• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 1,678 Views, 123 Comments

Lessons From Ponyville - MattTOB

Mandy, Chrysalis, and the other Changelings learn lessons about friendship

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Lesson 4: Evaluating Relationships

Written by MattTOB

"Thank you all for coming," Princess Mi Amore "Cadence" Cadenza began, addressing a small crowd of Changelings in front of her throne. "And once again, thank you for signing up for this relationship workshop."

Several of the Changelings in front of her buzzed excitedly, eager to continue learning how to have proper relationships. Mandy stood off to one side, acting as the mediator.

"Now," the Princess of Love continued, "this week, we'll be talking romance. Specifically, taking a relationship to that next level."

This elicited several eager chitters from the crowd.

Cadence turned to Mandy. "Mandy, would you like to assist me in teaching this?"

"Sure, why not?" The bug pony shrugged before making his way to the front of the room.

"Let's start with a question," she began. "Mandy, how did you and Applejack get together?"

He chuckled nostalgically. "Well, it all started when I arrived in Ponyville for the first time. You see, there's this pony there named Pinkie Pie, who really — and I mean REALLY — likes to throw parties..."

So he told them of his 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, of how he got drunk and accidentally vented all his troubles to Applejack, how she started to see him as an individual because of that, how he volunteered to do some work on her farm afterward, and how their interactions throughout the day had led her to develop a crush on him. He went on to relay how the CMC's had pushed him to go on a date with her, how he'd grown to enjoy her company, and how conflicted he felt about pursuing an actual relationship with her.

"...in retrospect, I think I was being overdramatic when I imagined part of her personality being snuffed out if I rejected," he admitted, "but still, I think I made the right choice."

The Changelings applauded the story; Cadence, however, looked surprised and... Worried?

"Well," she began, "that is certainly an... interesting tale..."

Mandy's face dropped as he noted her tone. "But...?"

She held a hoof to her chin, trying to word this next part carefully. "...but it kinda seems a bit... Hasty."

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, so?"

"Well, usually, relationships take time to develop. The way you told it makes it seem like she went from being neutral to having a full-on crush on you, all in the span of a single day."

"Yeah, 'usually'. I'd say the situation was anything BUT 'usual'. Plus, I was drunk when I vented my problems; I hardly remember what happened, myself."

"And I understand that completely; after all, Twilight's parents have plenty to say about how they hit it off almost immediately," Cadence clarified. "But it just makes me wonder... Have you both thought this out fully?"

He raised an eyebrow at this. "What do you mean?"

She thought for a moment, then spun a scenario. "For example, can you imagine living with Applejack for the rest of your life? Moving in with her, being by her side in sickness and in health, supporting her through thick and thin?"

He replied with just a moment's hesitation, "Yes, absolutely."

She nodded, and Mandy turned to address the class.

But before he could even get a single word out, another thought crossed Cadence's mind: "What about you and her having a kid? If you don't actually WANT to, that's fine, but is your relationship strong enough that, should that come to pass one way or another, you'd be okay with it?"

Mandy went to respond —

But nothing came. She had a point; he'd never actually thought about anything like that. What WOULD that do to their relationship? Being an Ambassador was one thing; but raising a LIFE, from birth to maturity, shaping their outlook on life with his every action? The more he thought about it, the more the idea scared him.

"Uhm, Mandy?" Cadence's voice snapped him out of his frozen state. He shook his head to clear it as she asked, "You okay?"

He shuddered. "Y-yeah, I'm fine; I just... I've got a lot to think about now."

"Well, it was only an example," Cadence emphasized.

"Yeah, but it was a rather eye-opening one. I, uh... I think I should sit this one out."

Uncertainly, Mandy walked back to the corner he'd been standing in previously. He said nothing more; just stood there and stared at nothing in particular.

Cadence, to her credit, tried her best to move away from that topic as tactfully as possible: "A-anyway, let's start with..."

The rest of the lesson was devoted to going over acceptable displays of affection (Cadence had to remind the class a few times that, outside of fellow Changelings, "hissing and snarling" was NOT one of them), as well as things to consider before going into a relationship. In what seemed like no time at all, the class was dismissed.

But all the while, Mandy was lost deep in thought. Was he really ready for the responsibility that came with parenthood? Shaping somepony's life wasn't something to be taken lightly; a few false moves, and he might get a second Chrysalis.

Then there was the matter of his personality. He was still rather snarky, to the point where Twilight was regularly reminding him to tone it back. Would it really such a good idea to have an impressionable child around to witness that?

And finally, there was still the big matter: the prejudice. Even if Changelings were now considered Equestrian Citizens, that didn't dissuade some of the more stubborn protestors. And that wasn't even mentioning how the kid would be ostracized by their peers. King Thorax could certainly attest that childhood bullying was still a thing, even amongst other Changelings; imagine how they might be picked on by ponies!

He tried to channel Mothra's advice again, but this time, he just couldn't shake off his feelings.

This was something he'd have to think long and hard about.

AJ pounded on the door with her hoof, the other Element bearers standing behind her. "Mandy, are y'all okay? Ya haven't come out in days..."

A hollow voice replied, "Yeah, just thinking..."

The Element of Honesty looked back towards the others, who all sighed. That was all he'd said since returning from Cadence's relationship workshop.

"I wonder what's gotten him so upset," Fluttershy muttered.

"Why, I haven't seen him this dour since before you and him got together," Rarity pointed out to AJ.

"Ah know, an' that's what's scarin' me..."

Pinkie was rocking anxiously on her hooves. "Ooh, I just wanna go in there and give him a big hug, but he's Pinkie-proofed the place!"

Everypony turned to look at her in shock. She simply shrugged, "I may be good at what I do, but I still have limits."

Twilight sighed. "I just wish there were some way we could—"

"ARRGH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Rainbow suddenly screeched, at the end of her patience. Before anypony could react, she bolted towards the door and started pounding on it with a hoof. "Mandy, you'd better get out here and tell us what's wrong RIGHT NOW, or I'LL—!"

Thankfully, Applejack was there to pull her back. "Rainbow, calm down!"

Her aggravated breaths eventually slowed, and she hung her head limply. "S-sorry, girls; I'm just concerned, y'know?"

Before they could reply, the sound of the lock clicking caught their attention. They turned to see the door open, and out stepped a disheveled Mandy.

Rarity reached him first. "Darling, what happened? You look absolutely drained!"

Pinkie was the next to reach him, wrapping one of her signature Pinkie Hugs around him. But when she pulled back, she was disheartened to find that it barely made much of a difference, if any.

AJ was next to arrive, also throwing a big hug around him. This actually caused him to smile briefly, before sinking back into his stupor.

Then Twilight came up, too. "Please, Mandy, we're really concerned."

Fluttershy gently added, "Whatever it is that you're going through, you can share it with us."

Mandy looked at Applejack for a moment, who gave back a reassuring smile. That seemed to make him wither even further, however.

This didn't go unnoticed. "What's with the look?"

He sighed, "Do you ever think we're moving too fast, AJ?"

She raised an eyebrow. "What makes ya say that?"

Mandy shook his head. "We only spent a day together before you started having feelings for me; doesn't that sound hasty to you?"

She looked offended at even the thought. "Where's all this comin' from?"

He sighed. "Applejack, what if we had a kid together?"

Everypony started at this, not expecting the turn. "Ah'm sorry, what?"

"What if, through some means or another, we found ourselves caring for a foal, or a nymph, or whatever? Would our relationship survive that? Would we be able to handle the responsibility without crumbling apart at the seams? Would I be able to handle it? Or would I just drag you down with me?"

AJ replied, after taking just a moment to recover, "Well, o' course! Ah know ya've got confidence issues, but yer a genuinely sweet guy! Yer hardworkin', loyal, honest to a fault, and yer the kindest stallion Ah ever met! Sure, yer rough around the edges, but Ah like that; it dissuades the folks who ain't willin' to give ya so much as the time o' day. An' sometimes, Ah need that firmness to get mah head outta mah flank."

Mandy paused, taken aback. "You... You really think all that about me?"

She nodded. "Ah'm glad ya came into mah life, Mandy. Yer the furthest thing from a burden, and Ah wouldn't tradeja fer anythin'."

The Changeling began to tear up. "B-but AJ, what about..."

She cut him short. "Whatever happens, we'll work through it together."

He began to tear up. "A-Applejack..."

She didn't say anything more; there was no need. Instead, she pressed her lips to his in a deep and passionate kiss. The others backed off as they sank into the moment, exploring each other's mouths ferociously.

"Alright," Twilight stated, "let's let these two make up for now."

With that, the rest of them left to give them some privacy.

Later that night, Pinkie's Pinkie Sense went wild. Three guesses as to why.