• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 747 Views, 59 Comments

Descendants of the Isle - Melody Song

Four villain children. One prince determined to turn them good. One royal school. And a whole lot of drama.

  • ...

Family Day

They stood in the boy’s dorm. They had a paper in front of them, with a design of the castle on it. Tempest was pointing to different parts.

“Alright, so Gallus will be up on the dais with Sandbar, we’ll be coming in from here. Gallus will be at the very front, and the rest of us will be on the balcony. Pharynx, you know what to do?”

“Find the carriage we arrived in and get it working, so we can break the barrier and get back on the Isle with the crown.”

“Perfect. Lu?”

“I... I cast a sleep spell on the driver so Pharynx can hijack it.”

“Yep.” Tempest replied “And Gallus, you’ll be-Gallus, what are you doing?”

Gallus had his back to them. He was looking down at something. Tempest’s horn glowed and she snatched what it was from his claws. Her spellbook, and it was open to a specific page.

“Gallus, you want to break Sandbar’s love spell?” Tempest asked, and Gallus sighed

“I just... it's, you know, for after. Once the villains invade Equus, and steal, and commit crimes, and imprison the leaders, and destroy everything good and beautiful… I just think Sand still being in love with me would be a little extra mean.”

“...Alright.” Tempest sighed, consenting. “For after only.”

“I promise.” Gallus took the book. “Can I go make it now? So it’ll be ready?”

“...Sure.” Tempest consented, and Gallus scooped up Monarch, heading out.

“Why did you agree?” Luna asked as Gallus left the room.

“I don’t know... I guess just because... he’s right.” Tempest sighed, rolling up the plan. “We are going to take everything good and beautiful from this place.”

“But it’s what you wanted, right?” Pharynx asked

“I thought I did…” Tempest reached up and rubbed her horn. “It doesn’t matter. Once we get that crown it’s over.”

“Yeah. You two had better head to bed, get some sleep.” Pharynx said

“Yeah...see you tomorrow for Family day.” Tempest said, and the two fillies left.


Gallus prepared the ingredients all by himself. He did a good job on his own, and was proud of himself for a minute. Then he remembered why he was doing this, and his heart sank. Gallus was stirring the chocolate batter, and then began to sing softly.

“A thousand thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart listen?
I know, it’s time
For me to say goodbye
So why is it so hard to let go?”

A single tear rolled down his cheek into the batter. He gulped back a sob and kept stirring, stopping momentarily to pet Monarch gently.

Meanwhile, Pharynx lay on his side in his bed, reaching to graze the MVP jersey with his hoof, frowning sadly.

In the girls’ dorm room, Luna lay on her back, levitating her B+ chemistry test above her, looking forlornly at the grade she was so proud of.

Tempest lay in her bed on her stomach looking at the drawings of the crown, which she'd propped up on her pillow. Then, she used her magic to slip another drawing from its hiding place. She brushed the crown drawings away and laid on her side, gazing at her drawing of Pharynx, taking in every last detail, from his hole-covered hooves to his short red tail and jagged back carapace. Tempest felt a tear drip down and saw it land on the paper.

“Are we really making the right decision?” she thought, then hugged the drawing, falling asleep.

The next day, the four kids watched as Sandbar and the other royals sang a song to welcome their families. Then, they joined the party. Pharynx and Luna headed to the chocolate fountain, dipping some of the fruit into it with their magic and eating them. Gallus stayed by Tempest, talking as they took turns petting Monarch.

Sandbar stood between his parents, his mother cradled his baby sister in her foreleg as they posed for a picture.

“Ready?” the photographer asked

“Oh, mom, dad, by the way, I have a new... well, a new boyfriend.”

“Oh, sweetie, that’s wonderful.” Shell Scallop said, smiling at him. “You know, I always thought Yona was a bit self-absorbed. I’m all for strengthening ties with other kingdoms but…” she trailed off with a slight shrug.

“So, do we know your boyfriend?” Sea Kelp asked

“On the count of three. One...two…” the photographer warned them

“Sort of… Gallus!” Sandbar called, and Gallus looked up. He passed Monarch to Tempest and walked over. Sea Kelp and Shell Scallop’s jaws dropped

“Three!” the photographer said, and the camera clicked, Sandbar the only one left smiling, save for his baby sister.

“Gallus, I want to introduce you to my parents.” Sandbar said, trotting down the dais to greet him.

“Sand…” Gallus tried to say, but Sandbar pulled him along.

“Mom, dad, this is Gallus, from the Hidden Isle.” Sandbar smiled at Gallus. “My boyfriend.”

“Hi…” Gallus said shyly

“Hello…” Shell Scallop said softly.

“I was thinking maybe he could join us for lunch.” Sandbar said

“Sandbar, I don’t want to intrude-” Gallus said, looking at him

“Oh, it’s no trouble... any friend of Sandbar’s…” Sea Kelp said

“It’s okay… I actually came with my friends…”

“Well, we can invite them too, the more the merrier, after all.” Shell Scallop said brightly, glancing at Sea Kelp with a look that told him not to ruin things for Sandbar.

“Okay... I guess I’ll go grab them.” Gallus said, turning to leave.

“Sandbar, how about some croquet before lunch?” Sea Kelp suggested

“Okay dad.” Sandbar smiled “Game on.”

“Game on.” Sea Kelp agreed, and they looked to Gallus.

“Um... okay then.” Gallus said, before he and Sandbar walked off.

“Have you played croquet before?” Sandbar asked him.

“No... what’s croquet?”

“I’ll show you.” Sandbar smiled, as they approached his friends.


They all gathered out on the lawn, where the necessary equipment for a game of croquet had been placed. Sandbar showed Gallus how to stand while Luna and Tempest sat nearby, playing with Monarch. Pharynx stood by Tempest, talking with her on occasion.

“There, see? You’re a natural.” Sandbar smiled at Gallus, who smiled back. “Wait here, I’ve just got to speak with my dad. I’ll be right back.” he nuzzled Gallus before heading off.

Gallus saw a large male yak wandering by, and the yak looked over.

“Hello there.”

“Hi.” Gallus said, nervous.

“Have we met?”

“No, I-I don’t think so sir. I’m sort of a... transfer student.”

“Oh.” the yak said simply, as Yona walked up.


“Oh, Yona, there you are! I’ve been looking for you.” he said, giving her a hug, and Yona glared over at Gallus, who gulped.

“Dad, I don’t think you want to be talking to this boy. Not unless you want to have your treasures stolen again.”

“What?” he looked at Gallus again, who gave him a nervous smile. “You... how are you here? And how did you get so young?”

Gallus blinked, stepping back as the yak bore down on him. Sandbar rushed up, putting a hoof on Gallus’ shoulder.

“Prince Rutherford, it’s okay. Gruff is still on the Hidden Isle. This is his grandson, Gallus. Don’t you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?”

“A chance to what, Sandbar?” the yak, Prince Rutherford, asked. “Destroy us? You remember, don’t you?” he raised his voice, attracting the attention of the other leaders. “The love stealing. The storms. The night lasting forever.”

Prince Rutherford bore down on Gallus, who whimpered slightly. He glanced behind him to see his friends coming up to them. Gallus took Monarch from Luna, who offered him out.

“And the stealing…” Prince Rutherford growled “My crown was stolen because of your grandfather. You mustn’t trust him!”

“I... your majesty, I’m so, so-” Gallus stepped forwards, but Blueblood blocked his path.

“Get away from him!” he said

“Blueblood!” Sandbar exclaimed

“What? They were raised by their parents, Sandbar. What do you think villains teach their kids? Kindness? Friendship? Fair play? No!” Blueblood approached Gallus and prodded him in the chest with his hoof. “You stole an innocent girl’s boyfriend.”

“Hey, calm down!” Sandbar said, pulling Gallus close to him with a hoof. Blueblood ignored him.

“You enjoy hurting creatures.” Blueblood jabbed a hoof at Pharynx, then looked at Tempest. “You cast spells on other students. And you...” Blueblood turned to Luna, grinning wickedly. “You’re nothing but a gold digger, and a cheater.”

“Wh-what? I didn’t ever-ugh!” Luna reached into her purse and held up the moon crystal in her magic. “Moon crystal in my grasp, who’s the biggest jerk in Equus?” she turned it to face Blueblood as it showed a reflection of him.


“Just back off Blueblood, okay?” Pharynx asked, stepping in front of Tempest, who had been silent and grown sullen when Blueblood had spoken to her.

Blueblood growled and lunged forward at Pharynx. Luna then ignited her horn and her magic wove around Blueblood. He fell to the ground in a faint. Yona gasped, as Ember and Snowdrop ran up to him.

“Blueblood? Blue? Luna did something to Blue!” Yona exclaimed, and suddenly everyone was looking at the four villain creatures.

“Blueblood, wake up.” Ember said, hitting his muzzle to wake him.

“Come on Gallus.” Luna said, grabbing his claw in her magic and pulling him away as Blueblood stirred.

“Guys!” Sandbar called

Tempest shook herself and grabbed Pharynx’s hoof. “Come on Phar.”

“Blueblood, wake up.” Ember urged, and he woke with a start

“Come on Blueblood…” Snowdrop helped Ember get him on his hooves. Sandbar ran to his parents.

“I feared something like this would happen.” Sea Kelp said

“This isn’t their fault!” Sandbar protested

“No son, it’s yours.” Sea Kelp said, turning and walking away, Shell Scallop behind him, still holding Coral.

“What happened?” Yona asked Blueblood

“It’s like I fell asleep…”

“Of course, daughter of Nyxmare, the Bringer of Nightmares.” Yona muttered

Author's Note:

Hey look, I remembered to publish it on the right day! Yay! Hope you enjoyed

~Melody Song