• Published 18th Dec 2011
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The Genius Named Starswirl - WinterTwister

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Starswirl's Studies.

Journal entry #1
May 12th, Year 1542

I have been appointed one of Canterlot's researchers in the field of magic. I now deem it suitable to keep a record of my findings. I was surprised to see Celestia herself come to my humble home in Ponyville and offer me to come to the castle. To this day I have no idea why she came to me, my feats have been minimal and only within my aid to the village, but I should not question something so charitable to my studies. I suppose I should start in my part in extending the knowledge of the magical boundaries, But I do feel as if I'm in need of a shave...no I must not waste a moment of this opportunity, I shall shave later.

Journal entry #2
May 17th, Year 1542

I have stumbled upon a codec language in the wavelength of unicorn magic, if I were to decode this language... the possibilities would be endless. I shall pour every ounce of my being into deciphering this code.

Journal entry #3
July 2nd, Year 1542

The language of the magical wavelengths were stumbling but I managed to find a basis on which they speak to the world around them. I have not slept soundly in the past month; my sleep has been ruptured by the torture of my inability to read this code. It is late; hopefully I am able to sleep well enough so I can properly present my findings to the princess.

Journal entry #4
July 3rd, Year 1542

Princess Celestia had praised me for my findings on the language of magic; it feels undeserving because of my only meager findings on the code. She told me that I should not think of it as a small feat, but the foundation of my future studies that would only improve. Improve? That was a word I understood well. Arguments on a utopian society never appealed to me. If you are already perfect, where is the room for improvement?

Journal entry #5
July 4th, Year 1542

A local professor at the University of Magic came to my studies today and asked me to come and lecture the students to help boost morale in their own studies. Young minds, so much potential and they cannot grasp the idea of their own success exceeding their teachers. Perhaps that's what I should lecture them about.

Journal entry #6
July 5th, Year 1542

I was gathering my books as I finished lecturing the class and a group of colts were talking in a group about the lecture. They appear to have nicknamed me Starswirl the Bearded, I thought that was preposterous considering I didn't have a beard; at least until I looked down at my chest and saw that I did indeed have a beard! I still haven't shaved since I came to the castle. The nickname appeals to me, so I don't think I will shave now. I was then leaving the classroom when the professor gifted me a wonderful pipe for sharing my time with them. I am very grateful for the pipe and have been enjoying its luxury.

Journal entry #7
August 13th, Year 1542

I have created a spell in which it acts like a template to create new spells within it, like a hollow plastic container you melt into a certain shape and then you give it power. I named the spell Aminomorphasis and as soon as it was complete I rushed to Princess Celestia to tell her the news. She was stunned at my spell and gifted me a phoenix so that I would be able to contact her more efficiently with constant progress on my research. I named the phoenix Philomena.

Journal entry #8
August 14th, Year 1542

This phoenix is quite the help, but also an occasional trickster that was to be lectured. I am grateful for the Princess’s gift and as a child I never owned a pet regardless of my pleas to my parents. I must get back to work.

Journal entry #9
September 20th, Year 1542

I have been inspired by the needs of local ponies to create spells that were much needed and oddly have not been created, so I have taken the liberty of creating them myself and published them into a book called 'Household Spell Weaving.' I hope that it helps the local ponies in Canterlot.

Journal entry #10
September 23rd, Year 1542

My book was instantly popular and bought not only by a grand majority of Canterlot citizens but copies were sent all over Equestria. 'Masterful spells.' some called them. I do not want to be remembered for creating a spell that removes dust from a shelf, or an animation spell that gave a broom a mind of its own. If I am to truly leave a legend for myself I must focus on my studies more than ever, in fear that I will be remembered as a janitor spell-caster.

Journal entry #11
September 24th, Year 1542

Princess Celestia had again acknowledged me for another small feat. She offered to gift me a set of robes of my choosing and I became giddy like a young foal waiting for Hearth Warming Eve morning and immediately started on a design for a robe that I thought was masterful in style. I gave her my design and she told me that she would have them ordered right away.

Journal entry #12
October 9th, Year 1542

My robes arrived today and the product was stunning, I now feel as if they are a second coat to me. The bells calm my mind and the star pattern was expertly copied and I find myself sometimes distracted gazing at the pattern.

Journal entry #13
October 11th, Year 1542

I attended a celebration yesterday in honor of Princess Luna. 'Lunar Night' Where the princess changes the moon to a red hue of color and a feast is held in the castle. I found myself not wanting nourishment and wanted to gaze longer at the stunning moon. I found a high balcony in the castle where I met the company of Princess Luna.


Starswirl walked out of the castle into a balcony that hanged off of a high tower.

"Oh most wonderful of nights..." He said as he walked to the edge and leaned on the stone railing gazing at the moon. "The moon is so majestic, yet so ignored..."

"We are glad that you appreciate the moon as much as I."

Starswirl turned his head and saw that he had completely ignored the princess, he bowed low. "My apology princess, I did not see you. Shall I leave?"

Luna turned her attention to the moon. "No, we would wish if you were to stay, it does get lonely up here."

Starswirl had kept his bow. "Yes your majesty."

Luna turned to face Starswirl and beckoned him to stop kneeling. "We would prefer if you would address me as Luna."

Starswirl and Luna stared at the moon, both captivated by its presence, along with each other’s.


Princess Luna was a very interesting pony to meet. We shared stories in the beauty of the stars that brought amusement to each other. We shared common bases; we were both younger siblings and an undying love for the night sky. I hope to one day meet with the princess again, although I should not hope for much, she is royalty and I am but a commoner. A stallion could dream can they not? I must resume my studies now.