• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 1,678 Views, 123 Comments

Lessons From Ponyville - MattTOB

Mandy, Chrysalis, and the other Changelings learn lessons about friendship

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Lesson 9: Embracing Humility

Lesson 9: Embracing Humility

Written by MattTOB

Another day, another trip through the marketplace. Chrysalis strode determinedly today, ignoring the usual looks. This time, she just had one item to get — shampoo — and she was determined to get it as quickly as possible.

However, she wasn't headed to the normal hair-care stall, like most other ponies. No, she preferred her shampoo a bit more... Exotic.

"Hello, Zecora," Chrysalis smiled as she greeted the shaman at her stall.

"Ah, Chrysalis, what a pleasant surprise," the zebra smiled back. "I assume you're here for your hair supplies?"

Chrysalis nodded, and Zecora began rooting through her inventory to locate the items.

Then Rainbow Dash happened to fly by, noticing them. "Hey, Chryssie! Whatcha doin' here?"

Chrysalis winced, but took a deep breath to calm herself. "Why, hello, Rainbow Dash. I'm simply getting some shampoo, as I've almost run out back at the Castle."

Rainbow smirked, "I gotcha. You like that exotic stuff, huh?"

The Changeling nodded. "It helps remind me that I'm not alone in being an outsider to town."

At that moment, Zecora popped back up, a bottle grasped in her mouth. She set the bottle on the counter and smiled. "I'm happy to hear I reassure you. Now, for the price, that'll be two."

Chrysalis reached into her bags and pulled out her bit sack. Pulling out two, they exchanged nods before Chrysalis packed up the bottle and began to leave.

Rainbow swooped down to hover near the Princess's head as they walked. "It also helps that her stuff is so magical, right?"

Chrysalis gave out a hearty laugh. "Oh, please; zebras may have excellent potion-making skills, but they aren't magical."

That threw Rainbow off for a moment. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that they can't use magic."

The prismatic pegasus frowned, "Uh, yeah they can..."

"No, they can't," Chrysalis insisted. "In all my years, not once have I seen a zebra display magical prowess in any field."

Rainbow retorted, "Zecora uses magic all the time! What about Nightmare Night, with that smoke that makes those images?"

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Mere optical illusions. When you're told something to see in relative shapeless-ness, your brain fills in the gaps because it likes finding patterns in the nonsensical."

"Then what about when Zecora tried helping Twilight train her magic to defeat Trixie?"

"Did that actually work?" Chrysalis pointed out.

Rainbow went to rebut, but got nothing. "Well, no, not really..."

"Then it was nothing more than breathing exercises and a lesson in concentration," she stated simply.

Rainbow was now becoming annoyed. "Dude, you must be blind to not see how magical zebras can be."

Chrysalis stopped in her tracks. "Then show me proof, Miss Dash."

"You want proof? Here!" The pegasus zipped back to Zecora's stand, talked to the zebra for a moment, then picked her up and brought her over to Chrysalis. "Zecora, show her!"

"So you doubt my magical ability?" Zecora asked Chrysalis, though her tone was more amused than upset. "Very well, then magic you shall see."

Zecora began by reaching behind her head and pulling out a bowl. Rainbow pointed at the action, but Chrysalis only chuckled, "Basic sleight of hoof. Even that fraud Trixie could do it."

Next, Zecora traced her hoof around the rim of the bowl several times. On the third pass, the bowl was suddenly filled with a potion. To this, Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "That can be explained in so many ways, I'm not even going to bother."

Zecora then threw the potion so that it threatened to soak Chrysalis. She flinched, but instead of getting wet, the beads of liquid turned into a bunch of marbles, which clattered harmlessly to the ground. Chrysalis's resolve was starting to crack, but she still insisted, "A d-display of chemistry, turning liquid to solid with violent m-movement."

Zecora picked up two of those marbles, began spinning them in her hoof, then drew away. The marbles very slowly lowered to the ground, still spinning around each other. A bead of sweat formed on Chrysalis's head, but she kept up appearances. "A-a-a trick of m-magnetism, or they're, uh, gas-filled?"

Then Zecora did something impressive: she reached behind her head, and procured a long, 'Y'-shaped staff from seemingly nowhere. Now Chrysalis was being hard-pressed for an explanation. "I-I-I-I-I, I-It... That's, uh...."

But Zecora wasn't done; she took the bowl from earlier, filled it with more potion, then placed it in the crook of the staff before turning the whole thing upside down. Instead of obeying gravity, the liquid stayed in the bowl, which, in turn, stayed with the staff. Chrysalis was now flabbergasted. "Th-th-that— You— I, uh..."

With a single shake of the staff, the gravity seemed to turn back on, and the bowl plummeted to the ground, spilling its contents on the way down. Zecora couldn't help but smirk up at the changeling, who was at a loss for words.

Then Chrysalis puffed up her chest, still red-faced. "W-well, I'm sure there's an explanation for all of that! You, uh — you haven't seen the last of me!"

With that, she suddenly scampered back towards the Castle. Rainbow and Zecora watched her retreat for a moment, before Zecora shook her head and chuckled. "Though she may not let it show, she's coming around; I just know."

Rainbow still looked doubtful. "If you say so..."

Chrysalis slammed the Castle's doors shut, leaning against it for a moment as she caught her breath. Twilight and Mothra approached, concerned. "Did something happen, Chrysalis?"

"Zebras can't use magic, right?" Chrysalis suddenly asked, catching both of them off guard.

Mothra raised an eyebrow, "Uh, yeah they can..."

"There are several studies on the matter, if you'd like me to get one for you," Twilight offered.

Chrysalis shook her head, "Thanks for the offer, but I think I just got a one-on-one lesson on it."

"Then why did you ask us about it?" Mothra prompted.

"Because I thought that they couldn't!" Chrysalis groaned, putting her hooves to her temples. "I just insisted to Zecora's face that she couldn't use magic, and then she did!"

Twilight chuckled a little. "Then what's the problem?"

"I can't back down from such a bold statement; I'll look weak!"

Mothra pointed out, "Taking a moment to rethink your worldview isn't weak; in fact, it's quite the sign of strength."

Chrysalis gave him a look. "How could it possibly be a strength?"

"If you're willing to admit you're wrong, it shows that you have the drive to better yourself, even if it means changing your perception. That's one of the strongest traits somepony can have."

Chrysalis let that soak in.

"...and then I said 'Pinkie Pie, you are so random!' " Rainbow finished regaling Zecora with a story.

The zebra chuckled. "Miss Dash, that is quite the entertaining tale. The Element of Laughter can certainly do things that make Discord pale."

"Oh, that's not even the half of it! Why, just on my last birthday, she—"


The two turned to find that Chrysalis had returned while they were talking. "So," Rainbow's face turned smug, "ready to admit that Zecora's more magical than you thought?"

Chrysalis took a deep breath, then replied with some effort, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I want to apologize for assuming that Zebras can't use magic; I've simply never seen one do so up until now, and I let that fact bias me. I will take what I have seen today to heart, and it will never happen again."

Rainbow Dash blinked, at a loss for words. She'd been expecting the Changeling to still be adamantly insisting it was all a trick, but no! As such, she was impressed by Chrysalis's display of humility.

Zecora then chuckled. "It's okay, my shape-shifting friend; my heritage you did not offend. Most zebras don't use their magic much, so I can see how your thoughts ended up as such."

Chrysalis let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Oh, thank the Hive... Just don't expect this to happen again anytime soon; there's only so much humility I can handle before my liver fails."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Alright, if you say so..."

With that, Chrysalis gave a hasty nod, before turning tail and flying away.

Rainbow turned to Zecora. "Wow, you were actually right!"

The shaman nodded, "A lesson has been learnt by that mare, to not be afraid of admitting an err."

To that, the pegasus rolled her eyes. "Okay, you don't have to state it so bluntly..."