• Published 17th Jul 2020
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The Experience Files (volume 2) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put together with canon characters volume 2

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The Royal Foals Experience CH 1 (Aurora)

~It second anniversary of the death of Prince Justice Silverlight~

It the afternoon in a small sitting room in the Canterlot Grand Royal Palace Princess Celestia Silverlight and her younger sister Princess Luna Silverlight enjoy a quiet moment together after the hectic morning court sessions in the throne room of the palace. It ranged from small land disputes to major peace treaties negotiations that were handled with the utmost grace of these two Princesses of Equestria. Since arriving in the sitting room to enjoy this quiet moment with her sister, Princess Luna Silverlight has removed her sandals from her dark blue wonderfully shaped bare feet roughly the same size as her sister's feet but a tad bit smaller and also notice her sister has been very distracted.

To the point that Princess Luna Silverlight has been able to reach down to her sister's more sensitive feet to unbuckle and remove her sandals from her reasonably large, long, full, thick, and plush white feet rendering them naked.

"Hey, sister, I am going to take over Equestria now, any objections?" Luna asks playfully as the comment didn't register right away in Celestia's brain.

"Huh!" Celestia exclaimed as Luna chuckled softly into the back of her hand. Celestia stuck her tongue out at her sister.

"Sister, you been very distracted, why?" Luna asked as her sister was about to dispute her comment from her sister. She gestures with her hand toward Celestia's feet, and she reels with astonishment upon look at the ground.

"What? I am barefooted! Went, did that happen?" Celestia exclaimed as her large white Alicorn feet were on full display in the room.

"I remove your sandals a few minutes ago, sister. That how I knew you were distracted." Luna explains as Celestia chuckles softly into the back of her hand, not one bit upset. It felt good to be in her bare feet, giving her large feet a break from wearing shoes.

"Point taken, sister. I think about allowing my foals to learn about their father's little secret in Ponyville." Celestia said as she regards with open fondness the memories the two sisters share in ponyville.

"The Foot Lounge!" Luna asserts as Celestia's roll up the sleeve of her dress, revealing the gold bracelet on her wrist, giving to her by her husband went the foot lounge was still active.

"It seems we both miss those days in the Foot Lounge, sister." Luna comment rolling up the sleeve of her dress, revealing the gold bracelet on her wrist, giving to her by Justice went the foot lounge was still active.

"It was the one place we Princesses were able to relax and indulge in safe tickle torture upon our Alicorn feet. That area on the outskirts of Canterlot has become more dangerous nowadays and more seedy over the years." Celestia explains as both sisters' presents their bare sole to each other and allow each other to tease the other one foot. By running a single well-manicured finger up and down the bottom of their feet trying to see who will smile first.

Meanwhile, in Mediterranean breeze, blue large bedroom located in the private living area of Canterlot Grand Royal Palace muffled laughter emanates from the bedroom. Inside the bedroom were two sets of stocks big enough to hold five pairs of bare feet comfortably. The laughter came from ten royal maids of various pony species. All the royal maids were attired in satin sheen gold (deep yellow) color slightly below knee-length dress with black lace trim.

In front of each bare feet were black round-toed stiletto heels and stuff into the toe of the shoes was black thigh-high stockings. Magically created feathers stroked the bottom of bare feet of the royal maids very slowly, trying to get one of the royal maids to raise their hand in the air to surrender and end the game. But none of the royal maids want to be first to give up, so they continue to endure the unrelenting tickle torture on their vulnerable bare feet.

Standing in front of the stocks using her magic to create the feathers was gorgeous light blue half Alicorn/unicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail. Her 6ft 6in perfect equine figure was attired in da york green finely made slightly below the knee length dress with turquoise colored lace trim. On her, perfectly shaped light blue twelve-inch long bare feet with yellow toenail polish were gold wedge sandals with two and one fourth inch heels. A single elastic strap held the shoes to her flawless light blue ankles. On her head behind her horn was gold tiara and folded on her back were light blue feathered bird wings. This half Alicorn/unicorn mare was Princess Aurora Silverlight, the elder daughter of Princess Celestia Silverlight and Prince Justice Silverlight.

"All right, ladies, you make it for a half hours. Royal maids put your stockings and heels back on. Then return to your regular household duties." Aurora commanded as all the royal maid bowed and left the bedroom to return to their regular household duties.

A moment later, she joined by elegant looking sapphire blue Pegasus mare with hot pink color mane and tail, a huge smile was on her snout. Her 5ft 11in sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in harvest gold (deep orange-yellow) slightly below the knee length dress with black lace trim. Why her athletic legs were encased in black thigh-high stockings with black lace trim. Her eleven and two-third inch long elegant sapphire blue bare feet were encased in a pair of black round-toed stiletto heels with three and three-fourths heel.

And folded on her back where her sapphire blue feathery bird wings. This Pegasus mare was Head Royal Maid Lynda Sheer. She was the oldest daughter of Aurora's father, former Personal Royal Maid Diane Sheer; after the death of her beloved Lord Silverlight, she retired from the Canterlot domestic service organization to begin raising her own family. During that time, she kept track of Princess Celestia and Prince Justice royal foals watching them grow.

Went her oldest daughter Lynda showed interest in joining the Canterlot Domestic Service organization she encouraged her she worked just as hard as she did and became one of the top picks in the Canterlot Domestic Service organization. Went that happened, she quickly asked for an audience with Princess Celestia Silverlight in the throne room.

Her request was granted by the Princess because she knew her late husband, and she served him faithfully went he was alive. She introduces her oldest daughter Lynda Sheer to Princess Celestia Silverlight. She asks her if she would let her oldest daughter served her oldest daughter, Princess Aurora Silverlight, as her Royal maid. Princess Celestia was more than happy to allow a new generation of Sheer family to serve her family again. The two mares hit it off right away, and quickly Aurora appoints her to be her head Royal maid. It reminded Celestia of the time went she assigned Personal Royal maid Diane Sheer to then Lord Justice Silverlight.

~Back to the present~

"You lost the bet Aurora both feet this time, your highness," Lynda said triumphantly as Aurora walks toward her queen-size bed with an elaborately casual manner once she arrived at the edge of her bed she turns around and flops down on top her bed with a soft plop to await the victor torment upon her Alicorn size feet.

"What am I doing wrong, Lynda? Your mother tells you that my father can cause any mare to break into laughter with a light touch of magically created feathers. I learn how to use the spell my father used. But still, I couldn't make just one of my loyal royal maids surrender winning the bet." Aurora said discouraged as Lynda sat down on Aurora's queen-size bed next to her.

She placed her feet on top Lynda's lap, and Lynda easily removes both her sandals due to the elastic straps hold it to her feet. Sitting on her lap was a pair of luxurious gracefully long rounded shaped pair of light blue bare feet. The semi-deep sets arch on both of her feet had a graceful and perfectly smooth curve to them. That led into perfectly round balls of her feet. The smooth round heels accentuated the overall look of her luxurious feet. It continues up to the shapely toe stems that are topped with ten well-proportioned beautiful, elegant toes. Each toenail was beautifully trimmed and shaped painted with yellow toenail polish. Went she scrunches her toes down, the lustrous satiny smooth, light blue soles easily wrinkle before smoothing out once again.

"Maybe their one factor that your father had, Aurora that you need. Like my mother did, I'll remain at your side as your loyal head royal maid." Lynda said steadfastly as she squirted a small amount of oil on Aurora's lustrous satiny smooth, light blue soles and rub it into her peds make it even smoother. In the next instance, Aurora bursts into bouts of uncontrollable laughter as Lynda's skitters her fingers across the Princess super smooth peds, till tears come to her cobalt blue eyes. These tears are not of sadness or pain; it was pure love that she had for her late father, Prince Justice Silverlight.

~In Princess Aurora Silverlight memory~

The memory that forms was her maybe four or five years of age during a dazzling summer day in Canterlot at the Canterlot Grand Royal Palace her mother Princess Celestia Silverlight was snoozing on her balcony just outside her and Justice bedroom on her resin wicker outdoor chaise lounge after hectic late afternoon court sessions in the throne room of the palace Celestia wanted to take a quick nap in her warm sun.

Slowly and quietly, the bedroom door opens from the hallway steps an older but still very handsome unicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail with a hint of gray. This older but still magnificent unicorn stallion was Prince Justice Silverlight and Celestia's husband. He held the small hand of an adorable unicorn filly with light red mane and tail attired in green short sleeve skater dress. On her little light blue feet were golden gladiator sandals. This unicorn filly was their daughter designated Princess Aurora Silverlight.

"Pappy? Mommy is going to be mad at me if I tickle her feet. Mommy didn't like it." Aurora said, afraid as she stays close to her father's leg as they approach her sleeping Alicorn mother.

"You have told me Aurora that you wanted to tickle your mommy's feet. Because you love her so much. (Shook her head yes) You know she loves you to Aurora, she willn't be mad at you." Justice said reassuringly as he crouched down by Celestia's golden T-strap sandals with one half inch heel on her large alicorn feet.

He carefully lifts up Celestia's foot off the wicker outdoor chaise lounge to get at the zipper on the heel of her sandal. This causes Celestia to open one of her magenta eyes to see why she felt her foot lifted up. She notices her daughter's face brightening. Her father removes her sandal from her relatively large and plush foot with deep pink toenail polish and renders it naked. The smile on Aurora's face grows bigger as her father removes her mother's other sandal.

On the end of the chaise lounge was a relatively large and plush pair of bare white feet with deep pink toenail polish. Justice used his magic to float a square outdoor ottoman in front of his wife's bare feet and stood their daughter on top of it to tickle her mother's feet. The moment she felt her daughter's little fingers on soles of her feet, she unleashes great gales of laughter, pretending it was the worst tickling assault heap upon her hyper-sensitive large and plush Alicorn feet. But Justice knew better as their daughter didn't have the manual dexterity to force her mother to laugh that much.

"Pleeheeaseee bbbaby, mmmommy! Cahahahan't takes Anymorhoore! Bwahahahahahanono Hooo!" Celestia screamed with pretend laughter as Aurora stop tickling her feet. Celestia brought her knees up and floated her daughter into her lap.

"Did you have fun tickling mommy's large feet, baby?" Celestia inquiry as Aurora shook her head and wrapped her arms around her mother's neck. Celestia's rubbed the side of her snout against her cheek as very loving as mare would do to her foal.

"Baby goes see if your aunt Luna is in the living room of the palace asks her if she would like to color with you for a little while. After mommy and daddy finish talking, we will join you. And mommy, daddy, and Auntie will take you to the park to play, I am done for today." Celestia said fondly as she floats her daughter with magic onto the ground; once her small feet touch the ground, she runs off and closes the door behind her.

"It was not that bad that you made it out to be, Celestia was it," Justice comments as he sits on the end of her wicker outdoor chaise lounge as Celestia softly chuckles. She places her large feet on his lap, so he may rub them why they talk.

"I figure that you knew, Justice. But you were right; it was not that bad having our baby daughter tickle my large Alicorn feet. It was kind of sweet of you to remove my sandals for her to tickle me." Celestia explains as she stretched her neck out to kiss her husband on his lips.

"I have a question, Justice," Celestia said. He used his thumbs to rub the skin in her ticklish arches, which causes her to unleash a ticklish squeal as Justice knew the exact spot to manipulate to cause his wife to squeal.

"That question, my love?" Justice asked as he held his wife's ankles in one hand and brought them up and planted a kiss on balls of her large alicorn feet.

"Do you think our daughter will take an interest in tickling other ponies' feet?" Celestia asked as Justice took a good whiff of his wife's bare feet and picked up a vanilla scent from the lotion she rubs on her feet to keep them soft and supple.

"Who can tell, Celestia? But if it does, we must teach her that she can't force other ponies to allow her to tickle them. That would be considered tickle torture something you are very familiar with went that anti-royalty radical group captured you and tried to break you." Justice said reminding as Celestia started to shake from the thought.

~Back to the Present~

They're a knock on Princess Aurora Silverlight's bedroom door; this caused head royal maid Lynda Sheer to stop tormenting the Princess's hyper-sensitive lustrous satiny smooth, light blue soles with her fingers. This came as wonderful relief allowing Aurora to gulp much need oxygen to replenish the depleted air in her lungs. With her lungs full once again, she stands up, and the perfectly round balls of her feet plop-pops against the marble tile floor as she walks up to her bedroom door. She answers it standing in the hallway was a solar guard mare trooper.

"How may I help you, trooper?" Aurora asks as the mare bows to her, and she smiles at her.

"Your mother, the senior Princess as summons Princess Aurora Silverlight, her elder daughter to the throne room for an audience." The Solar Guard mare relayed to Aurora as she hears the soft plop-pop of mare's bare feet on the marble tile floor of her bedroom, walking up behind her. Soon Head Royal Maid Lynda Sheer joins her at the door; Aurora quickly glances down to see a pair of bare sapphire blue feet with yellow toenail polishes next to her bare feet.

"We shall leave right now, Trooper, for the audience with my mother, the senior Princess Celestia. Please return to your normal duty." Aurora orders as the two barefooted mares walk out of her bedroom and make their way down tile laid floors of the palace pitter-pattering all the way to the main throne room for the audience with her mother.

It took the two barefooted mares pip-plopping down the grand royal palace's tiled hallway a few moments to reach the magnificent throne room of the palace. The giant golden doors leading into the room were slightly ajar, meaning that the official Royal Court session had ended. Her mother, Princess Celestia Silverlight, would be the only pony in the throne room waiting for them to arrive.

The two mares walk through the opening into a magnificent cavernous travertine tile throne room. The pip-plop of their bare feet on cement tile echoed in the room as they walked along the side of the long carpet runner behind the Doric columns that line the room up to the royal thrones of Equestria. As they reach the far end of the throne room waiting for them was Aurora's mother Princess Celestia Silverlight attired in violet-blue slightly below the knee length gown. But what got their full attention was reasonably large, long, full, thick and plush white bare feet with green toenail polish that stood on cement tile in front of them.

"You sent for me, mother?" Aurora said politely as she kneels on the ground in front of senior Princess Celestia Silverlight, her mother.

"I did, Aurora," Celestia said, loving as she steps forward. Hence, her bare white feet were directly under her elder daughter's eyesight.

"Your father and I had a little secret we hid in Ponyville. I would like you to go discover it, my dear foal. But before that, please, my dear foal picks which foot of mine you would like to handle?" Celestia asked as she floated a chair over to herself and sat down on it.

Aurora picked her mother's right foot and held it in her hands; her mother's foot was not as heavy as she remembered when she was small. Aurora pokes and prodded every inch of her mother's relatively large plush white barefoot with green toenail polish.

She ran her finger through her deep-set arch and played with her shapely, not too long toes that are the perfect length for her mother's unassuming Alicorn size foot. She ran her fingers down her mother's creamy soft soles, causing her to jump from the light stroke of her foot. Before she could start again probing her ticklish foot, she gently pulled it away and cross her legs over the other.

"I want you to remember what my foot felt like went you handling it. Because it the only clue I can give you to discover I and your father's little secret and this." Celestia said as she floats a crystal data cube to her.

~A few minutes after the audience with her mother Princess Celestia Silverlight~

“That was bit odd Aurora.” Lynda comment as the two mares elected to remain barefooted as Aurora has no other royal duty to perform for today.

“I wonder what mother meant went she say my father's little secret in Ponyville?” Aurora mentioned examining the old Crystal data cube between her first finger and thumb.

“Aurora what is up with ponyville? I thought your parents always live in Canterlot.” Lynda comments as Aurora shook her head no.

“Not all the time, Lynda. Before I was born went they were engaged they maintained a residence in ponyville. It was bit unusual at the time, but the other Princesses and few noble families didn’t object to the idea.” Aurora explains as she brought her MCV up and plugged the Crystal Data Cube into the system. Suddenly words appeared in mid-air it was some kind of report.

Test subject 01

Princess Celestia (Silverlight)


Alicorn mare


Princess of the sun

Co-ruler of Equestria

Foot Length: 12 1/3 inches

Shoe Size: mare’s size 16

Left foot scans 100%

Right foot scans 100%


Test subject Princess Celestia (Silverlight) tickleness very high in deep set arches and high on balls of her feet. Unusual tickleness across entire foot of this test subject. No part of this Alicorn Princess’s large foot is not ticklish. Must schedule follow up sensitivity tests on my beloved Sun Princess large bare feet.


Lord Justice Silverlight

“My father!” Aurora said emotional went she saw the name on the bottom of the report about her mother’s ticklish Alicorn feet.