• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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GRAND BATTLE Equestria: We are not meant to be Darkness

Canterlot Castle

Twilight teleported into the hallways of Canterlot Castle in a burst of magic. She was breathing like she had just run a marathon.

*Hah hah* "I thought that. "*Hah.* "Becoming an Alicorn." *Hah.* "Would make Teleporting long distances easier.”

A nearby pair of guards saw the exhausted Princess and rush over to her.

“Princess Twilight! Are you alright!?”

“I’m fine." *Hah.* Just tell me where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are. I need to speak with them at once!”

“They’re in the throne room. Shall I tell them you are coming?”

Finally Twilight caught her breath.

“No need, I can make my way there on my own.”

“Are you sure?”

“Trust me, they will want to hear what I have to say all at once.”

Twilight eventually made it to the throne room and did not bother knocking on the door. Then again, when it came to emergencies, manners were not a priority. Pushing them open, she made her way inside to the sight of Celestia and Luna talking with some nobles.

“Twilight? What are you doing here?” Celestia asked, her attention for the noble she was talking to gone just like that. After all, her student never showed up in person unless it was important.

The noble on the other hoof, had no care for this interruption.

“What is it Princess Twilight? Can’t you see that we are in the middle of an important discussion?”

Twilight spared the Earth Pony a side glance, she recognized this one as a member of Prince Blueblood’s circle of friends. So automatically by association, she dismissed him.

“Whatever you’re talking about can wait, this is important!”

The noble narrowed his eyes.

“And what could possibly be so much more important than the signing off on funds need for a very important project for Canterlot City(transcript: something that will actually benefit me more than others).”

Twilight stopped and just stared at him with no sympathy in her eyes.

“Oh I don’t know, how about the possible capture of the most dangerous group that possesses a direct threat to Equestria and the world at the very moment!”

While the words flew over the noble's head, Celestia and Luna immediately understood what Twilight meant.

“I’m sorry Lux Bridgeington, but your fundraiser will have to wait. There is something Princess Twilight and I have to discuss right now. I must ask that you please leave us for now.”

Lux shot the purple alicorn a look but complied. Once he had left the door and closes it behind him, Celestia turned to her student.

“Now, what were you saying Twilight?”

“Okay long story short, I used a tracking spell to locate Chaldea, and I found them!”

Of all the news they were expecting to hear today, this was not something the sisters had anticipated to get so soon.

“You found them!?” Luna exclaimed. “Where?”

“They’re in a forest at the base of the Unicorn Range Mountains. My friends are there right now.”

“I see, this is good news Twilight, well done,” Celestia said.

“But wait,” Luna said. “Why did you have to come here in person to tell us? Could you not have Spike send us a letter?”

“A letter would not be able to convey what I’m about to tell you.”

“Which is?”

“Well, it's better if you come and see for yourself.”


Rainbow Dash flew around the fortress several times in scouting the area. That thing was big and imposing she’ll give it that. And from the looks of it, no one was coming out nor was their sign of any activity.

Honestly, she was just waiting for something to happen so she could go on the offensive. But even so, her instincts told her that she does not know what was inside that thing, that there could be traps lying in wait for her. While this sounded like something out of a Daring Do book, Rainbow Dash had enough caution to wait for Twilight to come back.


“Ugh, this anticipation is killing me, I wanna do something!”

Rainbow Dash flew closer until she was within yelling distance.

“What are you guys doing in there!? What's the matter, afraid you’ll get your butts handed to you!? Come out and fight like a pony!”

“Calm down Rainbow Dash,” Said Fluttershy who had flown up to her. “Twilight has only been gone a few minutes. We just have to wait for her to bring the Princesses back.”

“Oh yeah and how long will that take?”

Not a second later, the sound of three ponies teleporting into the area reaches the ears of the pegasi. Looking at each other the two flew back down.

Celestia and Luna looked in awe at the gray, cold castle. Its very image was not as majestic or big as the other Castle that Chaldea was contained in, but this one did not seem easy to penetrate nonetheless.

Having guessed the situation, Celestia turned to Twilight's friends.

“Did anything happen since Twilight went to get us?”

“Nothing Princess,” Applejack. They’ve just holed up in that thing like my family during a winter storm.”

“I see,” Celestia closed her eyes and her horn glowed as she cast a spell that swept the area. It reverberated off of the fortress’s walls.

“The castle has several layers of magical protection surrounding it. On top of that, I can sense some kind of pressure inside that building. As if it's ready to come down on us the moment that we enter.”

“So, you're saying that place is trapped or something?” Twilight asked.

“Probably, I’m not sure. What I can tell is that if we somehow get in, that's where the hard part comes.”

“...But can we get in?”

“Yes, but I fear not all of us would come back out, unscathed at least.”

Twilight gulped.

“The nine of us are not enough to breach that Fortress alone, we will need help. We need Arceus and his Legendary Pokemon.”

Twilight and everyone looked at the Princess. Arceus especially after recent events was absolutely more than willing to help in this matter. But some of them were concerned that the Pokemon god might do something “hasty” in this attempt at capturing the humans. Nevertheless, they had no other options.

“Alright, but It won’t just be Arceus.”

The Princess looked at the younger alicorn.

“What do you mean Twilight?” Luna said.

“Arceus is necessary, but I can’t in good faith trust that he will be objective or merciful to the Chaldeans. Despite what they have done, I’d rather we get to them before he does.”

“Twilight…” It was true, Celestia knew that if Arceus got to the Chaldeans first, he would be less lenient in handling them. Despite her new resolve to spot Chaldea before they can do further harm to her little ponies, Celestia wanted to at least be the one to give them a fair trial.

“That's why I’m going to ask some of our other Pokemon friends to help in this case.”


Iris, Ash, and Misty all sat at a restaurant table as they decided what to order.

“What are you guys having?” Iris said.

“I’m thinking of trying the hay fries,” Ash said.

“You like eating hay?” Misty questioned.

“No, but I feel adventurous. Besides, it's not like there are many meat options.”

“True, I guess some food dining places only have the means to cater to a specific demographic.”

The three of them placed their orders after which Iris decided to bring up a certain subject.

“So, how have you two been doing lately?” Iris said with a knowing tone of voice.

Ash never being one to read the room, just responded with. “Well, I haven't been seeing much action lately after we fought those two servants. So I’ve just been mostly training with Pikachu and my other Pokemon.”

Misty who did read the room decided to take full advantage of it. “Oh, we’ve just been wonderful Iris, why just the other day Ash took me on a date.”

“Oh! Was Latias there?”

“No, just the two of us. We got some well-deserved alone time.” Misty punctured the point by snuggling up next to Ash, who at this point realized what was going on.

“Oh yeah, I guess that did happen,” he said nervously.

The two girls laughed. But Ash, not wanting to be the subject of humor decided to turn it around to someone else.

“Speaking of dates, tell us about you and Axle. Have you two started getting serious or are you just taking it slow?”

Now it was Iris’s turn to blush. Her relationship with the Haxorus that was part of Abby’s family was complicated, to say the least. The Dragon Pokemon had no shame in declaring(rather loudly) how she would become his mate. Iris for the most part had no words to respond with, and just let him ramble on.

Their relationship started off with him training her to use her new Pokemon body. But it became quickly obvious that he wanted more out of their relationship. Iris just thought of him as a loud, proud and arrogant Pokemon, and in that department, she found him kinda annoying. That being said, it was not like she was completely against the idea. Being a dragon trainer back on Earth, she figured that she could easily tame his more wild aspects, only then would she be more open to the idea.

“I’m still on the fence about that,” Iris admitted. “I’d prefer if he humbles himself first before I give him one date.”

“Do I take that as an admission that you like him at least?” Misty said smugly.

“....I like him, but only to a point.”

“Does he know that?”

“No. Why would I-”

“IRIS!” A loud boastful voice startled everyone in their seats.

“Speak of the devil-” The Champion of the Unova Region turned around to see the Haxorus in question walking up to them.

“Axle, can you be any louder, this is a public area,” Iris said sarcastically.

“I can be louder, but only if you want me to.”

Iris didn’t know if he was being serious and just decided to get to the point.

“What do you want Axle?”

“I came to ask if you wish to join me in hunting.”


“Yes, but not of animals, but of criminals wanted by the Ranger Union.”

“Isn’t that what Pokemon Rangers like your trainer is for? Why do you need me?”

“Because hunting down prey is an essential part of what it means to be a dragon. And since you still have a long way to go before you become a master dragon yourself, this will be a fine experience for your training.”

Although a little slighted that Axle kept reminding her that she still had ways to go before fully mastering her Dragon Pokemon body(despite being a Dragon trainer who knew most of the things about Dragon Pokemon). Iris at the moment did not have time for his “training”.

“Not now, Axle, can’t you see I’m about to eat?”

Axle looked over Iris and at the table which had no food served at the moment.

“Eat what, I don’t see anything. Perhaps you are making up excuses?”

Now Iris was starting to get annoyed.

“Okay listen here mister, I-”

The sound of Teleportation interrupted Iris before she could say another word. Everyone looked to see Princess Luna and Princess Twilight standing before them.

“Ha, it seems my teleportation was precise, these are the friends you were referring to Twilight?”

“Yes, that's them.”

“Twilight, Princess Luna!? What are you two doing here?” Misty said.

“Looking for you three actually, plus Abby, do you know where she is?”

“She is in the Ranger Union as we speak,” Axle said.

“Good, can you go and tell her to come to the library, and bring Kasai too, make it fast.”

“Woah, what's that rush, Princess?” Iris said.

“Twilight and her friends have located Chaldea, and we are currently gathering our forces to plan a strike against them while we still have their location.”

Those words were enough to make them understand.

“Wait, you guys found Chaldea again already?” Misty said.

“Yes, and as I said, we wish to gather as many able bodies as we can in order to fight and defeat them once and for all. My sister is currently at the Hall of Legends Informing Arceus about all this now.”

“Wow, so aside from the Legendaries, you guys need us?” Ash said.

“We wish to leave nothing to chance,” Luna said. “The last time we fought Chaldea they managed to escape, that will not be the case this time. We must attack them with everything at our disposal, we must finish this once and for all.”

The four Pokemon looked at each other and then back to the alicorn.

“What can we do to help?”

Hall of Legends

Celestia simply walked through the special doors in Canterlot Castle that connected her home to the Hall of Legends. Aside from the fact, that the doors were made for her, she was allowed to simply walk in as the divine protection around the temple recognized her immortality. True to his word, Arceus said that immortals were always welcomed in the Hall of Legends.

“Maybe because those of us who are close to eternity and closest to the heavens, to the gods. Perhaps he feels a kinship with people like me since we will have each other as company for the rest of existence.”

But to ensure that their existence would not be a short one, Celestia continued to the foyer and looked around.

“Can I help you Princess Celestia?”

The alicorn heard Arceus’s voice before he manifested himself in front of her. “To what do I owe this personal visit?”

Celestia recalled the carefully worded sentence she rehearsed before in her head.

“I have come to tell you something you should know.” Celestia looked around to see if they were alone, then again, she assumed the several Legendary Pokemon had means of concealment beyond her knowledge, so it was moot.

“But before I tell you it, I want to make sure you won’t immediately jump at the opportunity. Understand?”

“....You found Chaldea didn’t you.”

The Princess was a bit taken aback. “How did you kn-”

“What else could you come to me to talk about. And given what I just did recently, I assumed they would be found eventually.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say that I did something that in short, made it so those humans won’t be getting away like they did last time. But all that aside, you know where they are now? Tell me.”

“....Alright, but before I do, do not just teleport there without the rest of us and without a plan.”

Arceus blinked.

“Very well. You have my word.”

“They are in a forest at the base of the Unicorn Mountain Range. They appear to be holed up in another magical fortress that was manifested when Twilight and her friends found them.”

“Ah, so Twilight found them. It's times like these I can see why you put so much faith in your student.”

“Indeed, Twilight is a gifted girl,” Celestia said with pride. “Which is why she also suggested that we all plan an attack rather than just rushing in blindly.”

Arceus tilted his head. “What is she proposing?”

“She is currently asking several of her Pokemon friends to help us, I believe you know their names. While your Legendary Pokemon are perhapes more than enough. Sometimes using overwhelming force can become…too destructive.”

Arceus understood what she was saying. All of his children were the embodiments of nature among other things. The level of destruction they could cause would certainly leave quite a mess. So perhaps using former Pokemon Trainers would be wise in this case.

“Very well, if those trainers who were worthy enough to be brought here want to participate in defending our new home, I have no right to refuse them.”

Celestia mentally sighed.

“Thank you, Arceus.”

“Now then, shall I gather everyone here?”


Soon the foyer was full of Legendary and Non-Legendary Pokemon alike(the entire room had to be expanded just to fit them all).

Several Pokemon trainers such as Seth, Iris, Abby, Ash, and some others stood together in a group. Even though they were surrounded by peers, some of them still felt small in a room that was filled with almost every Legendary Pokemon they could think of.

“Arceus is really pulling out all the stops huh guys,” Iris said.

“He wants to leave nothing to chance,” Abby pointed out. “And after what happened with the Tree of Emptiness, I don’t blame him.”

Iris looked at the Ninetales, through her fur, she noticed the scar on her neck area. While she didn’t know the full story, what she did hear was that one of the Chaldeans was responsible for that wound.

There was some murmuring and conversation around them, Iris could make out several words and phrases such as.

“The Chaldeans are in no way escaping this time.”

“Father is bearing his full force down on them. Who knows he may even see fit to use that move.”

“Father's signature move!? He hasn’t used that since….well you know.”

Iris became immediately invested in that conversation. While she wasn’t much of a Legendary Pokemon lore nerd like Cynthia, she had heard the myths about Arceus’s supposed all-powerful move that was the symbol of his power and his ultimate divine punishment. Only used whenever something really earned his ire.

But before she could hear more, the entire room went silent as the god in question appeared in the middle of the room in a burst of light. Standing next to him were the three Alicorn Princesses that they all knew well.

“My children, my friends, I thank you all for gathering here on such short notice. You all know why we are called here today, we have located the Chaldean interlopers who have been attacking and bringing harm to our land and our people.”

Some members of the crowd nodded and spoke in agreement and exclamation.

“As of now, they are located within the Equestrian Unicorn Mountain Range. In a fortress that is no doubt similar to the one some of you have faced before.”

A projection of the area in question appeared on the floor at Arceus’s hooves. It showed the same Kremlin Fortress that was discovered about an hour ago.

“So far they have yet to move or display any sort of activity. No doubt they are trying to hole themselves up for as long as possible. I do not know what they are planning, perhaps they are waiting for help, or they are trying to resolve the problem I created for them that is preventing them from escaping. Either way, I don’t intend to give them that chance.”

Latios spoke up. “Excuse me father, but why can’t you just go over there and apprehend the Chaldeans now? Surely they don’t have the means of creating a barrier, capable of holding you back?”

“You’re right, they don’t appear to be capable of doing that. In fact, just a short while ago I went there myself to see what was waiting for me. And it turns out.-”

The image on the floor changed again to show a golden shine covering the entirety of the castle.

“That they do have someone capable of doing that.”

Anastastia's Kremlin

The Gate of Babylon.

Inside this vast vault is said to contain all the treasures gathered by humanity's oldest hero and kept inside, ready for use whenever he needed it.

Due to being summoned as a Caster, Gilgamesh has access to the same Noble Phantasm he would possess if he had manifested as an Archer. The only major difference is the loss of access to his greatest treasure Ea, as that sword is only something meant for his other aspect.

As the one who thinks little of the gods in the heavens and was the one to bring about the Age of Man, the King of Heroes naturally possesses several treasures of anti-divine properties.

So of course, he would have many a mystic code that could repel or restrain the gods themselves.

A glow of magical light surrounded the Sumerki Kremlin. It came from a Noble Phantasm that was meant to keep out anyone or anything of divine lineage. In the 7th singularity, it was used once to block a single strike from the Beast of Regression. For despite its power, there was always going to be a limit, especially against one who had enough mana to cross the Sea of Stars.

“I have programmed the settings on this Noble Phantasm to keep out that particular group of divine spirits called Legendary Pokemon. They shall set neither foot nor finger inside this Fortress unless I allow it. However, when I say Legendary Pokemon, I mean that. Mortals or no special quality or significance will be able to pass through, be mindful of that.”

Gilgamesh stood upon the top of the castle while Kirschtaria Wodime and Ritsuka Fujimaru stood behind him. The sun was beginning to set in the distance, about 30 minutes from now give or take.

“Thank you, King Gilgamesh. Your assistance is most appreciated,” Kirschtaria said.

“You’re lucky I was generous enough to grant it. Especially after you failed to cut down the Tree of Emptiness.”

Neither master said anything. Even though one wanted to make an excuse, he knew it would be pointless to argue.

“Know this Chaldeans. Had you cut down that Tree like you were supposed to, things could have gone a lot easier for you in the long run. Now I foresee that your journey will become a much much harder one.”

Kirschtaria dare not ask the King of Uruk to elaborate on what he meant. The King’s Clairvoyance only showed him the future and not the entirety of it.

“I have seen how your story proceeds from here, and you will not like where it leads. The emotional pain will be far worse than what could have been. I pity the looks on your face when that time comes for you to make that choice.”

A few moments of silence passed.

“But enough about the future. We should turn our attention to the present. Tell me, what are your means of defense other than the one I have so generously provided to you?”

“We have somewhere around 20 servants gathered here right now, more may be coming if they’re still alive. But because not all of us can form contracts unless we want to be sucked dry of mana, some will only have the energy to use their Noble Phantasm once.”

“Alright, and who has formed a contract with who?”

“Ophelia has the Valkyries, Sigurd, and this new servant that I do not recognize. Kadoc has Anastasia, Hans, and Babbage. Akuta has contracts with Kintoki, Tsuna, and Gareth. Fujimaru has Karna, Mash, and Mordred at his disposal. Finally, I have contracts with Gawain, Kato Danzo, and Achilles.”

“Hmmm, a misfit of pairings, but one cannot be picky in a time like this. How long to you think you can weather the storm?”

“As long as we need to,”

“Just enough to let Da Vinci and rest make the necessary modifications that will allow us to penetrate the hardened space that is keeping us here,” Ritsuka said.

“Hmmm, if you want my opinion, your odds don’t look good.”

Both masters said nothing, although it was clear that their hearts sank a little at those words.

“The servants you have are very much capable of handling an entire nation's army if needed. You are honestly lucky you got a fine pick of Heroic Spirits. That being said, even with all of them here, they will not be able to overcome your greatest foe who will no doubt show up.”

“...Arceus,” Kirschtaria said.

“That one is a genuine god, not some degraded divine spirit like his progeny. He wields authorities that are part of his very nature as a god of creation. Worship is unneeded for him to retain his power. I imagine that this barrier I have set up for you would only be capable of taking one or two attacks that are on the level of Divine Punishment.”

“Is there really no one who can stand up to him?”

“I imagine if you sent all of your servants at him at once, you would be able to keep him busy long enough to run away, but that would be if he was just the only one you were fighting, which you’re not. I suppose that child of the Sun God might be able to last a few seconds against him, but no more than that.”

“So Karna is our best bet. But he already used his Noble Phantasm once, which means he no longer has his sun armor to protect him,” Although even with his armor, Fujimaru guessed that it would have done little good against a god who would easily bypass those defenses.

“The chances of your victory are small mongrels. You are facing an enemy who will no doubt throw everything they have at you to bring your downfall. There can be no room for hesitation or mercy. You must respond to the enemy in kind if you wish to live, to fight another day. Use everything at your disposal. And I mean everything.”

Kirschtaria tugged at his gloves.

“Whatever may come, we have faced worse odds than this. And we do not have the luxury of waiting or hoping someone will come to our rescue. We are not alone out here, but we must assume this will be all the help we’re getting.”

“Good, setting your reasonable expectations shows you have a calm mind.”

A wind blew through the air, its weight felt heavier than normal. As if it was the prelude to something.

“The hour is upon us mongrels. Are you prepared to show them just what you are?”

The three of them looked off into the setting sun.

“Yes, we are,”

“I will show them the true strength of the human race. Of just what our so-called insignificant species is capable of. I will show them that we are not the Darkness others paint us to be.”


In the 10 or so minutes that had passed. Everyone had been paired up in groups. Some comprised of just Pokemon and their formers trainers, while Legendary Pokemon who normally worked alone were partnered up with someone.

“I admit I almost feel bad for the Chaldeans,” Keldeo said.

“Try not to feel too much mercy towards an enemy Keldeo, not all of them deserve it.” Cobalion said.

“So how will we know which ones deserve mercy Cobalion?” Virizion asked.

The leader of the Swords of Justice briefly thought about a certain Knight that they had fought recently. The way they talk and came off made him feel something he did not experience in a long time.


“You will know them when you see them.”

Elsewhere, Suicune, Xerneas, and Zekrom stood in one corner as they talk among themselves.

“What happens if the Chaldeans are defeated today?” Zekrom whispered. “I doubt father will show them much leniency after what happened to Shaymin.”

“The best we can do is advocate for them if they so happened to be judged,” Suicune said.

“If we do that, then that will only make the other Legendaries more suspicious of us,” Xerenas said. “Giratina already talked with you Suicune, that means they’re already on to us.”

But the Water Pokemon was already lost in another thought. “Hey, has anyone seen Cresselia?”

“I heard that she asked father if she could stay here. Apparently, the eggs are due any hour now. At least that's what Mew told me.”

“Huh, interesting.”

The conversation was stopped however as Arceus spoke up again.

“So, everyone knows their partner and where they will be sent to attack?”

There were nods of acknowledgment and several people said “Yes”.

“Good.” Arceus’s eyes scanned the crowd. “You all know what's at stake here. If Chaldea gets away and returns to whatever corner of the world they are hiding in, they will continue to be a threat. They will return in possibly greater force and a better understanding of how to fight up next time. We cannot allow them that opportunity. Chaldea must be stopped here, no matter the cost.”

Most of the crowd cheered in agreement and righteous confidence. They who believed themselves to be right in their cause had no concern for failure, for they were just people defending their home from those who would destroy it and them.

Arceus looked to the Alicorn Princesses on his left. “Celestia do you have anything to add?”

Celestia looked to the crowd, to the Royal Guard ponies and Pokemon who had volunteered for this mission.

“I only ask that you fight not just to defeat an enemy, but for those back home who wish to live. For this is not a fight against evil, but a fight to protect our future, a future that we all share together.”

Another wave of cheering, although not as loud as the first one, sounded throughout the hall. Celestia nodded in response and acknowledgment.

“Alright, if there is nothing else, let us be off!”

The entire room was blinded in a glow of Divine light, next thing they knew, Everyone was standing in the middle of a grassy plane. Before them lay a massive fortress that was their target.

“Woah what the heck!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Clearly not expecting what was basically an entire army to show up right behind her.

“Rainbow Dash, girls!” Twilight said as she flew back down to her friends. “Did anything happen while we were away?”

“Nothing that I could notice. Other than the humans who I saw walking on the roof of that thing.”

Arceus appeared floating above everyone as he looked down on the Kremlin. He locked eyes with the group of humans who stood on top of the roof.

The Chaldeans stared at the sight before them. Most looked to the army at their gate, Kirschtaria however locked eyes with Arceus, the god seemingly staring back at him.

For a few minutes, nothing happened. Even as the last rays of sunlight began to fall beneath the distance.

“Is everyone ready?” Kirschtaria asked.

The last masters of Chaldea steeled themselves, some clutching the hand that hosted their Command Spells.

“Ready,” Kadoc said.

“I, Ophelia Phamrsolone will fulfill my duties to the best of my ability.”

“I may not be able to die. But that doesn’t mean I want to go back to a cell.”

“Mash Kyrielight, on standby!”

“Do you even need to ask?”

The sun finally set, and the stars came out, followed by the sound of battle cries and a mass of people charging.

“Then let's do this.”

Gawain was the first to strike, as his sword was one of the best equipped for dealing with an army.

Excalibur Galatine, sister sword to the Sword of Promised Victory, and Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. When swung vertically, it brought down a pillar of solar flame that could turn an entire row of soldiers to ash. When swung horizontally, it could set aflame anything within a 13-kilometer radius.

“The sun has gone down, so I shall receive none of its blessings in this battle,” Gawain said. His sword clenched in hand.

“But even so, this Knight of Midheaven is not entirely without its power.”

Gawain threw the holy blade above him as it transformed into an imitation of the sun. For a brief moment, the approaching army looked in awe, as if the sun which had just set reappeared over their heads.

“This sword is a copy of the sun. The other sacred sword of the very planet upon which we all walk!”

A beam of light stretched down from the micro star into the hands of the Knight of the Round Table.

The Swords of Justice, who had witnessed this mighty blade before, knew what was about to happen.

“Everyone get ready!” Cobalion said. “Defensive positions!”

Gawain brought the beam of light to his side and prepared to swing.

“Holy sword of the stars, swing once again!"

Excalibur Galatine!
Sword of Revolving Victory

A wave of fire and light was brought down on the army. As the Knight of the Sun, Gawain was favored by the day and was unbeatable during it.

However, on that day, the Son of King Lot and Morgan Le Fay was not the only one who wielded the power of the sun.

A loud crash stopped the beam of light just before it could claim the lives of those who stood against Chaldea today. Through the blinding light, Gawain was surprised to see that someone was able to stop his Noble Phantasm in its tracks. Even a servant could only hold it back for so long.

Princess Celestia was no servant.

To everyone's shock, in her magical grasp, she held a sword of her own. One that glow with the power that was allowed to her. With one push, she forced Galatine off with a parry that almost made Gawain stumble back.

“But how!?”

Celestia stared at the Knight, determination on her face.


“So as we know, Chaldea has several servants that we know of at our disposal. Their names may not be known to some of you, but the ones we do know of, we have done our research on.”

Arceus pulled up images of several servants they had encountered so far.

“The key is knowing a servant's identity and their Noble Phantasm, and how to counter it. For example.”

Arceus enlarged an image of one particular servant.

“This is Sir Gawain, a Knight of the Round Table from the Legends of King Arthur. In our world, the Matter of Britain and its characters were nothing but myths. But it seems that they indeed exist in this world. This should be taken as a sign, that things that were fictional and fairy tale, may have actually happened and existed in this world.”

This news came as a surprise to the former humans who were among the crowd. Many of them had grown up reading stories of fictional heroes and fairy tales. To think that some of those stories might be real in this world, was an interesting thought to say the least.

“The Swords of Justice have fought him before. In fact, he was the one that caused that fire in the Everfree.”

“Yeah, I remembered how much of a mess that made,” Kyogre said.

“Gawain’s sword is called Galatine, and legends say it draws its power from the sun. And from what we have seen, it is a Sword that is able to swing very far. Such a weapon could be devastating if ever unleashed.”

“So how do we defend against such a weapon?” Darkrai said.

“When it comes to certain powers and abilities, the best way to fight fire is with either water or with fire. I don’t know if a wave of water would be able to stop such a blade if it's ever swung. And since it's powered by the sun it might be more powerful than what water could stop.”

“So what would you suggest?”

“If Gawain uses the power of the sun to aid him, then it should take another person who also has deep ties to the sun to face him.”

Celestia then saw that all eyes were on her.


“Celestia you move the sun. I doubt that's the only power you have related to it, am I wrong?”

“No, I do have some other sun-related powers, and I do understand what you are saying. If Gawain uses his Noble Phantasm, you want me to block it.”

“Can you?”

“It's not a question of if I can. It's just that Gawain is not the only Sun-related servant Chaldea has in their ranks.”

“Ah, you mean Karna.”

An image was brought up of the Indian demigod.

“I just think that he is a more worrisome foe that I must face. Karna is the son of a sun deity. Which means that I should be facing him rather than Gawain. He presents the bigger danger. I think you all know what I’m talking about.”

Those who knew remembered the Noble Phantasm of Karna that they witnessed that day. Needless to say, it was on a whole other level than Gawain’s Galatine.

“Leave Karna to me, I shall deal with him. I want you to focus on Gawain.”


“Trust me, Celestia. Karna is someone who frankly, outmatches you in terms of combat and speed. Not to mention if he were to use his Noble Phantasm again, I would be the only one capable of blocking it.”

Celestia wanted to argue, but she could not dispute the logic. Karna’s Vasavi shakti was something capable of destroying the Tree of Emptiness. She could not defend against that, no matter how hard she tried.

“Alright, I’ll do it.”

“Good, that's settled. Let's move on.”


“Sir Gawain!” Celestia shouted.

The Knight of the Round Table locked eyes with the alicorn Princess. She leveled her sword and him. Its name was "Daybringer". A magical sword embedded with her special brand of solar magic. It had not seen battle in over a millennium, but now, its time had come once again.

“I, Princess Celestia shall be your opponent.”

Gawain leveled his sun-blessed sword right back at her.

“Your challenge, is accepted.”


Abby, Kasai, Lex, and Rill came from the north side of the castle as the battle commenced. In coordination with two other teams of trainers, they were to look for any openings that would be exploited. With the Chaldean’s attention focused on the south where the main army was, this was their opportunity to strike from simultaneous weaker points.

As an experienced Pokemon Ranger, Abby was trained in the art of stealth for infiltration missions. So sneaking around for her was nothing new. But because she was used to carrying her Pokemon in her Pokeballs during those times, she now had to walk around with her whole team.

And considering that one of her Pokemon was a Shiny Flygon. That didn’t give them many stealth points.

“Remind me what's the plan again Abby?” Lex said.

“Find a way inside, and secure that position. Then we will make a hole for others to get in.”

“I know, but if that barrier is strong enough to keep Arceus out, how are we supposed to get in?” Rill pointed out.

“Everything has a weakness, a flaw that can be exploited. If we can find it, then we’ll be sure to bust right through.”

“And what if we can’t find one? What then?”

“Then we’ll just keep looking!” Abby’s voice this time had a lot more force behind it. Lex and Rill were all too familiar with it, it was the voice Abby used when she was dead set on doing something.

Kasai recognized it too. He knew that Abby was temperamental when it came to fighting her enemies, especially when the fight itself was personal. And given what had happened the last few weeks, this whole situation was VERY personal for her.

“We are Pokemon Rangers, we don’t quit until the job is done and everyone is saved. That's who we are, protectors. We fight evil so that our kids can sleep soundly at night. What we do here tonight, is for justice and peace.”

“Are you sure about that?” said a critical disembodied voice.

Everyone got into attack positions as they looked for the owner of said voice.

“There is a fine line between justice and revenge, and a difference between peace and stagnation. From where I’m standing, you’re confusing at least one of the two.”

“Who are you to say that!?” Abby growled. “Come out and say that to my face.”

Not far in front of them, a small child with blue hair and glass appeared before them in a blue shimmer. He was dressed in fine clothing that was evocative of the Galar Region.

“My name is Hans Christian Anderson. My class is Caster.”

Abby raised an eyebrow. “Hans Chritisan Anderson? You mean the children's book author?”

“Heh, not what you were expecting huh?”

“Hey, wasn’t he the guy who wrote the Little Mermaid?” Lex said.

“Yeah, I think it was him,” Rill confirmed.

Abby shook off the momentary surprise and remembered why she was angry.

“It doesn’t matter who he is, he’s still a servant working for Chaldea. Hans! You and your Chaldean masters are enemies of the Equestrian state! In the name of the Equestrian Pokemon Ranger Union, you and your accomplices are to be arrested on multiple charges of assault, theft, and worst of all, attempted genocide of an entire race, several races in fact! I don’t care what excuse or reasons you have for doing all this. Surrender now, and I’ll at least take that into consideration during your trial.”

For a few moments, Hans said nothing. He looked as if he was observing Abby and her group like a psychiatrist.

“Sir, you may have the right to remain silent, but if you don’t give me an answer-”

“Are you alright?”

It was a more unexpected response than Abby or her team had anticipated.


“From what little that has come out of that mouth of yours I can tell that you are someone with a lot of emotional baggage. Perhaps you have experienced several traumatic events that have made you resentful towards other people who so much as look at you the wrong way.”

It was almost like someone had hit all her buttons at once. Flame began to build in Abby’s mouth.

“Why you little piece of human trash.”

“Oh, so it's not people that you have problems with, it's humans. Not that I blame you though, people can be difficult to work with let alone get along with. But from what it sounds like, it seems you are one of those former humans who got turned into a Pokemon by some inconsiderate god.”

“So what if I am!? I’m happy with what I’ve become! Screw being human! I’d much rather be a Pokemon and spend the rest of my life with someone who loves me for who I am rather than someone who just wants to sleep with me because I’m a pretty face!”

It was at this point that Hans noticed the closeness between Abb and Kasai, at which point he put two and two together and look like he was about to lose his lunch.

“What with that look?”

“Sorry, I'm just trying to keep a certain image out of my head. Hmph, I can’t imagine what life you must have lived if you would settle for sleeping with a mangy mutt.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the air became deadly silent.

Hans being who he was, was critical of everything and everyone, and as such he would dress down and deconstruct people in ways that would intentionally rile them up. Because he had no desire to be liked by others, he did not care if people hated him for the things he spoke.

That being said, Hans had either knowingly, or unknowingly, greatly insulted Abby by demeaning her relationship with Kasai.

Of course, Hans came from a world where normal people aren’t attracted to dogs. So from an outsider's perspective, one could understand his reaction.

Abby however, did not know this. From her perspective, Hans had basically accused her of the same crime many people like her had been charged with. Pokephillia.

And so, that insult, combined with all the other frustration and anger that had been built up, made Abby see red.


A flamethrower erupted from her mouth, Kasai joined her in this attack, while not as mad, he was also not someone who took too kindly to someone questioning their love.

The intense fire would have roasted the author. If not for a shield that quickly appeared in front of him.

And so when the attack subsided, instead of seeing a roasted corpse on the ground. Gareth of the Round Table stood defending her ally.

“Seriously, are you trying to make them madder!?” Gareth said sarcastically.

“This is just who I am. I’m an analyzer, deconstructing people is part of my Human Observation skill.”

“Well, could you at least tone it down?”

“Sorry, can’t do that, now do you want me to buff you or not?”

*Sigh* “Fine.”

“Very well then.” A book appeared in front of Hans, its pages flipping rapidly as he spoke its true name.

“I shall write the story of your life. The title... let's see..."

Märchen Meines Lebens!
A Tale Just For You

A series of healing, defense, and attack buffs was bestowed upon Gareth. Alone she would have trouble fighting the team of an experienced Pokemon Ranger like Abby. But with a Caster assisting her, she now had a better than low chance of emerging victorious.

“Alright listen up. My name is Gareth of the Round Table! Let us have a fair duel!”

But Abby was beyond the point of caring whether or not the fight was a fair one. The only thing she wanted now at this moment was to unleash the rage she had been holding back.

“When I’m done with you, you’ll have so many curses your grandchildren will feel them!”

“...I don’t have grandchildren.”

The four Pokemon charged at the Orkney sibling, who charged back at them with no fear in her eyes.


Seth, Rika, Ingis, and Selena approached from the east of the forest as the sound of battle rang throughout the area. Under the cover of darkness, they were to get as close as they could to the fortress and dig underground if only to see if the barrier defending the place extended that far down.

“Sounds like a really intense fight going on out there,” Selena said.

“Yeah, I almost wished I could be out there rather than doing this,” Ingis added.

“Don’t worry, if all goes well, you will have plenty of people to fight,” Seth pointed out.

The four of them were almost within the shadow of the Kremlin. From where they were standing, it didn’t look like anyone could see them.

“Alright, this looks like a good spot to Dig. Ready Ingis?”

“Always, ready brother!”

Ingis prepared to create a tunnel for them until a spear of light landed at his feet.

“And pray might I ask, what are you doing?”

The team looked up to see a male servant with a large sheathed sword at his side, step out from behind a tree. Nearby, a female servant in a white hoodie also stepped into the light. The spear that she had thrown manifested back in her hand.

“Ah, so there were some servants guarding this area. Although I’m surprised Selena couldn’t smell you. She's good at sensing when people are hiding.”

“We servants can go into spirit form and remain undetected by those without the proper senses. Honestly, if it weren't for my code of honor, I could have sneaked up behind and run you through with my blade.”

Seth’s Pokemon all started growing in aggression. Even if it wasn’t an outright threat, the fact that this servant even brought it up was cause for concern.

“I see, so I assume you wish to face us head-on?”

“Indeed, my name is Watanabe-no-Tsuna, my class is Saber.”

Seth blinked upon hearing that name.

“Watanabe-no-Tsuna, as in the same one from the Four Heavenly Kings?”

“You know who I am?”

“Yes, the stories of Raikou’s retainers are very famous in the Kanto Region. I never thought I’d get to meet one of you. Under different circumstances, I’d probably ask for your autograph signature. But for now”

Seth’s body crackled with electricity.

“I’ll settle for sending some ghosts back to the other side.”

“Very well, let battles be drawn. Ortlinde?”

The Lancer faced her shield forward. “Ready.”

“Alright, let's start off with this, Ingis! Dragon Claw!”

The Charizard closed the distance between him and Tsuna, the samurai responded by heating up the blade in his sheath. In a quick draw, he met the dragon claw with Onikiri, sending sparks and flames everywhere.


The Swords of Justice saw their opponents before they saw them. Two Saber class servants walked out of the forest as they approached them.

The one on the right they instantly recognized as Mordred, the other was a taller male knight with long grey hair and a glowing tattoo on the middle of his chest.

“Well, well, look who decided to come crawling back after getting their @#$% handed to them,” the red saber exclaimed.

“What, are you talking about, last I checked we were the ones who had you on the ground!” Keldeo said.

“And yet you failed to kill me, not that I blame, you after all your opponent was Mordred, heir to King Arthur’s throne.”

Keldeo was about to retort before Cobalion held him back.

“For one who claims to be the heir of King Arthur’s kingdom, from what legends recall, you were never declared his heir. And given that attitude of yours, I can see why he passed you over.”

“What was that!?”

“Calm down Mordred, they have us outnumbered. We must be smart about this.”

“Can it Siegfried, I’ll take the wise guy here and his little horsey, you handle the green one and the fat brown whatever it is.”

“I ain’t fat!” Terrakion shouted back.

“Don’t care!” Mordred then charged at her foe, her Clarent glowing with red lighting. Cobalion, with surprising speed, met her halfway with his own sword.

“Heh, is that the best you got? Back in Camelot, you guys would be nothing more than mounts for us to ride if you’re lucky.”



“Why do you always feel the need to belittle and demean your opponents? That is not the way an honorable knight should act.”

“Ha! If someone can’t handle a few mean words then they shouldn’t be on a battlefield in the first place.”

Cobalion spoke no more, it was clear that she was trying to get a rise out of him. And while he would never admit it, it was working.

Mordred’s words, her manners, her history. It was everything he hated about those who claimed to be knights of honor.

He could not help but think back to the fall of the Virtus, the kingdom formed from the human King that the Swords of Justice raised as their own. How that kingdom fell in a single night of misfortune due to several betrayals and selfish desires.

He thought of the one who led that betrayal, and he became the mythical basis for the servant that stood before him now.


Iris and Axle were members of the team charged with assaulting the west side of the fortress. She brought along her Hydreigon and Druddigon for extra firepower, and Excadrill to do the digging.

“What a glorious lineup of Unova Dragons we have here!” Axle shouted. “While I and Iris are more than enough to deal with these cowardly Chaldeans, having a Hydreigon will ensure their demise!”

“You know where not going in there to kill them right?” Iris said. Despite the things Chaldea had done, Iris was not too comfortable with the idea of taking someone's life. Even if they deserve it.

“They had the gall to invade our homes and threaten our very way of life! If death is not a suitable punishment for them then what is!?”

“There is a due process for this kind of stuff, Axle. You can’t just kill somebody just because you want to.”

“I’m fine with killing stuff master,” Hydreigon said.

Iris shot her Pokemon a look that read. “Not helping.”

“See, even this one agrees!”

“Okay, enough of that, we first have to get inside of that thing before we figure out what to do. Excadrill, are you ready?”

“Yes, Iris. At your command.”

“Hey, is it just me, or is this place becoming foggier?” Druddigon said.

Indeed, a thick fog began to roll in, seemingly out of nowhere.

“Wait, I thought the ponies were in charge of how the weather works in this world?”

“What are you saying, master?”

“An unnatural fog rolls in and there are no ponies around here, much less ones that would help Chaldea by making this fog. So that must mean-”

Before Iris could come to her conclusion. Strange sounds began to be heard. It was mechanical, similar to a steam engine and moving of metal and gears.

It came from all directions, and at the same time, several red lights could be seen thru the steamy shroud.

Iris, with her quick thinking said, “Hydreigon use Defog!”

The dragon Pokemon’s wings glowed as he sent out several blades of wind that quickly cleared the area. Once it was done, what was concealed was laid bare.

The team was surrounded by a small army of robotic mechs. They all appeared to have the same model and shape. Large arms and short legs with a head that resemble a top hat, and a single glowing light that reassembled an “eye”. In their hands, they had long-toothed blades.

“What the heck are these things!?”

“They are my Helter Skelters,” Said someone with a deep mechanical voice. “Mass-produced from my Noble Phantasm.”

From out of the crowd, stepped forth another automaton, this one larger and more distinct than the rest. Rather than a large saw blade, it carried a large metal cone-shaped tool on a pole.

Next to him, a normal human in formal clothing stepped beside him. He just had a single sword at his side. His eyes were a deep dark red, like polished jewels, he had brown hair and caucasian skin. He was average in appearance and not someone people would take a second glance at.

“My name is Charles Babbage, I am a Caster.”

While someone like Charles Babbage did exist on the Pokemon world to pioneer the invention of the computer and steam engines, Iris was no history major so the name had no meaning to her.

And so she passed over him and focused on the other servant beside him.

“And who are you supposed to be?”

“I am Sieg, my class is also Caster.”

“Huh, I get the feeling the metal guy is important, but who are you supposed to be?”

Sieg pursed his lips.

“No one, I am not a Heroic Spirit with much history to be noteworthy of. Nor am I anyone of consequence.”

“Hmmm. Eh, whatever. I must say I'm impressed you both came out here to greet us with this many numbers. I’m almost flattered.”

“I am just merely a servant obeying my master's commands. What I do, I do as a Heroic Spirit sworn to defend humanity.”

Iris raised an eyebrow. She was told before about how these servants were summoned by something called the Counter Force in response to the endangerment of the human race. While she didn’t understand the full mechanics behind it, she basically got the gist that these people who were once dead were brought back to life to help save humanity in its time of need.

Iris personally had no strong feelings towards the human race, positive or negative. While she was always against Pokephilia, she never blamed the majority of humanity so much as the ignorant few who believed the Pokemon and humans should not be romantically involved.

But that was neither here nor there. This was simply the case of the human race responding to an invading species who would supplant them as the existing race. Iris understood that technically the Pokemon were the invaders. That only one world could exist on this planet.

That being said, it was the ponies, another species native to this planet that had accepted the Pokemon as their new friends, not humanity.

“I know that you guys are just trying to save your world. But is killing another one really the answer? Is there not a way we can all live together?”

The mechanical servant did not answer for a few seconds, as if he was still coming to grips with this moral dilemma himself.

“If there is a way, it is unknown to me. I do not take joy in eradicating an entire world. But as someone who was born and reborn as a hero of humanity, I shall stand with them. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. But the world I came from no longer exists, and I have made many new friends in this world. So as someone who has come to call this place home, I will stand with them.”

“I see, then there are no words left to say except-”

“Enough talking! Let’s pummel them into the ground!” Axle said as he fire a Dragon Pulse that hit Babbage square in the chest before he could react. His armor was damaged as he was knocked off his feet.

“Hey, that was a cheap shot!” Sieg said.

“Don’t care, prepare to beg for mercy human!”

The Helter Skelters marched forward in response to their creator being attacked, weapons at the ready.

“Prepare to beg for mercy, after I’m done trashing these tin cans!” Axle then used Outrage as he began to tear through the mechanical army with Hydreigon and Druddigon assisting him. Meanwhile, Iris faced Sieg as he drew his sword.

“Is your friend always like this?”

“Pretty much,” said Iris as she activated Dragon Claw.


Karna and Arceus stared at each other in the skies above the battlefield. Neither one being able to read the other's expressions. All around them, various other Heroic Spirits fought the other Legendary Pokemon. Achilles faced the Eon duo. Sigurd battled Reshiram, Anastasia faced Kyurem, and Kintoki battled Kyogre.

“So you are the legendary Karna I have heard so much about.” Arceus sensed the power and divinity radiating from him. He always had a certain respect for other gods and their demigod children. Even if one of them stood against him now. “I can see the power within you, Agni, Indra, Surya. The gods of the Hindu Pantheon stand behind you and against me.”

“Indeed,” Karna responded. “As the gods love humanity I was sent here in their place to protect the human order.”

“Interesting, they would still protect the humans that cast them aside and left them behind? After years of protecting and nurturing them, the humans all moved on and just pretended the gods never existed. And yet they would still send them aid after they abandoned them?”

“You speak of the relationship of humanity and gods as if it were a brother abandoning its brother. When in truth, Humanity had no need for the gods anymore because it was time for them to grow beyond their dependence. It is closer to a child leaving the protection of their parent and bringing their childhood to an end. In short, it was time for humanity to live on its own.”

“Hmph. You speak as if this is a good thing. Tell me what has humanity accomplished in the time they left the gods behind. They have become divided and chaotic. They disregard nature and do whatever they please, their actions eat away at the very world they live on! I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few short years someone starts a war that ends up destroying civilization. In short, humanity is not ready to be the custodians of the planet.”

“According to you?”

“According to me,” Arceus spoke, unashamed. “You humans are not ready to live without the gods. And so, even though this is not my world, I shall gladly be the one to watch over and care for it until the time when the mortal races are ready to care for it.”

“But not humans?”

Arceus stared at the demigod.

“From what I have seen, you all had your chance.”

“So you would assert your authority over a world you have no claim to, simply out of your own personal beliefs? You call humanity immature and yet your actions are not dissimilar to a child who saw something he didn’t like and wanted to change it to suit his own taste. Tell me god of Pokemon, are you doing this simply out of some moral obligation, or because you failed to do this back on your own planet?”

Karna was similar to Hans in that they were both good at reading people. And often their words hit home. But while Hans criticized people for his own amusement and study, Karna’s words had no malice or negative intentions behind them.

Of course, Arceus either didn’t know or didn’t care. And like many gods, he did not like it when mortals pointed out their flaws.

“Enough talk, let us see how long the blessings of your father can last you against my true divine power, Hero of Charity.”

A simple Hyper Beam attack was aimed at Karna, alone the move was devastating enough. But because it was used by Arceus, not only was it vastly more powerful, he suffered none of the energy drawbacks associated with said move. Meaning he could fire it as much as he wanted.

Being the nimble member of the Lancer-class, Karna spectacularly avoided each and every shot. Until he saw an opening and unleashed Brahmastra at the Pokemon God’s head. Hitting him dead on.

Arceus stumbled, but that was all the attack did.

“Impressive, I actually felt that.”

While Quetzalcoatl had been able to hurt and even momentarily knock out Arceus. That was all she was capable of doing in her limited servant Saint Graph. And while Karna was no normal servant, he was not capable of inflicting lasting damage on the Pokemon god.

“Do you now see, son of Surya? You cannot hurt me, why waste your energy delaying the inevitable and just give up?”

Karna once again came down to Arceus's eye level. He spoke once again in the same tone of voice he was known for.

“A true hero does not surrender just because he faces a superior opponent, a true hero will fight to the very end, even at the cost of his life.”

“Hmph, so be it.”


Back on the ground Siegfried and Mordred continued to clash swords with Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Despite being outnumbered, neither side was gaining ground.

Mordred parried a strike from Cobalion and kicked Keldeo in the face and he tried to come from behind.

Siegfried grabbed Terrakion by the horns and surprisingly held his ground against the charging Pokemon. He slammed his head into the ground and blocked a series of quick strikes from the Grassland Pokemon.

Cobalion once again matched swords with Mordred, rather than approaching from the rear again, Kedleo, who had entered his resolute form, joined his teacher in using their swords to push Mordred back.

“Hah, this is the best you can do? And people wonder why we don’t let little horses swing swords. It just doesn’t make sense.”

“Do not underestimate us just because we walk on four legs, even a foreign and unfamiliar fighting style is enough to beat a foe who knows nothing of it.”

“Heh, I don’t need to know how you fight to be you, it's clear where the gap in our power lies.”

“Ha! Like you would know a thing or two about that!” Keldeo retorted.


“Let’s be real, you are nothing more than a traitorous knight with no real reason to fight do you?”

“What are you getting at you little punk?”

“All that you're known for is being the one to kill King Arthur and destroying the very kingdom you wanted to rule over. That's basically your entire story, at least the only part that matters. And all because your mommy told you to.”

Keldeo didn’t notice it, but Cobalion sensed a sudden change in Mordred’s demeanor.

“That's all you were good for, being made to as a weapon directed by someone to bring down someone else. That was the only accomplishment Mordred was ever known for, nothing more! I bet your mom would have cast you aside after she was done with you had you not died that day also.”

The was a noticeable silence from Mordred.

“You have no will or opinions of your own. You’re just a stupid girl who was made to do something and that's it. I don’t even know why you’re here in the first place if you have no other reason to live.”

At this point, Cobalion and Keldeo had slowly been gaining ground inch by inch. But now, Mordred was somehow shoving them back.

“What!? H-how are you?!”


Mordred summoned a powerful mana burst. So powerful and quickly was it, that not only did it knock Keldeo and Cobalion off their feet, but the shockwave also sent Siegfried and the other Swords of Justice flying in every direction.

Keldeo was a little dazed, but he managed to quickly regain his focus enough to see an enraged servant walking toward him.

“Your first mistake was pissing me off.”

The young Pokemon quickly got to his feet but was knocked down again by a blindingly fast strike from Clarent, which he barely managed to parry.

“Your second mistake was calling me a girl.”

Keldeo got up again but this time was hit with even greater force, sending him into a nearby rock, breaking it. An intense pain radiated from his forehead, he then looked in horror and saw that his Resolute horn was cut from his body

The youngest Sword of Justice once again tried to stand. But Mordred stomped on his hind leg, nearly breaking it. He cried out in pain that caught Virizion’s attention.

“Your third and final mistake you will ever make, was insinuating that I am nothing more than something that was made to just be used her entire stupid !@#$ing life!”

Mordred rasied her sword.

“Keldeo!” Virizion cried out.

The sword was swung. The body was impaled. Blood stained the ground as it dripped from the gaping wound made by that famous sword.

Mordred looked down and saw a blade made of light erupting from her chest. She tried to speak, but only coughed up more blood. She tried to raise Clarent but it just fell out of her hands and dropped it to the ground. Her Battle Continuation Skill had been nullified, this single strike had taken all the energy out of her.

“Correct. You have no one to blame for your life but yourself,” Cobalion said. “We all make choices and decisions in our life. Some choose to be good, others choose to be evil. You, however, choose to be a child who simply threw a tantrum when they did not get what they wanted.”

Cobalion removed his sword from Mordred’s chest, causing her to fall to the ground, as she continued to bleed out. Her spirit core was shattered, and her magical energy was draining rapidly.

“This is what people like you deserve. In the end, you choose to commit evil without remorse or consideration for others. And in this end, hell was what awaited you, and that is where you shall return, Knight of Treachery.”

Yellow particles began to rise into the air from Mordred’s body. She stared back at her killer, not with anger or hate, but with the solemn face of someone who at her core, could not help but admit defeat.

“Tch, unbelievable, to think I would go out like this, being talked down to by a Stag. Some knight I turned out to be.”

And with those last words, the illegitimate son of King Arthur died, her body disintegrating back into the mana that sustained her.


At this point, all the Helter Skelters were reduced back to scrap metal, and Babbage was being assaulted from all sides by Axle, Hydreigon, and Druddigon.

Iris and Sieg had only managed to land several light hits on each other, nothing to inflict serious damage. But with the way Babbage was quickly losing his fight, it was only a matter of time before Iris received reinforcements.

“Your friends not looking too good,” Iris said.

Sieg noticed it too. “You may be right.”

“Just give up already, there is no reason we should be fighting.”

“I understand what you mean, We have no animosity towards each other, neither are we evil nor in the wrong.”

“If you know that, then why are fighting, what gives you the will to fight?”

Sieg did not have an answer, at least not one she would understand. So instead he said.

“I fight for myself, for someone, and for everyone. That is the reason I fight.”

“That's.... no, I get it. You fight for your friends, not humanity. Is that it?”

“Perhaps, I’ll leave it up to you.”


Karna was running low on magical energy.

It's not that he couldn’t get more, but he had already used his noble phantasm once, and any more uses without the sacrifice of his armor would drain his master dry.

And yet, he knew his fight here was coming to an end, with the wounds he received, he was reaching his limit, Arceus knew it too.

“You fought honorably. Give up now I promise you will die swiftly.”

“No, not yet.”

Karna strike with the speed of an arrow, but Arceus foresaw this and avoided it while dealing Karna another injury. At this point, the Lancer had lost all movement in his left arm.

“This is what I hate about humans, you are all so stubborn, don’t know when to quit. Even when you know you are going to lose regardless.”

Karna said nothing.

“And yet, that same will, that same drive to never give up is what breeds great heroes. The same heroes who protected the world in my stead. I cannot help but respect that. For even in the face of impossible odds, heroes like you still rise to the challenge.”

“I accept your praise, Arceus of the Pokemon. Allow me to deliver my full feelings back to you with this single blow.”

“The deliver it, Hero of Charity, show me that generosity that rivals the departed Shaymin, who gave her life to save the Tree of Emptiness that you nearly killed.”

Karna gathered the last bit of mana within him, and then, with all that he had, put his will and might into his last noble phantasm.

Brahmastra Kundala!

The spear of fire and lighting sailed through the sky, aimed at Arceus, who stood there with no attempt to avoid it.

“Roar of Time.”

A beam of temporal energy engulfed the spear, traveling back the way it came, all the way to its owner.

Karna’s form dissipated. His spirit returning to the Throne of Heroes.

“It was inevitable.”

Arceus looked down at the battlefield, to the Chaldeans who stood upon the fortress of their making. At the rate this fight was going, it would eventually be over. But Arceus did not want to leave anything to chance, he had to end this, now.

"Rejoice, humans, I shall give you the attention that only you are worthy of receiving."

“This isn’t looking good,” Kadoc said.

The masters of Chaldea looked up from the wall of the Kremlin as the battle at their gates was going somewhat poorly, even with all these servants here, they were still vastly outnumbered. And some of their strongest ones, the ones best suited for dealing with armies, were busy fighting Legendary Pokemon.

“How much longer until Da Vinci and the others finish the modifications to the Shadow Border?” Akuta said.

“15 minutes, last I checked,” Kirschtaria. “And in that time, they might just break through the barrier. How are our servants doing.”

“Sigurd, Ortlinde, and Sieg are holding their ground so far. Although Sigurd is fighting against two Legendary Pokemon now, rather than one,” Ophelia said.

“Anastasia is doing fine, Hans has yet to receive any nasty damage, but Babbage…he’s not looking too good, all his Skelters were wiped out.”

“Kintoki is starting to lose ground, Tsuna is holding his own, and Gareth is on the ropes so to speak.”

“Fujimaru what about you?”

“Mash is doing fine holding down the gates, no one has been able to get past her.”

“And what of Mordred, and Karna?”

“Let’s see, yeah they're doing fine, they're….oh no.”

“What's wrong?”

“Mordred has fallen, her spirit core is no more...”

"So we lost Mordred...well, in that case, devote more mana to Karna, lord knows he needs it."

"Okay, I'll just...wait, Karna is dead!?"

"Wait, now Karna has bit the dust!?" Kadoc said. "But that would mean-"


A loud voice boomed through the battlefield, causing everyone to stop and look to the sky.

Arceus in the air looked down upon the castle, to the humans who looked back up at the heavens, back up at him.

“You have fought bravely, you have fought well, you have shown me today why you worthy of being called a threat to our very world and all who live upon it.”

Arceus closed his eyes.

“But surely you must know, that you cannot last much longer, even now my children, my allies and defeating your servants, sending them back to this, Throne of Heroes. The Counter Force that has sent them here can do no more.”

“This is not good,” Kadoc said.

“Yeah, you’re telling me,” Akuta said. “He’s right about our forces diminishing.”

“No the fact that he is monologuing. Whenever the bad guy in fiction monologues like this, it's only when they’re about to deliver the killing blow.”

“From your perspective, you may believe that you are not evil, you are simply just people who wish to save your world. However, surely you must realize, that the amount of killing you will have to do in order to save your race, is more than you could possibly live with.”

That line struck a chord in almost everyone who heard it.

“You should not have to be burdened with such a heavy sin, such a terrible weight. It will be too much for you to bear. It would be so much easier if you were to just give up here and now.”

Arceus opened his eyes.

“But, I know your kind. You will not give up will you, you shall continue to fight even if it cost you your very soul. As such I am left with no choice. I shall remove this burden from you right now. Rest children of man, you need not fight anymore.”

Arceus then began to gather magical energy near his head, the air became dense around him as the sphere of energy grew bigger and brighter.

“Um, what is Arceus doing!?” Twilight said.

“I don’t believe it,” Victini said. “Father is going to use Judgement!”

“Judgment, what's that!?”

“Arceus’s signature move,” Misty said. “I heard the myths that Arceus used a single move to annihilate an entire city once in the Hoenn Region. They say he had judged the city and found it to be guilty, of which he then delivered Divine Punishment.”

“Wait, so you are telling me he’s gonna...”


Back on top of the Kremlin, Da Vinci popped up on the holocom of Ritsuka.

“Uh, guys, why am I reading an absurd amount of magical energy being built up out there!?”

“Yeah!” Meuniere added. “Even though these walls and various layers of protection, we are getting readings that are making our instruments go crazy. What's going on out there?’

“I believe, that the Pokemon God, is about to deliver his final attack.”

“Are you freaking kidding me! I mean, I knew this was always a possibility. That Arceus might have some authority or attack that we haven't seen yet, but I just hoped against hoped that we wouldn't have to deal with it,” Goredolf said.

“Gilgamesh, can this barrier withstand his attack?”

“Hmph, maybe once, twice if you’re lucky. But make no mistake, once it goes down, we have lost.”

“He’s right, Arceus would just have to blink and we’d be gone if that happens,” Kirschtaria said.

“Then somebody do something!” Wodime you think you can use-”

“I have considered that director, but given the nature of the good we’re dealing with, I’m not willing to bet that he might redirect that attack back at us if he so chooses.”

“Are you serious, is there nothing we can do!?”

“Uh, guys I think he’s done charging,” Akuta said.

Arceus finished gathering the last of the required energy for his ultimate attack. A move that was the symbol of his authority and power as a god who created the world, and could destroy it.

“In the name, of Arceus, God of Pokemon. I deliver unto you: Judgement.”

The sphere of light soared into the air. And exploded into numerous star-like meteors. Despite the manner in which they were released, they all homed in on a single target.

The Chaldeans, the Pokemon, the Ponies, everyone watched as Judgement began to rain down upon them.

Raised Hand of the Destruction God

From below, a blue ball of light rose into the air. And in a similar manner, it exploded and released many streams of light that raced upwards to meet the ones that descended upon the Earth.

Each and every one of those streams of light met its match head-on until there was nothing left of Judgement.

For a while, non could believe their eyes, but the most stunned and surprised, was Arceus.

“W-WHAT!?” he exclaimed in disbelief.


“Someone was able to stop fathers Judgement!?”

As the shock of what just happened disappeared, Arceus looked for the one who dared object to his divine punishment. And then he spotted him.

Floating in the air, near the fortress, was a dark-skinned servant dressed with white cloths, in his hand was a bow of fine craftsmanship.

“Sorry I am late, It took me a while to find this place.”

The Chaldeans who had restored the 5th singularity recognized him as someone who was there.

“WHO. ARE. YOU!?” Arceus said with barely contained anger.

“I am Arjuna, Son of Indra, the King of Gods. In life, I was known as the awarded hero who slew my half-brother Karna in battle.”

Twilight and several others recalled back to that day when they were given a book about humanity's history, and how it was mentioned that this very servant was the brother of the same Karna who fought Celestia on the same day he was summoned.

“Karna, brother of Arjuna,” Twilight said.

“And his mortal enemy, and killer,” Luna added.

“How. How did you stop my Judgement!? Tell me!”

“So that's what it's called, I see now why I was summoned here. Oh Arceus of the Pokemon, if your attack is one that delivers Judgment upon the people, then my Pashupata is of the same kind of attack. It is a Noble Phantasm gifted to me by the Great God Shiva, who is a God of Creation like yourself.”

“Shiva!? The God of Creation and Destruction!?”

“Indeed. Pashupata is a weapon that judges each person individually and delivering Moksha to those who fail. As it is the same concept as your attack, both our powers cancel each other out. So it would seem neither of us can deliver judgment upon this day!”

“How…How dare you! You do realize that you can only use your Noble Phantasm so many times before you run out of magical energy. And even if I don’t use Judgement, there are still 1,000 ways I can end you, and 806 of them hurt.”

“That is true, I do not have the energy for a prolonged fight nor the means to heal myself from whatever wounds I might sustain. HOWEVER! There is one other servant that was summoned here long before me. One who has been bidding his time waiting for this single moment, and now he is ready to show himself!”

“Hey everyone! Sorry, I’m late.”

The Chaldeans spun around to so a man dressed in white and with an ethereal smile walking on the roof towards them.

The group immediately recognized him as-


“Aha, it's so good to see your faces again after so long. I trust your journey has been going well?”

“Wait did I hear that right, is Merlin up on the roof with all of you!?” Da Vinci said.

“Ah hello Da Vinci, you look younger.”

“Yeah, well, we could have used your help during the Temple of Time," Kadoc said.

"Medusa said you couldn’t make it," Fujimaru pointe out

“Well, you didn’t need me back then. There was another Grand Caster who was willing to fill that role, I would have just hogged the spotlight.”

Luna was looking at the roof, saw, and recognized the man that was there right now.

“Wait, I know him, that's the succubus that was feeding off of the dreams of our subjects!”

“Hmmm, strange I thought I just heard someone refer to me with the wrong gender terminology. Eh, Whatever.”

“Are you here to help us, Merlin?” Ritsuka said.

“Of course I am. After all, a wizard is never late nor early, he arrives exactly when he is needed the most. And right now I think you all are in very much need of this!”

Merlin grasped his staff with both hands and began to speak the magic words.

“Under the sky that is the beginning of all things, there are no walls, no castles, no nations. The Primordial Planet dazzles from the bottom of the earth. I'll show you the domain of the soul…"

Garden of Avalon!
The Forever-Sealed Utopia

A magnificent tower of white marble manifested itself upon the afterglow Fortress, and immediately the sky went from a stary night to a perpetual blue day of spring.

Pink flower petals soared and floated through the air as the entire world around everyone changed. The grassy field and forests were replaced with a sea of flowers and rivers, for a moment in time, everyone stopped to admire the awe and beauty of the world they had been transported to.

It was a land spoken of and lived only in storybooks. A paradise untouched by man. A land that was the ideal utopia that mankind kept reaching for. The end goal that they kept racing towards.

It was a Garden only found within the inner sea of the planet. The home of the fairies who were the extensions of the Earth. The resting place of the King of Knights.

This was the land of Avalon.

“Now then let us begin shall we?”

Author's Note:

Two Chapters left

So who did you guys choose for your Free SSR ticket? I picked Achilles

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