• Published 18th Dec 2011
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The Genius Named Starswirl - WinterTwister

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Starswirl's Pride.

November 15th, Year 1542

I was to retrieve my student from the Canterlot library today, and as I predicted it was that bright young colt that came to me before.

Starswirl entered the enormous library that was packed with unicorns walking around with books in their muzzles.

A few unicorns looked up from their books and saw Starswirl and gaped in awe, all familiar with Starswirl's works.

Starswirl approached the check-out desk where he was to meet his student, and saw Clover Sparkle handing the librarian a mountain of books.

"Is this all of them?" asked the librarian

Clover nodded at the librarian.

Starswirl poked Clover's shoulder from behind him.

Clover looked back quickly. "One moment." and then returned to talk with the librarian. Clover tensed up and looked back again slowly. "Starswirl?"

"Hello, are you my student?"

Clover turned around, now ignoring the librarian. "Your my teacher?"

Starswirl nodded with his bells jingling slightly. "Yes, princess Celestia assigned you to me, is your business done here?"

Clover stammered. "Y-yes Starswirl."

Starswirl smiled. "You are no longer to call me by name, now you are to call me teacher."

Clover bowed. "Yes, teacher."

Starswirl softly put his hoof on Clover's forehead. 'Calm."

Clover felt his mind go blank at the touch of the hoof and brought his head back up.

"Do not bow unless you are in apology, now follow me I will take you to your new home." Starswirl turned and started walking off.

Clover hesitated, but then trotted after Starswirl.


I enjoyed watching his surprise. I hope I do not let him down as a teacher.

November 16th, Year 1542

Today I allowed Clover to familiarize himself with my library while I continued my study on the language of magic.


Starswirl aimed a short beam of energy at a target crystal and then watched the crystal glow in its own aura. He wrote down his analysis on the reaction.

Clover saw Starswirl work, his eyes hovering over the top of a book he had been reading before. He noticed the gem's glow and the aura wavering. He stood up and walked over to Starswirl.


Starswirl continued to jot his notes down as he spoke. "Yes, Clover?"

"What are you doing?"

Starswirl finished writing and placed the quill in the inkbot. "I am deciphering a code."

Clover glanced at the notes and instantly knew. "Magic has a code?"

Starswirl looked up at a shelf and pulled a book with his magic towards him. He flipped open the book and talked as he read. "I believe it does, but it is very difficult to find a translation to it."

Clover thought of the image of the crystal's magical reaction and had an idea. "Are you trying to translate it to our language?"

Starswirl closed the book and levitated it back to its original spot. "Yes."

Clover rubbed his chin as he closed his eyes. "Well, what if you were to obtain a map of its language first?"

Starswirl started jotting down new notes on his parchment. "Its not possible to read something that's not put into some form of equation or without symbols."

"What if it does?"

Clover now had Starswirl's attention.

"Could you use the same type of magic you just used on the crystal again?"

Starswirl was curious on what Clover had in mind and obliged. He sent another short beam of energy on the crystal.

Clover watched the crystal without blinking ; after the crystal halted he spoke again. "Could you use another spell on the crystal?"

Starswirl sent another beam of energy at the crystal that was slightly larger than the first.

Clover smiled and grabbed Starswirl's notes and flipped over the paper and started frantically writing down his assessment.

Clover pointed at the two different pictures. "If you look close enough, the magic changes patterns within the aura."

"Oh?" Starswirl walked over to get a better view of his notes.

"The first spell had a frantic fizz to the edges of the aura, it was a stun spell was it not?"

Starswirl's eyes widened at Clover's observation. "Yes, it was."

"The second spell was a type of healing spell, correct? The edges were smoother and in the middle the color was soft."

Starswirl looked at the notes. "A pattern... my word I think you have something my boy!"

"I just took the time to look at the finer details." Clover took pride in his praise.

"But how do you suggest we put them into a legend?"

Clover couldn't think of anything. "I have no clue."

Starswirl racked his mind for an idea and then as if a light bulb appeared above his head he had an answer. "We could write down every pattern possible and try to fit them into an alphabet..Yes, that seems like the only way. Thank you for your assistance, Clover the clever." Starswirl chuckled at the title he had given Clover.

"Clover the clever? I'm certainly not as intelligent as you, teacher."

Starswirl smiled. "You are indeed intelligent, you pay very close attention to detail. I myself only look at the big 'picture'. You should resume your reading, I can carry on my own now."

Clover returned to his seat next to the book shelf, but finding himself unable to read with Starswirl's praise replaying in his mind. 'My boy....' Clover closed his eyes and found comfort in Starswirl's words. 'My boy...'


He came to me with a brilliant idea that I am now pursuing, I am now grateful for his presence here, and now my fear grows that I may disappoint him.

December 19th, Year 1542

Today I decided to lecture Clover on one of my favorite subjects, the stars.


"Do you have your reference book on stars?" Starswirl asked as he started to set up his telescope with his magic.

"Yes teacher." Clover had a notepad open with a quill hovering in the air above it.

"Turn to page 54 while I adjust the telescope."

Clover didn't open his book but spoke. "Page 54, life cycle of stars. A star is born from a nebula, a cloud of dust and gas composed of hydrogen and helium, and within the nebula a gravity field affects the elements to form together and create a protostar."

Before Clover could continue, Starswirl interrupted him. "You've read this book before?"

"One of my personal favorites."

"And what is the main key to a stars survival?" Starswirl finished adjusting the telescope through an opening in the ceiling.


Starswirl peered through the telescope after removing his hat.

Philomena took the hat and set it on Starswirl's desk and then perched herself on the desk next to the hat.

Starswirl had the telescope locked on a star and called Clover to the telescope.

"Take a good look at the star, can you identify what stage it is in?"

Clover looked at the star and quickly responded. "It is in its prime of the main sequence."

"Good, I see you are very educated on the subject. I have an assignment for you."

Clover looked up from the telescope with anticipation for his first assignment.

"You are to create a theory on What causes these 'gravitational centers' to form in these huge clouds. You have tonight to give me a decent theory."

Clover nodded and returned to stare at the star while levitating his book beside him.


He knew a great deal on stars by heart and I was surprised to see someone so much younger than I have a same level of knowledge on the subject. He is a very rounded student, but his comprehensive thinking can lack in certain areas.


An hour later Starswirl returned to see Clover's progress. He saw from a distance that Clover's mane was a mess and there was a mountain of crumpled papers beside him.

Clover couldn't concentrate anymore. No matter how much he thought he had no theory or any idea how it was possible and he started to panic. 'What if he disowns me as a student? If I don't complete his task by sunrise I'll be tardy! A poor excuse for a student who can't even think of a simple theory!' Clover racked his thoughts in panic.

Starswirl saw that Clover was in a frenzied state, flipping through a pile of books he had by his side. He scrunched his muzzle trying to muffle a chuckle and decided to aid his student by calming him down with the same spell he had used before. Starswirl sent a slow beam to the back of Clovers head. 'Calm down.'

Clover's breathing started to steady and he could find his thoughts again. He was struck with sudden inspiration and started writing down his thoughts.

Starswirl smiled and left Clover to continue his work.


He is an easy one to worry, I'm sure one day that he will overcome his hasty nature. He presented me with his theory, which was well thought out and I accepted it.


Starswirl was reading his recent notes on the language of magic when Clover came to him with a paper in his mouth.

Clover set the paper in front of Starswirl and he picked it up and read it out loud.

"The centers of stars are formed from dust particles that constantly build up on themselves and eventually develop their own gravitational pull to other elements around them due to the non existent gravity forces in the brinks of space. Once the star is formed it begins to move as it heats up." Starswirl set the paper back down with a smile. "Well done, very thought out in one paragraph. Good work, Clover."

"Thank you, teacher." Clover almost bowed, but restrained himself.

"It's late, you should get some rest now." Starswirl dismissed Clover and continued to read his notes after putting Clover's theory in a drawer of his desk.


When I read the paper from Clover I felt something I haven't felt in a long time, Was it pride?
Yes, I have great pride in my student.