• Published 17th Jul 2020
  • 875 Views, 42 Comments

The Experience Files (volume 2) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put together with canon characters volume 2

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The Royal Foals Experience CH 2 (Somnus)

~ It's few hours after returning from royal business in Saddle Arabia and reporting to Princess Luna Silverlight the outcome of the diplomatic mission.~

Walking down the white travertine tiled hallway of Grand Royal Palace from Princess Luna Silverlight's royal bedroom was a gorgeous light blue half Alicorn/unicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail. His muscular 6ft 2in equine figure was attired in nickel gray-colored comfort stretch fitted dress shirt and black classic fit flat front pants. On his eleven and one-sixth inch, black socked light blue bare feet were black dress boots. On top of his head behind his horn was black metal crown in the style of Princess Luna Silverlight's own crown. This half Alicorn/Unicorn stallion was Prince Somnus Silverlight, the only son of Princess Celestia Silverlight and Prince Justice Silverlight.

Walking beside him was a glamorous looking blue unicorn mare with champagne pink-colored mane and tail. Her 5ft 11in superbly fit equine figure was attired in orchid colored (vivid purple) slightly below the knee length dress with gold lace trim. Why her athletic legs were encased in black thigh-high stockings with black lace trim. Her ten and one-third inch long attractive blue bare feet were encased in a pair of black round-toed stiletto heels with a three-fourths heel. This Unicorn mare was Head Royal Maid Mirebelle Orderly, the head royal maid for Prince Somnus Silverlight.

"So Mirebelle, how do you think the report to my Auntie went?" Somnus inquiry as the heels of their shoes clicked upon the white travertine tiled floor of the hallway.

"Better than I thought Somnus; her highness was not surprise that the Saddle Arabia Royal family was trying to steal one of your Royal maids from you because of their beauty. Saddle Arabia's royal family, especially the Prince, thinks he can take anything he wants. Even against your royal maid own will." Mirebelle explains as Somnus squeal loudly and slam his foot on the ground with the heavy thud cracking the white travertine tile under his foot.

"It doesn't matter how privileged you are! None! Of my mares that serve as my royal maids deserve that kind of treatment! It was not bad enough that she was kidnapped out of my room at the hotel! But immediately taking to the dungeon to be tortured to break her strong loyalty to me! Not knowing that all my royal maids have been trained in shadow abilities! So I know where they are!" Somnus said indignantly as Mirebelle placed her hand on Somnus' shoulder to calm him down before the dark crystal magic he possesses activates.

"Somnus! Calm down right this minute! If you keep letting yourself get angry! That dark crystal magic will activate! Your Auntie Luna assigns me to you because of my psychiatry background and my calming spell! So your highness please let it go (in soothing voice). Your Auntie assured us that she will send the report to your mother, Princess Celestia Silverlight. You know your mother will deal with that Saddle Arabia Royal family and the attempt to hurt your royal maid." Mirebelle said in a calming voice as Somnus slowly calm down and take a deep cleansing breath, follow by releasing it.

"Thank you Mirebelle, I am lucky to have you at my side," Somnus said gratefully as he kisses Mirebelle's on the cheek caused her to blush.

"You are very welcome, your highness. Oh? Why we were waiting for her highness to finish her royal business. I thought you could tickle my sensitive feet for an hour, after what happen in Saddle Arabia to your Royal Maid. I thought you could relax a bit by tickling me. If that all right with you, my Prince." Mirebelle said loyal as the breath catches in Somnus' throat with the offer of tickling his executive assistant mare for an hour.

"I would say that a wonderful way to relax tickling my very dutiful executive assistant mare for an hour. Let head over to my soundproof bedroom. I feel my executive assistant mare will be howling with laughter went I get at her feet." Somnus comments as Mirebelle chuckles into the back of her hand and follows obediently behind her Prince.

Slowly the bedroom doors open onto a muted gray with a bit of a green undertone colored large bedroom located in the private living area of Canterlot Grand Royal Palace. Through the door walks, Prince Somnus Silverlight followed closely by his Head Royal Maid Mirebelle Orderly with a snap of his fingers; all the lights in the room go on. As Mirebelle looks around the room, the first thing she noticed was the queen-sized bed against the far wall of the room. It has the same night aesthetics as the room belonging to Princess Luna Silverlight, Somnus auntie, and the guardian of the night and dream.

Mirebelle watches as Somnus sits down on a cushy bench in front of his bed and begins to pulls his boots off, followed by his socks. He cleans the sock lint from between his perfectly shaped five toes of his light blue bare feet that were roughly the same size as his mother's feet but a tad bit smaller.

The arches of his feet were more symmetrical and not as deep-set as his mother's feet. But had unbelievably beautiful refined slow curvature to them that led into smooth curved balls of his feet. Mirebelle were rendered speechless from gazing upon such divine looking feet of her beloved royal.

Somnus notice his transfixed mare look at him or more to the point his divine looking feet inherited from his mother. Who by all accounts is an equine goddess giving life? The balls of his light blue bare feet on the marble tile floor of his room are plop-pop,was more substantial and weightier closes to the impact of his mother's bare soles against ceramic tiles in the well-traveled areas of the private living area of Canterlot Grand Royal Palace. The rhythmic plop-pop of his bountiful size Alicorn feet traversing over the textured tile excited her as he approached her.

Each time one of the balls of his feet made an impact with the tile, it stimulated her, she could feel it deep in her mare hood wanting it to so badly come out. But she must control her overbearing urges she is a Head Royal maid and his executive assistant. Not a desperate mare like those mares on holo screen on that program called desperate mares of Manehattan. Suddenly the plop-pop of his feet upon the tile floor stop altogether; the room was dead silent. In her present state of mind, she couldn't comprehend why the room fell into dead silence.

"You want to touch my bountiful size Alicorn feet, to feel each and every unbelievably beautiful refined slow curb that make-up my light blue bare feet. You want to feel the supple and pliable skin on my soles give away under your touch." Somnus said sultry as it set Mirebelle's blood aflame.

"But how will you do that went you are the one tied down Mirebelle?" Somnus comment as it snaps Mirebelle out of her lust-induced daydream. She unleashed ear-splitting shriek went she discovers that she tied down on top his bed in spread eagle position.

"By my mother's light, Mirebelle! Was that ear-splitting shriek really necessary? Its good thing my room is soundproof. That would have brought every single Palace guard here to investigate that ear-splitting shriek." Somnus said testily as he snorted his displeasure at her.

"If it was necessary! What do you expect, Somnus! You used the daydream spell on me, and went you broke it, I found myself bound in a spread eagle position on top of your bed! So now what Somnus!" Mirebelle said sourly as she tugs on her bound extremities, testing how secure they are and sighs defeated.

"Well, Mirebelle, did you not offer to help me relax by letting me tickle your feet," Somnus said as Mirebelle eyes widen in alarm.

"My feet! I did offer but under my terms and not on your-your." Mirebelle said her voice cracking. She shook her head frantically as Somnus' face contorted into the one expression she hates him to use on her.

"Do you dare use that expression on me, Somnus!?" Mirebelle screams as Somnus give her the most prominent puppy dog eyes and breaking her resolve in short order.

"All right, fine! Have your fun with my feet!" Mirebelle said, resigned as she sighs aggravated with this outcome.

"Somnus, you didn't just inherit your mother's size alicorn feet! You inherited that puppy dog eyes that she uses very effectively!" Mirebelle said, complaining as she felt her stockings sliding down both her smooth athletic legs till it hit the loop around her ankles.

She felt her heels being jiggles loose from her stockings clad bare feet, and a moment later, she felt a cold breeze blow across her stocking clad soles meaning Somnus got her shoes off. She started to panic when Somnus took a good whiff of this mare's barefoot through nylon fabric of the stockings and picked up a vanilla scent coming off her foot from the lotion she rubs on her feet to keep them soft and supple. She knows the scent of vanilla excites the stallion senses, and her feet are covered with it. She starts to struggle more fiercely, trying to break free from her bonds went Somnus starts to nicker at her the first part of the courtship ritual of their species.

(Aloud rip!)

In her panic state of mind, she never notices the quickly growing mischievous smile on Somnus's snout. He has no intention of trying to mate with her and tries to throw her into a state of utter confusion. So the next event will throw her into bouts of uncontrollable laughter as his tongue and fingers simultaneously assault her peds.

He did this by ripping open her stockings reveal a pair of blue attractive mare's bare feet with natural beauty; her five toes were slender and perfect with the right amount of softness painted in ecru white (very light brown) toenail polish. Her arches were beautiful, with a very smooth radius that accentuated her beautiful feet' overall look. The ball of her feet and heels were perfectly round. Went she frantically scrunches her toes down, the satiny smooth blue soles easily wrinkle before smoothing out once again.

In the next instances, Mirebelle bursts into bouts of uncontrollable laughter. Somnus' tongue explored every inch of this unicorn mare ticklish right foot, darting in and out between her slender and perfect five toes with wild abandonment. As his fingers skitters across her left foot symptomatically search for every ticklish spot on that foot. Till tears come to her Jade green eyes from the tickle torture. Close to passing out from the unrelenting tickle attacks on her vulnerable bare feet.

Their a knock on Prince Somnus Silverlight's bedroom door; this caused him to stop tormenting Head Royal Maid Mirebelle Orderly attractive blue mare bare feet with natural beauty with his fingers and tongue. This came as wonderful relief allowing Mirebelle to gulp much need oxygen to replenish the depleted air in her lungs. With her lungs full once again, Somnus removes his mare's bonds allowing her to rest on his bed. At the same time, he stands up. His more bountiful size Alicorn feet plop-pops heavily against the marble tile floor of his room. He walks up to his bedroom door and opens it standing in the hallway was a lunar guard bat pony mare trooper.

"How may I help you, trooper?" Somnus asks as the bat pony mare bows to him.

"Your Aunt, the second senior Princess, has summons Prince Somnus Silverlight, her nephew to the auxiliary throne room for an audience." The Lunar Guard bat pony mare relayed to Somnus as he heard the soft plop-pop of mare's bare feet on the marble tile floor of his bedroom, walking up behind him. Soon Head Royal Maid Mirebelle Orderly joins him at the door; Somnus quickly glances down to see a pair of bare blue feet with ecru white (very light brown) toenail polish on the ground next to his bare feet. Mirebelle has removed the remnants of her stocking from her feet and stood barefooted.

"We shall leave right now, Trooper, for the audience with my aunt, the second senior Princess Luna. Please return to your normal duty." Somnus orders as the two barefooted ponies walk out of his bedroom and make their way down tile laid floors of the palace pitter-pattering all the way to the auxiliary throne room for the audience with his aunt.

It took the two barefooted ponies pip-plopping down the tiled hallway of the grand royal palace an hour to reach the auxiliary throne room of the palace as it located closer to the counselor chamber on the other side of the palace. The plain wooden doors leading into the room were slightly ajar, meaning that his Aunt Princess Luna Silverlight is the only pony in the auxiliary throne room waiting for them to arrive.

The two ponies walk through the opening into the plain-looking ceramic tile throne room. The pip-plop of their bare feet on plain ceramic tiles echoed in the room as they walked down the center of the uncarpeted auxiliary throne room. As they reach, the far end of the throne room waiting for them was Somnus' aunt Princess Luna Silverlight attired in blaze orange slightly below the knee length gown. But what got their full attention was dark blue wonderfully shaped bare feet roughly the same size as his mother's feet but a tad bit smaller with black toenail polish that stood on cement tile in front of them.

"You sent for me, Auntie?" Somnus said politely as he kneels on the ground in front of second senior Princess Luna Silverlight, his aunt.

"I did my little Somnus," Luna said loving as she steps forward; hence, her bare dark blue bare feet were directly under her nephew's sight.

"Your mother and your father had a little secret they hid in Ponyville. I would like you to go discover it, my dear little Somnus. But before that, please, my dear little Somnus pick which foot your Auntie would like you to handle?" Luna asked as she floated a chair over to herself and sat down on it.

Somnus picks his aunt's right foot and held it in his hands; his aunt's foot was very plush and smooth to the touch from her impeccable foot care. Somnus pokes and prodded every inch of his aunt's plush and smooth dark blue barefoot with black toenail polish.

He ran his finger through his aunt, not to deep set arch, and played with her five elegant toes painted with black toenail polish. He ran his fingers down his aunt's divine creamy soft soles, causing her to jump from the light stroke of her foot. Before he could start again probing her ticklish foot, she gently pulled it away and cross her legs over the other.

"I want you to remember what my foot felt like went you handling it, my dear little Somnus. Because the only clue I can give you to discover your mother and your father's little secret and this." Luna said as she floats a crystal data cube to him.

~It two hours later after the audience with his Aunt Princess Luna Silverlight ~

"That was a bit odd, Somnus." Mirebelle comment as the two ponies elected to remain barefooted as Somnus has finished his royal duty for today.

"I wonder what Auntie meant, went she say my father's and my mother's little secret in Ponyville?" Somnus mentioned examining the old Crystal data cube between his first finger and thumb.

"Somnus, what is up with ponyville? I thought your parents always live in Canterlot." Mirebelle comments as Somnus shook his head no.

"It was mostly a well know secret, Mirebelle. Before my older sister was born went, they were engaged; they maintained a residence in ponyville. It was a bit unusual at the time. Still, the other Princesses and few noble families didn't object to the idea." Somnus explains as he brought his MCV up and plugged the Crystal Data Cube into the system. Suddenly words appeared in mid-air; it was some kind of report.

Test subject 07

Princess Luna (Silverlight)


Alicorn mare


Princess of the night and the moon

Co-ruler of Equestria

Foot Length: 12 inches

Shoe Size: mare's size 15

Left foot scans 100%

Right foot scans 100%


Test subject Princess Luna (Silverlight) tickleness very high on toes of the foot. Unusual tickleness across the entire foot of this test subject. Like test subject, 01 Princess Celestia (Silverlight) No part of this Alicorn Princess's feet is not ticklish. I must schedule follow-up sensitivity tests to test if stimuli differ from sister to sister and how much stimuli one sister can take over the other.


Lord Justice Silverlight

"My father!" Somnus said shocked went he saw the name on the bottom of the report about his aunt's ticklish Alicorn feet.