• Published 17th Jul 2020
  • 874 Views, 42 Comments

The Experience Files (volume 2) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put together with canon characters volume 2

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The Celestia Experience Two (Extra Content) CH 7


"No!" Aurora shriek, watching a dark blue magically created electric toothbrush begin to form out of the unknown and unseen force that has been assaulting her hopelessly ticklish feet for the past few minutes.

Aurora's facial muscles twitch nervously as the dark blue magic aura holding her well-proportioned beautiful, elegant toes begin pushing them back, exposing more of her shapely toe joints. Aurora shakes her head frantically as the device's oscillating brush head starts to ever so slowly move toward the shapely toe joint of her baby toe.

She preemptively begins to laugh from the expected sensation that the brush head will do to her toe joint went it make contact with it. To make things worse, Aurora unintentionally uncrossed her legs. Allowing a dark blue bubble ring to form around her slender ankle holding her foot trapped in the air as a dark blue feather stroked the full length of her luxurious gracefully long and rounded delicately shaped light blue barefoot with fire engine red toenail polish. Aurora can't decide which one is worse in her current ticklish stupor because they are both equally unpleasant upon her hopelessly ticklish feet.

"Sthahahahahahahahahap! Plehehehehehehehehehehe! Sohnhohohohohohohohoooh mygahahahahahahahahad!" Blueberry screams as the golden magically created electric toothbrush oscillating brush tickles the smooth ball of her foot.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Blueberry screams as a golden bubble ring is around her slender ankle. Holding her foot trapped in the air as a golden feather stroked the full length of her perfectly shaped and elegant light blue barefoot with violet-pink toenail polish.

Meanwhile, one hundred seven miles away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Los Ungulas in the quiet desert community of Pasture Springs, a metallic gold crystal-powered compact SUV drives back from the market toward the Warm Sands Neighborhood of Pasture Springs. The vehicle driver turns the wheel and parks in the driveway of a mid-century modern single-family home in the neighborhood. The driver side of the vehicle exits a breathtakingly gorgeous white with a hint of pink Alicorn mare with golden blonde mane and tail.

Her perfect 6ft 5in equine figure was attired in celestial pink three-fourths inch sleeved regular fit button-down shirt and blue silk colored regular-fit straight trousers. Her perfectly shaped white with a hint of long pink legs was hidden by the pant legs of her trousers. On her, reasonably large, long, full, thick, and plush white with a hint of pink luxurious bare feet with baby blue toenail polish and sexy deep sets arches. Along with shapely not too long toes that are a perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet were black nylon trouser socks and red ballet flats with one fourth inch heels.

Folded on her back were her large white with a hint of pink feathery bird wings. This Alicorn mare was Celestia Silverlight, the former CEO of Dayspring Corporation. Now run by her oldest daughter Aurora Silverlight and her other two foals. A peeved look appears on the wedge-shaped head of this annoyed Alicorn mare since she finished grocery shopping for her and her husband. Two pokey bothersome small pebbles have taking up residents inside her red ballet flats; as she would walk, the pokey pebbles would reposition themselves in another part of her shoes, jabbing that part of her nylon-clad soles.

"Oh!!!! By my light, those annoying little vagabonds! Are playing pin the tail on my Alicorn soles!" Celestia exclaimed, discontented as she quickly grabs her two bags of groceries from the back of the car and makes her way toward the front door of her home, which she shares with her beloved husband.

"I hereby evict you little vagabonds from my soles! So be gone with you!" Celestia exclaimed, kicking her red ballet flats off her reasonably large, long, full, thick, and plush white with a hint of pink luxurious bare feet the moment she walks through the front door of her home into the living room.

A huge smile of relief appears across her snout as she pip-pops in her nylon-clad bare feet over the comfy carpeted living room of her home toward the ceramic tiled kitchen to put away her groceries from the market. A chill quickly runs up her spine as the warm soles of her large feet make contact with the kitchen floor's cold white tiles. Celestia shrugs her shoulders indifferently and continues into the kitchen to the table, where she places the grocery bags down. She begins humming to herself as she moves around the kitchen, putting her groceries away. As she puts away the final item, her light magenta eyes blink with surprise wondering why her nylon trouser socks and the bottom of her feet feel suddenly so damp.

“Aargh!!!” Celestia exclaims; she looks down to the floor and notices that the floor was still soaking wet from being mopped.

She makes a quick retreat from the kitchen; before she can do anything, Celestia finds herself floating in mid-air in a spread-eagle position; four dark blue bubble rings were around her ankles and wrists keep her in that position. She could feel her large white with a hint of pink feathered bird wings bound to her back; went she tries to use her magic from her horn, it fizzled out.

Then a moment later, from a nearby hall leading to their master bedroom steps a majestic and handsome looking dark blue unicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail with a playful smile on his snout. His 6ft 5in athletic equine figure was attired in a dull brown short-sleeve polo shirt and light blue-gray tapered athletic fit jeans. On his twelve inches long socked dark blue bare feet were brown slip-on shoes. This unicorn stallion was Former Chief Marketing officer Justice Silverlight for the Dayspring Corporation and now husband to Celestia. Justice efficiently guided the helpless Alicorn mare to the center of the living room, where there was nothing to grab hold of, giving him a 360-degree area around her tall equine figure to play with.

"Tee-hee, all right, my beloved. You have captured your gorgeous Alicorn mare. Her feet are for you to tickle torture. Before you begin could you give your wife a loving kiss to cushion unbearable tickle torture you will heap upon your wife's helpless feet?" Celestia said humbly, resigned to her fate as Justice lifts her head up and give her a very passionate kiss; she savors knowing what will happen went her black nylon trouser socks are removed from her large damp feet.

With that, Justice slowly makes his way down to his wife's trapped large vulnerable feet floating helplessly in the air. Water slowly drips off the tantalizing black nylon soles of her twelve and one-third inch luxurious white with hint of pink feet; through the fabric. Justice could see Celestia's shapely, not too long toes that are the perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet. Her toes were painted a shade of baby blue, and they looked incredible, peeking through the nylon fabric of her black nylon trouser socks. Justice pulls the damp socks off both her wrinkly luxurious feet with no effort.

Left floating in mid-air was pair of relatively large, long, full, thick, and plushy white with a hint of pink luxurious wrinkly bare feet with unbelievably refined curvature to her sexy deep sets arches. That smoothly flowed into the perfect and luscious round soft balls of her feet and her perfectly smooth round heels. The flawless and unblemished skin on the bottom of her feet was creamy soft as her feet really don't get rough or callous by walking around barefooted.

"Gwweeehehehehe not there Hehehahahaha!!!HA ha ha ha ha eeeeeeeee ghaaaagaga Haha!!!" Celestia screams with laughter as Justice didn't let his beloved wife brace herself before he started to tickle her helpless feet with all his fingers.

"Ahahahahahahaha!!! Ahahahahahhhhh!!! AHahahaha!!!" Celestia laughed as she wriggled and scrunched up her toes, with Justice scratching her damp, wrinkled arches.

"Ahahahaha stahahahahaahapp ahahahahaha!!" Celestia screamed with laughter as Justice's played with her long shapely toes of her unassuming Alicorn size feet.

"AHahahahah! Nooohohoho! AHahahahahahahah! STahaahahhaahahapp! Ahahahahaaha!" Celestia cackled and screamed with laughter as Justice tickled his wife's creamy soft feet.

"Please ahahahahah Please!! AHahahahah!! Stop it, Ahahahahahah!!" Celestia pleaded as Justice stop tickling his gorgeous Alicorn wife's luxurious bare feet and kiss her once again on her lips.

This reprieve allowed his exhausted wife, who is at the moment gulping much need oxygen, to replenish the depleted air in her lungs with her lungs full once again. She lifted her equine head up and looks toward her beloved stallion, and smiles at him, not one bit irritated. That he basically tickled her wet luxurious bare feet without letting her brace herself before he started to tickle her helpless feet.

He places one of his strong arms under her knees, and the other one behind her back mine her large, delicate white with a hint of pink folded feathered bird wings against her back. He dispels the four dark blue bubble rings holding her wrists and ankles. She gently drops into his arms, and he carries her to the sofa like they were first married. Celestia's breath catches in her throat went she notice the old gold-colored embellished rhinestone dress sandals. Upon her plushy white with a hint of pink luxurious bare feet with baby blue toenail polish.

These old gold-colored embellished rhinestone dress sandals were the shoes she has worn with her glamour white-colored wedding gown during their wedding ceremony at the pony princess wedding castle chapel in Los Ungulas.

She begins to tear up went she looks down to see that she is wearing her glamour white-colored wedding gown in place of her original clothing. She does a double-take upon her slender fingers, and shapely, not too long toes were bright red nail polish the same color she wore during their wedding ceremony. She reaches up on top of her head behind her horn and feels her wedding tiara with the new gold-colored veil on it.

Celestia was a bit thrown with her beloved stallion using his magic to transform her clothing she was wearing into her wedding ensemble; everything was identical, except that her feet were bare wearing her dress sandals. It got even weirder went she notice that Justice is wearing his tuxedo and presents his white-gloved hand to her and asked her to dance with him. It felt like he was re-creating their very wedding day, which she didn't mind as it was the happiest day in her long Alicorn life.

She takes hold of his hand, and the music starts; the song playing was the song they both picked for their first dance together as husband and wife at their wedding reception. Justice gently twirls Celestia around him at a leisurely pace as the song plays. As the song was about to conclude, he twirls her into his arms, and she turns around to kiss him on his lips.

"You know what comes next, my beloved wife. Do you not?" Justice said, reminding Celestia who softly chuckles and kisses him again on his lips as she nodded her head.

"The first time you had to wait till our wedding reception had ended. And we went to our honeymoon suite at the hotel because I was wearing natural colored pantyhose with my wedding gown," Celestia explains as she stares adoringly at her handsome and majestic looking husband.

"The waits were agonizingly long for our wedding reception to end; I could taste what I had desired since college went I started to date a breathtakingly gorgeous white with a hint of pink Alicorn mare with golden blonde mane and tail. But I couldn't get them because of the reception." Justice moan as Celestia once again kissed him on his lips to cheer him up.

"I cushion your agonizing wait for the reception to end by sitting crossed-legged on your laps at the front table of the happily married couple for the whole night. With my nylon clad feet are hidden by the tablecloth, I allowed your devilish disembodied magical hands to tickle my nylon clad feet with my dress sandals still on." Celestia explains as Justice hugged and kissed his wife for enduring the unbearable tickle torture upon her nylon clad feet during their wedding reception because she loved him.

"The wait was more bearable because you allow me to tickle your nylon-clad feet with my magical hands. But I didn't make you hold in your laughter, my love, went it look like you would burst, I would hugs you so you may stick your head outside and release your pent-up laughter. The music was loud enough to cover-up your explosive laughter so no pony could hear you." Justice explains as Celestia takes hold of his hand to walk him over to their sofa in the living room for what comes next.

"May I remove the dress sandals of my new Alicorn wife, Mrs. Silverlight?" Justice asked

"You may remove my dress sandals as my large Alicorn feet now belong to my new husband, Mr. Silverlight," Celestia said in a pleasant voice as Justice reaches under her wedding gown. Feeling for a small gold buckle holding her shoe to her perfect shaped slender ankle.

It took him less time this time to unbuckle her shoes from her perfectly shaped slender ankles, then he did went; he first did it in their rented honeymoon suite at the hotel where the wedding reception was held. He carefully levitates his Alicorn wife into a seated position on the sofa so her long Alicorn legs would be stretched out in front of her, being extra careful not to knock off her already loosened shoes from her feet.

"Sometimes I do forget to tell you that I love you, Celestia," Justice whispers into Celestia's ear on top of her head in a loving tone of voice; this causes Celestia to tear-up.

"Even with all the trouble we been having in our marriage of late, I have never once wanted to leave you or divorce you, my dear and beloved stallion. So please finish the recreation of our wedding night. So we can get to our bedroom to finish the night." Celestia suggested as Justice hug her before returning to her feet.

Justice looks back toward his Alicorn wife, at which time she shook her head. He carefully lifted her foot up and effortlessly slid her dress sandal off her foot, and floated it onto the ground next to the sofa they were sitting on. He did the same with the other dress sandal leaving her luxurious bare feet naked before him. Without a word, he carefully lifts his wife's elegant barefoot up and wraps his mouth around it. Celestia exploded with maniacal laughter as he used his tongue to tickle her hopelessly ticklish foot.

She was in hysterics in no time; the sensations shot up her leg and exploded in her mind. It got worse: Justice removed her left saliva covered foot from his mouth and set it back on the sofa.

"Ahahahahahahahahaaah stop it!! Ahahahahahaha!!" Celestia screamed as he began to saw his tongue in between her shapely, not too long toes that are the perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet of her right foot.

Celestia's tall Alicorn figure became rigid as she unleashed a high pitch heavenly and divine moan after Justice finishes with her luxurious bare feet. As Celestia lies on the sofa with her tongue hang out of her mouth, gulping much need oxygen to replenish the depleted air in her lungs with her lungs full once again. Justice scoops up his exhausted wife from off the sofa and carries her to their bedroom.

"Your ticklish misery has not yet been filled, my beloved. Once I strip you of all your clothing and secure you to our large bed. The real tickle torture will begin as your whole Alicorn body will be accessible. And all my tickle toys will descend upon those helpless large luxurious bare feet, my beloved." Justice said with playfulness in his voice.

"Yes, my tickle torturer, I will be screaming in ticklish misery as all your tickle toys will be descending upon my helpless nude figure of mare's perfection and my helpless large luxurious bare feet," Celestia said, agreeable as her Alicorn figure goes completely limp with the anticipation of the unbearable tickle torture her perfect mare's figure must endure as she tied down utterly nude on the bed slowly the door to their bedroom closes behind them.

The end maybe?