• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 747 Views, 59 Comments

Descendants of the Isle - Melody Song

Four villain children. One prince determined to turn them good. One royal school. And a whole lot of drama.

  • ...

The Blitzball Game

The next day, after classes, the four villain creatures headed to the Blitzball field. Pharynx and Gallus would be playing with the team for their first game, against Amore’s school for non-royals, Everfree Academy. As they walked, they took a balcony hallway that passed over the gardens, where some fillies were gathered.

“Hey, it’s Tempest!” a filly called

“Hey Tempest, I love my mane!” one filly, whose mane Tempest had changed, cried out. Tempest smiled half-heartedly at them.

“Are you feeling kind of weird about this? It’s not so bad here, you know.” Pharynx said, and Tempest turned to face him.

“Are you insane?! Listen Phar, you’re evil, you’re mean, you’re awful, bad news! Don’t you like that?! Snap out of it!” Tempest then slapped his cheek. He flinched, rubbing the sore spot.

“Th-Thanks Temp... I needed that. Don’t know what came over me.” Pharynx said with a soft sigh.

“Yeah, don’t mention it.” Tempest blushed. Pharynx looked away.

“I... uh... gotta go... need to fuel up…” he nodded to the girls, and Tempest nodded.

“Go ahead. Luna, Gallus, and I’ll handle the spell.”

Pharynx smiled and then headed to the girls. As he left, Sandbar and Yona walked out to the balcony hallway. Yona looked over at the girls.

“Do you think they actually paid for those?” Yona asked.

The yak patted her own braids self-consciously as she looked at the gaggle of fillies. The cluster of girls were now gathered around where Pharynx was, and he looked over at them, flashing his fangs in a non-threatening way.

“Oh hello, name’s Pharynx.” Pharynx said, leaning over the balcony with a grin. “Ya’ll going to the Blitzball game today?”

“Yeah.” the fillies chorused, giggling and blushing.

“Keep a lookout for number eight, he’ll be scoring the winning goal.” Pharynx winked, and the girls giggled again.

“Okay.” they all said, before Pharynx trotted back to his friends.

“Tempest did it to Celestia’s mane too, and Rising Dawn’s not happy about it.” Yona added to her previous statement, and Sandbar looked at her.

“What’s the harm in it?”

“It’s Isle magic.” Yona hissed “Sure, it starts with the manes, then they’ll be asking for physical features to change-it already happened with Ember. Then what? Then everyone will look good and… where will I be?”

“Yona…” Sandbar tried to say, but she stopped him.

“Look, I will see you at the game, after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?”

“Alright.” Sandbar said

“Bye Sandy-bear.” Yona kissed him on the cheek and then headed off.

“Bye.” Sandbar called after her, as the four villain creatures walked up.

“Hey Sandy-bear.” Gallus called to get the colt's attention, and Pharynx jabbed him in the ribs.

“Oh, hey guys.” Sandbar said, turning and blushing at the nickname.

“We just made some cookies, we were wondering if you wanted some.” Tempest said

“I don’t like this…” Pharynx thought, feeling something thump inside his chest. Luna and Tempest were standing in the front, and for some reason he really didn’t like seeing Tempest so close to Sandbar.

“Oh, well, we’ve got the game in a few, and I don’t eat before a big game. But thanks so much, maybe next time.”

Tempest and Luna looked to each other, unsure of what to do. Gallus suddenly grabbed the bag and walked forwards, Monarch balanced on his back.

“No, it’s okay, we understand. ‘Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains’.” Gallus said

“No, that’s not true.” Sandbar said quickly. The girls and Pharynx looked at each other, grinning.

“No, I’m sure every foal in Equus knows that.” Gallus sighed

“No, that’s not it, I really do trust you…”

“Oh, don’t worry, we get it. You’re cautious, it’s smart. Back on the Isle that would keep you alive. Oh well, more for us then.” Gallus opened the bag and pulled out the cookie, making as if he was about to take a bite.

“No, no.” Sandbar snatched it from Gallus and bit the cookie in half. “See, totally trust you.”

“Great job Gallus.” Tempest whispered as she and Luna stepped forwards. “So, how are they?”

“Oh, they’re great!” Sandbar said, chewing “They’re... chewy, and, and you know they... the chocolate... the chocolate chips are… sorry... uh, they’re... they’re warm, and soft…”

Sandbar was moving past the girls, who were confused. Gallus gave a soft yelp as Sandbar moved closer to him.

“...They’re sweet... Gallus, have you always had those little flecks of gold in your eyes?” he asked

“U-uh... m-my eyes?” Gallus asked softly

“Okay, plan B.” Tempest whispered

“We had a plan B?” Luna whispered back, and Pharynx shrugged in response.

“Improvise.” Tempest explained. Pharynx nodded, stepping forward and wrapping a hoof around Sandbar’s shoulders.

How you feeling Sandbar?” Pharynx asked

“I feel... like... like singing your name…” Sandbar said to Gallus, and took a breath.

“Nope!” Pharynx covered his mouth. “I cannot take any dumb pony songs.”

“Come on, let’s head to the game.” Gallus said

“Right... the game.” Sandbar said dazedly, and they headed off.


“This is a hoof-biter folks.” the announcer said “There’s 47 seconds left on the clock, Equus Prep’s Fighting Creatures, two. Everfree Academy’s Timberwolves, two. What a game between these fierce rivals.”

“Get ‘em Blueblood.” Pharynx said as Blueblood raced onto the field.

“Thanks Pharynx!”

“The teams are getting into their huddles and taking up positions along the kill zone. The shooters have been laying down an extraordinary hail of fire.” the announcer continued

Coach Jet walked along the bench, then pointed with a wing to Pharynx. “You’re up.”

“And now a substitution…”

Pharynx stood, then noticed the look on Gallus' face. He reached and pulled him up. “Coach, can we put Gallus in?”

“Oh, no, not so sure about that…” Coach Jet said

“Coach, he’s been practicing.”


“And you said a team’s made of different parts.” Pharynx continued

“Ph-Pharynx I’m not that good…” Gallus said

“Well Gallus here, he’s kind of like my brain.” Pharynx said

Coach Jet sighed, then raised his voice, gesturing to a player on their team. “Come here!” as the pony began running to them, he turned and smiled at Gallus. “You heard him, get out there!”

“Don’t worry Gallus, I’ve got your back.” Pharynx said as they headed out.

“Wh-what about my front?” Gallus asked

“Looks like Equus is bringing the changeling Pharynx in from the Hidden Isle, as well as the griffon, Gallus, who looks like he can barely wear that helmet.” the announcer said

“Hey, you’re gonna do great.” Sandbar smiled at Gallus, who gave him a shy smile back.

“Break!” they all called, and the game continued.

“They’ve broken from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here.”

Pharynx took off running, catching the Blitzball as it was passed to him. He then hurled it at Sandbar, who caught it and kept running. Gallus crouched down and tripped up one of the players on the opposing team. He whooped and raised a claw, then continued running. The ball was tossed back to Pharynx.

“And there’s the tipoff, here we go. Long pass to Pharynx, who dashes off to Prince Sandbar. A nice block by Gallus there, and the ball goes back to Pharynx.” the announcer called

Pharynx ran through the kill zone, dodging the weighted sacks by leaping and spinning in the air. He kept the ball in his magic as he did.

“Here comes Pharynx with a fantastic dodging maneuver at mid-field.”

“I’m open!” Sandbar yelled, and Pharynx tossed the ball his way.

“Pharynx makes a smooth pass to Prince Sandbar through the kill zone.”

“Pharynx!” Sandbar yelled

“A big block by Prince Blueblood! Prince Sandbar moves over wide, gives the ball back to Pharynx, he’s in the clear!”

Pharynx tossed the ball, but the Timberwolves’ Pegasus goalie leapt into the air and kicked it out of the way. It was then sent hurtling back to the players.

“Oh, and it’s saved by Falcon, the Timberwolves’ goalie!”

“Come on! Alright, let’s do this!” Sandbar yelled, tugging Gallus along with him, blushing.

“Come on guys, hustle, hustle!” Coach Jet called

“23 seconds left, you could cut the tension with a sword!”

Pharynx ran, caught the ball, and jumped into the air, flying low over the field. He swerved suddenly, causing two members of the opposing team that had been heading for him to knock into each other.

“And a great move by Pharynx! Big block from Prince Blueblood again, Pharynx passes to Prince Sandbar, then Gallus with a block-oh, he’s down!”

Pharynx raced through the kill zone and with one hoof yanked Gallus onto his paws again.

“Pharynx through the kill zone, picks up Gallus, he’s being hammered by those shooters. Still going, Pharynx dodges at mid-field, he’s in the clear as the ball goes back to him!”

“Whoo! Go Pharynx!” Tempest and Luna were screaming for their friends, along with the rest of the school. Monarch was between them, being watched by the two at Gallus’ request.

“Hey Pharynx!” Gallus yelled as he ran ahead, and Pharynx looked at him. Gallus dropped onto his side and opened his wing. “Go up! Go up!”

“Sandbar!” Pharynx yelled, getting the colt’s attention.

Pharynx raced up Gallus’ wing, missing the grunt of pain from the griffon. He tossed the ball to Sandbar, who grabbed it out of the air and tossed it through the goal.

“Pharynx passes to Prince Sandbar, he scores! Prince Sandbar has won it! And what an unselfish move by Pharynx! What a team, incredible!”

Gallus sat up, wincing and moving his wing. Tambourine ran up and pulled the griffon to his paws.

“Come on Gallus, let’s get you to the bleachers.” he helped the griffon limp off the field.

“And it’s the new guys, Pharynx and Gallus, that set up the Prince for the win!”

“I... I did that?” Gallus gasped as he sat down.

“Yes, yes you did!” Coach Jet clapped him on the shoulder. “Good job Gallus, how’s that wing?”

“Hurts, but I’m okay. Pharynx is heavier than he thinks.” Gallus said, smiling halfheartedly.

“Why don’t you get up to the bleachers with your other friends while we end the game.” Coach Jet said, and Gallus nodded.

As he walked up the bleachers, Gallus heard them all cheering for him. He sat down by Tempest and Luna, who were smiling. Gallus smiled back as he lifted Monarch into his claws.

“You did great Gallus.” Luna said, and Tempest nodded.

“Great job kid.”

“Excuse me! Excuse me!” Sandbar rushed to the mike. “Can you give me a ‘G’!”

“G!” the cheerleaders yelled, leading them.

“Gimme an A!”


“Gimme an L-L!”


“Give me a U-S!”


“What’s that spell?!” Sandbar asked, and they shouted it.


Author's Note:

If you've seen Descendants I'm sure you can tell what Sandbar is going to do next...do I regret the corniness I have written in the next chapter? No, not at all.