• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 5,356 Views, 83 Comments

The Pony Guard: Return of the Elements and the Roar - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard find themselves in Equestria where they meet new friends who bear the Elements of Harmony who together present a special bond and powerful team destined to protect both Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Protecting the Pride Lands and New Changes

Protecting the Pride Lands and New Developments

Back in the Pride Lands, Simba has just arrived back in Pride Rock shortly after having a serious talk with his son.

“Everything okay, Simba?” His wife, a female lion with creamy-tawny fur and blue eyes, Nala asked him as she took note of the regret in her husband’s eyes.

“Yes…” He said paying little to no attention to his wife.

“Expect…” Nala asked him as she stopped him in his tracks.

“Expect…I just got done talking with Kion and voiced my displeasure with his choice for his Lion Guard.” Simba admitted in his answer as he faced his wife eye to eye.

“What was it about Kion’s decision that made you voice your disapproval?” Nala asked wondering why he said what he said.

“He chose his friends to be on his team even though it wasn’t tradition not to include lions since the Lion Guard has always been made of lions.” Simba answered.

“Really? So Kion decided to choose his friends to join the Lion Guard?”

“Yep.” Simba stoically answered.

“And you felt he wasn’t taking his new role seriously just because it wasn’t tradition?”

“Yep.” He again answered with the same expression with a sigh as he expected the scolding treatment. “It’s just Kion growing up isn’t an easy thing for me to believe and I just don’t want him to turn out like Scar did.”

“Simba…” Nala softly began in an understanding tone. “…our son is not your uncle. And yes, it isn’t easy to have faith in someone who’s on the more playful side of the food chain. But if Kion feels his friends are capable of protecting the Pride Lands alongside with him then you should at least give it a chance.”

“You’re right Nala. It is something along with stepping up to leader of the Lion Guard I know I have to get used to now.” Simba acknowledged with a sigh. “He is now starting to grow up which is something I have to accept.” He then said with a resolve to make things right. “I better go apologize to him.”

Before he could do so however, he is suddenly met with one of Kiara’s friend Tiffu who came running to Pride Rock.

“Your majesties.” She said in a panic as she tried to catch her breath. “Quick. Gazelle stampede in the grazing grounds. Kiara’s down there.”

“Kiara?!” Simba said in alarm hearing his daughter is in danger as he, Nala, and Tiffu all quickly make their way down over to the grazing grounds to rescue her.

Back at the grazing grounds, said cub in danger is currently on a nearby rock for safety and stuck in the middle of a gazelle stampede courtesy of a hyena pack lead by Janja hunting them with Mzingo guiding the hyenas on which gazelle to target next which has worked and scored them their fair share.

Even though it’s plenty for all for them, Janja and his clan does not plan on stopping until the whole herd is dead ignoring the imbalance it will cause to the Circle of Life to turn to chaos.

“Your father’s on the way. Hold on.” Ono told the distressed lion as she clings onto the rock for dear life.

“Hurry!” She said as her parents and Rafiki all arrive on the scene from above joining Fuli and Beshte as Ono flies over to the alarmed couple.

“There, there, on that rock!” Ono told the lion king as he spotted his daughter in the middle of chaos.

“Hold on, Kiara!” He shouted out to her direction as she is struggling to maintain her grip on the rock with her claws.

“Help!” She screamed as Simba immediately sprang into action as he ran down the hill towards the stampede as he looks on the oncoming stampede with determination as he tries to figure a way to navigate it while having a flashback to how his father did.

As Simba tries to approach the rock head-on he is then knocked back by one of the gazelles who accidentally collided with him.

Much like father and son from both moments past and present one of the stampeding animals watch on in horror as the stampeding animals causes their cubs to be spent flying in the air screaming for dear life.

Simba quickly regaining his ground as he gets back up, makes another charge into the thick of herd, and then leaps up and catches his daughter with his mouth as he leaps across the stampede.

This time unlike what happened to his father, both he and Kiara both managed to emerge alive out of the scene much to Nala and Rafiki’s relief.

As Simba looks around he sees that his son isn’t around and still.

“What have I done?” Simba thought to himself thinking that he really soured his son’s heart with his last words to him as he watches on as the gazelles continue their raging stampede.

“Fuli, round up the gazelles!” He shouted out to the cheetah. “We need to calm the herds down!”

“You got it your majesty!” Fuli immediately did as she was ordered.

“Ono, you stop Mzingo and keep him away from Janja and his hyenas. We need to stop them before they wipe out the whole heard.”

“Affirmative!” He said following suit along with Fuli.

“Beshte! Help me and Nala hold off Janja and his hyenas!”

Both Nala and Beshte immediately join Simba as they immediately cut off the hyenas who immediately cower before the queen and young hippo just as Ono subdued the vulture by pouncing on him.

Simba then pounces on the entire clan as they are all forced back while those who attempt to attack him are effortlessly taken down with single blows from his paws with Nala and Beshte joining in on plowing the hyenas back as they are forced on the run.

By then Fuli had just calmed the herd of gazelles after running around them multiple times to the point they all stopped dead in their tracks.

“A crisis in the Pride Lands has been averted. Now all that is left is take care of the hyena.” Simba thought to himself as he steps forward as the hyenas all cower in fear in the face of the king as Janja tries to stand his ground.

“All right Janja! It is now time for you and your hyenas to go back to the Outlands!” Simba boldly said.

“But...” Janja stammered in protest.

“I said now!” Simba then said with a very cold and icy tone with hints of anger that could tear him apart if he chooses too.

While his pack immediately turns away and makes their way back to the Outlands, Janja then follows suit before…

“And one more thing!” Simba added to get the hyena leader’s attention. “If you put my daughter’s life on the line like that again I will personally put an end to you and your clan! Understand!”


Simba let loose a powerful and loud roar to which Janja immediately backed away from the furious king.

“Understood!” Janja immediately said in a panic after emitting a scared gulp as he bolts away to join his pack.

Simba then takes a deep breath as he calms himself down before turning to the others who are a little unsettled with Simba’s threat as he immediately focuses on his next and most important concern.

“Are you okay, Kiara?”

“I’m fine, Daddy.” Kiara replied after shaking off her brief shock. “Thanks to you.”

“I’m just glad I got here in time.” Simba just voiced his relief that she is safe as Nala joins in on the family hug. “I would hate to even think what would have happened if I didn’t. It’s bad enough that I lost my father to a stampede.”

“And we’re very lucky to have you as our king, Simba.” Nala kindly returned.

“Speaking of royalty…” Rafiki brought up. “Where’s Kion? I thought he would have been here to save the day with his new Lion Guard?”

“Yeah, where is he?” Fuli also asked having the same thought in her mind.

“And Bunga?” Beshte added. “He was last trying to find Kion when the stampede started as Janja began attacking the gazelles?”

Simba looked at the others and then his wife and daughter as guilt starts to build up further inside of him.

“I honestly don’t know other than somewhere in the Pride Lands?” Simba honestly answered. “I haven’t seen him since I talked to him earlier this afternoon.”

“Don’t suppose they ran away?” Beshte wondered. “Or disappeared?”

“Like where another world?” Fuli sarcastically asked. “Like that happened?”

“Well, Kion has got to somewhere around here. The Pride Lands needs its new Lion Guard.” Rafiki spoke up as he looked around for the lion cub.

“Ono.” Simba called out to the egret who immediately flew right in front of him onto the ground.

“Yes sire?” He nervously asked.

“Kion says you are the Keenest of Sight.” Simba began. “Do you think you can use your keen sight do a brief scan of the Pride Lands to see where Kion and his friend are?”

“I can try…” Ono began as he scratched his chin with his wing. “But it might take a while.”

“Do what you can and meet us back at Pride Rock.” Simba instructed him as the latter saluted in return. “Hopefully he has returned there while we were away.”

“On it, your majesty.”

With his firm vow, Ono set out and scanned the entire Pride Lands from Pride Rock to the borders of the Outlands. He flew from high and even flew in close which took him well into the night but even after checking every inch of the kingdom from top to bottom he did not have success in finding Kion and Bunga.

With a heavy heart, Ono flew back to Pride Rock as he landed before everyone gathered there including Timon and Pumbaa who have both heard of Bunga’s disappearance.

“Well…” Simba hoped for the best as he senses from the look of his solemn expression that Ono had no luck finding them.

“Please?” Timon begged with his voice cracking.

“…Any sign of him?” Pumbaa also hoped as he and the meerkat are about ready to tear up causing Fuli and Beshte to quickly move aside a good distance from them to avoid the teary showers.

“I’m afraid not your majesty.” Ono regretfully answered. “I looked everywhere in the Pride Lands but not a single paw print or trace of Kion and Bunga.”

Predictably, Timon and Pumbaa both bawled a waterfall of tears thinking the worst has happened to their adopted son.

“Not again.” Tiffu and Zuri groaned in annoyance yet sympathetic towards them.

“But our boy…” Nala began as her voice waivered a little at the worst thought to a child possible.

“He isn’t dead.” Ono quickly said to assure the queen. “It’s just where exactly he is, is the question.”

“Where?” Simba asked.

“That’s just it I don’t know?” Ono replied. “They literally disappeared without a trace. It makes no sense.”

“But how?” Beshte wondered.

“My best guess is that some magical portal appeared and sucked the two up to another world.” Fuli suggested with a tone full of snarky sarcasm. “Or more realistically since we know a world of magic is impossible is they have left the Pride Lands on their own.”

“Sounds about right.” Simba voiced his thoughts on the latter suggestion. “It’s only been a few hours. If we leave now we might have a chance to catch Kion since he might be walking or resting somewhere at this time. Come on Nala.”

As the two lions racing ahead off of Pride Rock both Timon and Pumbaa followed after them wanting to join them too.

“Wait for us, Simba.” Timon called out as Pumbaa raced to catch with Simba.

“We’re coming too.” Pumbaa also called out seeking the couple to let them catch up as they all leave the others back at Pride Rock.

“Should we go after them?” Beshte asked his friends.

“I think they’ll be fine since they got Timon and Pumbaa.” Fuli declined thinking they have enough company. “They couldn’t have gotten far by now. It’s not like they ever come across a portal that leads to another world where Kion and Bunga are currently out there fighting some evil bad guy there.”

“If that’s true then Bunga must be in trouble already.” Ono added just as deadpan at the thought. “Common knowledge, really.”

“That honey badger always gets himself into trouble.” Fuli added on that. “He’s probably already captured by a leopard from the backlands just for setting foot there even when he is just passing through.”

“Let’s just hope they are both okay.” Beshte hoped for the best placing his faith in the king and queen to find them before the worst can happen.

“Indeed they will.” A majestic voice called out as a magic portal appears before them.

“What?” Fuli said in disbelief at the sight of the portal.

“Poa.” Beshte said in astonishment.

“Hapana.” Ono said with wide eyed shock.

“What is this?” Fuli said as she repeatedly blinks and shakes her head to make sure this isn’t a dream.

“It looks like a magical portal.” Ono correctly deduced as he uses his keen sight to get a look at the portal as they all find themselves sucked inside the portal

“Whooooa!” Fuli screamed as she finds herself plowed through as Beshte accidentally bumps into her along with Ono due to his weight.

As they all get sucked through the portal it closes after them as they all vanish into thin air just like their friends before them.

Author's Note:

In this part we have a different take on the hyena's attack on the gazelle's as Simba was the hero in leading the handling of the situation with his son's disappearance. Additions and alternations include some flashbacks on Simba's mind from the fateful day he lost his father to give him moments and showing signs of PTSD that the show couldn't present because it wasn't preschool friendly material.

Furthermore, an added scene where Simba while disappointed comes to see that he was being too hard on his son which was never show and given proper resolve in canon comes to a realization after a talk with Nala only to have to set out to find him after finding no trace of his son in the Pride Lands.

Meanwhile said portal that sucked Kion and Bunga up appears to do the same to the rest of the Lion Guard as they are about to embark on their first big journey with their new friends they are about to meet.