• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 178 Views, 2 Comments

Nailah's Books of Speedwrites. - Nailah

These stories are all speedwrites I have done that I haven't published as their own story, an anthalogy.

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Walk the Line

A Rocky Relationship


“Dear Twilight, why ever did I agree to let you do this?” asked Rarity, her whole body shaking, biting onto her forehoof. Trying to do her best not to look down. Don’t do it. Don’t look down. She looked down. to the valley below her, she couldn’t even tell how far up they were. She visibly trembled, and let out a shriek as she attempted to cling to the wall of the mountain.
“Rarity, relax. You’re taking this way too seriously. Rock climbing is actually a lot of fun! And very educational. To think ponies were able to carve this place into an area for us to treasure, long after they had passed on to the next life,” explained Twilight with a cheerful glee, she did lower herself down closer to Rarity, to ensure she was okay, before continuing to scale the mountain.
“I’m afraid I’m about to pass on into the next life if you don’t get me off this mountain!” shrieked Rarity as she clung to Twilight’s body, and stared down at the empty valley very very, oh so very far beneath them.
“Rarity… It’s okay to be nervous, but you can’t be afraid. This is why they gave us these harnesses. They cling to our fur, and allow us to scale the surface without fear. You won’t fall, and even if you did, I’d catch you. So come on, please… can we finish what we started?” pouted Twilight, as she gave Rarity her most adorable pout face, putting on the puppy dog eyes.
Rarity looked into Twilight’s eyes as she spoke. She felt sweat pouring down her cheeks, as she took a gulp of a breath. She couldn’t, no she would never say no to Twilight.
“Okay, Twilight. You win this time. I’ll keep going.” said Rarity, as she tried to look up the mountain, and saw more and more rocks built into this structure. They could at least have made a walkway for them. Why must everything be so difficult? Though, she did realize one thing, as Twilight climbed ahead of her, the view was worth the struggle.
Rarity worked her hooves up the mountain, doing her best not to look down, and focused her eyes on the majestic beauty in front of her. Twilight scaled the wall with such a precision. Such grace, such strength, and sheer will. And the entire time, the mare was giggling like this was all just some game they were playing when one little mistake, and they could very well fall to their deaths!
“Come on, Rarity. We’re almost to the top,” shouted Twilight as she looked down to see Rarity struggling to keep up, and hear how heavy her breathing was. She gently slid herself back down, and took Rarity’s hoof into her own. “Want to climb it together? Walk the line of this rope with me?” asked Twilight.
“Of course darling. Anything for you.” Even if I don’t survive, at least she’s having fun.
Rarity trembled as Twilight helped lift her to the top of the mountain. The view ahead of them was truly a sight for sore eyes. Rarity found herself tackling Twilight into a snuggle, and kissing her right on the lips without even thinking about what she had just done.
“Um...Rarity? Are you okay?” asked Twilight as she had just felt Rarity’s lips against hers. She blushed like a school filly, as she savored the taste of Rarity’s lipstick.
“Okay? Am I okay? NO! I am not okay. You just made me scale a mountain darling, and I love you, but sometimes you can be a bit...much to handle.” Rarity pouted.
Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Rarity and hugged her tightly.
“Oh I’m so sorry, I just thought it would be adventurous to climb a rock wall.” smiled Twilight as she just held Rarity, as they would then have their harnesses removed.
“Darling, I love how daring you can be, but do you think next time we can do something less...heart pounding?” asked Rarity, as she fought to get the harness off. It was just a rock wall, not a real mountain, and yet every panting breath from her lips was proof enough it felt real.