• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 178 Views, 2 Comments

Nailah's Books of Speedwrites. - Nailah

These stories are all speedwrites I have done that I haven't published as their own story, an anthalogy.

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She’d never fly

She’d never fly. She’d accepted it, as much as she had hated it. The sky was beyond her reach. Scootaloo stared up at the clouds as they lazed throughout the skies. She sighed heavily, as she wiped her forehoof against the dirt in frustration, and the bitterness of something out of her control. Wings too small. I’ll never be as good as her. Never will I be Rainbow Dash.
But...it’s okay. I’m not Rainbow Dash, I could never hope to be her. She’s amazing, and I’m not. And like this is hard for me to admit, but sometimes I feel I’ve failed her. Like I haven’t lived up to her expectations. Do you understand why it’s so hard?” she asked no pony. The wind whipped by, and made her mane flow down over her eyes a bit. She breathed air upwards to get it back into place.
Scootaloo lifted herself off the ground. She couldn’t dwindle here any longer. She had to move on. She had to press forward. She had to find something within herself that was worthy of showing to her big sister. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had talents of their own. But the only thing she was good at was riding her scooter. She glanced at the purple scooter as it laid against the grass where she had placed it. She stood it up. She hopped onto her scooter and began riding away from Ponyville. Away from reminders of her failings. She had to find something. She didn’t even know what that something was. But it was out there waiting for her to find it.
She lost track of how long she had ridden, or how far she had come, but she panted heavily as she laid her scooter to the side, as she saw a lone cabin in the midst of the wooded forest. Not the Everfree forest, but another forest, which had no name. Scootaloo reached her forehoof up and rapped on the door three times, and stood back waiting for an answer.
Eventually, the door opened. There looking down at her, was a fellow pegasus pony, but Scootaloo couldn’t help but notice her wings were bandaged up to her sides. Why? Was she hurt? Who was she? This mare whom she didn’t know, had long curly crismon locks that reminded her of blood. The pony’s fur was a soft and sandy brown. Her cutie mark was of a pair of wings, the one wing looked almost like it was darker than the other. Why?
“It seems my vision was true. A pony would come to my door in need. What do they call you young one?” asked the strange mare, as she tilted her head to the side.
“Scootaloo, but you can just call me Scoots. And um...I actually didn’t come for help, I’m just tired and sore from traveling so much on my scooter, and I just need a place to lay my head.”
“Ah, and I suppose the trees that cover you as you trekked here weren’t good enough? Do you not like the earth and the things it has clearly provided?” asked the mare.
“Well. Yeah. But...like a bed would be nice.” replied Scootaloo, a bit frantic.
“Hmm...A bed. Very well, you may come in and sleep for the night. But if you don’t wish for my help, then at least heed my advice. Don’t travel at night. This place is known for strange creatures coming out at the darkest of hours to nap little fillies like you. Ones so young, and so naive, that they would snatch you up before you could even blink an eye.” explained the mare.
Scootaloo, took a moment to take a gulp of a breath. This mare, she wasn’t like anything or anyone she had ever heard of. And she wasn’t really sure she liked it. But well she was only going to be here a night right? It would be fine...She followed the mare to a spare room, where she saw a bed already made up, as the mare whispered to her a good night, before closing the door behind her. Scootaloo took the chance to just breathe. Before realizing, she left her scooter outside.
“Man I’m so stupid.” she said as she went back outside to get her scooter. It was dark, she could hear the eeriness of the forest, as the wind made the leaves make noises that made her jump two inches into the air, letting out a shrill shriek, before blushing and coughing into her hoof.