• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 5,358 Views, 83 Comments

The Pony Guard: Return of the Elements and the Roar - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard find themselves in Equestria where they meet new friends who bear the Elements of Harmony who together present a special bond and powerful team destined to protect both Equestria and the Pride Lands.

  • ...

New Arrivals in Ponyville

New Arrivals in Ponyville

As Kion and Bunga appear on the other side of the portal, they both groan in pain as they readjust their eyes to their new surrondings.

“Where am I?” Kion wondered to himself as he notices Bunga getting up on his feet too. “Bunga? What are you doing here?”

“Oh that.” Bunga questioned while just as distracted upon admiring the scenery until he snapped his attention when his friend called him again. “Before we both traveled to wherever this place is, I was going to tell you that Janja and his hyenas were attacking the gazelles.”

“What?” Kion asked in alarm. “No! No!” He further expressed his shock and dismay that he is unable to do anything about it. “Not only are they defenseless but we are also don’t even know where we are or how we are going to get back home!”

“Where are we?” Bunga asked as he looked around as they spot a pair of flying peagsus ponies with white fur and blue manes in a buzz-cut style wearing golden armor carrying a lavender unicorn and young dragon on the chariot they were carrying. “Are you seeing what I am seeing?” He asked in amazement as Kion shows the same wide eyed expression.

“I know? Flying ponies?” Kion asked in bewilderment and acknowledgment of Bunga’s sightings too as they make their way towards the town to learn more of the town of Ponyville just in front of them.

“Maybe that unicorn has an idea how to help us.” The honey badger suggested as they ran towards Ponyville.

“I don’t know, Bunga.” Kion replied unsure about it but went along with it. “But it may be the only lead we have right now since I’m not sure if we are ever going to get back to the Pride Lands so soon.”

“Look on the bright side, Twilight.” Spike tried to encourage his unicorn friend that it’s not that bad. “The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn't that make you happy?”

“Yes, yes it does.” Twilight replied more focused on her research as she annoyed and grumpy tone turned into a more bright and eager tone. “You know why? Because I'm right! I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return.”

“Then... when will you make friends, like the Princess said?” Spike questioned feeling like the princess does have a point about wanting her to open up her heart to friendship.

“She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.” Twilight asserted her stance on the matter as their ride came to a safe halt on the ground as the royal guards whinnied as the two got off of the chariot

“Thank you, sirs.” Twilight politely thanked them to which they greatly appreciated the compliment as they flew off back to Canterlot.

"Maybe the ponies here in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about!" He further urged her as they spotted a pony walking toward them happily in their direction. An earth pony with a pink fur coat with a matching curly and fluffy mane with some shades of red along with her curly and fluffy tail, with light blue eyes and a cutie mark consisting of three balloons, two blue and one yellow. “Come on Twilight, just say try."

"Uhhh... hello?" Twilight politely asked her who reaction is a massive gasp of pure surprise, and leaping into the air for a few good seconds before suddenly dashing off in a hurry leaving the two confused by this sudden motion.

"Well, that was interesting, all right." Twilight said with disappointment as she prepared to walk off only to find herself face to face with Kion and Bunga who were right behind her when she meet the pink earth pony. “Whoa!” She said in surprise seeing them as the four met face to face with each other.

“Hevi kabisa!” Kion voiced his surprise upon seeing the unicorn and dragon.

“You can talk?” Spike and Bunga asked each other at the same time. “So can you!” They again said in unison. “Cool!”

“Well this is a surprise.” Twilight remarked with a tone to match as Kion silently shares the same sentiment.

“Same here?” Kion returned. “Forgive us for scaring you there but we both just happened to arrive here and couldn’t help you riding here with those ponies that can fly?”

“The Peagsus ponies?” Twilight responded as they directed their attention to the ponies flying off. “Oh yes, those were just royal guards escorting me here for an important task of organizing an upcoming festival in Princess Celestia’s honor.”

“Oooh, you’re organizing a party for the princess! Whoa! It’s un-Bunga-leivable!” Bunga voiced his great excitement. “Can we come?”

“Bunga!” Kion scolded his friend who backed off with an apologetic look and raised hands. “We need to figure a way to get back to the Pride Lands!” He then turned back to the unicorn as he popped the question. “That is of course if you know how to get us back?”

“How did you wind up here?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know.” Kion honestly answered. “We just got here through some kind of weird opening like some kind of portal.”

“A portal?” Twilight asked in surprise hearing this potential scientific discovery.

“Yeah! It just randomly appeared out of nowhere?” Bunga added in agreement to confirm he is telling the truth.

“And that’s how you both ended up here?” Spike asked trying to make sense of it as much as Twilight.

“Pretty much!” Bunga replied as no one can make sense of it.

“So anyways…” Kion said wanting to get to the point. “…since we saw you being escorted by the princesses royal guards and assuming your affiliation with her we were hoping you knew a spell that you can use and get us back home.”

“I’m afraid you’re out of luck because even though I am the princess’s protégé I still have yet to learn that kind of advanced spell.” Twilight apologetically replied. “Plus I have also got more important things to worry about so…” She tried to excuse herself so she can to get what needs to done sooner as Bunga immediately hopped right in front of her.

“Aw, come on, please?” Bunga pleaded with puppy-dog eyes.

“Yeah, at least help them out.” Spike insisted as he too adopted the puppy-dog eyes.

“But…” Twilight tried to refuse but was unable to go through with saying no to those adorable eyes. “…All right.” She gave in. “I’ll help you both get back to your world as soon as I get everything ready for the festival.”

“Thanks.” Kion gratefully replied. “And since we are both going to be here a little while do you think we can tag along with you?”

“Sure.” Twilight decided to allow them just for the sake of keeping an eye on them as she lead the way ahead. “As long as you let me take care of my responsibilities without any interruptions.”

As Twilight walked off ahead both Kion and Bunga seemed a little surprised by her little interest to friendship.

“Is she okay?” Kion asked the young dragon.

“She is.” Spike assured them not to feel put out. “She’s just not excited to be here is all.”

“But why?” Bunga asked wondering if there is something more to it.

“You all coming or what?” Twilight impatiently and irritably asked them as she stopped to turn to them.

“Coming.” Spike returned as he quickly rushed over to join her. “I’ll explain later.” He said to the young lion and honey badger. “For now let’s just focus on getting this job done so we can be able to get you both back home sooner.”

Even though Kion and Bunga complied with the two’s demands, they both can’t help but wonder why the unicorn isn’t very interested in making new friends as much as her dragon companion.

“So…” Bunga tried to make small talk as he eyed Twilight’s cutie mark on her flank. “What’s with the stars on your butt?”

“Bunga!” Kion scolded as he and Twilight direct annoyed glares at the honey badger for his comment. “Sorry.” He quickly apologized to the unicorn. “Even though he is a good friend most of time other times he can downright insensitive.”

“Amazing you two are friends even after all of that.” Twilight dully commented. “And in answer to your question Bunga, this mark on my flank is called a cutie mark.”

“What’s a cutie mark?” Bunga asked out of curiosity. “If that’s okay for me to ask.” He quickly added to avoid being glared at again for being insensitive without realizing it.

“A cutie mark is something that appears on a pony’s flank which I advise you refrain from doing so to other ponies unless you want to get kicked in the face…” She began while casting a warning look at the honey badger for future precaution. “…when said pony discovers his or her true talent. So for me my cutie mark represents my special talent in magic.”

“So I take you’re very talented at magic in your class?” Kion wondered.

“Number #1 in my class and the princess’s protégé.” Twilight proudly replied.

“That’s un-Bunga-leviable?!” The honey badger jumped up in excitement and very impressed with the unicorn.

“It is.” Twilight briefly smiled to thank them for the compliment before turning to Spike wanting to see what needs to be taken care of. “So what’s first on the preparations list?”

"Number one on the list is the Banquet Preparations." Spike said as he checked the list. "Sweet Apple Acres." He said as the five made their way down the street, towards a white fence gate leading into a farm and a huge orchard full of various apples.as she looked around for whoever lives here until they all were drawn to a voice nearby.

“YEEEE-HAAAA!!!" The southern-accented voice spoke as they all saw an orange fur coated earth pony with a blonde yellow mane and tail. She wore a cowboy hat had green eyes, had some light freckles on her cheeks, and had a trio of small red apples as her cutie mark. The cowgirl pony was racing up to one apple tree, where several empty tubs were all ready and set around it, where she gives the tree a solid kick and buck with her back legs. The kick caused the apples to fall loose to fill the tubs in seconds. She then quickly moved to another tree and bucks it again, repeating the process over and over again until all of the trees were knocked clean of their apples. Once she successfully completed her task at hoof, she lifted her head proudly, crossing one foreleg over the other with the feeling of a job well done.

"Hevi kabisa.” Kion said in astonishment. “That is one strong pony.”

“Totally.” Bunga agreed. “Just as strong as Beshte.”

"And one potential strong friendship to make if I might add." Spike hinted at the lavender unicorn who simply walked forward just to get the task at hoof done.

"Let's get this over with." She said as she made her way to the earth.

"Good afternoon." Twilight politely said to the cowpony. "My name is Twilight Sparkle…" Before she could continue, she finds herself brought in with a tight and rapidly fast hoofshake courtesy of the very friendly farm pony.

"Well howdy do, Miss Twilight. A pleasure makin' your acquaintance! I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends." The farm pony greeted her.

"Friends?" Twilight asked as she vibrated through the hoof shake. "Actually, I-"

"Nice to meet you, Applejack." Kion kindly greeted as he stepped forward and offered his paw. "I’m Kion and this is my friend Bunga."

"Pleasure to meet you two." Applejack said as she rapidly shook Kion’s paw and then Bunga’s hand as well.

“Whoa.” Bunga said as he trembled from the greeting gesture while Kion managed to stand his ground with a cheerful attitude to match. “I really this pony already." He said to the young lion as Twilight was shaking from Applejack's hoofshake leading to Spike to place his claw on her hoof to help her stop shaking right away while briefly chuckling in amusement along with Bunga as the two immediately stop when Twilight shoots them both glaring looks.

"So, what can I do you for sugarcube?" Applejack asked as the unicorn cleared her throat and kept her cool as she immediately smiled again and continued to explain her presence.

"Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you are in charge of the food?"

"We sure are sugarcube." Applejack replied. "Would you care to sample some?"

"Well, as long as it doesn't take-" Twilight answered just as Applejack runs off ahead. "-too long?"

At that moment Applejack rang an iron triangle to signal to everyone it was mealtime.

"SOUP'S ON EVERYPONY!!" Applejack called out to everypony leaving Twilight, Kion, Spike, and Bunga facing an incoming stampede of earth ponies running towards them . The group was then lifted off the ground and swept up into the stampede. Twilight and Kion were both alarmed at the sight while Spike and Bunga were both pleasantly surprised as they all were seated at a table, leaving the guests with spinning eyes for a good few seconds before regaining eye control.

"Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple Family?" The farmpony asked as she points a hoof to the many ponies gathered around them.

"Thanks, but I'm kinda in a hur-" Twilight tried to politely talk her way out of it right before each family member introduced various apple treats on the table as Applejack ran her mouth.

"This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp." Applejack named every dessert she can think of as the pile of apple food and deserts grow on the table in front of the five guests. Both Spike and Bunga were really amazed and excited at the massive display of treats before them as they already start helping themselves to the food as Applejack as she shows them her close family.

"And…" Applejack added as she shoved a green apple in Twilight’s mouth, showing two ponies in front of the group. One was a large stallion with a red fur coat, green eyes, orange shaggy mane, and a big half green apple cutie mark who was lifting a cupcake on one hoof. Next to him was a younger yellow-fur coated filly with a red mane and tail, a large pink bow in her mane, orange eyes with no cutie mark on her flank balancing a cake on her back. “Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith.” She then said to an elderly pony with green fur, a light gray mane and tail both tied in a bun, an apple-decorated scarf around her neck, with a fresh apple pie cutie mark as she slept on her rocking chair. “Up'n'attem, Granny Smith, we got guests!"

The old pony woke up hearing her granddaughter call out to her to get her attention.

"Wha?" Granny Smith asked as she began making her way over while mumbling in her daze with her joints creaking noticeably "Soup's On... I'm... here I come, I'm coming..."

“Why, I'd say you guys are already part of the family." Applejack said to their guests as she pats Twilight on the back as the lavender unicorn swallowed and gulped down the apple she was forced to eat.

“That’s very kind of you to say that.” Kion took in the compliment in stride as Twilight spoke up.

“Ok..." Twilight said with another forced smile. "Well, I see the food situation is handled, so we'll just be on our way."

"Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?" Apple Bloom asked with buttoned up eyes, and a pleading look on her face as Twilight could respond with an apologetic and guilty look on her face.

“Are you kidding?” Bunga asked as he and Spike were really eyeing the apple treats with drool coming out of their mouths. “How can we say “no” to this?”

"Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do." Twilight tried to say with her initial answer is met with disappointed awes from the ponies.

“Come on Twilight.” Kion tried to convince her to stay with a reassuring look it’s no biggie if they stay. “We can spare some time for them.”

“But…” Twilight protested as she glanced upon everyone.

“Please.” Kion asked as Twilight gave in out of politeness.

"Fine." Twilight relented as the apple family cheered in excitement.

Later in the day, the group was making their way back to town for the next section on the list for the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Wow, now that is what I call a swinging party." Bunga said as he was chewing on an apple he got from the orchard.

“Just like back at the Pride Lands.” Kion agreed feeling amazingly surprised of how amazing Equestria is so far. “One of the many things you don’t see every day.”

"Ooooooohhhh..." Twilight moaned as she trailed behind them and Spike as she was sporting a round and extended tummy. "I ate too much pie..."

"No kidding." Bunga didn’t even deny it as he couldn’t help but laugh about. “You ate more than me. And that’s usually about what I eat in a day.”

“Bunga!” Kion chastised his friend as he continued laughing at the lavender unicorn’s plight.

“Oh, come on, Kion.” Bunga still laughed at the unicorn’s tummy. “How can you not find that funny.”

“Because I don’t find being force fed into eating that much very fun.” Twilight responded as she used her magic to hold Bunga to force him to look at her as she froze him in place. “And if were you, I’d choose your words much more carefully because I am seriously reconsidering helping you if you keep this up.” She then ominously warned the honey badger without raising her voice.

“Easy, Twilight.” Kion calmed her down as the unicorn loosens her grip on the honey badger. “I know he can be annoying at times…”


“…But he usually means well.” Kion continued as he gave a brief “You heard me.” look at his friend before turning back at the unicorn. “And I promise you he’ll be on his best behavior going forward.” He added as he placed a reassuring paw on her shoulder to which Twilight lightened up a bit as she turns to Spike.

"So, what’s next?" Twilight asked.

"The weather." Spike said as he looked up at the sky. The boy glanced up too, seeing a couple of clouds in the sky. “There's supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds."

“Why are clouds such a big deal?” Bunga questioned.

“Because the festival requires clear skies everywhere.” Spike replied.

“But why?” Bunga again asked.

“Put open skies and clear skies together and you have your answer.” Twilight gave a snarky response with an uninterested and stoic expression as Bunga immediately widens his eyes when he gets the joke.

“Ooh! I get it! Open clear skies.” Bunga laughed in response as Twilight’s expression doesn’t change.

“By this rate you’ll be able to pick up a flying Peagsus traveling at the speed of light in no time.” She further added as she looked around for said pony. ”Who so far is not doing a very good job, is she?"

As soon as Twilight said that a rainbow colored blur flashes through and plows into Twilight with the two colliding ponies plopping into a nearby mud puddle leaving Kion, Bunga, and Spike surprised.

They then turned to see Twilight landing face first in the mud groaning from the impact. On top of her was a light blue furred Pegasus with a slightly wild mane and tail were both consisting of all the colors of the rainbow. The pegasus also had deep red eyes, and a rainbow colored thunder bolt cutie with a cloud above it. The pegasus gets up and looks at who she crashed into, and gave an embarrassed grin and apologetic chuckle.

"Uh... 'scuse me?" She said as Twilight groans again as the pegasus got off of her.

"Here, let me help you." The rainbow maned Pegasus offered as she flew off before returning and placing a gray cloud over her head. She then flew over it and repeatably stomping on it to produce a quick shower that washes the mud off of Twilight leaving her soaking wet.

"Oops!" The Pegasus apologetically said again as Twilight still looks at her unamused. "I guess I overdid it. Uh... Oh how about this?" The Pegasus offered as she flew around Twilight and created a super speedy tornado job to blow her hair and mane dry. "My very own patented... Rainblow-Dry!"

"No, no, don't thank me. You're quite welcome." She thought nothing of it as she turned to see the results. Twilight's mane and tail is a mess as she herself laughs at her own performance as Spike and Bunga joined in with her as they both land on Rainbow’s back as Kion couldn’t help but laugh while placing a paw on his mouth as the unamused unicorn glares at the young lion with a look that says “It’s not funny!” written all over it.

“Sorry.” Kion sheepishly apologized as Twilight turns her attention to the Peagsus in question.

"Let me guess you’re Rainbow Dash, right?" Twilight asked deadpan figuring right away she is the pony she is looking for as she got right up knocking both Spike and Bunga into the mud to which Twilight secretly smirked upon seeing.

"The one and only." Rainbow boasted as she flew up into the air. "Why? You've heard of me?"

"Well that is your name right and considering your speed and mane colors it does fit the description very well.” Kion replied as she complimented her.

“It sure does.” Rainbow bragged as she turned to the young lion. “I bet I’m the first fastest friend you got.”

“Well I do know a cheetah who could keep up with you.” Kion said very impressed as her super speed reminds her of Fuli.

“Well just get her on over here and we’ll settle it who really is the fastest of the fast.” Rainbow accepted the challenge eager to meet this fast friend of his.

“We’ll see.” Kion could only reply with a smile as Twilight spoke up.

"Anyways..." Twilight said wanting to move on to more important matters with a calm and polite tone. "I’m Twilight Sparkle, and the princess sent me to check on the weather."

"Yeah yeah, that'll be a snap." Rainbow Dash reassured her as she lounges on top of a cloud like it’s no big deal. "I'll do it in a jiffy, just as soon as I'm done practicing."

"Practicing for what?”

"The Wonderbolts!" Rainbow Dash answered, pointing to the poster on a nearby wall depicting silhouettes of four pegasi streaking across the sky, while three more stand proudly below wearing goggles and jumpsuits that only expose the snouts, ears, and blue manes exposed. "They're gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow." Rainbow Dash added as she hopped off the cloud and performed a 360 degree loop over to the next nearby cloud. "And I'm gonna show 'em my stuff."

"And are these ponies the fastest of the fast?" Kion asked.

“That’s them." Rainbow Dash replied as she comfortably lounged on her cloud cushion as Twilight rolled her eyes finding it hard to believe.

"Pfft!" She lightly scoffed. "Like they'd accept a Pegasus who can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day."

"Hey I could clear the sky in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow retorted feeling her comment is a challenge.

“Prove it." Twilight dared her to back that up as Rainbow glared at her as she accepts her challenge as she took off at supersonic speed to quickly clear the clouds one at a time leaving everyone below gawking in awe.

"Loop-the-loop around, and WHAM!!!" Rainbow Dash said as she kicked away the last cloud in the sky.

"See?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew down onto the nearby bridge over the stream. "Ten seconds flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hanging."

"Hevi kabisa.” Kion remarked with his jaw still dropped.

“Now that is some un-Bunga-leivable speed.” Bunga also added as he smiled very impressed with her talent. “Fuli would definitely get along great with her.”

"Ha ha.” Rainbow chuckled. “You should've seen the look on your face. You're a laugh Twilight Sparkle. Can't wait to hang out sometime along with your new friends." Rainbow said to the still stunned Twilight with a friendly smile as she flew beside her before taking off.

"Wow... she's amazing!" Spike said after she left allowing Twilight to move forward with the preparations.

"I’ll say.” Kion acknowledged as Twilight walks off ahead to the next stop with Spike following after her. “She does really reminds me of Fuli as much as Applejack reminds me of Beshte.”

“I wonder of these ponies would make a great team along with us?” Bunga wondered as Kion’s smile faded upon hearing that.

“Maybe.” Kion just answered as he followed after them leaving the honey badger confused by his friend’s downcast expression.

“Was it something I said?” Bunga wondered to himself before following after them to the pavilion.

Inside the pavilion is a beautifully decorated place with elegant hangings and artwork on the balcony railings.

"Wow these are amazing and beautiful.” Kion voiced his interest in seeing all of the new things he is seeing in this world.

"Yes, beautiful indeed." Twilight agreed as she observed their surroundings. "Everything here is coming along nicely. This oughta be quick. I'll be at the library in no time."

“Spike?” Bunga questioned as the young dragon gazed upon something that caught his attention. “Hello?” He asked as he shook him to snap him to attention as he pointed everyone into his direction.

In front of them is a unicorn pony who was examining the ribbons she was putting up. The unicorn had white fur, a long blue-purple mane and tail styled in curls, blue eyes, and a three blue jewel cutie mark.

“Wow!” Bunga replied amazed with her appearance immediately understanding the young dragon’s developing crush on her. “Talk about stunning.”

"No... no... no... Oh! goodness no... hmmmmm..." The unicorn said as she examined and turned aside some color choices of ribbions as Spike widen his eyes with hearts forming inside of them as he along with Bunga start developing a crush on her.

"Hey, I got dips on her!” Spike immediately glared at the honey badger.

“Oh.” Bunga saw where this is going. “A challenge is it, well you’re on!”

“Enough!” Twilight sternly broke it up as she turned to Bunga with a look that says “not worth it buddy.” “Bunga, trust me when I tell you not to poke the bear or in this case poke the dragon.”

“Awww, man.” Bunga complained in defeat as Kion gives him a look that says before listen to the unicorn in charge.

“How are my spines?" Spike asked he began to groom his spikes and spines. "Are they straight?" Twilight only rolled her eyes, while Kion couldn't help but chuckle at the dragon's crush as they approached the unicorn.

"Good afternoon." Twilight greeted.

"Just a moment please, I'm in the zone as 'twere." The unicorn politely addressed as she examines the ribbon in her magic. "Ah yes!" The unicorn then said pleased as she tightens a glittering red bow on the post as both Spike and Bunga drool with love-struck eyes. "Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why Rarity, you are a talent." She then turned her attention back to the group. "Now, how can I help you all- WHOAHOHOW!!!" Rarity gasped with apalled horror seeing Twilight's messy and poofed up mane and tail. "Oh my stars, darling!" Rarity said. "Whatever happened to your coiffure?"

"Coiffure?" Kion asked as she and Twilight share confused looks at her use of terminology.

"Oh, you mean my mane?" Twilight asked as she looks up at her messed up mane as Bunga and Spike snicker behind her back. "Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair."

"Out of my hair?! What about your hair? Come along dear, let's get you fixed up." She insisted of seeing to it that Twilight’s mane is fixed as she pushes and escorts away and out of the pavilion.

"Wait!" Twilight questioned upon being forced on over wherever the unicorn is escorting her to. "Where are we going?!”

"Looks like she just wants to fix your mane Twilight. And it doesn’t look like she will back off until she does." Kion replied finding nothing wrong with the unicorn’s generous gesture as the love-struck dragon and honey badger float after the pair using their tails as propellers. “And this sure is going to be a long afternoon.” He said to himself as notes of the kind of episode rival crushers can have together.

Shortly afterwards, Rarity escorts Twilight to the Carousel Boutique, where they make their way inside into Rarity's fitting studio, where there were several mannequins/ponyquins wearing dresses for ponies. Kion looked around and found them very impressive even if he doesn’t wear clothes or isn’t into dresses since he is a male lion.

"Wow, Rarity." Kion began. “These is really quite a collection you got here. Did you make these all by yourself?”

“Why yes darling.” Rarity replied as she grabbed various clothes and dresses for Twilight to try on. "Dress making is my specialty along with gathering the finest gems in Ponyville."

"Really?" Kion said very amazed. “I would not have not that considering I have never seen clothes like these before.”

"What?" Rarity exclaimed in surprise as she turned to face him with a bewildered expression. "Are you saying you never saw clothes and dresses before?"

"Sorry." Kion apologized as he answered the unicorn’s question honestly. “This is actually the first for me.”

"Hmm." Rarity said as she then thinks about it. “We’ll just have to change that going forward, but for now I have a unicorn committing a crime against hair fashion to tend too." She then said as she turned her attention back to Twilight who is currently on a platform, wearing a new outfit until Rarity swaps it out for a different one.

"No... no... uh-uh." Rarity said as she suited Twilight in different dresses and clothing after fixing her mane and tail. "Too green, too yellow, too poofy, not poofy enough, too frilly, too... shiny." She then lifted Twilight up so she can place a strap around her waist.

"Now go on my dear. You were telling me were you’re from.” Rarity said as she tighten the strap around Twilight’s stomach.

"I've... been... sent... from... Canterlot... to..." Twilight said as she felt the strap’s tight grip around her until Rarity immediately let her, causing both of them to fly in opposite directions.

"Canterlot?!" Rarity asked in surprise before rushing on over to Twilight. "Oh, I am so envious! The glamour, the sophistication! I've always dreamed of living there!" She said as she approached her and pulled her in close. "I can't wait to hear all about it! We're gonna be the best of friends, you and I." She then gasped as Twilight felt uncomfortable at the words best of friends.

"Emerald!” She said as she examined the jewel on her dress. “Oh what was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!" She then said as she ran off to do so.

However Twilight having none of it anymore quickly took leave and galloped the hay out of there.

"Quick!" Twilight shouted to Kion and the love-struck Spike and Bunga, who the latter two were both then pulled by Twilight's magic. "Before she decides to dye my coat a new color!"

"Wait for us!" Kion called out as she turned back to Rarity with an apologetic look on the lavender mare’s behalf. "Sorry we have to go. Nice meeting you though."

"Oh the pleasure is all mine darling." Rarity kindly returned. "Hopefully we can talk about fittings for you and your friends sometime soon.”

“We’ll see." He said made his way out to catch up with the others.

With the decorations all good to go Twilight moves on to the next order of business while finding everything she has been put through an eye-rolling waste of time.

From meeting a gasping pony who takes off in a flash, being force-fed too much pie, having her mane messed up and dirty, and then forced into wearing dresses against her will aside from a generous mane re-styling, it is more that she wanted to put up with considering the circumstances she was dealing with. Although the others honestly didn’t mind as they found it a very interesting experience.

"This has certainly been quite a ride hasn’t it Bunga?" Kion asked his friend who was still in love-struck awe from Rarity as Twilight carried Spike on her back.

“Totally!” Bunga agreed.

"Yeah." Spike also agreed. "Wasn't she wonderful?" He asked as Bunga too felt awe-strucken by Rarity’s beauty.

“She sure was.” Bunga returned as Twilight snaps at them to pay attention of why they are really here.

"Focus Casanova!" Twilight said to them before asking for the next item of buisness. "What's next on the list?" She asked as he did as he was told.

"Oh, music." Spike said. "It's the last one!"

Hearing that left Twilight pleased to hear that this means they’ll be able to everything that needs to be done in no time at all as they all hear something nearby. Music with a fanfare being whistled leading to the five to go towards to the bushes towards the source of the music. When they found it they find several birds on a tree, with a yellow buttercream furred Pegasus with a long pink mane and tail, green-blue eyes, and a three pink butterfly cutie mark floating in front of them conducting the performance. So far the birds were singing beautifully. Well all but one bird who was out of sync with the rest of the group to which she quickly took notice of.

"Oh my, stop please everyone?" Fluttershy politely said in a soft-spoken tone to which the birds immediately stopped singing as the Pegasus flew up to the bird singing out of sync.

"Um... excuse me sir." She kindly addressed. "I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off, ok?" The bird gave an understanding nod as the Pegasus flew back over to conduct again.

The five watching this were very impressed as Twilight emerges from the bushes to speak with her.

"Now follow me please." She then said ready to try again. "A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three-"

"Hello?" Twilight called up leaving the conductor startled and scaring her entire bird chorus out of the tree as they all scatter. "Oh my!" Twilight said apologetically realizing her unintentional mistake as the pony turns to face her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten your birds. I'm just here to check up on the music and it sounded beautiful."

The yellow Pegasus then flew down to the ground, looking at Twilight although sideways while drawing her hoof against the ground without saying anything. After grinning nervously at the awkward silence between them she then decided to break that as she chooses to go first in speaking up.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle." She introduced as the Pegasus still turn her head sideways from her. "What's your name?"

"Um... I'm... Fluttershy..." The Pegasus said in a shy and soft tone.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Twilight asked with a another awkward grin.

"Um... my name is Fluttershy..." Fluttershy said again albeit more softer than last time while backing away.

"Didn't quite catch that." Twilight said as she stepped forward which left the meek pegasus only utter a tiny squeak and turn away as the birds returned to the tree.

"Well um, it looks like your birds are back." Twilight said feeling she has already done enough. "So, I guess everything's in order. Keep up the good work." She complimented her as she nervously squeaked again. "Oookay..." Twilight said as she turned away back to Kion, Bunga, and Spike back in the bushes.

"Well that was easy." Twilight said to them feeling pleased it didn’t take too long.

"Looks like the poor girl is shy.” Kion deduced upon her observations of her.

"Looks like it considering all I did was just compliment her and she in turn couldn’t quite tell me her name." Twilight said as she turned back to the shy mare hiding behind her mane in question.

"Eh, what can you do." Bunga said as he and the others emerged from their hiding spot as Fluttershy moved her head to see the young lion, honey badger, and baby dragon in plain sight.

"A Baby Dragon!" Fluttershy spoke in immediate excitement as she spread her wings up, before flying over to Spike, knocking Twilight aside, and examined the little dragon, young lion, along with the honey badger. “And a honey badger and a lion.”

"Oh my gosh!" The Pegasus said as she admired him up close. "I've never seen a baby dragon before! Oooh, he's so cute! And so are you two!" She said in Kion and Bunga’s direction. “Nor have a seen a lion or a honey badger up close before.”

"Well, well." Spike and Bunga said pleased to hear as Twilight gets back on her hooves.

"Oh my, they talk!" Fluttershy said. "I didn't know dragons could talk or honey badgers could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful."

“Well I guess it’s a first time for everything.” Kion said as he raised a paw to the Pegasus. “Nice to meet you.”

“Oh my gosh, you too!” Fluttershy marveled her buttoned up eyes at the lion as she rapidly shook his paw similarly to how Applejack greeted Twilight. “I have always wanted to meet a lion cub. Oh, this day just keeps better and better. I don’t even know what to say.”

Twilight quickly lifts Spike off the ground with her magic and placed him back on her back.

"Well, in that case we better get going." Twilight said as she went off to leave. "C'mon." She motioned the lion to move as Bunga rode on his back.

"Wait, wait!" Fluttershy called as she followed after them. "What's his name?"

"I'm Kion." The lion said.

“I’m Bunga.” The honey badger then added.

“And I’m Spike.” The dragon also said.

"Hi Spike, Bunga, and Kion!" Fluttershy returned. "I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon, honey badger, and a lion! What do dragons, honey badgers, and lions talk about?"

"Well, what do you wanna know?" Spike asked.

"Absolutely everything." The pegasus answered to which both Twilight and Kion groaned in annoyance with the latter albeit more quietly than Twilight knowing both Spike and Bunaga will go on for quite a while.

"Well, I started out as a cute purple egg with green spots." Spike began as his life story from day one which went onto well into the evening, where they reached the library. Ponyville's Golden Oak Library, a large tree with many windows, along with a hanging lantern displayed up front on an outside, with the front door displaying a picture of a lit candle, with a sign nearby depicting an open book.

"This must be it." Kion said. “And perfect timing.”

"I’ll say." Twilight said as Spike, Bunga, and Fluttershy talking are stilling talking just as Spike finishes up his story.

"And that's the story of my whole entire life." Spike said.

"...well, up until today. Do you want to hear about today?” Bunga added and offered.

"Oh yes please!" Fluttershy eagerly said as Twilight having enough quickly turned around to face Fluttershy.

"I am sorry..." Twilight politely said. "How did we get here so fast?”

“But we spent all day walking over here.” Bunga pointed out as his mouth is suddenly shut by the unicorn’s hoof surprising him and Kion.

“Anyways…This is where I’ll be staying here in Ponyville and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep." Twilight continued as Spike disagrees with that.

"No I don't." Spike protested only to be bucked off Twilight's back causing him to drop to the ground.

"Oooohhh wookit that." Twilight said in baby talk. "He's so sweepy, he can't even keep his wittle bawance." The dragon gives her a glare while she gives Fluttershy another forced faux grin.

"Oh, you poor thing." Fluttershy said as she picked up the baby dragon with her hooves. "You simply must get him to bed." She flew him inside only for Twilight to quickly follow after her and quickly forced her out the door.

"Yes, yes, we’ll get right on that." Twilight politely returned. "Well, good night!" She quickly runs inside the library and shuts the door in front of her face, leaving a behind a very surprised Fluttershy, with Kion and Bunga also watching just as surprised.

"Well...see ya… until next time." Kion kindly said as he carried Bunga on his back inside the library and closing the door behind him. He then turned forward to see Spike giving Twilight the stink eye towards the lavender mare for her earlier rudeness. "You know we are not in a rush to get home right?" Kion brought up with a raised eyebrow towards the unicorn's condescending attitude throughout the day. "Because that wasn’t very friendly."

“It sure wasn’t.” Spike whole-heartedly agreed.

"I'm sorry." Twilight sincerely apologized. "But everything today is more than I asked for and I need to convince the princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time. I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?"

Before anyone could do anything about it, the lights suddenly came on, revealing a large circular room, where many book-filled bookshelves set into the walls around them. With the many many ponies inside the room all having noisemakers in their mouths.

"SURPRISE!!!" They all called out, with confetti raining down from the ceiling, surprising Twilight, Spike, Kion, and Bunga completely throwing them all off-guard.

Twilight groaned in annoyance as the very first pony she, Spike, Kion, and Bunga have all met.

"Whoa." Kion said.

“Wow!” Bunga said very impressed with a big smile.

"SURPRISE!" She cheerfully said with an energetic and hyperactive voice. “Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. And I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were you, were you? Huh? Huh? Huh?" She repeatably asked while bouncing around them in a somewhat creepy manner.

"I was surprised." Kion pleasantly replied.

“Me too!” Bunga eagerly replied.

"Very surprised..." Twilight said without a smile. "Libraries are supposed to be quiet..!" She then said irritably.

"That's Silly!" Pinkie Pie giggled at the thought. "What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh! Boooring! You see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were like all Hello, and I was all GASP, remember? You see, I never saw you before, and if I never saw you before, that means you're new. 'Cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony, in Ponyville at least!"

As Pinkie Pie went on and on, Twilight only groaned as she walked off to another part of the room where the drink table was, picking up a red bottle and poured it into the glass in front of her, paying no attention that the other bottles on the table are green.

"And if you're new, it meant you hadn't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends. And if you don't have any friends, then you must be pretty lonely, and it makes me so saaaad! But then I had an idea and that's why I went GASP!"

Twilight then places the red bottle down, before placing a straw in the glass in front of her and started sipping and drinking.

"I decided to throw you a great big ginormous, super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville! And the best part is, I invited ponies that you've met!” She then said as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy appeared behind Twilight.

“And now you have lots and lots of friends!" Pinkie then said as Twilight’s eyes widened as her face turned red, her cheeks bluged, and her eyes streamed tears down.

"Are you alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she turned to face everyone as she jumped into the air, with flames coming out of her mouth as she opened it with her mane and tail briefly turned into flames and steam whistling from her ears. She zipped out of the room into the other one in top speed.

“Aww…She’s so happy she’s crying.” Pinkie said oblivious to why she ran off like that as Spike examined the red bottle near Twilight's cup, and noticed what it was.

"Ummm... Actually it was the hot sauce." The young dragon said as Pinkie Pie dumped the hot sauce on some nearby cupcakes. She took one of them at ate it leaving the group minus Bunga weirded out by her mild taste buds.

"What?" She asked. "It's good!"

Bunga took one of the cupcakes coated in hot sauce and chomped down on it finding them just as good too.

“Totally!” Bunga agreed with the party pony as they both munched down on the cupcakes.

As Bunga and Pinkie immediately bond of their love for food, Kion himself concerned about Twilight decides to go up to make sure she is okay.

“I’ll be right back!” Kion politely excused himself. “I’m going to make sure she is okay.”

Kion then ran up the same staircase Twilight ran up as he wonders why Twilight isn’t very eager with making new friends as he has and wondering if it was something that deeply affected her.

As Kion makes his way upstairs, a mysterious figure in the shadows makes his way through the forest while sporting a black cloak for cover to avoid being seen in full display as the figure has its sights on Ponyville with very sinister looking eyes that give a very bright green glow.

Author's Note:

Next up here is the start of introductions as Twilight and Spike meet Kion and Bunga face to face for the first time as they join in on Twilight's journey throughout the first two episodes of this story which I have tried my hardest to get the characterization done right in Kion and Bunga's introduction to Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the Mane Six but I think I did a decent job here.

Anyways, Kion in contrast to Twilight has been taking meeting new friends in stride while Bunga hits it off with Spike and especially Pinkie. Although Twilight isn't interested in friendship at first she is more than willing than to help Kion and Bunga regardless to show that her heart is in the right place.

Next up is the part where Nightmare Moon makes her entrance as the plot is about unfold for the Mane Six and the Lion Guard's first big challenge.