• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 5,358 Views, 83 Comments

The Pony Guard: Return of the Elements and the Roar - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard find themselves in Equestria where they meet new friends who bear the Elements of Harmony who together present a special bond and powerful team destined to protect both Equestria and the Pride Lands.

  • ...

The Pony Guard and Friendship is Magic

Friendship is Magic and the Pony Guard

As soon as the Roar and the Elements worked their magic the bright flash of light went away. As Kion opens his eyes after using the Roar he sees his Lion Guard companions and new pony friends all getting up from the powerful surge of magic used on Nightmare Moon.

“Everyone okay?” Kion asked his companions as they all answer “Uh-huh.” to confirm it as they all get up from the ground.

"Uh... my head." Rainbow Dash said as she came to.

"Oh, Thank goodness!" Rarity's voice called out as everyone turned their attention to the unicorn, she was looking at her tail which had grown back to its original form thanks to the Elements magic.

"Why, Rarity, it’s so lovely." Fluttershy said as she got a good look at her necklace.

“I know.” Rarity replied thinking it’s about her tail while waggling it around. “I’ll never part with it again.”

"No.” Fluttershy corrected her while pointing to her necklace to which she briefly looked at her flank to see it. “Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark."

"So does yours, dear!" Rarity returned taking notice of Fluttershy's.

"Look at Mine, Look At Mine!" Pinkie Pie said while hopping over to Applejack as Bunga joined her.

“I know it look’s great!” Bunga complimented while looking at his marked left shoulder. “Just about as great as my new mark.”

“Oooh!” Pinkie admired said roaring lion mark. “It’s look amazing!”

"Aww, yeah!" Rainbow Dash said as she got a good look at her’s. "Mine looks awesome!"

"Who would have thought of it.” Fuli commented sounding just as amazed as everyone else while turning to Kion. “Looks like Twilight was right. We really do have what it takes to represent the new Lion Guard.”

“How about that indeed.” Kion said in agreement. “Just as much as you girls represent the Elements of Harmony.”

"Indeed they do." Celestia’s voice spoke through the room, surprising everyone inside. As everyone turn their attention to the nearby window the dark sky turned into daytime as the sun rose over the hills, shining a bright white-yellow light through the window. When the light dissipated as it appeared inside Princess Celestia appeared.

Everyone all bowed before the alicorn princess seeing that she is the royal ruler of Equestria.

“Princess Celestia.” Twilight happily approached her mentor.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student." Celestia said as she hugged her student affectionately. "I knew that you could do it."

"But... you told me that it was all an old pony's tale." Twilight said feeling confused of why she went through all of what she just went through.

"I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more." Celestia returned. "Yes, I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew that you could defeat her with the magic inside you. But the only way to release it was for you to let true friendship into your heart. Which by the way you had some help to encourage you to do so.” She also said in Kion’s direction as he opened his eyes.

"Wait... so you knew?" Kion asked as he approached the two after emerging from his bow. "About the legend and everything?"

"Yes, I did." Celestia confirmed with a nod. “And I have also been watching you too, Prince Kion.”

“You know me too?” Kion asked sounding surprised to hear that.

"Of course." Celestia answered as the others stood up from their bows. "You along with the rest of your team. By defeating Nightmare Moon along with Twilight and her friends you have proven that you are ready to step up to your destiny.”

Kion felt pleased to see that the princess believes in him as he and Twilight share a look that thanks each other for helping each other.

“Along with your family.” Celestia added as she moved aside and presented a wing where Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa where standing sharing proud looks at both Kion, Bunga, along with all of their teammates.

“Mom! Dad!” Kion said very happy to see his parents as he runs over and embraces them.

“Uncle Timon! Uncle Pumbaa!” Bunga said happy to see his adoptive family.

“Bunga!” Both Timon and Pumbaa greeted the honey badger as they held up him with high praise.

“Kion!” Simba greeted his and Nala’s son in a warm embrace.

“We’re so glad your safe!” Nala said in relief.

“How did you both find me?” Kion asked his parents.

“Princess Celestia managed to help us out there.” His father answered. “She appeared to lead us in the right path just when we were out looking for you. Turns out she knew that you and your friends have what it takes to be the new Lion Guard when she sent out those magical portal for all of you to be teleported here.”

“We thought you had run away and fled the Pride Lands.” Nala added feeling sad at the thought. “We almost thought you were gone.”

“Really?” Kion said in surprise of the pain his parents went through. “I’m so sorry I didn’t.”

“No Kion.” Simba immediately and gently interrupted. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. For not trusting your judgement with your choice for your team. It wasn’t until Princess Celestia took control of the situation and showed me with how you and your friends defeated Nightmare Moon did I finally see that you were right all along. We are very proud of you Kion. You are ready.”

“Thanks Dad.” Kion thankfully returned another hug to his father.

“And from what I saw you also managed to make a new friend who also had the same faith in you too.” Simba also added as they turned to Twilight who humbly smiled to the lion king with a bow.

“It was nothing, your majesty.” Twilight thought nothing of it. “After all he did help me allow friendship into my heart.”

“I can tell you and Kion have a great connection together.” Simba commended the unicorn. “A connection that makes both of you great leaders too. You are a very smart young unicorn, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Indeed she is.” Celestia immediately supported the assessment with an approving nod as she then turned her attention to where Nightmare Moon used to be.

She approached where the broken remains of Nightmare Moon's armor with a pony knocked unconscious from the blast. It was another alicorn who was starting to come too. She was taller than Twilight, she was smaller than Celestia. She had a dark blue fur coat with matching eyes and a matching mane and tail flowing just like Celestia’s, a cutie mark that was the same as Nightmare Moon's, but the crescent moon was white instead of black along with a matching crescent moon collar, and light blue slippers.

"Princess Luna." Celestia said as she approached her, getting her attention as she looked up in fear.

"It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this." Celestia began with her wings spread out. "And I have something to say." She then leaned down towards the kneeling alicorn as she looked away in shame from the other alicorn, who then knelt down as the others watched wondering where this is going.

"I’m sorry, my little sister." Celestia said as everyone else registered shocked expressions at this revelation. Well expect for Simba and Nala who have been told about this during their trip together.

"Sister?!" The mares asked.

"Whaaaaat?" Timon, Pumbaa, and Bunga asked speaking in unison together. “A thousand years?!”

As Bunga dropped his jaw, both Timon and Pumbaa fainted briefly before getting back up after a second or two.

"What?" Luna asked surprised to hear that.

"I’m sorry because it was also my fault that this had all happened." Celestia replied. "For letting you walk in my shadow and not taking action nor talking to you when I should have to prevent this all from happening. We were meant to rule together, sister." The sun princess then stands up. “Will you accept my friendship?” She offered while everyone watched as Pinkie, Bunga, and Pumbaa all fall over after losing their balance with Timon falling over as well.

“Pumbaa?!” Timon irritably berated the warthog.

“Sorry?” He apologized.

Luna then makes her move after looking aside as she wraps her hooves around her sister and nuzzles her with tears in her eyes.

"I am so sorry for everything I did!" Luna spoke in tears. "I missed you so much!”

"It is alright Luna." Celestia said. "And since I wasn't able to help you and endured your absence for so long, I'm sorry too." The two sisters hugged each other, nuzzling against one another, tears down their faces, but both of them smiling, crying with tears of joy.

"I've missed you too." Celestia said as a tear dropped from her eyes.

The Mane Six and the Lion Guard all have smiles seeing this heartwarming reunion while Twilight looks very touched to the core as if the sibling reunion really got into her on a personal level while no one noticed. Timon, Pumbaa, and Pinkie all very touched all bawled their eyes non-stop.

“Isn’t that just sweet.” Nala commented feeling very pleased at the sight of the reunion.

“It sure is.” Simba said in agreement before thinking of something that causes him to slightly frown with a despondent tone. “If only the same could been said to my father Mufusa and Scar. Then maybe none of this would have happened either.”

“If only.” Nala could only say with sympathy as they still feel sad that the two brother’s relationship is beyond destroyed even though Scar had it coming in the end. “If only any of us knew what happened back then that led to Scar turning on your father in the first place.”

“No one knows.” Simba replied without an answer to the source of his uncle’s treachery. “He never said anything about not even to my father why he felt unappreciated and under his shadow.”

"So, wait." Rarity spoke up as she turned to Kion. "So you’re a prince?"

“Yeah.” Kion calmly answered.

“That would mean…” Rarity then said with a wide-eyed realization.

“Yes Rarity.” Kion unenthusiastically answered. “My father and mother are King and Queen of the Pride Lands.”

“So I’m also friends with royalty too!” Rarity further said just completely amazed out of her mind seeing that only Twilight is the Princess’s protégé but Kion is also a prince. “Oh my gosh….Your majesty.” Rarity then said as she approached the lion king while grabbing his right paw so she can repeatably kiss it.

"Okay, that's enough. No need to get over-dramatic just because I am a king." Simba politely said with a smile as he pulled his paw away as the unicorn grinned in embarrassment while the others just look on with dull reactions to the fashionista’s over-the top dramatic reaction to her meeting with royalty.

“Um does she do that every time she meets with royalty?” Kion asked the Mane Six with a questionable look.

“Uh-huh.” The Mane Six minus Twilight answered together.

“Figures.” Twilight and Fuli both answered together in a deadpan tone as they glanced an eye towards each other at the same time.

“Common knowledge, really.” Ono came to the same conclusion in the same tone too.

“I can only imagine how she’ll react if I end up becoming a princess someday.” Twilight also said sarcastically as she addressed Kion. “Wouldn’t that be something.”

Kion chuckled at the thought as Celestia secretly seems to think otherwise with a knowing smile.

“I don’t know about that, Twilight.” Kion voiced his thoughts. “If that were to happen I’d say you make a great princess someday.”

“Eh, maybe.” Twilight thought little of it while slightly agreeing as Kion pops another question on his mind.

“So forgive me for asking this but…” Kion began getting the reunited sisters attention. “You two are actually over a thousand years old?” He asked in surprise.

“Of course, Kion.” Celestia nonchalantly replied.

“Poa!” Beshte commented in amazement.

“But how?” Ono wondered finding it hard to believe. “They’d have to be immortal.”

"We are." Celestia nonchalantly replied.

“Seriously?” Bunga asked in bugged eye disbelief as he looks at the two of them. “But you both look so young. How can you both be so old?”

"BUNGA!" Everyone minus the two sisters shouted for his choice of words.

"What?" Bunga asked what the big deal is.

“Immortality is why, little one.” Luna answered to the honey badger's comment in stride while a little annoyed at him invading her personal space as he got a good close look at her cutie mark on her flank…


…From Luna’s back hooves that sent Bunga back into one of the castle wall’s which broke off a chunk and sent it flying backwards.

“Bunga!” Kion called out as he immediately ran off to him. “Are you okay?”

“Oh look floating stars…” Bunga said feeling completely dazed before falling back on the ground after losing consciousness.

“My apologies.” Luna said to the honey badger’s lion friend with a stoic expression. “But I felt the honey badger’s eyeballing my flank was too close and personal to tolerate.”

“Told ya.” Twilight whispered to the knocked out Bunga who barely heard the comment as he groaned in a groggily manner.

“So now that the day has been saved…” Rainbow began as he turned to the cheetah. “…There is one more thing that needs to be taken care of.”

Fuli smiled with a confident smirk as she gets what Rainbow is thinking of…

“Not only that…” Pinkie added as she spoke up too…


Not only that both Simba and Celestia were both internally thinking since both Kion and Twilight had proven that they are capable of stepping up to the task, they have earned their roles in protecting both the Pride Lands and Equestria.

"You thinking what I'm thinking..." Simba asked the white alicorn standing beside her as they watch both Kion and Twilight lead the way back to Ponyville.

"Yes, Simba." Celestia nodded as they both shared what they are both thinking.

"Kion is ready. It's time... the time of the Lion Guard"

"Twilight Sparkle is ready. It's time... the time of the Pony Guard."

Later that day after word got out to Ponyville of the Mane Six and the Lion Guard’s accomplishment of defeating Nightmare Moon a party sprang forward thanks to the party pony herself as a royal chariot with two guard Pegasus ponies flying the royal sisters in just in time for the celebration of the Summer Sunset Celebration to resume.

Spike who had just woken up from the sunrise gladly ran through the crowd to reunite with Twilight as the latter jumps up on her neck as they nuzzled each other cheek to cheek as the unicorn held him up with her right hoof.

As Celestia and Luna all got off of their chariot and approached everyone including the visitors of the Pride Lands they all bowed respectfully to them as a pair of pegasi fillies both place a wreath of red and white rose around Princess Luna’s neck as she was still feeling downcast and guilty for all she has done as Nightmare Moon. The younger alicorn smiled feeling much better by their gift to her.

The Mane Six and the Lion Guard with the two sisters following after them as several ponies all cheered and praised them near and far for their heroic accomplishment together with everyone smiling and waving to the cheering crowd as Simba and Nala both give their son a quiet look of pride at them while Timon, and Pumbaa both tear up slightly while looking proudly at their adopted relative.

“That’s our boy.” Timon said as he resisted crying again.

“You said it.” Pumbaa said just as teary eyed as his friend.

Shortly after the parade, the crowd all remained gathered as Fuli and Rainbow Dash both get together at the beginning of the main road for their long anticipated first race together to determine who’s the fastest.

“On your marks...” Spike announced with a raised hand ready to wave the green flag. “Get set…” Fuli took a starting position as Rainbow got ready to fly fast. “GO!” Spike shouted as he waved the green flag.

The two racers took off running and flying at top speed as they run on the race course which consists of going from one side of town to the other side while running through straights and twister turns through town. Rainbow took the early lead heading into the first main straightway as he makes his way into the first turns into town covering Sugarcube Corner and the town market. Rainbow Dash manages to cruise through the curves and zig-zag turns fairly easily while Fuli struggles to keep pace as she can’t turn as well as her opponent.

But regardless, Fuli was still determined not to give up as she narrows her eyes at the cocky grinning Pegasus out in front as she picks up the pace while panting hard to stay on his tail. Heading into the next straightway covering City Hall and the school until Rainbow struggled a little on the chicane-like turns as unlike Fuli doesn’t have very good brakes while Fuli managed to go faster in and out them.

Rainbow started feeling under pressure as she briefly looks back and sees the cheetah closing the gap as she tries harder the best her wings can fly her as they power down the third straightaway as they head on towards the Town Circle where they both have to choose which way they are turning around before running down the main road all the way back to where they started to finish.

When the two racers got there they both made their race-deciding moves…

…Rainbow turned left to go clockwise around the circle while Fuli turned right to go counter clockwise.

The two ran the turns equally as they are both neck and neck as they charge from the circle and straight towards the finish line.

When the two crossed the line they both did so as Pinkie took pictures of the two to cross the line under their spectacular photo-finish.

“Rainbow Dash wins by a nose!” Pinkie announced as Rainbow pumped his arms up victoriously while a heavily panting Fuli gives him a look of respect as she sees she has meet a worthy opponent to challenge each other with friendly competition.

“Well played.” Fuli gracefully complimented.

“Thanks, although you really did give me a run for my bits there.” Rainbow kindly returned as she acted just as humble for the sake of their first time friendship.

Sometime after that, many ponies were talking and having fun as the rest of the day went on. Kion watched as all the ponies got along with his friends as they played together and socialized as the hippo and farmpony really got along best with each other due to being the strongest. Pinkie and Bunga got along due to being similar in personality. Ono and Fluttershy got along with the egret’s intellect along with Fluttershy’s compassionate nature to animals. And Fuli and Rainbow bonded over their super speed skills. It was a rough start as leader of the Lion Guard, but the world has been saved, and he had proved that he was ready embarks on his new journey.

But then he turned his attention to Twilight, alone as she looked out and down to the ground while feeling a little down.

"Everything okay, Twilight?" Kion asked as he approached her.

"Yeah... expect..." Twilight began honestly. "…I’m really going to miss everyone here including you and your friends." She said as she turned her direction in Applejack, Fuli, Rainbow Dash, Beshte, Rarity, Ono, Fluttershy, Bunga, and Pinkie Pie’s direction as they all approached her.

“What’s the matter, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Because you’re not looking too happy?” Beshte added.

"Yeah we all saved the day together and became friends together. Shouldn’t that be making you all happy?” Bunga asked.

“Come on.” Pinkie encouraged as she turned her head upside down. “Turn that frown upside down.”

“I really want to but…” Twilight further explained herself. “…after today the five of you have to go back to the Pride Lands now that they need their Lion Guard and I have go to back to Canterlot.”

The others then understood what she was saying. They all had to go their separate ways and while the Lion Guard will be able to see each other every day, Twilight will be going back to her hometown alone completely deprived of that.

"I see." Ono first spoke with an understanding tone.

"Aww..." Fluttershy said in sympathy for the unicorn.

"Don’t worry." Fuli took a turn of assuring her. “It’ll be okay. I’m sure we’ll be able to see each other again sometime soon.”

"I just hope so." Twilight said as she felt like she was going to cry as she turned away while placing a hoof on her face just as Princess Celestia and King Simba when they both approached the group taking note of Twilight’s sad expression.

"Why so glum, my faithful student?" The Sun Monarch asked. "Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

"That's just it, Princess." Twilight replied as she kept her composure while turning around to face her mentor. "Just when I learn how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them. I just wish we could spend more time together." All ten of her friends all had sad expression along with Spike as they see their brief bond has come to an end.

The princess and the king both formed a smile as they turned to each other as they both thought of a solution to resolve this.

"Spike, take a note, please?" She asked of the young dragon as he immediately did so as he pulled out a quill and scroll and began writing as Princess Celestia speaks.

"I, Princess Celestia..." The princess began. "...hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria and the Pride Lands. She must continue to study the magic of friendship and report her findings to me from her new home in Ponyville."

“Along with that…” Simba also spoke up of his decree which Spike also continued to write down. “The Lion Guard and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony may continue to get together as long as they both watch over both the Pride Lands and Equestria to successfully maintain peace and harmony all together.”

Twilight's eyes widened hearing that as Kion looked just as pleased to hear that. Not only will Twilight be able to stay in Ponyville but she and her friends will be able to regularly get together to help protect both Equestria and the Pride Lands. All twelve friends got together for a group hug in celebration.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, Princess Celestia!" Twilight gratefully said to her mentor. "I'll study harder than ever before!"

“And we’ll ensure that this Lion Guard will keep that peace here as much as back in the Pride Lands.” Kion also vowed.

“Indeed you will…” A deep booming voice appeared from the skies as the clouds cleared to reveal an image of a large, muscular, and majestic lion with golden yellow fur with a red mane and matching eyes.

Everyone seeing this wise and majestic leader all watched very amazed of what they are all seeing.

“Heyvi kabisa... Are you...” Kion asked if he was seeing what he thinks he is seeing.

“Yes, Kion. I am your grandfather.” The lion’s spirit confirmed.

“Father.” Simba said feeling just as pleased to see him again. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“Good to see you too, Simba.” Mufusa kindly returned.

“Mufasa. I've heard a lot about you.” Kion began.

“And I've been watching you. You and your new friend Twilight Sparkle.“ Mufusa returned as he turned his attention to the lavender unicorn who smiled and blushed at the compliment. “You two are about to embark on a great journey, Kion and Twilight, leader of the Lion Guard and leader of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Really…” Twilight said feeling just as stunned as Kion. “…Even after the rough start?”

“Of course Twilight.” Mufusa assured her leaving the unicorn feeling very touched by his praise. “As long as you continue to allow friendship into your heart you can accomplish anything. And sure Simba can be worried at times...” He then said in his grandson’s direction as his son looks aside a little embarrassed and regretful for doubting his son in the first place. “But it’s only because he loves you. Being leader will not always be easy.”

“Of course. Before coming here I wasn’t sure how to control the Roar. First it was loud, then it was just a squeak, then I end up roaring loud again before regaining my confidence when it was needed of me.” Kion then voiced his initial doubt as he then turned to Twilight. “Thankfully, I had a friend who helped realize that just when I was worrying I’ll end up like Scar.”

“Don’t be afraid, Kion. Trust your instincts. The Roar will be there for you when you need it. And so will I.” Mufusa assured his grandson.

“Thank you grandfather.” Kion gratefully bowed to the spirit in respect.

“We won’t let you down.” Twilight also returned with a respectful bow too.

“Until Equestria and the Pride Lands' end...” He then said as the shining sky caused him to disappear as both Kion and Twilight watch on together as Simba and Celestia join them with assuring paws and hooves they both have what it takes to step up to leadership.

Kion now feeling ready to step up to the challenge sings with a bright smile and confidence as the others watch on as he expresses how he feels now that he is the new leader of the Lion Guard officially.

It is Time

Music resumes 2:08

"YAY!" Pinkie Pie cheered with a hop. "Isn't this exciting? Are you excited? Because I'm excited, I've been so excited! Well, except for the time that I went-"

“We get it Pinkie.” Fuli politely interrupted the hyper-active party pony as everyone all laughed together as both parties look on the horizon of Ponyville along with the Pride Lands the next day as they both spend the next morning’s patrolling the Pride Lands while dealing and fighting off Janja and his hyenas for their constant attacks before spending the afternoon’s spending time together and hanging out in Ponyville while both the king and queen of the Pride Lands along with Rafiki watch on proudly as well as the royal sisters from their castle in Canterlot as the former reads her student’s friendship reports.

"I used to wonder what friendship could be."

Twilight sang as she and Kion led the charge against Janja.

"Until you all shared its magic with me."

Kion sang as she used her magic to knock the hyena leader down as the latter tackles him to the ground.

"Big adventure."

Rainbow sang as she used her rainbow twist to spin Cheezi and Chungu around to make them dizzy and dead in their tracks as Fuli charges and plows Cheezi sending him a few yards away while Rainbow follows it up by rolling Chungu into the former and another hyena along the way like a pinball machine.

"Tons of fun."

Pinkie and Bunga sang together as the former blasted the two hyenas away with her party canon.

"A beautiful heart."

Rarity sang as she gracefully uses kung-fu to take down Nne and Tano as they both try to double-team her.

"Faithful and strong."

Applejack and Beshte sang together as the former lassoed up the hyenas together as the latter charges into the clan like a bowling ball sucuessfully nailing a strike as the entire clan is knocked down from the impact.

"Sharing kindness!"

Fluttershy and Ono sang together as they both watched from the sky.

"It's an easy feat

And magic makes it all complete."

Twilight and Kion sang together as the others regrouped behind them.

"You have my little ponies

Do you know you're all my very best friends?"

The Mane Six and the Lion Guard all finished singing together as Kion looked down on the defeated hyenas with all eleven friends behind him as he unleashes the power of the Roar against them sending them flying back into the Outlands powered with confidence. Both he and Twilight look on proudly in the skies together at the beginning of their friendship and that everything was gonna be just fine...

…At least to them as the cloaked figure having been observed them from the shadows from the fight with Nightmare Moon, along with the reunion, the celebration of their first team accomplishment together, and their constant patrols of Ponyville and the Pride Lands with a narrowed expression as he turns back to the main portal gateway between the two worlds with a silent determined vow to do whatever it takes to bring down...

"The Pony Guard." The shadowy male deep-voiced figure said before turning away to leave the scene.

Author's Note:

And at last, the final part of the first crossover special as this story gets off to a good start as the first and new Pony Guard is formed after successfully proving themselves to be ready to step up to their new roles in protecting both the Pride Lands and Equestria.

For those wondering I so far plan to try to cover the first two seasons of Friendship is Magic which will also cover the first season of the Lion Guard to the best of my ability with this next upcoming story.

Having said that Season 1 of The Pony Guard is coming soon sometime late 2020 / early 2021 depending how much free time I can get for the time being and make sure to spread the word and offer suggestions as start to tackle this crossover.

Comments ( 16 )

Wait,... grogar?

I'm calling it, the one who's spying on them is Tirek.

Which Grogar or Swearing by the place of their birth?

“No Kion.” Simba immediately and gently interrupted. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. For not trusting your judgement with your choice for your team. It wasn’t until Princess Celestia took control of the situation and showed me with how you and friends defeated Nightmare Moon did I finally see that you were right all along. We are very proud of you Kion. You are ready.”

You forgot your between friends & and

"I am so sorry for everything I did!" Luna spoke in tears. "I missed you such much!”

It's so not such between you and much

“That would mean…” Rarity that said with a wide-eyed realization.

You accidentally put that instead of then between rarity and said

Later that day after word got out to Ponyville of the Mane Six and the Lion Guard’s accomplishment of defeating Nightmare Moon a party sprang forward thanks to the party pony herself as a royal chariot with two guard peagsus ponies flying the royal sisters in just in time for the celebration of the Summer Sunset Celebration to resume.

It's Pegasus not peagsus

Spike who had just woken up from the sunrise gladly ran through the crowd to reunite with Twilight as the latter jumps up on her neck as they nuzzled each other cheek to cheek as the unicorn held up him with her right hoof.

It's him up not up him

But regardless, Fuli was still determined not to give up as she narrows her eyes at the cocky grinning peagsus out in front as she picks up the pace while panting hard to stay on his tail. Heading into the next straightway covering City Hall and the school until Rainbow struggled a little on the chicane-like turns as unlike Fuli doesn’t have very good brakes while Fuli managed to go faster in and out them.

it's Pegasus not peagsus

But then he turned his attention to Twilight, alone as she looked out to the while feeling a little down.

You forgot ground between the and while

"I just hope so." Twilight said as she felt like she was going to cry as she turned away while placing a hoof on her face just Princess Celestia and King Simba as they both approached the group taking note of Twilight’s sad expression.

You forgot as between just and princess

All fixed up. And thanks again.

Simba: "Kion is ready. It's time... the time of the Lion Guard"

Celestia: "Twilight Sparkle is ready. It's time... the time of the Pony Guard."

Hey for season five can you please add Rini?

The elements of harmony and the lion guard can do big things!

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