, she was finally letting her pain out, pain that has lasted for ten years inside her.

Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow, she was smiling at her, it was like a storm finally ended leaving only a sparkling rainbow in the mist.

They broke the embrace and sat in silence, before Rainbow started to speak.

“I, Thank you, I-”

Scootaloo’s ears perked up as she looked at Rainbow.

“Thank you, th-thank you v-very m-much, I, I feel a-alot better now.”

Scootalo looks at Rainbow, a bit embarrased, she blushed and raised a hoof to her neck.

“Heh, heh, No problem, I-”

“For some time now, I have been keeping these feelings locked up inside me, because of fear, pride, or just failure” She paused as a loss for words.

“Rainbow, ever since you found me, I was living day to day, I was lost, I didn’t know what my future held in store for me, I, I want to thank you, you gave me the courage and strength to keep going, and to not be afraid, I, I am truly grateful, Thank you.” Scootaloo said, she smiled a bit.

Rainbow looked at the smiling filly, feeling a feeling she had no felt for a long time. She felt a warmth in her chest, like she had never felt before, up until now she was alone, her parents gone, but the shell that kept her from feeling had been broken by this young filly. “You know Scootaloo” Rainbow said with a smile “For the longest time I felt like I had been missing a part of me, but today, today you have shown me what that is.”

Scootaloo looked confused and spoke “Oh, yeah, what is it?”

Rainbow grabbed Scootaloo in a hug. “You Scootaloo, you are the missing part of me, even though I never knew my sister, I now know, I want to be yours, you gave me the courage I could never gain on my own, a feeling that let me stand tall in the face of my fears, whatever they may be” Rainbow said with a pride that was much like her.

“The strength to move forward with my life, and most importantly, to love you like a sister I never had, I love you Scootaloo, I won’t ever let anything happen to you.” Rainbow said as she gave Scootaloo a kiss on her forehead.

“I, I love you too” Scootaloo said as she looked up at Rainbow with a huge smile.

The two sisters sat together, not knowing of things to come revealing who they really were, and that’s when everything would change.