• Published 7th Sep 2020
  • 549 Views, 46 Comments

Applebloom Tries... - FIM Fiction

Inspired by Twilight Tries..., Applebloom and her friend make a vlog of their adventures!

  • ...

8, Cozy Glow


"Howdy everyon- Everypony!" The Narrator stared into the face of Cozy Glow, horror of the Nine Circles of hell.The Narrator wondered where- Applebloom popped out from behind Cozy Glow... who had on a pink baseball cap.

"Howdy y'all! It me, Applebloom, and guess who I met!" Applebloom said excitedly.

"Hi! My name is Cozy Glow! I thought my name was weird, but apparently it's normal in Equestria?" Cozy Glow shrugged, revealing clothed shoulders. "Oh, I should probably back away from the camera." Cozy Glow handed over the camera to Applebloom. She stumbled away a tad, showing herself to be wearing a yellow turtleneck and blue jeans. Nearby were some socks and shoes designed for a magical pony creature. "Hi pony internet!"

"Now y'all might be wondering why Cozy Glow is hear. Some of y'all claim to be time travelers or somethin?" came Applebloom's voice. "Considerin some things, it ain't all that unlikely. Anywho, here are the comments."



Search for clues around Ponyville about the mystery past of the evil Cozy Glow... From where did she appear? What she did during free time? Did anyone notice anything strange? Does she have a family in Ponyville? Where did she live?


Yeah about that sweetie Belle she will in your world but beware That kid is nothing but trouble I came for the future do not be fooled by her Innocent attitude

"Y'all seem tah think she's real bad, so I... figured out a way to bring her here. She's from Sunset's world. Ah think. Maybe she's from one similar?" Applebloom explained. She stared at Cozy Glow, who had a distant look on her face. "You alright?"

"Hm? Yeah. Just kinda sluggish from my medication." Cozy Glow explained. "Oh! I should probably explain to the viewers." Cozy Glow faced the camera. "I kinda have homicidal tendencies... Or basically I like killing. Don't worry! I only kill things like rats or squirrels and birds, not ponies or humans and stuff." Cozy Glow shivered. "And I see things if I don't take my meds. Like a tall dark man wanting me to k-" Cozy Glow quickly stopped herself before she rambled too much.

"Anywho..." Applebloom said. "Twilight said once how lots of events kinda matched up in both worlds. So I figure if our pony Cozy Glow is as evil as folks seem tah say, then maybe we can learn how to befriend her! So Ah am proud tah introduce our newest member, Cozy Glow!" Applebloom said.

"H-hi!" Cozy Glow waved at the camera. "I am really excited to get some dares, even if I am here more as a study. Oh! Could I get a cutie mark even though I'm not from here?"

"We'll find out!" Applebloom said cheerfully. She checked her tablet. "So, as we can't find out much about Cozy Glow as of yet, so lets ask you some questions. That alright?"

"Sure!" Cozy Glow answered.

"Okay." Applebloom looked at the screen. "So, where are ya from?"

"I'm from Peace. It's a town in Oregon, which is in the country America." Cozy Glow answered.

"What do ya do in yer free time?"

"Chess!" Cozy Glow said, stars forming in her eyes. Which meant she wasn't from Sunset's world. Applebloom took note of this but decided not to mention it. The stars faded. "I also like to collect... skulls..." Cozy Glow looked down, rubbing her arm and letting out an awkward chuckle. "Oh! And Among Us!"

"Among us?" Applebloom asked, looking around.

"It's an awesome computer game I got a few years ago. Lately though, it's goten WAYYY more popular. And it's so awesome! I'll have to show it to you if you ever come to my world." Cozy Glow said.

"Alright! Sound like fun!" Applebloom answered. "Out of courosity, what skulls have you collected?"

Cozy Glow's eyes widened as she began speaking. "I have collected several! I have squirll skulls, I got a bull's skull from my grandpa, I got a wolf skull when one attacked my while I was hiking, I tried to get a bear skull once but failed, I got two bobcat skulls, I have a horse skull and today I tried to get a rabbit skull!" At that Cozy Glow stopped and rubbed her rear. "I got beat up by that rabbit."

"Sounds like Angel." Applebloom answered. "Bit of advice, don't collect skulls from animals around here unless you're uh hundred percent sure it's all wild."

"Will do. Hopefully." Cozy Glow said.

"Who's your family?" Applebloom asked.

Cozy Glow stiffened at that. "Skip." She said. "Actually, you kinda look similar to a friend of mine named Abigail."

Applebloom scrunched her nose. "Abigail?"

"Yeah! She has a sister name Jack and a brother name Mack! I call them the Ack siblings." Cozy Glow said.

"Huh! Maybe that's your world's version of me!" Applebloom said excitedly.

"Yeah, maybe!"

"Well, I'm not sure what else to do for this video, so I guess we'll end it here." Applebloom said.

Cozy Glow leaped out of her chair as a spear broke through the window. "THE RABBIT'S BACK!"