• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Interlude: Dangerous Deals

Some time ago

The Former Queen Chrysalis sat in her cell as she sighed a sigh that she had exhaled every day for the past 976 days.

At this point, it had become routine.

She looked at the magically reinforced iron bars that kept her here. That kept her from her ambition and her duty as Queen of the Empire. Part of her wanted nothing more than to burst through those doors like they were twigs, overthrow her fool of a grandfather, and lead her people into an age where they didn’t have to sulk in the shadows anymore. And yet, part of her knew how far she would get before certain factors started to set in.

The empire was loyal to the royal family, but first and foremost the Emperor. Any loyalty and goodwill she had with the people was lost when she invaded Canterlot, and all those who followed her were equally imprisoned.

As much as she would like to be free, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to do anything she wanted with said freedom afterward.

What she needed, was power. The power to rule and take what she wanted.

She wanted her throne, she wanted her nation and people to not scavenge for food, she especially wanted revenge on those meddling ponies who defeated her in her moment of victory.

But escape, revenge, and all those other things will have to wait. For now, she needed something more urgent.

“Guards, where is my lunch? I should have been here by now!” Chrysalis said to the two sentries stationed at her cell.

“Who knows,” one of them said. “Maybe it’s going to starving changelings who actually deserve it.”

The former ruler became angry.

“Watch your tongue nave. You are talking to a queen,”

She was fully aware of what she said, and fully expected the response that came.

“You are not our Queen any longer Chrysalis. Nor will you ever be with that attitude.”

It was still a sore spot that her grandfather had revoked her title. It irritated her more than any time her being in this cell could ever do. She was a born royal changeling, powerful rightful blood coursed through her veins as proof of her right to rule the Empire. It especially made her a more rightful ruler than that Twilight Sparkle, who only ascended due to the “Magic of Friendship”. As far as Chrysalis was concerned, she was not a real princess.

“Yeah,” the other guard said. “I’d bet I would probably make a better ruler than our dear queen here. At least I wouldn’t stupidly invade kingdoms we are allied with. I amazed that any leader could so short-sighted and stupid.”

Chrysalis felt her anger rise. She would not sit here and be insulted by two lowly guards.

“Silence ingrate, before I come over there and-”

“Do what? Stomp may face in? Chop my head off?”

The former queen twisted her face into a scowl.

“New flash my queen, you can’t do anything to us. And I don’t see anything today that might kill us.”

“Yeah, thanks to your actions, I don’t see anyone coming here to rescue you, or wants you out of that cell for that matter. No one on Equus is in a rush to bust you out sweetheart.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not from Equus am I.”

“Yeah…. Wait, who said that!?”

Both guards turned their heads frantically before all of a sudden, something sliced through the air and through the necks of the guards. They fell to the floor choking on their own blood before finally expiring.

Chrysalis got up from her bed and stood ready to defend herself, for all that good it would do thanks to the magic dampeners around her cell.

“Who’s there!? Show yourself!”

The air shimmered for a moment before a humanoid figure in formal clothing appeared before her. She looked, unlike anything the changeling had seen before.

“My name sweetie is Koyansaka of N.F.F., aka the Nine Fox Foundation private military company, at your service.”

The strange creature bowed before Chrysalis. But there was something about this person that the changeling immediately didn’t like. What little empathic power remained in her sensed that she was the kind of person with no real care for anyone. She was most likely a mercenary.

She studied the humanoid for a second before asking. “Are you here to break me out?”

Koyansaka looked up and smiled. “I’m not here to break you out darling. That part is already done.”

She snapped her fingers and the dampener around her cell was shut off. Another snap and there was a small spark on the lock of her door before it swung open on its own.

Despite the turn of events, Chrysalis proceeded with caution as she slowly walked out of the cell and examined her surroundings. Making sure that this was not some dream or a prank by the moon Princess of Equestria.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“Well darling, let’s just say I was hired by some very invested clients to break you out as part of their plan.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. “What kind of clients? Who are they?”

“Well dear, why don’t we just go and meet them shall we?” She said in what was a very fake cheerful voice.

The changeling narrowed her eyes.

“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on!”

Koyansaka’s face became one that resembled the sly smile one would find on a fox.

“Oh Chrysalis dear, I wasn’t asking.”

Before she could react. Koyansaka placed her hand on her and Chrysalis felt herself being pulled through a narrow space. A moment later and she saw that she was standing in a large room. In the middle was a table with seats, and in them were two distinct individuals.

One of them was a white unicorn obviously, he appeared regal and looked well-groomed for a normal pony. The other was another individual that looked of the same species as Koyansaka, but they looked as if they were a priest of some kind.

“Queen Chrysalis,” the unicorn said. “So glad you could join us. Please take a seat.”

The changeling looked tense for a moment. She looked around as if trying to find a route for escape. But then again, whoever these people were, they had some hand in freeing her from that prison. Plus since she really had no plan even if she got out of here, hearing them out was her best option.

Chrysalis took a seat opposite of the unicorn, while Koyansaka walked over to the priest.

“Are you the one who arranged for breaking me out?”

“Yes, it was not cheap mind you,” as he said this the pony eyed Koyansaka. “But it was necessary considering our plans. Anyway, my name is Prince Blueblood, you may have heard of me?”

Chrysalis thought for a moment. “Ah yes, you were that prince I bumped into in the hallway one time during the wedding, when I was disguised as Princess Cadence.”

“Yes, you did. And while I would normally hold a grudge. Especially since you disrupted the sanctity of Canterlot that we nobles work hard to uphold. But I can forgive your transgressions if you do something for us.”

“Oh, and what would that be?”

“You see Queeny, I and my associates have a large problem. One that requires your set of skills.”

“What is this problem?”

“Well, even within that cell of yours, I trust that you have heard of the Pokemon by now? Did anyone mention them to you?”

Chrysalis nodded. Her grandfather had told her of how a number of mysterious creatures with strange powers showed up one day and started causing major problems for the Empire as if they owned the place. He even told her about a group of ant creatures that were about to march on the capital. Although she had never seen them once. But despite her bitterness towards her grandfather, she saw no reason why he would lie about this.

“We have a common problem you and I, princess. These Pokemon are beasts that have caused nothing but trouble since they arrived. I would very much like to get rid of them. Unfortunately, my foolish aunts, your grandfather have decided that they should be allowed to stay. And while Pokemon may not feed on love, I’m pretty sure your nations doesn’t need more mouths to feed.”

The royal changeling thought for a moment, before responding.

“While I can see why they would be a problem for you Prince Blueblood, this hardly seems to involve me. In fact, I would rather make these Pokemon into slaves to feed off from rather than drive them out. So tell me, why should I really help you?”

“Heh, I thought you might say that. Then how about this. We will help you overthrow your grandfather and install you as the new ruler of the Changeling Empire and in addition to that, we will grant you something else.”

“What else?”

“Revenge, on my cousin and her husband. As well as those 6 ponies who also helped end your invasion.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened, then she leaned forward.

“I’m listening.”

Blueblood smiled. “Good Queen Chrysalis. Now, before we continue, I must inform you about the current state of the world.”

“You mean the Pokemon?”

“No, not that, something...else has happened,” Blueblood turned to the other figure in the room besides Koyansaka. "Rasputin if you would?"

Crysalis turned to the Priest as he gave her a warm but affectionless smile.

"Greetings your Majesty. My name is Rasputin, although this body's name is Kirei Kotomine. Allow me to explain to you what else has happened while you were in captivity."

After one explanation about servants, Lostbelts, and various other things. Chrysalis was stunned to learn that so much had happened in the time that she was imprisoned, well aside from the Pokemon that is.

“I must say, this all sounds, very interesting. Although forgive me if I’m a little lost on a few things.”

“It will all make sense in time.”

“But with all that out of the way, what is it that you need me to do?”

Blueblood then spoke up again.

“Well, we all know that as a changeling, you have the power to disguise yourself as anypony you wish. And while your acting as Princess Cadence and other ponies could use some work, it will be of great use in helping us with our plans. We need you to disguise yourself as various individuals to spy for us. To be at meetings where my aunt is discussing things with others about how to deal with this situation.”

“You're a prince, can’t you just attend those meetings and briefings yourself?”

“I could, but when my aunts’ plans don’t work as intended. They are going to look at me with suspicion. I haven't exactly been the most accepting of the Pokemon, plus my reputation among my extended family is sour at the moment. So naturally, I’d be seeing as the most likely person leaking information.”

“Ah, I see. We then, if it’s spying that you need me to do I will gladly help you. Not to mention that undermining those imbecile ponies will be a nice appetizer to my revenge. You have a deal Prince Blueblood."

“I’m glad we could come to an agreement. Queen Chrysalis.”

After the meeting, Rasputin showed Chrysalis where she would be staying for the time being. Meanwhile, Blueblood had a talk with Koyansaka.

“So what is it you wanted to discuss Prince Blueblood? Are there more services that you want from N.F.F.?”

“Indeed fox, but this doesn’t come from me, but rather a few associates that are all currently in prison.”

“Oh, and what do they want?”

“You see, there is one individual who may become a threat to our secret operations in the near future. She is a Pokemon who has been causing trouble wherever she goes. Disrupting cities, stealing precious artifacts, in fact, when she came to Canterlot, her actions resulted in the council of nobles that I had set up being exposed and imprisoned!”

“My my, this person does indeed sound like a handful.”

“She calls herself the Phantom Theif Fox. A criminal that steals for fun and likes messing with others. I also heard that she used to be human, which if I remember correctly, you hate.”

“Ah Yes, that is true, I indeed despite humans. After all, they are selfish, arrogant beings who only focus on their own desires. Which is why I take great joy in seeing them suffer.”

“Well then, Fox is right up your ally. From what I heard, she comes from a line of thieves that goes back generations. None of them have ever been caught, and that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon. I imagine that track record of never being caught has made her a very arrogant person. Someone should put her in her place. Remind her of what happens to criminal scum like her.”

“While this does seem very interesting, it also sounds very expensive. Going after someone who has never been caught and has an entire bloodline worth of knowledge and experience. I’m going to need a lot of money to pull this off.”

“Oh don’t you worry about payment, you can discuss that with my contacts.”

Canterlot Correctional Penitentiary.

It was no doubt that Equestria was a very peaceful country with the lowest crime rates in the world. As such, it only had the need for one prison in the entire country to keep all the criminal scum who would dare to besmirch the good name of their kingdom with their crimes and illegal doings. Located near Canterlot Castle and watched over by their best guards, it was home to a number of criminals and villains who had recently made their home there. Among the inmates were henchmen of Pegasus Air, Total Control, Gray Hat, Extra Layer, some Gym Leaders, and Elite Four members of the Pokemon League as well as a few nobles who were once members of the city council.

While the severity of what they all had done varied from prisoner to prisoner, one relation most of them had for being there was related to Pokemon in some way shape, or form, whether it was a Pokemon that put them in there, or because their offense was related to the treatment of Pokemon.

The Former Mayor of Tall Tale, a stallion known as Grumble was sitting in a cell because of the former.

The Earth Pony was stewing in his resentment and bitterness at his current lot in life, as up until the arrival of the Pokemon, things had been going his way for a long time. As Mayor of Tall Tale, he created the image of an honest upstanding Mayor, one who loved the people more than anyone else. Secretly though, he had built an inner circle of corrupt officials to carry out his dirty work, all in the name of living the good life and making people worship him. He had the Captain of the city guard in his pocket as well as several criminals. Plus, thanks to his image, even do-gooders like Golden Star believed him to be a symbol of virtue. The way his life was going forward, no one would be able to stop him or stand up against him.

That is until fate decided to play a joke one day on the poor stallion.

The arrival of the Pokemon threw everything into wack, while a rampaging Aggron may have damaged his city, it was only an inconvenience. The real incident that ruined his life was the arrival of the Phantom Thief Fox. While he didn’t exactly know how she found out, the loathsome thief had somehow learned of the golden statue that was made in his image through the city’s private funds. She then led the police on a wild goose chase until they arrived at the warehouse where his goons unveiled the monument to his ego. The Mayor tried to eliminate the witnesses by sicking the Aggron from before onto the police and Fox, but it only ended up destroying the warehouse and his statue. And while Mayor Grumble would have gotten away, his traitorous secretary Sphinx, who was actually a member of an underground vigilante group knocked him out and delivered him to the doorstep of the cops. After that, the trail was completely stacked against him due to the boxload of evidence that they somehow acquired. As a result, he was sentenced to life in prison for multiple accounts of corruption, conspiracy, theft, embezzlement, murder, attempted murder, and one count of false imprisonment of a Pokemon.

Since the moment his life was ruined, Grumble thought of ways to get revenge on those who screwed him. And now thanks to his life sentence, he had all the time in the world to think of ways of making his enemies suffer.

First and foremost on the list was the Phantom Theif Fox, none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for her. Next was Sphinx and her little group of friends, after that it was Golden Star and the Lucario Cop who was supposed to catch Fox and not him. But for the longest time, while he had thought of many ideas on how to get revenge, none of it mattered while he was stuck here and his few remaining contacts(of whom he communicated with through snail mail) going silent after his arrest.

That is, until recently.

Apparently, during the Summer Solstice, there was a massive bombing terrorist attack the shook the entire nation of Equestria to its core. A fact that he took great joy in was the news that it was mostly Pokemon who were killed in the attack. It was then revealed by that insolent Pokemon God that this was the work of humans and that they intended to destroy Equestria.

Due to his current situation and his ruined reputation, Grumble couldn’t care less if Equestria burned and everyone in it. But before that could happen he would make sure that Fox and those that put him in here would suffer first. Thankfully, he got in contact with his sources, informing him that he would be visited by someone who was interested in making a deal to get revenge on his enemies.

Now all he had to do was wait.

“8 o clock, lights out maggots. That means you Grumble.”

The earth pony silently cursed the guard who walked by his cell before turning off his lights and pulling the thin sheet that the prison called a blanket over himself and went to sleep.

1:00 AM

“Wake up deary, rise and shine.”

Grumble shot up from his bed at the sound of a chipper yet sly voice that put him on edge.

“W-whose there!?” Grumble frantically looked in the dark and saw a figure standing at the edge of his cell. All of a sudden the lights came on and he got a clear look at who was in here with him.

Koyansaka smiled coyly as she stood there dressed in her secretary uniform. Her mannerisms and appearance somewhat rubbed Grumble the wrong way, as she reminded him of his old secretary.

“Hello, Mister Grumble. I heard that you wanted to discuss a business deal with N.F.F. services?”

The stallion raised an eyebrow at her words. He noticed that the lights were on in his cell and that she was talking in a not so low voice.

But Koyansaka must have read his face cause she quickly beat him to his words.

“If you’re worried that someone will hear us, don’t. I put up a deafening field as well as an illusion spell that will allow us to talk for as long as we need.”

While still a little confused, the earth pony found his calm and started asking questions. “What are you? Some kind of Pokemon, or are you one of those humans Arceus spoke about?”

The woman shot him an icy glare that sent shivers down his spine at the suggestion that she was human.

“No I am not a human, nor am I one of those humans trying to destroy the world. What I am Mr. Grumble is someone who can provide you with the goods and services that you want.”

Grumble stared at her for a moment, he suspected the reason why she was here, but seeing as this was all too good to be true, he wanted to make sure. “And what services what that be?”

“Oh you know, revenge and satisfaction. Although if you want out of here, that’s gonna cost you extra. Not that it be much of a problem mind you.”

“Hmm, I see. So I take it Prince Blueblood sent you here?”


“Good, I can now finally have the revenge that I waited for so long.”

“That's delightful to hear Mr. Grumble. But before we discuss terms, there is the manner of payment.”

Grumble didn’t seem to flinch, he was prepared for this outcome and knew what to offer.

“If it’s money you want I have something you might like. There is a statue that I had made for myself before I was arrested. It kinda broke, but the pieces should be kept somewhere in Canterlot as evidence. Blueblood might be able to tell you where they are.”

“How big are we talking about?”

“Thirty hoofs tall.”

“Hmmm, that is a lot of moolah. And if we are talking 24 karats, then that should be enough to buy you a tier 2 revenge package.”

“Yes...wait, what do you mean tier 2?”

“Well, you see Mr. Grumble. We at N.F.F. services have 3 different tiers of revenge packages that we offer to customers. Tier 1 comes with a bullet to the head as well as telling the victim the name of the person who ordered their assassination before they die. Tier 2 comes with physical torture and painful death. Our best and most expensive package is tier 3.”

Grumble’s curiosity got the better of him. “Whats tier 3?”

Koyansaka smiled smuglly, her fangs glistenling in the dim light.

“Well, sir. tier 3 takes out the physical torture and replaces it with psychological torture. They say that you can hurt a person, that you could kill them, maim them, cut them up, make them feel the worst pain possible. But if their heart and soul remains intact, if they leave this world with their dignity, what have you really wrought huh? That's what psychological torture is for. If you can break them, change them, make them cry tears of sorrow and rage instead of pain, if you make them curse you and everyone, that is the best kind of torture. We’ll even send you a video recording of their complete mental breakdown❤. However, as I said, you only have enough money for tier 2.”

Grumble thought for a second. On paper, it sounded like the best option. To see and hear the cries of your most hated foe getting what they deserved and more sounded like the best revenge possible.

“How much is tier 3?” Grumble asked expectantly.

“Well, since that statue would go for about 3 million bits, the price of our tier 2 package is 2 million. The price of tier 3 would put you at 10 million bits, and that’s just the discount price as we’re having a sale this week! I should also mention that a signal package will only apply to a single person and their immediate associates.”

Grumble flinched for a moment, before finding his nerve again.

“Listen, Koyansaka was it? I don’t care if I have to sell an arm and a leg to pay you. I want Fox to suffer for what she did to me!”

“My, my,” Koyansaka said in a mildly surprised voice. “You must really hate this Fox person, do you? I hope she didn’t make you racist against all other foxes like me.”

Grumble wondered what she was talking about. And while he did notice the fox shaped earrings she was wearing, he dismissed her statement.

“Lady, that monster has caused me and my associates more trouble than would not have been possible had she not showed up in the first place. If it’s the last thing I do on this godforsaken planet, I want her to suffer for what she has done to me.”

“I see. Very well Mr.Grumble, if it’s the tier 3 torture package special that you wanted, then that’s what you all will get!”


“I think it’s time I mentioned, that before I visited you, I went to a few other cells with inmates that all had a grudge against Fox. They all expressed interest in purchasing the tier 3 revenge package. But while none of them could pay for it on their own, together with you, you all can front a joint bill to pay for this service.”

“Whoa, really?”

“Yes, each of them fronted a total of 9 million bits to pay for the package, yours was just the last penny in the jar that they needed.”

“So that it?” Grumbles face smiled with glee. “We have a deal.”

“Indeed, I just need you to sign this form please.”

A paper and quill appeared in Koyansaka’s hands and gave them to Grumble. The stallion placed the piece of paper on the ground and was about to sign it before he remembered something.

“So just to be clear, I only need to fork over 1 million bits to complete this purchase?”


“Well, since that means I still have 2 million left over. I want to purchase another one of your services.”

Once again Koyansaka smiled.

“Well then good sir, what else can Nine Fox Foundation do for you today?”

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