• Published 7th Sep 2020
  • 549 Views, 46 Comments

Applebloom Tries... - FIM Fiction

Inspired by Twilight Tries..., Applebloom and her friend make a vlog of their adventures!

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1, An Introduction!

Applebloom got the camera set up on a stump, motioning for her friends to get into place. She frowned as she heard a voice narrating her, even being able to see the words. She shrugged it off. Crazier things have happened in Ponyville.

"Howdy everypony! And welcome to mah... vlog, Ah guess?" Applebloom said. Her friends waved in the background. "Now y'all might be wondrin whah I..." Applebloom paused, displeased with how the voice displayed her accent. "Why I decided to make this vlog. Well, I saw Twilight had made one, and it was pretty popular. So me and my pals," Applebloom motioned for her friends to move closer. "So this'll be of us trying to get our cutie marks! And also doin stuff y'all put in the comments. Reactions and what not. It may be mah vlog, but y'all can also refer to mah friends for challenges or question or... stuff."

"Hello internet!" Sweetie Belle said, giving a wave.

"Do you know how to edit videos?" Scootaloo asked.

"Uhh..." The Narrator explained it would be taken care of. "I got it covered." Applebloom told her friends.

"Sweet!" Scootaloo said, her wings buzzing slightly. The three paused. 'Soo... What are we doing for the first vlog?"

"Ah guess we should tell some things about ourselves?" Applebloom suggested.

"You go first." Sweetie Belle suggested. "It's your vlog."

"Alrighty then." Applebloom sat down. She waved a hoof at the camera. "Howdy y'all. My name is Apple Bloom, two parts, not one. Ah live at Sweet Apple Acres with mah sister Applejack, mah brother Big Mac, and my Granny Smith. I'm good at buildin and fixin stuff." Applebloom took a step back. "Alright now."

Sweetie Belle trotted forward, her large green eyes staring eagerly at the camera. The narrator considered this cute and also slightly concerning and scary. "Hi! I'm Sweetie Belle! I'm good at singing! I live with-" Sweetie Belle paused, thinking. "I'm staying at my sister's place. Her name is Rarity."

Scootaloo practically shoved Sweetie Belle out of the way. She struck a pose. "Hey everypony! My name is Scootaloo. I do rad tricks on my scooter and have awesome parents who go out on dangerous, awesome adventures! I'm the President of Ponyville's Rainbow Dash fan club!"

The Narrator introduced itself as the narrator, though considered it slightly pointless to say as the only being who could hear The narrator was Applebloom.

"Ah guess that's everything." Applebloom said.

"I hope we get loads of things to do!" Sweetie Belle said. "Do you think we'll be popular?"

"Twilight's vlog is. I don't see why not." Scootaloo said.

"Even if it ain't too popular, I'm sure some folks will like it." Applebloom reassured her friends. Applebloom frowned as she stared at the camera screen. "That's weird. The battery has a sideways eight instead of a bar."

The Narrator let out a sound of interest as Sweetie Belle moved out of camera veiw. It seemed that while the camera's on, it was the only perspective The narrator had. The Narrator grimaced as realization of the fact that the cutie mark crusaders would do something reckless, giving The narrator a first person view. Sweetie Belle returned to view with an apple.

Applebloom looked at her friends, then back at the camera. "So... yeah. That's the introduction video. Or pilot. I dunno. See y'all in the next one!" Applebloom reached over to the side of the camera.

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle suddenly said. "Shouldn't we do something for this episode?"

"You're right!" Applebloom said. "Twilight did do an activity for her first vlog. Coffee!"

Scootaloo stuck out her tongue. "Bleh. I'm not drinking coffee again. That stuff is nasty!"

"Then what should we do?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle jumped in the air. "I got it! We could make coffee!"

"Why? It taste horrible!" Scootaloo complained.

"Adults like it." Sweetie Belle reasoned. "And Apple Bloom's siblings are here." In another universe Mac and Jack are Apple Bloom's parents, the Narrator pointed out. Applebloom showed no sign of being bothered by that comment.

"Sounds good!" Applebloom said. "Let's do it!"

"CUTIE MARK CAFENEERS!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"CAFE MARK CRUSADERS!" Scootaloo shouted.

"CUTIE MARK COFFEE MAKERS!" Applebloom shouted.

The three stared at each other for a moment. "Huh. Usually we get that together." Applebloom commented.

The trio walked with the camera still on, the view bouncing oddly as Applebloom held it. It took an amount of time before they reached the farm house, where Applejack and her brother were taking a break, by Granny Smith's orders.

"Hey y'all! Do ya like coffee?" Applebloom asked the group.

"Ain't mah favorite drink, but it keeps the mind awake." Applejack commented.

"Eyup." Big Mac added.

"What's that doohicky ya got there?" Granny leaned forward of of her seat- The Narrator grimaced as the founder of Ponyville grabbed the camera and- licked the screen.... Ahem. Granny Smith smacked her lips. "Taste real funny."

Applebloom's friends grimaced as she took back the camera and wiped the spit off with her bow. "We're makin a vlog, like Twilight! And we were thinkin of makin y'all some coffee."

"Really now?" Applejack asked.

"Yah. We were thinking of making some to drink ourselves, but Scootaloo said it's gross. Except for adults. And y'all adults!" Applebloom explained.

The three grown ups looked at each other, then at the CMC's large eyes. Freakishly so because of how massive they already are. Applejack let out a sigh. "Alright sugar cube."

Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle stood in the kitchen, a pile of coffee beans on the counter and a pot of water on the stove. A bag of sugar was almost spilling over on the ground. Applebloom quickly adjusted that. Scootaloo hopped onto a stool, her wings bumping into the can of cream. Applebloom quickly caught that. Sweetie Belle could be heard outside of the camera's view.

Applebloom set the camera on the opposite counter. Sweetie Belle hot set a pot of water to boil. Scootaloo mashed up the beans with a mallet, grinding it into almost a flour like substance. The three waited in silence, smiling eagerly as the water warmed.

The water began boiling. Scootaloo put in two cups of coffee beans, while Applebloom poured in half a cup of sugar. Sweetie Belle added a cup of cream.

Scootaloo stirred while the others sat on a couple of stools. "Not brown enough." Scootaloo said. Sweetie Belle poured in half a cup more into the pot. "A bit more cream." Applebloom added more cream. "Looks good!"

"Y'all can come in now!" Applebloom shouted, her face full of excitement. Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith entered with false smiles on their faces. Applebloom's smile grew slightly smaller at this piece of information.

The three adult ponies sat at the table as the Cutie Mark Crusaders poured the drinks into mugs. Applebloom set a mug down for Applejack, Sweetie Belle for Big Mac, and Scootaloo for Granny. The three adults stared at each other, before drinking.

"So? What do ya think? Ya like it?" Applebloom asked.

Applejack grimaced. "Ah guess I'm more of a juice gal." she said.

"Eyup!" Big Mac answered, looking slightly green in the face.

"Did y'all even follow the instruction?" Granny Smith deadpanned.

"Instructions?" Sweetie Belle and Applebloom asked.

"Nah." Scootaloo answered. "That's no fun."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Ah see ya been takin lessons from Rainbow Dash on more then just flyin, huh?"

"Yup! She's been giving me life tips." Scootaloo answered.

"Of course she is." Applejack deadpanned.


The three demon spawn of hell- Applebloom seemed to accidently drop the camera. "Oops." she said in an odd voice, not really sounding sorry. The narrator didn't really care as it was HER camera. Applebloom set the camera down on a stool in the clubhouse. "That was our first video! Keep in mind that while we're trying ta get our cutie marks, that don't- Um... Ya can have us do stuff that ain't cutie mark related. Hope y'all enjoyed. See y'all next time."

"Byyyeeeee!" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle waved their hooves eagerly as Applebloom reach to turn the camer