• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 178 Views, 2 Comments

Nailah's Books of Speedwrites. - Nailah

These stories are all speedwrites I have done that I haven't published as their own story, an anthalogy.

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We didn't start the fire

It happened so suddenly, so quickly, she barely had time to blink. The flames engulfed the entire building of Sugarcube corner. Pinkie Pie made a mad dash upstairs to get the twins and hurried outside. Panting heavily as she handed them off to the closest pony she could, Big Mac was there doing some errands for the farm.

“Here, get them to safety.” she shouted as she ran back inside.

“Pinkie Pie what are you doing?” asked Big Mac, tugging at her tail to keep her from going back into the fire.

“Gummy’s still in there! I can’t leave him behind. I’d never forgive myself.” whined Pinkie Pie as she tugged herself forward, as Big Mac pulled back, the tug of war lasting a few seconds before Pinkie Pie managed to get herself free, and dash back into Sugarcube corner.

Big Mac sighed heavily, as he charged in after her. Crazy, this was crazy. They could both die from this, but he wasn’t going to just leave her on her own. It wasn’t his nature.

Pinkie Pie found Gummy with a mixing spoon in his mouth. She grabbed him, and put him on her head, as she turned to head back outside, as she coughed, and began gagging. The fumes of the fire were getting intense even for her. She wasn’t sure she’d make it back out. She used the last of her strength to push herself forward, and towards the exit of Sugarcube corner.

Big Mac found her there collapsed on the floor as the smoke had made her unsteady and she found herself on the ground. Big Mac without hesitation picked up Pinkie Pie, throwing her onto his strong back, and dashing outside as fast as he could. Already outside, the residents of Ponyville had called for the fire ponies to put out the remaining flames.

Pinkie Pie opened her eyelids, coughing and struggling to form a sentence.

“Gummy...is he okay?” she asked as she reached up, and Gummy bit onto her hoof to let her know he was okay.

Pinkie sighed heavily, as she felt dazed, and confused. “I know I didn’t start a fire. We didn’t start a fire, Gummy. What happened?” Pinkie asked her alligator.

Gummy’s eyes got big as he tilted his head downwards so his eyes were looking straight into hers, almost like he was speaking to her in some foriegn language.

Big Mac carefully put Pinkie Pie down back onto the ground far away from the now burnt remains of what used to be her home. He looked to Pinkie Pie, as she held onto her alligator, clinging to him tightly.

“Oh Gummy, what are we going to do?” asked Pinkie Pie.

Big Mac put a strong hoof onto her shoulder. “Pinkie Pie, I know this must be hard on ya, but ya’ll can stay with us at the farm for now.” offered Big Mac. After all they were sorta family? He could never quite figure it out. But it was the right thing to do, he couldn’t just let her wander the streets or go live with some random ponies she might notknow be as comfortable with.

“Oh, Big Mac you are the sweetest stallion I ever knew!” she sobbed into his yolk he wore around.

Big Mac stood there silently, as he gently reached a forehoof out, and pulled Pinkie Pie close. The twins were by his hooves. And every pony was safe. It was a good thing the cakes weren’t home. The worst part of the whole thing was now Sugarcube corner was reduced to a pile of ashes and cinders. Big Mac couldn’t imagine what would happen to him and his sisters if the barn burnt down.

“We didn’t start a fire. We swear. Right Gummy?” asked Pinkie Pie as she sobbed, and clung onto Big Mac. She just kept repeating it over and over.

“No, you didn’t start this, I know it Pinkie. You’d never do something so...terrible. But for now let’s get ya somewhere safe and…” he paused, he was going to say warm and realized that wasn’t the right word choice. This is why he preferred to keep things simple or not say anything at all. Right now, Pinkie Pie needed him to be her source of strength, until she calmed down.

Big Mac went over and grabbed his wagon, seating the twins in it, and then putting Pinkie Pie into it as well.

“Big Mac…” began Pinkie Pie. “Do you think we can rebuild it?”

“Yep.” he lied. There wasn’t anyway to salvage what was there. They’d have to make a new Sugarcube corner, but right now Pinkie Pie needed to hear some good news. “Oh and Applejack made some pies today.”

“Oh I do love me some pie. So warm and fluffy and full of flavor.” Pinkie Pie stated, licking her lips, as for the brief moment she forgot about what had just occurred.

Big Mac trotted them to Apple Acres, Applejack was outside with Apple Bloom, the two of them were smashing blueberries together.

Applejack saw the expression on Big Mac’s face as he pulled the wagon to a stop, and immediately she told Apple Bloom to get the twins inside after cleaning herself up. Once that was done, she went over to Pinkie Pie, who immediately clung to her like glue.

“Oh AJ it’s terrible, horrible. The worst thing ever!” she flailed as she tried to explain about the fire, Sugarcube corner, and how Big Mac was there to save her when she couldn’t get out.

“Woah, slow down Sugarcube. I reckon ya have been through a lot, so just breathe okay?” Applejack said, as she held both her front forelegs around Pinkie Pie, as she just stiffened into her golden orange coat, sniffening.

“Big Mac, can you tell me anything about this?” asked Applejack.

“Nope.” replied Big Mac. He didn’t know who started the fire, or how it had happened. All he knew was Pinkie Pie didn’t start the fire. She’d never do such a thing. Pinkie Pie had done all she could to keep her loved ones safe, risking her own life to ensure even Gummy got out safely.

“She needs us.” spoke Big Mac.

“I know she does, and we’ll be here for her. We’re family, isn’t that right?” she smiled gently, as she rubbed up and down Pinkie’s mane, to try to soothe her.

“Family. Yeah...we’re family. And I can stay here until Sugarcube corner is rebuilt. Oh AJ it was awful. Just horrible. I can’t even think of anything good to say!”

“I can.” Big Mac spoke up, as he nuzzled Pinkie Pie. “You’re safe, they are all safe, thanks to you. You saved them Pinkie Pie.”

“I couldn’t have done it if you hadn’t been there to save me.” Pinkie Pie sobbed, holding onto him.

“It’s okay. Sometimes ya’ll need a little help. You were brave and strong as an oak.” spoke Applejack, as the two of them both embraced Pinkie Pie, and for the first time all day, she felt the first genuine smile forming on her lips.