• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Invasion of Tortuga: Part 1

Several hours ago….

Darnic sat at the large table, mostly content with himself.

Things within his Lostbelt were going relatively smoothly and uneventfully. The Tree of Emptiness was growing steadily as expected and was still the most developed other than the one that resided in the kingdom of Equestria.

Although his gamble to have Chaldea take out Equus’s Tree had failed, it was not that much of a failure. It mattered not if that Lostbelt was dealt with now or later, so long as his was the one to reach full bloom.

Still, that did not mean they would just leave it be. In this game of survival, the stronger Lostbelt would be the one to be left standing. The rule was that if two Lostbelts ended up meeting borders, they must fight to claim territory, which is exactly what had to be done in order to continue expanding the Atlantic Lostbelt’s borders and to continue the tree’s growth.

He activated his communicator and a few seconds later, the holographic image of Odysseus appeared on the table.

“You called Lord Darnic?”

“Commander Odysseus, I trust all your preparations are complete?”

“Yes sir, the men and ships are ready to set sail when necessary.”

“Good, that if there's nothing else, I shall now allow you to commence with the operation. Your mission as you know is to invade the country that borders the western side of our Lostbelt, Zebrica, as the natives call it. You are to wipe out any and all resistance you encounter, leave no quarter, no prisoners. In the name of Zeus, the King of Gods, you are to claim that land for Olympus and its people.”

“As you wish Lord Darnic, by the will of the Great God, this shall be done.”

The communication ended, leaving Darnic alone in the room once more.

“It was very good that they managed to summon Odysseus. The famed Commander of the Trojan War, who came up with the decisive Trojan Horse plan was very studied for this operation.

With this Lostbelt being a divergence of Greek Mythology, it was appropriate that he would summon heroes relating to that Pantheon. Alongside Odysseus, they also summoned Chiron, Galatea, Agamemnon, and several others.

While he had considered having Agamemnon lead the charge against the Equus Lostbelt, he recalled how temperamental he could be. So instead he elected to have Odysseus lead the invasion, while Agamemnon would remain on Olympus and commander the home army. Not that it made much difference, since if by some miracle Olympus was invaded, the Gods would destroy and enemies to the state.

As for Galatea, Aphrodite said she had specific plans for her.

So with all that said, if things went smoothly, the Atlantic Lostbelt would soon begin to expand again.

And if the invasion were to fail somehow?... Well, the army was not the only asset Olympus had at its disposal…


Odysseus was here to do one thing and one thing only.

To claim this land in the name of Olympus.

100 ships strong he had brought with him. Each of them contained a squadron of at least 50 soldiers from Atlantis, all of them who had received the blessing of the gods. Three of these guards alone were a match for a servant.

From what he was told, the world of this Lostbelt was one that had no servants. But rather a race of powerful creatures called Pokemon, and just as the people of Olympus owe their existence to the Great God Zeus, the Pokemon were created by a God known as Arceus.

But apparently, the Pokemon had lived for a long time without their God, and as such had become weak enough that humans were able to reign over them for many millennia. This was due to him being sealed away by his own creations.

While Odysseus believed in the supremacy of Gods, any deity who allowed himself to be imprisoned by his own creations did not deserve worship or reverence.

The fact that this Arceus had not shown up yet and destroyed his fleet was proof enough that he was a weak god. And every second that he spent holed up in his temple further proved his point.

But now was not the time to think about if Arceus would show up, Odysseus had to focus on the here and now.

As his ship breached the storm wall that separated his Lostbelt from theirs, he beheld land in the distance. As well as a port city in the dusk of day.

“Commander,” a soldier walked up to him, addressing Odysseus with a salute. “We will arrive at the settlement before sunset.”

“Less than 10 minutes,” he thought. “So that leaves very little time for the residents to evacuate.”

“Very good Lieutenant, keep the ship going at a steady pace.”

“Yes, sir. What are your orders once we make landfall?”

“Our orders come from the Great God Zeus himself, passed down by his retainer Lord Darnic. They were clear and precise.”

Behind his mask, Odysseus narrowed his eyes.

“Kill them all, with extreme prejudice. Leave no quarter, no prisoners.”

“As you command sir.”

The soldier then turned around and began to bark orders at the other crewmen.

“All hands, prepare to make landfall!”


Tortuga was a city that had only begun to rebuild itself after the civil war, it was the sight of a massive sea battle due to its strategic location. Needless to say, its people had been through much.

But it seems their struggle was not about to come to an end anytime soon.

Once again, evacuation protocols were issued. Zerba and Pokemon began to pack whatever they could carry and load them into carts, wagons, and their own backs. The train station became crowded as many attempted to board the train that was currently in it. But with it being only 8 coaches, it would not fit everyone.

As the residents began to evacuate, the city's border guard began to mount defenses. cannonballs were loaded into place and trebuchets were set up.

It wasn’t much however. Zebrica was not as advanced as some of the other nations. As such they lacked some of the more powerful weapons of countries such as the Minotaur Empire and Equestria. So they would have to make due with this. But the one silver lining they had were Pokemon.

As part of the joining between the PLA and the Zebra military. Tortuga was assigned a special team of water-type Pokemon that was meant to deal with invasions from the sea. During the war, they proved to be very useful at sinking enemy ships. A key advantage since Zerba can’t swim.

Personally chosen by General Pert, the one in charge of the PLA’s navy, they were some of the best swimmers in the PLA.

Team Seaspray. They consisted of Ensign Zel(Floatzel), Ensign Sam(Samurott), Ensign Quag(Quagsire), Lieutenant Sharp(Sharpedo), and Captain Tops(Kabutops)

At the docks, these five Pokemon stood at attention as their Captain gave them all the rundown of what they were going to do.

“Alright boys!” bellowed Captain Tops as he looked upon his team. The 5 person Pokemon squad who had been playing old main until 5 minutes ago, had just been briefed on what was going on. As part of the evacuation efforts, their orders were to delay the arrival of the ships as much as possible. They knew they couldn’t destroy them all on their own, but they could slow them down long enough for the citizens of Tortuga to evacuate.

“You should all know what's going on right now. This great city is about to become a battleground once again. But that doesn’t mean the good people of this town want any part in it! Our orders are simple, we are to slow and sink as many ships as we can so the people of Tortuga can evacuate safely without anyone trying to shoot them in the back! Is that understood!?”

“Sir yes sir!”

“We don’t exactly know who our enemy is, but we do know what they are. Humans! Once again the mortal enemy of the Pokemon Liberation Army shows its ugly head again! This is what the PLA was originally made for, to overthrow the tyranny of humans and to make a world where all Pokemon can live in peace! Is that understood!?”

“Sir yes sir!”

“Alright! Zel, Sharp, take point!”

The five Pokemon walked towards the edge of the docks, Zel and Sharp jumped in first, followed by the rest of the team.

They swam, far enough below that they would not be spotted. In less than 4 minutes they had closed the distance between them and the ship, and their battle was about to begin.

“Alright everyone, attack pattern Zeta-2 stop their engines!”

“Sir yes sir!”

Attack pattern Zeta-2, a strategy that essentially amounts to a hit-and-run tactic. Using quick but powerful moves to confuse and disorient the enemy.

Everyone except Sam joined together and use Whirpool to create a sizable Malstrom. Sam meanwhile used Aqua Jet with his swords drawn to slice open the bottom of the ships and cause them to take on water.

The effects were immediate, Odysseus’s flagship and several others were caught in the whirlpool's current.

“What is going on!?” said the helmsmen of one ship.

“A maelstrom sir! Our ships can’t escape it!”

As confusion began to settle in, one of the ships suffered an explosion below deck, and began to sink.

All of this was observed by Odysseus who began to realize something was suspicious.

“A maelstrom does not just appear out of nowhere,” he thought. Even as his ship was being rocked by the whirlpool, the seasoned soldier remained calm and assessed the situation.

“If it's not a natural phenomenon, then it must be the work of a hidden party. Nothing in the report says this Lostbelt contained a being the level of Poseidon. However, I did hear that there were Pokemon who were capable of manipulating the sea.”


“Yes sir!”

“Bring up the radar.”

“Yes sir, as you wish!”

A holographic display appeared, showing the entire fleet as well as the surrounding waters.

“Show me what's beneath the ocean.”

The display then switched to underwater, and immediately it displayed pings showing the movements of 5 USOs.

“Give me a better visual.”

The hologram readjusted itself to now show 5 Pokemon attacking the ships from below.

As they were doing this, Team Seaspray continued to do their job. Captain Tops used powerful slash attacks to create more holes in ships, Sam followed suit, his blades creating small but numerous holes that could not all be patched up in time. Quag used a combination of Focus Punch and Mega punch to send several ships rocking. Lieutenant Sharp called upon Hail mixed with Zel’s Rain Dance to create a deluge of ice and water that caused much annoyance for the crews of the ships. And to finish this off, Everyone began taking turns using dual Hyper Beams to start splitting several ships in half.

As chunks of ice bounced off of Odysseus’s head, he still remained calm and unfazed by this attack. Being enhanced by the Gods of Olympus, it would take more than some hail to kill a single Atlantean human. To them, it might as well be snow.

Still, their ships being blown apart was not good for any of them. And since no one was trained to fight underwater since it was the domain of Poseidon, they could not go there themselves and fight their attacks.

Key word being “themselves”.


“Yes, Commander!”

“Is the weapon ready yet?”

“Yes sir! It has already produced several Lamina infused with which we have already infused with Klironomia.”

“That's good, and what of the demonic hound?”

“It's still in its fetus stage sire, but it won’t be much longer.”

“Good, set the Lamina loose, and tell me when the demonic hound is done.”

“Yes sir right away!”

Back below the sea Team Seaspray had just destroyed their 5th ship.

“Alright, boys, if we can keep this up, they won't reach the town by the time everyone has evacuated!” Sharp said.

“Don’t get cocky Sharp!” Tops said. The enemy may have a trick up their sleeve just yet!”

Just as the words left his mouth, Zel turned and his eyes spotted something swimming toward them.

“Uh Captain, we got company!”

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at where Zel was pointing at. From their point of view, these creatures looked like something that could be described as a cross between a human and an Arbok.

“The hell are those things!?” Quag said.

“Did some humans do it with a snake or something?” Sam said.

“No time to think about that!” Tops said. “Take them down.”

While their names were unknown to the Pokemon, in the world of Greek myths, they were known as Lamia. Half snake women who seduce humans and feed on their flesh.

Normally, such demonic beasts would be not too much trouble for even normal human warriors to handle if approached properly. However…these Lamia were different.

Zel found out the hard way when he used Ice Fang to bite into the Lamia’s side, he knew something was wrong when instead of tasting blood, he tasted something similar to steel. No, not the iron taste of blood, it felt like he bit down on actual metal.

Throwing the Lamia aside, he took a good look and saw that the Lamia’s body was now mostly covered in a silvery substance, and that the bite wound he had inflicted upon it was now healing.

“What in the name of Arceus!? Guys, there's something weird about these things.”

“Yeah,” said Sam as he slashed a few more snake women. “Their wounds seemed to heal pretty quickly!”

“I was gonna say they all looked like they just took a dip in chrome paint but that’s also true,” Quag said.

“What is the plan boss?” Sharp said.

“Their regeneration must have its limits. Try slicing them to bits and see if that helps.”

To punctuate his point, Tops charged up his Slash attack and bisected an oncoming Lamia, both halves of its body ceasing to move.

“Alright then, I’ve been wanting to dismember someone for ages!” Sharp said as he proceed to rip apart another Lamia, and chew on its head until it went limp.

“You have a strange desire for bloodlust Sharp,” said Sam as he sliced another snake to ribbons.

“I’m a shark! It’s practically cliche for my kind to do this stuff!”

Pretty soon after much cutting and dismemberment, the team had taken care of all the Lamia in the vicinity.

“HA! That's all they got, come on, bring us a real challenge!” Sharp said.

On the ship, Odysseus watched as the Lamia detachment was wiped out.

But he was not surprised by this, anyone who had the power to split a ship would be able to deal with a few Lamia pawns. Those monsters were in truth, only a distraction.


“Yes, Lieutenant?”

“The hound has been born and stabilized. It is ready to be released at your command.”

“Good, release the hound. No need for Klironomia, it alone should be enough for them.”

Back underwater, Team Seaspray, had just taken care of a few more Lamia sent after them.

“Is that all?” Zel said.

“Hopefully yes,” Quag said. “So with that in mind, let's get back to-”

A loud roar, reverberated throughout the sea, causing the 5 to stop what they were doing as they contemplated just what that sound was.

To them, it sounded like something that awoke an instinctual fear within them. A fear of death, if it had to be described, the sound itself, brought to mind the domain of Giratina, and the mysterious realm of the Ghost-Type Pokemon.

Then, they saw something dive into the waters from one of the ships, its flowing body made it easy to spot.

As it swam closer, they were able to make out its shape and appearance.

It reassembled what looked like three dog heads. Just the heads, no body, at least not one that could be seen. The heads themselves appeared to be coming out of mobile fiery portals, with loose chains flinging in the water.

The closest thing it reminded Team Seapray of was the Pokemon Houndoom. But more menacing.

“What the hell is that thing?”

Sam’s question was met with another roar, as the beast then charged at the group.

“Okay, let's dance!”

Sam sidestepped the dog as he slashed at it with his swords, meanwhile Zel, rammed into its side with Aqua Jet. Distracting it long enough that Tops blasted it with a Hyper Beam.

However, the creature barely appeared to be hurt, just more angry if anything.

“This might take a while,” Quag said.

“Be sure to watch out for its heads,” Tops said.

“Considering that thing is just heads, that's hard to hit it without the risk of getting chomped up,” Zel said.

“Then it's time to bring out the big guns! Sam, do the thing.”


Sam then pulled out a colored round stone and attached it to a brace on Sharp’s top fin. His body then began to glow as a DNA symbol appeared over his head. Sharp then became enveloped in a ball of light before Mega evolved into a Mega Sharpedo.

With the lack of a human trainer, Mega Evolution was now an even more rare phenomenon. Unless you had a former trainer who had a pre-established bond back on Earth, Mega evolution was now virtually impossible.

So to compensate, Arceus showed the Pokemon how to create special bands using magic from Equestria. With this, so long as the Pokemon had a strong enough will, it would be able to Mega Evolve without a human trainer. But the result was a shorter time for which they could stay Mega Evolved. Unless they had formed a bond with a partner, prolonged Mega Evolution was still only afforded to those former humans.

Sharp then used a powerful Dark Pulse on the monster which seemed to push it back. This was followed up by a Slash attack from Tops and an Ice Beam from Zel, the chain attack was finished by Quag and Sam doing Giga Impact and Aqua Blade on one of its heads.

“We managed to wound it!” Zel said.

Indeed, in the final attack, Sam had been able to take one of its eyes. Blinding it from the left side.

Seeing his opening, Sam then went in for another one of its eyes, diving from the upper left via Aqua Jet.

The hound, despite being underwater, was still able to hear well. And despite appearances, it was still growing, after all, it was just born a minute ago.

So it would not come as a surprise that its reaction time had increased as well.

The upper head managed to catch Sam’s arm just as he brought his sword down onto it. The Formidable Pokemon cried out in pain as its teeth dug into his flesh.


“Sam no!”

But before any of his comrades could come to its rescue the dog swung Sam so that its other two heads could grab onto his head and waist. And with an audible crunch, it tore the Pokemon into three pieces.

Everyone just floated in silence as Sam’s body parts sank down the bottom of the sea.

“SAAAAAAAMMMM!” Cried out Zel.

Tops for once was stunned as he had just witnessed that monster ripped apart their longtime comrade before he even had a chance to struggle. But he did not have time to grieve or think about revenge. In the distance, he saw more of those snake-women monster swimming right toward them. And knowing that they could fight them all and this dog monster at the same time, Tops made one of the most difficult decisions in recent memory.


Zel and the others just look at their Captain in shock.

“You can’t be serious boss!” Sharp said.

“We have to avenge Sam! We need to kill every last one of them right no-”

“What we need to do is retreat back to the city, we don’t have the power and numbers to fight this thing and more of those monsters! So we need to retreat right now!”


“That's an order!”

Not waiting for Zel, Tops began to swim back, Quag and Sharp reluctantly following behind him.

Zel took one last look at the hound, before turning around and catching up to his comrades.

Back up top, Odysseus watched in satisfaction as the Pokemon retreated. While the hound had not been able to kill them all, the fact they could now sail smoothly was what mattered most.

“Alright then, if there is nothing else, helmsmen, continue to set sail to the city.”

“Yes sir.”

“And Lieutenant?”

“Yes, Commander?”

“Are the Wyverns ready?”

“Yes sir, we have 20 strong ones bred and infused with Klironomia.”

“Good, let them loose upon the city, they’ll get there before we do. It will make our jobs easier once we land.”

“Right away sir!”


Back on land, 30% of the city had been evacuated. And the ships were less than 5 minutes away from docking.

Rummington was still in the tower, gripping his lance in case he might need it.

Even as he knew there was little point in staying here, he still felt it his duty to stay up here and watch for any changes in the situation.

As the ships drew closer and closer, he gripped his spear tighter.

He heard someone come up the stairs, and then the voice of Barb entered his ears.

“What the heck are you still up here? We need to evacuate!”

“We’re border guards Barb, we are the last ones to leave in this situation, and unless the Sergent saw we are to leave, I’m not moving.”

“The Sergent himself sent me to get you Rum!”

The Zerba turned to her in surprise.

“He did?”

“Yeah, he knows how stubborn you are Rum.”

Barb, walked over to her friend and pointed out to sea. “Look, you see what I’m seeing right now!? That has to be at least 100 ships out there, this is no way in Tartaros we will be able to fight them all once they made landfall!”

“But the people-”



“Even if my life only buys everyone a single second to escape, I will stay here and fight.”

“You, you're a real piece of work you know that.”

Before Rum could respond, he saw a shadow pass overhead.

Rum looked around but did not see anything.

“Did you see that?”

“See what?”

The Zerba then felt the tower shake, as if something had just hit it.

Rum got up and began to walk to the ledge to see what it was….

Before the head of a dragon popped inside with a roar!

Rum and Barb fell back as the reptile tried to bite at them.

Rum then picked up his spear and threw it at the dragon, it missed its head but pierced its shoulder. This was short-lived however as the dragon then pulled it out with its teeth, and roared back at the two.

“Time to go.”

“Fine then!”

The two Zerba then scrambled down the tower, eventually reaching the bottom and out into the base where the other soldiers were.

The sight they saw once they reached the bottom stunned them.

The open space in the middle of the base was now being besieged by several dragons. Barb was the first to notice that these dragons lacked frontal arms. And as such were much smaller than fully grown dragons, plus none of them had breathed fire yet.

That didn’t make them any less dangerous, and the Zebra were having a hard time dealing with them. Only the Pokemon seem to be able to hold their ground against these flying lizards.

But all of that was overshadowed by a loud roar that made almost everyone stop.

“Oh now what!?” Barb said exasperated.

Rum then looked for a nearby window. He found the nearest one and took out his telescope.

He looked towards the beach, but when he heard the roar again he was able to see its source.

And what he saw made him quake with fear.

It looked like something out of those monster books he had read as a child. But it was a book of monsters that actually existed, that still existed to this day.

He had read about a terrifying creature that guards the prison known as Tartaros in Equestria, and the appearance of this creature reminded him of that.

But the difference between this creature and that creature was the roar it emitted. One that awoke a primal fear into anyone who heard it, as if it would drag you down to the depths of hell where no light shines.

Unbeknownst to him at the time, this creature and the one guarding Tartaros were of the same origin and species. But since this one was not born of a union with the monster Typhon, but solely of Echidna, it lacked the full body of its Proper Human History and Equestrian counterpart.

But even so, they don’t call Cerberus the “Watchdog of Hell” for nothing.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the 5-week drought, a lot of things happened. Farming boxes on top of work is a bad combination.

Part 2 of this chapter will be coming on the 1st of October to make up for lost time.

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