• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 1,680 Views, 123 Comments

Lessons From Ponyville - MattTOB

Mandy, Chrysalis, and the other Changelings learn lessons about friendship

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Lesson 5: Accepting Responsibility

Lesson 5: Accepting Responsibility

Written by MattTOB

"Ah'm pregnant."

Mandy's brain shut down completely at those two words. Up until that point, it'd been a normal Wednesday; he'd woken up early, overseen some of the Changelings who wanted to reform but didn't know how, and now he was on lunch break in his house with his marefriend.

And then Applejack dropped this bombshell.

"Wh-wh-whu-whaaaa?" Mandy sputtered, his mind struggling to comprehend.

AJ nodded, an abashed smile on her lips. "Ah just got back from the doctor. Ah'm a few weeks along."

Mandy, his mind finally catching up, recalled all the thinking he'd done about this kind of thing. He let an excited yet terrified grin spread across his face. "A-Applejack, this is wonderful news! I can't believe it; I'm gonna be a dad!"

She hugged him, sighing in relief, "Oh, thank Celestia! Ah was afraid ya'd take this badly, on account o' what happened the other week."

Mandy shook his head, returning the hug. "Of course I'm nervous, but I'd never leave you to handle this by yourself!"

After a moment of embrace, Applejack stepped back. "So, Ah guess we'll hafta break the news to th' others?"

Mandy thought about it for a moment. "Yes, though there's one variable we should really deal with..."

She raised a curious eyebrow. "An' what's that?"

In response, Mandy shape-shifted into a certain Element of Harmony. Applejack cringed at the realization, "Yeah, that's gonna be a probl'm..."

Twilight and Rarity sat at a table at Café Hay, happily chatting away. Their scheduled lunch meeting was going smoothly so far; Rarity was currently telling Twilight about a new fabric she was developing, which would be about 0.5% more cost efficient without sacrificing any quality. Twilight, meanwhile, was double-checking Rarity's math, making sure that it would actually be effective.

But their conversation was interrupted when Mandy approached their table, carrying a large stack of bits in his magic.

Twilight eyed the money, then turned to Mandy. "Are you trying to bribe us?"

Mandy, who was sweating nervously, nodded. "I just need your help getting Pinkie Pie to not overreact. Considering what happened on mine and AJ's first date, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Now, whatever are you afraid Pinkie Pie will overreact to?"

Mandy gestured them both to lean in close, and he whispered the answer into their ears.

Both mares gasped. "Really?!"

Mandy nodded, then glanced nervously over his shoulder to make sure nopony was eavesdropping. "We both found out this morning."

Twilight could barely think straight. "B-but that means... Changelings... And ponies... This is AMAZING! Think of the scientific studies I could make! The first recorded Changeling-Pony hybrid! And even if there's been some before, this'll be the first one with a reformed Changeling!"

Rarity ignored the bookworm. Her gaping jaw lifted into a broad grin, and she reeked of congratulation. "Why, that's simply wonderful, darling! The pure romance of it all; you two must be so happy right now! And of course, we'll help you deal with Pinkie Pie." Twilight nodded in agreement.

Mandy blushed. "Thank you so much..."

Rarity could see the uneasiness that still lingered on the bug's face. "Is there something else on your mind?" she prompted.

He sighed. "I'm just worried, is all. Not just about Pinkie Pie; about basically everything else, too. This is all just happening so fast... W-what if I'm not a good father? What if our kid gets teased for being different? Will the kid even be able to live normally? What about Applejack; will she be able to safely carry the–"

Rarity placed a hoof over Mandy's muzzle. "Mandibles, calm yourself!"

He froze momentarily, then dropped to his rump. "S-sorry..."

Rarity shook her head. "No, don't be sorry; these are all perfectly legitimate concerns, and I understand why you're upset. But you simply mustn't let your nerves get the better of you! Whatever happens, we'll be there to help at every step of the way."

Mandy took a deep breath to try and steady himself. "You're right... You're right... You're right, you're right, you're right, why can't I convince myself that you're right, OH CELESTIA I'M SPIRALING!!!"

The usually dramatic fashionista couldn't help but snicker at the reversal of roles at play here. "Let's just take this one step at a time. First, let's deal with Pinkie Pie."

Mandy, now internally freaking out, nodded.

"So, why'd you girls call me down to my secret Party-Planning Cave?" Pinkie Pie asked as she joined Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, and Mandy (who was still silently breaking down) in said locale.

Twilight and Rarity looked at the couple and nodded, then turned back to Pinkie. "Before we say this," Twilight began, "Please make a Pinkie Promise that you'll hear out everything we have to say before you act on your reactions."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "Why? What're you –"

Applejack stuck a hoof in the pink mare's mouth before she could start rambling. "Please, jus' Pinkie Promise us?"

Pinkie eyed Applejack, and Mandy could sense a hint of... contempt?! It was so strange, seeing such a bubbly and outgoing pony hold a grudge – even such a little one – that Mandy had to speak up, "Why does it seem like you're holding a grudge against her?"

Pinkie harrumphed (yes, she actually made a 'Harrumph' sound), "It's just funny how Applejack's trying to get me to Pinkie Promise, when she still hasn't apologized for breaking hers!"

Mandy blinked in confusion, not knowing what she was referring to. But it seemed he was the only one, as everyone else in the cavern tensed up at the mention.

AJ stepped forward, held her hat to her chest, then said with every last ounce of sincerity she could muster, "Pinkie, Ah'm sorry Ah didn't come t' breakfast an' tell y'all what was happenin'. Ah was selfish, an' thinkin' irrati'nally, an' Ah didn't think 'bout how Ah'd hurt mah friends, 'specially you. An' Ah'm sorry it took so long t' apologize fer it; there just weren't no right time t' do it. But that's no excuse. Ah hope ya can fergive me, even though Ah don't really fergive mahself..."

Twilight and Rarity stared in awe at her heartfelt apology; they didn't need Mandy's Changeling senses to tell that she truly meant what she'd just said.

Mandy, on the other hoof, didn't know what the hell they were talking about. He'd be sure to ask about it later.

Pinkie regarded her friend for a while.

Then, she reached forward and wrapped Applejack in a hug, what little pent-up traces of resentment she had fading away. "It's okay, silly filly; I forgive you."

AJ leaned into the hug, and Mandy could tell she was 'crying on the inside', as she'd put it.

Finally, they backed off. "Okay," Pinkie agreed, "I Pinkie Promise I'll listen before I react. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Now that the promise was sealed, Mandy felt just a litte bit of his fears being swayed. Granted, it was in the same way that an apple was a little bit of a harvest, but it still helped.

"Okay," Mandy took a deep breath, then fired off: "We just found out that Applejack's pregnant, but we don't want you to freak out and overblow everything like you did on our first date, so please please PLEASE try and tone down your reaction?"

There. The cat was out of the bag. Mandy screwed his eyes shut, bracing himself for the Pinkie-nado that was imminent.

Pinkie blinked in realization. "OHHHH, that's what you're worried about? I already know about that!"

Everyone except for the pink pony gawked. "WHAT!?"

She merely shrugged, "Yeah, my Pinkie Sense told me; whenever my knee gets ache-y, then my larynx goes dry, then my pancreas deflates like a whoopee cushion while my large intestines do barrel rolls, that usually means that somepony close is expecting a foal! Did I never tell you guys about that one? It happened when Mr. and Mrs. Cake had Pumpkin and Pound Cake, too!"

Mandy was absolutely dumbfounded. All this time, she knew about it, and she HADN'T already thrown them the most overblown party in Equestrian History?

Pinkie seemed to sense Mandy's trepidation. "Oh, don't worry, I've already planned a small party. The details are in section M-16, under 'Mandyjack'."

In response, Mandy simply fainted from exasperation.

"...an' that's what happened," AJ concluded her explanation.

Apple Bloom stared at her big sis in amazement and disbelief; Big Mac looked on with brotherly pride, though Mandy could still sense the faint jealousy he had; and Granny Smith...

Granny Smith sat there, forelegs crossed, nose up-turned. "Ah can't believe it..." she muttered to herself.

Applejack looked at her own grandmother, starting to fear the worst. "G-Granny..."

However, Mandy came to the rescue. "Listen here, Granny Smith," he began, pointing a hoof towards the old mare, "we know that our relationship is highly unusual, and you likely have your reasons for not accepting. But please, just put aside whatever preconceived notions you're harboring up there, and know this: I will do everything in my power to make sure that both Applejack and our kid are taken care of."

Granny's eye opened, and she regarded them with confusion. "Whatchu talkin' about? Ah'm already okay with yer relationship!"

Mandy faltered, so AJ asked, "Then why're ya actin' so upset?"

Granny huffed. "Ah'm upset b'cause ya two ain't even married yet! Even yer parents got hitched b'fore they had Big Mac!"

Both of them stepped back, blushing profusely. "Oh, right," AJ replied.

"Well," Mandy tried to rationalize, "it's just, what with the government obligations, and t-the Sweet Apple Acres, and –"

"It's because Mandy 'ere don't know how to have a weddin'," AJ finished smugly.

Mandy's face grew even redder, but he still nodded.

Apple Bloom pointed out, "But the Changeling invasion centered ON a wedding!"

Mandy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but I wasn't actually in the city until AFTER the wedding had been crashed!"

Granny blew a raspberry. "Is that all? C'mere, Ah can show ya!"

Now, Mandy's face was fully red. "R-right now!? Isn't this all just a bit sudden? I-I mean, what about the guests, the food, – I'm not even wearing my suit! We–"

"Mandy," AJ tapped his shoulder, "It's just a practice run."

At that, Mandy calmed down. "W-well, I suppose that's fine..."

With that, the group went out back to show Mandy the proceedings of a wedding.