• Published 25th Nov 2020
  • 2,258 Views, 51 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Magic vs. Venom - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies team up with a secret, military force to take on a ruthless, terrorist organization.

  • ...

The Briefings


The cargo plane flew to Egypt and headed towards their base. Inside the jet, the Joe’s newest allies were sitting around while the Joes packed their gear and took off their armor to change while music started playing on a radio inside.

Inside the plane, Twilight was petting Spike and noticed Snake Eyes staring at Karai. She nudged her friend and whispered, “Leo, look at Snake Eyes.”

Leo then looked at Snake Eyes staring at Karai. “So?” He asked.

“He hasn't taken his sight off Karai for the entire trip.” Twilight explained.

“Yeah. That does sound unusual.” Leo nodded.

“I gotta admit, you kids are tough.” Scarlett commented while giving some band-aids to the Ninjas.

Mikey replied, “Thanks, but we're also sensitive.”

“Oh man, you guys got some sweet tech stuff here.” Rainbow said. “Hey, bro, what you been up to these days?” She asked Tunnel Rat.

Tunnel Rat explained, “Oh you know, taking down Cobra goons and blowing up Cobra tech with my pal, Heavy Duty. You still Little Flutter's bodyguard?”

Fluttershy hid in her hair in embarrassment over her childhood nickname.

Rainbow boasted, “She's learned how to handle herself. Plus, she sent these two running just by staring at them.”

Bebop activated his stealth suit while Rocksteady buried his face in his hands in embarrassment.

“She seems to get along well with Billy.” Spirit noted as he noticed Fluttershy communicating with his pet falcon.

Also, Fugitoid was invited by his ninja friends and thanked them, “Thank you for inviting me into this field trip, you guys.”

“You're very welcome, Fugitoid.” Sunset beamed.

Leo asked the Joes, “So, is it just all of you?”

Duke answered, “No, we've got plenty of more guys like us you'll want to meet.”

Donnie asked the Joes, “So, what kind of outfits are you wearing, anyway? It's not regular Army, based on all the accents,” Donnie then looked at Long Range, “You're Spanish,” He then asked Breaker, “What are you, French North African?”

“Morocco. Where were you born?” Breaker asked.

Donnie answered, “It's complicated.”

“What about him?” Pinkie asked the Joes about Snake Eyes.

“He doesn't speak.” Scarlett answered.

“Really?” Rainbow asked.

“He doesn't say.” Breaker responded.

“He doesn't say. So, somehow you're all in the same unit, but one you can't tell me the name of, right?” Sunset questioned.

“We get tossed for telling.” Scarlett answered.

“Well whoever you guys are or whatever this unit is. We want in on this mission.” Leo stated.

Then, as the Joes were surprised by Leo’s statement, Wild Bill announced over the intercom, “Attention passengers, we're arriving at our final destination. Please put your seatbelts on and tray tables in their right positions.”

Wild Bill took off his helmet and said, “Ladies, Gentlemen, Others. Welcome to the Pit.”

Everyone got off as Heavy Duty exited the Howler first and greeted General Hawk before saluting, “General.”

“What's up, Flint and Lady Jaye?” Heavy Duty greeted Flint and Lady Jaye.

“Heavy Duty.” Flint replied, saluting the troops back.

“Nice work, you guys.” Lady Jaye said, saluting them back.

“Good job, Joes. Outstanding.” General Hawk congratulated his troops as they exited from the plane.

The Ninjas and Allies exited from the plane and looked around the hangar bay area of the base.

“Wow. This place is so big.” Rainbow commented.

“That's why it's called a military base for a reason.” Twilight explained.

The ninjas approached General Hawk and he greeted them, “Welcome Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and friends. Welcome to the Pit, The Joes, ninjas, and allies followed General Hawk towards the elevator as he continued, “I suppose that we'll be working together for the time being. But for now, we should start with a tour of the base. Afterwards, we'll begin a briefing of our enemies, then assign bunks and...”

Then, Mikey's stomach gurgled and raised his hand, “Uh General sir, is there a cafeteria here? Cause I'm kinda hungry.”

General Hawk could only smile, knowing that troops with empty stomachs don't fight well.

“There is. We'll get there.” General Hawk answered.

“Yeah, my cousin works at the cafeteria. He's the head chef.” Heavy Duty mentioned.

“Your cousin works here? That's awesome.” April cheered.

Everyone hopped on to the platform and descended down while they watched what was on the lower floor levels. The ninjas and allies were impressed that it’s got training courses with ships firing targets above sea level and SHARCs below sea level. While they continued watching, Leo informed General Hawk, “My friends and I infiltrated enemy bases in the past, but we've never seen a tac operation like this.”

General Hawk nodded, “All right, you trusted me, I guess I'll trust you guys. Technically, G.I. Joe does not exist, but if it did, it'd be compromised of the top men and women from the best military units around the world, the alpha dogs. When all else fails, we don't. Ten nations signed on in our first year, working together, sharing intel. Now we have 23.”

“That's pretty cool, yo.” Casey commented until April elbowed him on the arm, correcting his words. “I-I mean, sir.”

As the elevator reached to the lower main floor, the group walked towards the cafeteria. However, the ninjas found an open door leading to a dojo with two ninjas and a kunoichi sparring. Snake Eye walked in and stomped his foot, causing the trio to stop sparring.

“Sensei.” The ninja trio stood at attention and bowed to Snake Eyes.

Mikey widened his eyes, “Whoa! More ninjas?! Sweet!”

The ninja trio reached for their weapons at the sight of the unfamiliar faces, but Snake Eyes signaled them to stand down.

The first ninja had short brown hair and caramel eyes. He wore a yellow, green, and black ninja armor, a headband, neck gaiter, and a dog tag with his katana mounted on his suit.

The second ninja had long, braided, black hair and brown eyes. She wore a yellow and red ninja armor with sais and her katana mounted on her suit.

The third was a kunoichi who wore an orange mask, green ninja armor, a dog tag, and a katana mounted on his suit.

“Sensei, you sure about them?” The yellow ninja asked as Snake Eyes nodded.

Kamakura answered, “Well, that's enough for us. I'm Kamakura.”

“Glad to see we got some more girls here. I'm Jinx.” Jinx introduced.

The orange ninja introduced himself. “Tiger Claw. I'm new here since two weeks ago. Nice to meet you all.”

The ninjas and their allies tensed up at the sound of his name.

Tiger Claw questioned everyone, “What?”

“Um, did you say your name was… Tiger Claw?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. Why?” Tiger Claw questioned her.

The ninjas and allies saw it clearly that it wasn't their old enemy and sighed.

Leo explained, “We just had a bad experience with your namesake.”

Tiger Claw understood him, “Oh, well I can assure you all, I'm a friend.”

Pinkie whispered to her friends, “I like him.”

“Hold up. What's she doing her?” Jinx pointed her finger at Karai.

“You know her?” General Hawk asked.

“Know her? More like her clan. The Foot to be exact. Run by the Shredder himself.” Jinx explained.

Karai motioned her arms and assured Jinx, “That's not me anymore.”

“Yeah, right. I bet she's a Cobra spy,” Jinx bluffed as she reached for her weapon, but Kamakura stopped her.

Kamakura said, “Take it easy, Jinx. Sensei wouldn't be with a Foot clan member without a good reason.”

Leo informed them, “Believe us when we say we're not your enemies.”

Jinx responded, “I'm listening.”

“At ease, let's hear what Karai has to say.” General Hawk ordered as Jinx stood down.

Karai took a deep breath and explained to the Joes, “My Foot Clan is one of honor and protection. I have rebuilt the Clan that Saki poisoned with Shinigami as my second-in-command and the Dazzlings as my lieutenants.”

“That's right.” Shinigami added.

While Karai continued to explain herself, Snake Eyes still couldn't figure out why her face was so familiar, but heard the truth in heard in her voice. Then, Kamakura looked at the others and spotted the symbol of the Hamato Clan on April's Tanto blade.

Kamakura blurted out, “I've seen that symbol before. Is that the Symbol of the Hamato Clan?”

“Huh?” Jinx wondered, confused.

“Wait, you know the Hamato Clan?” Sunset asked.

Kamakura explained, “Yeah, I read the reports. They had a bitter feud with the Hamato Clan. Kinda weird to see ninjas and kunoichis of the Hamato Clan with two Foot Clan members.”

Mikey assured the Joes, “Relax bro, we're all friends here.”

General Hawk nodded, “I expect it'll be a very interesting debriefing. But first, everyone gets some chow down,” He then turned his attention to Leo, “Except you Leonardo, I'd like to have a word with you and Duke about something in private.”

Duke and Leo replied in unison, “Yes sir.”

While everyone was at the cafeteria, Leo and Duke entered General Hawk’s office with the said general.

General Hawk explained, “Leonardo, I understand that you want to help, but compared to the rest of your friends, Pinkie Pie, and your brother, Michelangelo, they are technically the youngest of your groups.”

Leo nodded, “Yes, sir.”

“And Duke, Tiger Claw has been with us for two weeks.”

Duke answered, “He's one of our best recruits, sir.”

General Hawk promised the two men, “I don't like sending these three into this situation where they get themselves killed. But we're low on options. So, I want you two to promise these three that they will be safe. You got it?”

“Yes sir.” Duke and Leo answered in unison.

The pair looked at each other and Duke promised Leo, “I give you my word and I'll make sure you and your brothers and friends will get home safely when this is done.”

Duke offered his hand as Leo informed Duke, “And I'll make sure your Joes will get the cover they need.”

As a result, Leo shook Duke's hand to promise them to look after their friends.

General Hawk said, “Alright, now with that's settled, you two can go to the cafeteria and get some chow now.”

“Yes, sir.” The two leaders answered and walked off, exiting from General Hawk’s office.

Minutes later, Duke and Leo entered the cafeteria and smiled as they saw their respective teammates getting along with each other while Snake Eyes stood still and continued to stare at Karai.

“So Little Flutters has a mutant turtle who's twice the size as your turtle friends?” Tunnel Rat asked.

Rainbow placed her hand on Tunnel Rat’s shoulder, “Believe me, Slash is trustworthy.”

Snake Eyes still continued to stared at Karai, but his gaze broke when Fluttershy placed a water bottle next to the lone apple on his lunch tray.

Fluttershy said, “Even if you're not that hungry doesn't mean you have to be thirsty.”

Snake Eyes nodded as he went to sit down with his Joes while Kamakura, Jinx, and Tiger Claw were listening to Mikey’s story about Kavaxas.

Mikey motioned his arms, “Hot Head tried to keep himself from returning to the Underworld, but Shredder grabbed him saying 'We do not belong here, Demon' and the two went back.”

The ninja trio were surprised

“I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to summon a Demodragon.” Kamakura surprisingly stated.

Jinx said in disbelief, “I can't believe the Shredder did something good in his life.”

Tiger Claw added in disbelief, “I can't believe there was a way to control a Demodragon.”

“Yeah, and most importantly, Mikey was the one who saved the day!” Pinkie cheered.

Tiger Claw nodded, “Well, something tells me we're going to get along very well.”

Snake Eye watched his students making some new friends. Under his mask, Snake Eyes smiled. Meanwhile, Sunset was looking for a place to sit, when she spotted someone wearing an emergency responder suit.

“Hi, is this seat taken?” Sunset asked.

The medical officer answered, “No.”

Sunset sat down next to the medical officer and introduced herself, “I'm Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you.”

He shook her hand introduced himself, “Lifeline. Nice to meet you, Sunset. I'm G.I. Joe's chief medical officer. I'll be doing a psychical on you and your friends later today.”

Sunset could tell he was nervous and asked, “Are you alright Lifeline?”

“Yeah, it's just... I'm a little out of my element.” Lifeline answered.

Sunset replied, “Leo and the others.”

“Yes. My job is to make sure everyone is in fighting shape, which is ironic because I'm a pacifist. What if I make a mistake that cost your friends' life. That's the same as me killing them myself. I can't have that on my conscious.” Lifeline explained, feeling worried.

Sunset told him, “I understand what you're saying, but if it makes you feel any better, Donnie and my pal, Fugitoid, would be willing to help you.”

Lifeline asked, “A doctor asking his patient for help?”

Sunset smiled, “Yes doc.”

“You're right. I'll go talk to your friends and ask them immediately. Thanks Sunset.” Lifeline thanked her and sat towards Donnie to talk about his help.

As for Leo, he was discussing something with General Hawk.

General Hawk asked, “And your friends can back-up this recommendation?”

Leo explained, “General, our friend Mona might not be human. But she is part of the Salamandrian military and one of the most honor bound warriors we've fought along side with.”

General Hawk thought hard about this until he asked, “What's her rank?”

“Lieutenant. sir. Oh, by the way, Sunset informed me that Fugitoid wants to help out. He's more into the science field like my brother, Donnie. So, will you allow him to help us out?” Leo answered.

“Hmm…” General Hawk thought about it and answered, “Alright, make the necessary arrangements with her superiors. I'll have Lift Ticket pick her up and I want her in this base in half an hour.” General Hawk requested.

“Will do.” Leo nodded.

General Hawk turned his attention to everyone and announced, “I want everyone in the briefing room in ten minutes.”

“Sir, yes sir!” Everyone answered in unison.

Ten minutes later, “As everyone walked towards the briefing room, Snake Eyes continued to stare at Karai again until she had enough.

Karai cut her attention to Snake Eyes and questioned him, “Alright, why are you staring at me? Because it's starting to creep me out! Not because you're a ninja anyway.”

Snake Eyes grabbed Karai's face and looked at her closely. Then, Snake Eyes realized something like a two-ton anvil hit him and he rushed away, leaving everyone confused.

Ripcord asked as the Arashikage ninja commando ran passed him, “What's up with him lately?”

Tunnel Rat shrugged as the Joes, ninjas, and friends entered the briefing room.

Scarlett answered, “He's been acting like this since he saw Karai.”

Duke assured his comrades, “Never mind him. We'll bring him up to speed after the debriefing. The rest of you, get ready to meet our tech expert.”

The group entered the briefing room and were amazed at the equipment.

Donnie gasped in awe, “It's beautiful.”

“Soak it in. But we have a strict store policy on breaking and buying.”

Everyone turned their attention and saw a new face in the room.

Hi-Tech introduced himself, “What's up everyone. I'm Hi-Tech. The inventor and genius behind G.I. Joe's amazing tech.”

Rainbow complimented, “Cool name. It suits you very well.”

“Thanks.” Hi-Tech replied as General Hawk entered the room. The Joes except the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies stood up to salute him.

General Hawk informed everyone, “At ease everyone.” Everyone relaxed as General Hawk resumed his speech, “Alright, let's begin the debriefing. Our first priority is to bring our guests up to speed on Cobra's key players.”

Hi-Tech used his laptop and brought up several mugshots on screen.

General Hawk asked, “Alright, who's first?”

Leo selected the mugshot of a man who looked like his head was made of iron and a soldier with a helmet.

“Destro.” General Hawk said, looking at Destro’s file.

Mikey whispered, “In my opinion, I would've named him 'Steelhead'.”

General Hawk said, “His real name is James McCullen Destro XXIV. The founder of M.A.R.S Industries. He supplies Cobra with advanced weaponry and his Iron Grenadiers, lead by his second-in-command, Sergeant Scrap-Iron, handles the heavy artillery of Cobra forces.”

Sunset whispered to Rocksteady, “That's the company you did business with, Rocksteady?”

Rocksteady whispered, “Da, but I had no idea I was supplying terrorists with weapons.”

“Who's the lady next to Destro?” Rarity raise her hand and asked, looking at the woman next to Destro’s mugshot.

General Hawk explained, “The woman in black clothing next to Destro is Anastasia DeCobray a.k.a. Baroness. She is extremely intelligent and skilled in hand-to-hand combat, melee weapons as well as all-ranged firearms.”

Rocksteady angrily blow air from his nose as Bebop noticed him.

Bebop asked, “Rocky, you okay bud?”

“I'm fine,” Rocksteady answered, but lied.

Then, the next mugshot Leo selected was Storm Shadow.

General Hawk said, “Ah yes, Storm Shadow. Former member of the Arashikage clan and Cobra's elite ninja.”

“Yeah, yeah, we already know about Storm Shadow, so can we skip all the details about him please?” Raph rudely requested, crossing his arms.

“Raph, where are your manners?! That was very rude of you!” Rarity exclaimed.

General Hawk sighed, “Then we'll jump to his two lackeys: Slice and Slash. These two follow his orders to the letter. They're not as skilled as Storm Shadow, but still dangerous.”

Fluttershy raised her hand and asked, “Hold up. Did you say one of his men is named Slash?”

General Hawk answered, “Yes. You know him?”

Fluttershy answered, “Well… It's just that, a good friend of ours has that name.”

Tunnel Rat added, “They're telling the truth, sir. RD told me about their pal.”

General Hawk understood their concern. “I understand your hesitation, but this Slash isn't the same as your friend.”

Fluttershy sighed in relief, “Oh, thank you, sir.”

General Hawk continued his briefing, “Next we have the twins from Corsica, Tomax and Xamot. These two are co-leaders of Cobra's elite troops, the Crimson Guard.”

“Hey, I know them. Those are the guys that hired me to break in here. Although, they creeped the heck out of me.” Bebop commented while the rest of the Joes agreed to Bebop’s claim.

Bebop rubbed the back of his head and apologized, “Eh, sorry about that theft.”

General Hawk assured Bebop, “Relax, you didn't steal anything that couldn't be replace.”

Up next, the next mugshot of the Cobra operative was a man wearing an interesting outfit. Black face paint covered that looked like a mask, and body armor with a hoodie on.

General Hawk continued, “This is Zartan, Cobra's master of disguise. His suit allows him to copy anyone's appearance. He's also capable of perfectly mimicking anyone's voice. And before anyone does anything they'll regret, we have confirmation he's currently at Cobra Capital.”

Everyone had their weapons pointed at each other in fear that anyone of them could be Zartan.

General Hawk assured everyone, “Hold up everyone. Zartan's not in the building. I repeat, Zartan is not in the building.”

Everyone slowly lowered their weapons and calmed themselves down.

“Plus, Zartan also has his own motorcycle gang who are also affiliated with Cobra. The Dreadnoks. Buzzer, Torch, Machete, Monkey Wrench, Zanya, Zarana, Copperhead, and a whole lot more members that I couldn't think of.” General Hawk said.

Rainbow informed the general, “We've got experience with gangs. Mainly beating the tar out of the Purple Dragons.”

General Hawk smiled, “Then I'm glad we'll be expanding your gang thrashing experience.”

The next mugshot was a unique individual that nobody was sure what he was.

“This right here is Overkill. Don't let his face fool you. He's actually a cyborg. He hates organics more than anything, even if they're on his side.” General Hawk explained.

Then, General Hawk noticed Fugitoid’s shameful expression as well as Fugitoid’s friends.

“What's wrong, Fugitoid?” Sunset asked.

Fugitoid stuttered, “It's just... his class of cyborgs gives us a bad name.”

General Hawk assured the robot, “Don't let this discourage you, Professor. You stand for the good ones.”

Fugitoid sighed in relief, “Oh, thank you, General Hawk.”

The next mugshot came a man wearing body armor and a ski mask.

General Hawk continued, “This is Firefly. We don't know who he is... Actually, not even Cobra knows who he really is. But he's their chief saboteur and a professional arsonist.”

Bebop commented, “Speaking as a former criminal... That's consider more of a sign of insanity than a crime.”

The next mugshot was a man who wore an eyepatch, body armor, a hunter’s hat, and a mechanical arm.

“Next is Cobra's Australian mercenary, Major Bludd.” General Hawk explained.

Bebop gasped in terror and spoke in Russian, “Spawn of the devil!”

Karai wondered, “Why Major Bludd?”

Leo asked, “Who's Major Bludd?”

General Hawk answered, “Major Bludd is an infantry commander with extensive combat experience, master tactician, and an expert in all-known weapons. A mercenary who has a nasty reputation as your companions clearly show.”

Leo noted, “I see.”

The last mugshot was a young man with a lab coat.

General Hawk announced, “Lastly is Dr. Mindbender, Cobra's personal Dr. Frankenstein. He's got more crimes against humanity and nature as long as a Boa Constrictor.”

Donnie whistled in impression.

Hi-Tech added, “Don't be too impressed. Mindmelter couldn't find a decent power supply with a kite and a key.”

Twilight and Donnie laughed at the science joke.

“Good one, Hi-Tech.” Twilight laughed.

General Hawk informed the teens, “I'm grateful you're all getting along well.”

On screen came a picture of Cobra Commander.

General Hawk announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the Devil himself. This is Cobra Commander, leader of the Cobra organization. His list of crimes are so great, that if publicly revealed, would make him America's most wanted man.”

Leo asked, “Any info on who he really is under that mask?”

General Hawk answered, “None. But that doesn't make him any less dangerous.”

“If anything, I would like to take a personal crack at that man.” Duke said, wrapping his fist around with his other hand.

“Sounds mysterious, Ah believe,” Applejack said. “What do ya know of Cobra dat we don't know of?”

General Hawk replied, “We've been fighting them for a long time. They've done all sort of underhanded and evil things... Including kidnapping my son.”

Everyone in Leo's group were either shocked or furious.

Leo asked again, “So where does Stockman come into this?”

General Hawk pulled up a file footage that showed Slice and Slash kidnapping Stockman.

“A few weeks ago, Cobra kidnapped Baxter Stockman. At the time, we've had no leads on why. But if you claim he knows how to experiment with mutagen, now we know why.”

Leo requested, “Sir, permission to take over this briefing?”

“Permission granted.” General Hawk answered and stepped aside as Leo went up to the podium to take over the briefing.

Before Leo could start, Snake Eyes came in holding two pictures.

Karai asked, “What do you want?”

Snake Eyes showed her the picture of Master Splinter as a human with Tang Shen and Karai as a baby. Karai was stunned that Snake Eyes had that.

“Yes, that's me. How'd you get this photo?!” Karai questioned him.

Snake Eyes showed a picture of himself with Splinter with the pair acting as pals.

Karai asked, “You were good friends with my father?”

Snake Eyes nodded.

Tunnel Rat said, “Uh, rewind. I thought she was Little Miss Foot Clan.”

Leo and everyone else explained to the Joes, which stunned and saddened many.

“And that's the whole story.” Leo explained.

Snake Eyes’s heart broke upon hearing his good friend was dead.

“We're sorry, Snake Eyes.” Sunset apologized as Snake Eyes placed his hand on Sunset’s shoulder, saying that it was alright.

“Anything else you want to share with us, Leo?” General Hawk asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Yes, Slash said he can spare Mona.” Leo answered as his group cheered that their friend will be joining them.

General Hawk nodded, “Perfect. Now I want you all to report to the med bay with Lifeline for physicals.”

“Sir, yes sir!” Everyone answered in unison.

Lifeline replied. “Alright, if everyone will follow me, I, along with my assistants, will make sure everyone is ready for work.”

After the briefing was over, the Ninjas and Allies went to the med bay for their physicals.

Arctic Circle

Meanwhile, Baxter Stockman was held prisoner at Dr. Mindbender’s lab with Destro watching him at Cobra’s underwater base in the Arctic Circle.

Destro questioned the scientist, “How much longer till this stuff is ready?”

Stockman answered, “If I had more to work with, it would be!”

Destro reminded him with anger, “I don't think I need to remind you about your restraint, do I?”

Stockman nervously looked at the collar around his neck, filled with explosives. Then, Cobra Commander announced over the intercom, “Attention all Cobra Lieutenants, report to the throne room immediately!”

Destro demanded, “You're coming with me.”

“Oh boy.” Baxter frightfully said as Destro dragged Baxter out of Dr. Mindbender’s lab to the throne room.

In the throne room, Cobra’s top lieutenants arrived as Baroness and Cobra Commander were in there talking.

Cobra Commander shouted, “Baroness! When I said I wanted the report, I DIDN'T WANT SOMETHING FROM A SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON!”

Baroness assured her leader, “Cobra Commander, I assure you this footage is real.”

Overkill appeared onscreen from his stasis pod and covered for Baroness, “I can verify the authenticity.”

Destro threw Stockman in front of Cobra Commander’s throne. He apologized, “Apologies for the delay, Cobra Commander. I had to bring in our guest.”

Cobra Commander angrily reminded him, “You know I hate apologies, Destro.”

Stockman spotted the footage Cobra Commander was watching and was stunned at the sight of his enemies.

“U-Uh… h-hi there. M-my name is Baxter Stockman.” Baxter stuttered, introducing himself to Cobra Commander.

Cobra Commander noted, “We know who you are Mr. Stockman.”

“Uh, right. Well, it seems like you've got a bit of a new problem lately.”

“Get to the point or Buzzer will sharpen his saw with your skull.” Cobra Commander demanded.

Dr. Minbender observed and smirked, “Ooh, I like where this is going.”

Buzzer prepared his chainsaw to run, causing Stockman to gulp. “T-Those are my enemies you're fighting with and I can help you defeat them.” Stockman quickly pleaded.

Zartan huffed, “Ah smell a rat. Buzzer, go to town on him.”

Buzzer moved towards Stockman, but Cobra Commander signaled him to stand down.

Cobra Commander requested, “Make me an offer.”

“Okay. Um, have you ever heard of mutagen?” Baxter asked.

Cobra Commander answered, “Of course.”

“Well, I've hidden a large supply of it. If you allow me to work as a free agent, the mutagen along with my Stockmanbots are yours.”

Cobra Commander thought about it. “Tempting. How much are we talking?”

Stockman answered, “Two warheads worth. I also know where to find some additional muscles. Would anyone know the name of Xever Montes?”

After hearing that name, the Dreadnoks caught their attention.

Machete asked, “Hey, how do you know Switchblade?”

“He and I along with our former associates worked alongside with the Shredder for a number of occasions.” Stockman explained.

Cobra Commander asked, “And you're sure he'll fight for Cobra?”

Stockman answered, “You, no. For the chance at revenge, absolutely.”

Cobra Commander said, “Alright, Stockman. You've got yourself a deal. Destro, get that collar off of him. Overkill, get your workshop ready for upgrades. Zartan, you and the Dreadnoks prepare for the new arrival.”

“Yes, Cobra Commander.” Cobra’s top lieutenants answered.

After the debriefing, everyone left as Baroness caught up with Destro.

Baroness informed him, “I almost forgot to tell you. I ran into our old playmate, Steranko.”

Destro became puzzled with her information, “I thought he was in the hospital, love.”

“The other one, Ivan.” Baroness reminded her boyfriend.

Destro realized who she was talking about, “Oh, that guy. I'd have thought he'd have stayed hidden.”

“Well, it appears that he's back, but in a different form. I wonder if he'll ever want this back?” Baroness said as she brought out a gold wedding ring decorated with the hammer/sickle insignia on a chain.

Destro answered, “Honestly, you're as bad as Zartan with your trophies.”

Baroness chuckled, “Why thank you, my love.”

Back in Dr. Mindbender’s lab, Dr. Mindbender approached Baxter as he was working on his Stockmanbots. “Mr. Stockman, it seems like you saved your own skin. I'm impressed. So, I was wondering if you got the chance to work with me. Think about it. Two scientists working together for global domination. So, what do you think? It's got a nice ring to it.” He said.

“Hmm… sounds interesting. It pretty beats my previous employers. You know what, fine. I'll even show you how the mutagen works.”

“That sounds great, Mr. Stockman. I look forward to working with you.” Dr. Mindbender answered with a wicked smile on his face, feeling like he’s got something planned on his mind for Stockman.

In the lower levels of the base, Overkill was in his stasis pod and griped when he was sure he was alone.

“Worthless organics. My mechanical genius wasted on modifying shoddy robots like a simple mechanic.” Overkill vented until he saw Fugitoid in the security footage from The Pit.

Overkill was fixated by Fugitoid, “Hmmm, perhaps I've found myself an accomplice.”

As for Cobra Commander, he watched the rest of the footage in the throne room, staring at his nemesis, Duke.

“Mark my words, Duke. If these new headaches have any attachments to you or any of your flunkies, I'll make sure you all watch as I kill your precious friends. Because what better torture is the knowledge they died for following all of you.” Cobra Commander vowed, sinisterly laughed at his statement.

Suddenly, a lone Viper Commando was sneaking around while Cobra Commander continued to laugh in his throne room.

Author's Note:

And the story is back from hiatus. Sorry for the long delay, my fellow readers. I had been working on my other stories and getting my vaccine shots. So, I’m going to post the next chapters of this story from time to time. Just don't rush me. Okay?

Thank you for reading my message.