• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 744 Views, 59 Comments

Descendants of the Isle - Melody Song

Four villain children. One prince determined to turn them good. One royal school. And a whole lot of drama.

  • ...

The First Attempt

Tempest and Luna entered their room, looking around. It was decorated with pink lace hangings and curtains, along with pink canopy beds.

“Wow, this place is so amaz-”

“Gross.” Tempest cut Luna off, walking to one of the beds and tossing her bags onto it, flipping down her hood.

“I know, right, amazingly gross.” Luna said

“Ech, I’m gonna need sunscreen. Lu!” Tempest pointed a hoof at the windows. Luna’s horn glowed and the curtains snapped closed. “Thanks. Much better.”

Later, once it was night, the two girls stole into the boy’s room.

It was a colt’s heaven, with video game consoles, a 3D printer, and beds with blue sheets. Gallus was playing a virtual game, his avatar mimicking everything he did. He hovered with his wings to get a better score. Pharynx was standing by his bed, removing things from his leather jacket and bags.

“Phar, what are you doing?” Tempest asked

“It’s called stealing, Temp.”

“And the point of it?”

“It’s like buying whatever I want, except it’s free.” Pharynx replied, using his magic to clamp a gold bracelet on Tempest’s hoof as she lifted a computer in her magic, examining it.

“Okay, so you could do that, or you could leave it here and pick it up when we’ve taken over the world.” Tempest said, removing the bracelet and setting it and the computer down.

“You sound like your dad.” Luna remarked, watching Gallus play his game.

“Thank you.” Tempest said proudly.

“You can get stuff your way, I’ll get it mine.” Pharynx replied to Tempest's earlier comment, slipping the bracelet back onto Tempest’s hoof when she wasn’t looking.

“Die suckers! Ha ha! Pharynx, come check this out!” Gallus cried, and Pharynx flew over to grab the virtual reality set and try the game.

“Guys, do I have to remind you what we’re here for?” Tempest asked, taking off the bracelet yet again and tossing it angrily onto the bed.

“Rising Dawn, blah blah blah, magic crown, blah blah blah.” Gallus replied, making Pharynx and Luna laugh.

“This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!” Tempest corrected, voice rising. They all turned to face her, expressions somber. “To prove we are evil, vicious, ruthless, and cruel. Yeah?”

“Yeah.” the others agreed

“Thanks Temp. I needed that reminder.” Pharynx sighed

“Lu, the crystal.” Tempest said instead of replying, though her cheeks were slightly pink.

“Right…” Luna pulled it out from under her wing. She levitated it in front of her as they crowded around the table to see. “Crystal, where is the golden crown of Rising Dawn?”

They saw a zoomed in image of a gold crown with a purple gem in the center.

“Crystal, not so close.” the crystal then showed all of Equus. “Closer...closer…closer…”

“Can I go back to the game? I’m on level three.” Gallus said, turning to leave.

“There!” Tempest cried, stopping him. She leaned over and pointed a hoof at it. “It’s at... the Museum of Equus History. Do we know where it is?”

Gallus ran to Pharynx’s bed, snatched up the computer he'd stolen, opened it, and after typing rapidly, turned it to face them. “Two point three miles from here.”

They all ran for the door, Pharynx stopping to grab his jacket. “Come on Gallus!” he called

“Coming!” Gallus flew after them.


“Okay, check the crystal.” Tempest said when they arrived.

“Why? Is my makeup smudged?” Luna asked, lifting it up and checking her reflection.

“Yeah.” Tempest said, peeking in a window. “And hey, while you’re at it, why don’t you see if you can find the crown.” she said sarcastically

“Oh...right.” Luna blushed in embarrassment and spoke to the crystal. “Crystal, where in the museum is the crown?” the crystal showed her something and she nodded. “Got it, this way.” they trotted off.

The four made it to a side entrance with large glass doors. A guard was seated inside, with a computer monitoring system set in front of him.

“What’s with the security cameras? Why not have actual guards?” Tempest murmured. “Seems lazy to me.”

“You only say that because your dad raised you to be a general.” Gallus said

“I prefer commander.” Tempest told him, meanwhile Pharynx had pulled out a phone from his jacket and was typing on it.

“According to this website, the security videos were an idea by Dragon Lord Torch.”

“Dragon? Like Smolder?” Gallus asked


“I thought she and her family were the only dragons. Why aren’t the others on the Hidden Isle?”

“Something to do with her parents attempting to overthrow Torch, I think. Anyway, he suggested they install security in places like this museum in order to cut back on the number of guards needed to be employed. Apparently some aren’t great at their jobs.” Pharynx explained

“Okay, so...Pharynx, transform into Rising Dawn and say you need to inspect the crown or something.” Tempest said

“Er... Temp... I can’t.” Pharynx said

“Why not?” Luna asked

“Since the Hidden Isle’s barrier blocks powerful magic, mom never was able to teach Thorax, Ocellus, and me how to shapeshift. I don’t know how to.” Pharynx admitted

“It-It’s okay. We’ll just have to... find another way in.” Tempest said, looking around.

“Hey, Luna, is that your mother’s armor?” Gallus asked, glancing in the window to see the display the guard was next to.

“Yes... it’s so beautiful…” Luna said “But I wonder how it would look with a skirt, some decorative shapes on the shoes... ooh, and some kind of cover for the horn!”

“...Eh, looks kind of dorky to me.” Gallus said, and Luna glared at him.

“You know... I bet it’s still got some magic in it from when Nyxmare wore it.” Tempest said, then pulled the spellbook from her cloak.

“Temp... are you sure about this? Your horn…” Luna said

“I know. But since the Isle only was able to let us perform basic spells anyway, for all we know it being broken won’t affect anything.” Tempest said, lifting the book and flipping through it. “Aha!”

Tempest mumbled to herself for a minute, rewriting the spell in her head. Once satisfied with her adjustments, she crept forwards and charged up her horn.

“Magic armor, don’t hesitate. My victim’s hoof now punctuate.” she whispered

The guard suddenly looked up and stood, walking to the armor. He reached and touched his hoof to the tip of one of the pointed shoes.

“Pfft.” Gallus snorted

“Impressive.” Pharynx said

“I got chills.” Gallus added

Tempest growled low in her throat. “Stupid horn.” she looked back down at the book and then up at the armor. “Prick his hoof, prick it deep. Send this pony off to sleep.”

The pony pressed his hoof against the shoe’s pointed top again, then moaned and fell. He knocked the armor off its podium and both he and the armor clattered to the floor.

“Yes!” Tempest exclaimed

“Not so dorky now, huh?” Luna asked Gallus

“Good job Temp. Now, let’s go grab us a crow-” Pharynx grabbed the handles in his magic and tried to open the door. “It’s locked.”

“Great.” Gallus sighed

“Don’t worry, I got this. Stand back.” Pharynx backed up.

“Temp, can I try a spell?” Luna asked as Pharynx took off and flew backwards.

“Knock yourself out.” Tempest tossed the book to the alicorn as she watched Pharynx charge at the door headfirst from the air.

“Ooh, this one looks interesting.” Luna said, reading off the page as her horn lit up. “Break in easy, break in quick, open doors without a kick.”

The doors swung open due to her spell. Right as Pharynx charged in. There was a loud crash as he collided with the podium and fell to the ground. Gallus and Tempest began laughing, as Luna looked up from the spellbook.

“What?” she asked, then looked in. “Oh. Whoops.”

“Coming?” Tempest asked, trotting through the open doors.

“You good?” Gallus asked, extending a claw to Pharynx.

“I’m fine.” Pharynx said, standing up and shaking himself.

“Sorry, just trying to help.”

“Gallus, quiet!” Luna whispered, and the boys hastened to follow her and Tempest. “We’re so close... Hall of Villains, this has got to be it!”

They raced up the stairs and found themselves staring at... their parents.

“Mommy?” Luna asked, looking up at the tall figure of Nyxmare Moon, standing in a replica of her armor, growling at an imaginary enemy.

“Killer…” Pharynx breathed as he gazed at a sculpture of Queen Chrysalis snarling and lunging forward, fangs bared, an army of smaller changelings behind her.

“I will never forget grandparent’s day again…” Gallus gasped as he looked at the vicious grin on Gruff’s face, he was running, wings open as if about to jump into flight, clutching a cat by its tail in one talon, his other holding gold necklaces and a crown on his head.

“Well, the crown’s not here. Let’s check downstairs.” Pharynx said

Tempest stood, frozen, as her friends left the room. She was transfixed by the lifelike statue of her father. He was standing, glaring at her, a replica of the Staff of Sacanas held in his grip. She took a step forward, opened her mouth, and began to sing.

“Look at you, then look at me
I don’t know who to be
Is it wrong? Is it right?
Tell me to be a thief in the night
Tell me what to do...”

Tempest sang softly, then Luna poked her head back in.

“Temp, come on.” she said, before walking away again.

Tempest sighed and turned to leave, when a maniacal laughter filled the room. She whipped back around to see the sculpture had become real. Cosmos stepped down the platform he was standing on, laughing.

“Oh, don’t be so serious, hurricane.” he said, then began singing to her.

“I was once like you, my dear, slightly insecure
Argued with my father too, thought it was mature
But I put my brain aside, started to use my brawn
If you want to hear his words, just listen to the song~”

He slammed the staff down, startling her.

“Don’t you wanna be evil like me?
Don’t you wanna be mean?
Don’t you wanna make mischief a daily routine?
Some spend their lives attending to the poor
But when you’re evil, doing less is doing more!
You should be cruel, crazy, and mad!
Like me, you should be very good at being a blast!”

Cosmos moved closer to Tempest, who took a step back.

“I have spent my life doing the worst I can!
Crept my way to victory, built my master plan!
Now the time has come for you, my girl, to take your place
For you to stand by my side as an absolute disgrace!

Don’t you wanna be a twister, like me, don’t you wanna be cruel?
Don’t you wanna be nasty, blizzardous, and cool?
Well when you grab that crown it’s when your reign begins
Who wants a cruel commander without a barrel of sin?
Don’t you wanna be heartless and hardened as a storm?
Don’t you wanna be deliciously evil to the bone?”

He stalked around Tempest, whose eyes narrowed as she grinned. She liked what he was laying down.

“This isn’t for us to question, it was preordained
You and I will rule together, my powers soon regained!
Master of downpours, stormy and strong!
Daughter, won’t you hear me, help me, join me
Won’t you sing along?!”

Tempest smirked and sang along.

“We’re gonna be hurricanes and never think twice!”

Cosmos held out his staff and she took it in her magic, pulling it closer to her.

“And we’re gonna be a whirlwind!” Tempest sang alone as her father tugged the staff back

“Yes, a whirlwind, that’s nice.
In just an hour your future’s safe and sure!
This father-daughter act is going on tour!
If you wanna be evil, awful, and free
Then thank Nyxmare’s stars you were born the filly you are,
The daughter of a monsoonus King! Like me!!”

He finished, then slammed down his staff once more. Tempest stared, blinking, as her father became a statue once more.

“Temp!” Luna ran back into the room. “What are you doing?”

“Uh…” before Tempest could explain, Luna interrupted.

“Nevermind, we found the crown.” Luna said

“Why didn’t you say so?” Tempest ran after her, and they met up with the boys.

“Here it is.” Luna said as they arrived.

The crown was suspended in midair, with a transparent field around it. Pharynx flew forwards, transfixed.

“Pharynx, no!” Tempest yelled

Pharynx grazed the field and a siren started. He fell backwards into Tempest.

“A forcefield and a siren?” Gallus asked

“That’s a bit excessive…” Pharynx groaned, as Tempest used her magic to set him upright.

“We’ve got to go!” Tempest whispered

“Hurry!” Luna cried

They reached the entrance with the armor, where the guard was still sleeping. Gallus skidded to a halt and dodged behind the computers.

“Gallus, come on!” Tempest urged

“One sec.” he whispered, then with a few quick taps, stopped the alarm and grabbed the ringing phone. “Hello? Oh, one second... one second... ah, it was a false alarm. Yeah, just a malfunction in the... uh... the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay, say hi to the missus for me.”

Gallus put the phone down, typed in something else, then ran to them.

“Okay, I blacked out the footage for the past hour. We won’t be seen.”

“...Wow…” Luna said

“You’re welcome.” Gallus said as they ran. “But great job Pharynx, now we have to go to school tomorrow!”

Author's Note:

And so, their first heist attempt was...unsuccessful. Now they must prepare for a school day. Wonder how that's gonna go...

~Melody Song