• Published 25th Nov 2020
  • 2,272 Views, 51 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Magic vs. Venom - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies team up with a secret, military force to take on a ruthless, terrorist organization.

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Operation: Arctic Arsenal - Part 2

Snake Eyes stared at Master Splinter as he held his gun. For the first time in years, Snake Eyes was truly afraid.

Master Splinter told him, “It's okay, my friend. I'm not going to hurt you.”

Snake Eyes kept his gun ready. He wanted to say anything to Master Splinter, but he couldn't.

“Ah, good to see you, old friend.”

A voice rang out behind Master Splinter and Snake Eyes recognized his voice. Master Splinter turned to see a black, elderly man who was blind.

Snake Eyes knelt down as Master Splinter greeted him, “Forgive me, Blind Master. The unity of our clans never came through.”

“You have nothing to apologize for Saki's evil.” Blind Master told him.

Back with Scarlet's team, Long Range was being evacuated as Ripcord joined the team.

“Don't worry, amigo. I got you.” Ripcord said, moving Long Range to the evac site.

Long Range gave Mikey his sniper rifle and told him, “Take a few Vipers out for me, soldado.”

“Yes sir.”

While Ripcord helped Long Range retreat from the fight, Mikey asked, “Yo! Who wants to use this rifle here?”

Bebop answered, “I do.”

Mikey tossed the rifle to Bebop.

Scarlet informed everyone, “Okay, after the noise we made we can assume they know we're here. Michelangelo and Tiger Claw, you two stick to the shadows and sneak inside the base. Tunnel Rat, head into the ventilation shaft and get Frostbite. The rest of us will head to the main reactor and rig it with explosives.”

“Yes ma'am,” Tunnel Rat acknowledged and everyone split up.

Mikey and Tiger Claw went to infiltrate the base where Iceberg was held while Tunnel Rat and Bebop head to the ventilation shaft.

“Knock, knock.” Rocksteady greeted and smashed the door down as the alarm rang.

“They're here?!” Baroness growled and then she grabbed Scarp-Iron by the collar, “Deal with the others!”

Scrap-Iron was terrified and replied, “Yes, ma'am.”

Baroness ran away and thought to herself, “I don't have time to prepare, but I'll have time to escape for now.”

“Coward.” Storm Shadow said and left to prepare his trap.

Meanwhile, Tunnel Rat and Bebop were closing in on the detention room.

Tunnel Rat contacted the rest of his team through comms, “Reactor Squad, this is Team Jailbreak. We got eyes on the prisoner. What's your status, over?”

Scarlet replied, “We got eyes on the reactor, over.”

“Copy that. Team Shadow, what's your twenty over?”

Mikey and Tiger Claw were jumping and hiding from one cover to another.

“We spotted the Baroness and we're moving to intercept, over.” Mikey answered.

“We heard ya,” Bebop acknowledged. “Do not lose sight of her.”

The ninja duo pounced onto her but it was a hologram and the doors sealed behind them.

Storm Shadow appeared from the shadows and greeted them, “So you entered my trap. I was hoping for the Foot Girl, but I'll settle for the disgrace of the Hamato Clan!”

“Hey yo! You calling our clan a disgrace?!” Mikey questioned Storm Shadow, angering him as he brought his weapon out.

Storm Shadow drew his blades and attacked the ninja team.

“Get away from my friend!” Tiger Claw called.

Storm Shadow drew his sword to clash with Tiger Claw’s sword. The white ninja told him, “You had a chance to join me while we were with Iron Master, now you've chosen your doom.”

Mikey asked, “Storm Shadow, why do you hate Snake Eyes so much?”

“Why you say? Because I should be next in line for the Arashikage throne, but my brother took away my birthright and he must pay!”

Mikey then charged at Storm Shadow and delivered a kick to the head.

Tiger Claw said, “Dude, try family counseling.”

Storm Shadow dodged more of his opponent’s weapon attacks.

“What's wrong? Can't fight both of us at once?” Tiger Claw said.

“Or handle my style?” Mikey questioned.

Storm Shadow blocked their attacks and took down the two ninjas with arm drags and a couple of kicks to their heads.

“Enough,” Storm Shadow called and threw a smoke bomb until he disappeared.

“Where did he go?” Mikey answered.

Tiger Claw answered, “He retreated. Right under our noses.”

After their little bump with Storm Shadow, Tunnel Rat contacted the two ninjas through their comms.

“Team Shadow, you got the Baroness?”

Tiger Claw replied, “Negative, Tunnel Rat. It was trap set up by Storm Shadow.”

“Team Jailbreak and Shadow, fall back to the reactor. We're pinned down and need back up! I repeat, we are pinned down and need back up!” Scarlet called as she and her team were currently pinned down by Scrap-Iron and his men.

Scrap-Iron shouted, “Keep firing! That shield has to break soon!”

Then, the two teams arrived just in time to aid Scarlet’s team.

Bebop said, “Man, we were just going to save your operative, Scarlet. That’ll just give more time for Cobra to transport their prisoners to another location.”

Scarlet assured him, “We'll rescue them. Right now, let's give Team Shadow a chance to fight Scrap-Iron.”

Bebop nodded, “Yes, Scarlet.”

Scrap-Iron hopped onto his vehicle, the Snake Trax ATV, and drove away from the reactor as he saw Tiger Claw and Mikey running after him.

“He's getting away! After him!” Tiger Claw called.

Mikey then found the same vehicle and grabbed Tiger Claw, hopping onto the Snake Trax ATV.

Scarlet ordered everyone as she placed her sports bag of C4 down, “Let's get the explosives set up.”

Everyone nodded and grabbed some C4 from the bag.

Back to Team Shadow, Tiger Claw drove the ATV with Mikey behind.

“You sure know how to drive this thing?” Mikey asked.

“Not really!” Tiger Claw struggled to keep it steady as they head outside the base and they’re closing in on Scrap-Iron. “Okay. Maybe I wasn’t paying a little attention when Snake Eyes gave me and my ninja comrades a lesson about motorcycling.” Tiger Claw admitted.

“Don't get your hopes up, dude. You got this!” Mikey cheered him up.

Tiger Claw smiled at the support. Soon, Scrap-Iron looked at the rear view mirror and saw his pursuers.

“Looks like I get swat to some flies!”

Mikey told Tiger Claw, “We're gaining on him!”

Scrap-Iron used a grappling hook and shot at the tree trunk. He drove in a U-turn and pursued after the ninja duo instead of being chased by them.

“I got you in my sights now,” Scrap-Iron pressed a button and fired lasers at the ninjas.

After dodging some lasers, Tiger Claw told his ally, “Time for a page from your book, Mikey. Grab my scythe.”

Mikey did so and Tiger Claw managed to throw him straight at Scrap-Iron with his scythe. He landed on the enemy’s vehicle and said, “Now let's see what's under mask Number #1!”

Scrap-Iron grabbed him by the leg and threw him back at Tiger Claw’s ATV. He scoffed, “Pfft. Amateurs.”

“Okay. That didn’t work as we planned.” Mikey said as Tiger Claw caught him with the ATV. “Hang on, let me try something. My brother, Raph, did this before.”

“Wait. What are you…”

“Watch and learn,” Mikey called and as Scrap-Iron drove closer, Mikey leapt off from the ATV and rolled over until he jumped up for an attack.

“That's how I…”

Scrap-Iron clotheslined Mikey, knocking him off his game.

“…not roll.” Mikey finished after rolling over. “Man, I wish Raph can teach me that move.”

Tiger Claw came back for him and parked the ATV. “You alright?”

“Never been better,” Mikey answered and hopped onboard. “C'mon, he's getting away!”

“Hope the others are having better luck.” Tiger Claw said.

Back with the others, Vipers were hammering them hard and fast.

“These guys just keep coming!” Rarity said.

“Rarity, set up a barrier while we set up the explosives on the reactor,” Scarlet ordered.

Rarity nodded as Rocksteady and Ripcord drew the pressure off of her. Suddenly, the Viper blasters started malfunctioning. Then, someone contacted the team through comms, “Hurry up Joes, their blasters will reboot at any moment now.”

“Um, who is this? Hello?” Scarlet answered, but no response. “Whatever. Now's our chance, guys!”

“Goongala!” Casey yelled and launched his exploding pucks.

Then, the Joes opened fire in a wave of different projectiles at the Vipers.

Rocksteady said, “Good work, comrades.”

“Yeah, thanks for the assist, Tech Support,” Ripcord told them.

Hi-Tech answered through comms, “Uh, that wasn’t any of us. That surge came from Cobra's own mainframe.”

“Are you saying that someone contacted us from Cobra’s network?” Casey questioned.

“Yes sir.” Scarlet confirmed.

“We do have a spy on the inside. But that can wait. Set the charges and catch up with Mikey and Tiger Claw!” Duke informed everyone through comms.

Ripcord got the charges set as everyone else dealt with the Vipers.

“Charges are set! Let's get out of here!” Ripcord ordered.

Everyone evacuated the area until the reactor exploded. Tiger Claw and Mikey saw the explosion and got the same idea.

“Catch us if you can, Scrap-Iron!” Tiger Claw shouted while Mikey sticked his tongue out in front of Scrap-Iron.

“Why you little punk!” Scrap-Iron growled.

Scrap-Iron followed them right back to the others until Rocksteady knocked his ATV down with his hammer, sending Scrap-Iron flying into the snow.

“YOU'RE MINE!” Tiger Claw pounced and started fighting Scrap-Iron on his own.

Tiger Claw delivered a bunch of kicks and punches to his Cobra enemy. “Yo, Joe!” He yelled and delivered a final blow to him with an uppercut.

Scrap-Iron laid unconscious as Tiger Claw griped his injured shoulder.

Scarlet asked him through comms, “You okay, rookie?”

Tiger Claw answered, “A little banged up, ma'am.”

“Can somebody get some help over here?” Scarlet called.

Rocksteady secured Scrap-Iron as Mikey and Rarity helped Tiger Claw up.

“Ma'am, permission to collapse from exhaustion?”

“Permission granted,” Scarlet nodded.

“Thank you ma'am,” Tiger Claw replied and closed his eyes to get some rest.

Then, Scarlet’s team received a transmission from G.I. Joe headquarters.

Sgt. Stalker said, “Good work, Joes. Not much farther now.”

Breaker apologized, “Sir. Sorry to interrupt…”

“What is it, Breaker?” Sgt. Stalker asked.

“The coin that Scarlet’s team found after the raid? Tech support and I have been poking at it--”

“We believe it's a transmitter,” Donnie answered.

“Some REALLY weird math. Lots of predictive calculations. It just doesn't make any sense,” Twilight said.

Hi-Tech added, “It's talking to some kind of relay satellite--”

Sgt. Stalker remembered, “A relay satellite? I read about that in one of the classified M.A.R.S. project files.”

Breaker understood him, “Yep, so did me and Hi-Tech. But this particular satellite has some unknown additional features. Shouldn't be long before we find something out.”

“Alright, Breaker. Let us know when you and tech support got a handle of things,” Sgt. Stalker informed him.

“Yes, sir,” Breaker acknowledged him.

Back at G.I. Joe headquarters, Donnie went up to Sgt. Stalker and informed him, “Sir, we're receiving a transmission from... Cobra headquarters?”

“I'm sorry, did you say Cobra headquarters?” Sgt. Stalker questioned him.

General Hawk entered the room and answered, “That would be an update from our undercover spy. What does he have to report?”

Donnie told him, “Cobra is making some movements somewhere in the desert region.”

“Why?” Donnie asked.

“Not sure,” General Hawk answered. “But our spy will give us an update again soon.”

Scarlet called her general, “General, Tiger Claw is banged up. Nothing too serious, but he needs some rest.”

General Hawk answered, “Alright. Let’s bring him home and give him a nice spot in the infirmary. Kamakura, you ready?”

“I'm always ready, sir.”

Back to the arctic area, Mikey and Rarity continued carrying an injured Tiger Claw until they found something.

“What's that?” Rarity said, looking at an unknown device in the snow.

Then, Breaker and Hi-Tech informed them through comms.

“Joes, we finally cracked the code on that coin we found on the captured M.A.R.S. soldier. You're not going to believe this. It's part of a teleportation device!” Breaker said.

“M.A.R.S. has been using these teleporters to move equipment, but we hacked their system so we can use 'em too. The only catch with this hack is that we have to displace approximately the same amount of mass between the P.I.T. and your location,” Hi-Tech stated.

“Um, what does that even mean?” Mikey wondered.

Donnie answered, “It means that we can deploy a new Joe to your location as long as one of you comes back here.”

Twilight explained, “Just walk up to the teleporter and the rest should be easy.”

“Copy that,” Rarity confirmed.

Tiger Claw was gently placed in the teleporter and he said in an exhausted tone, “Yo… Joe.”

After that, Tiger Claw was teleported back to base and Kamakura entered from the teleporter.

“Ready to destroy some Cobra’s Vipers?” Rocksteady asked.

Kamakura spun his Naginata staff and answered, “I’m ready.”

Scarlet looked at the map from her tablet and informed everyone, “Looks like the fastest way to the Baroness is across this bridge. But we'll have to fight our way across it.”

“We got this. Yo Joe?” Tunnel Rat asked.

Everyone else shouted, “YO JOE!”

As Scarlet’s team made it to the bridge, General Hawk contacted them, “ Alright everyone, listen up. Snow Job is behind enemy lines. He's just discovered that the prisoners are being held in a facility code named Genesis north of your position. Some are our Joe operatives and others are civilians. It's time to bring them home.”

“Yes, sir!” Everyone answered.

“Stalker here. Snow Job has marked areas where you can signal for Joe support.” He said through comms.

“Wild Bill, here. Target sighted.”

Scarlet reloaded her crossbow, “Alright everyone, let’s bring those prisoners home.”

Her team advanced through the bridge and fought off against Cobra’s B.A.T.s and turrets who were guarding the bridge.

“Mikey, take out those turrets with Kamakura and Rarity! Casey, hang back and call in an air strike! The rest of us will provide covering fire!” Scarlet ordered.

“Yes ma'am!” The rest of her team answered in unison.

Mikey and Kamakura took out a couple of Cobra’s cybernetic foot soldiers while Rarity summoned a diamond barrier to protect her friends from the turrets.

“Got a grenade, Kamakura?” Mikey asked.

Kamakura grabbed one from his bag, “Right here, pal.”

Mikey pulled the pin and ran towards a Cobra BAT. He gave it to the robot and said, “Hold this for me.”

Then, the grenade exploded in front of Cobra’s robots. The pair swung to the next one as the other exploded.

“My turn!” Kamakura threw a Cobra Viper off and the duo started fighting against them. The Cobra Vipers retreated to the center of the bridge.

“You're cleared for weapons free, Wild Bill!” Tunnel Rat signaled.

The helicopter swooped in with Wild Bill inside, he launched missiles on the giant turrets and some more Vipers on the bridge.

“Yee haa! Yooooo Joe!” Wild Bill cheered.

Everyone ducked as the bombs fell. No one noticed Casey as he got a nasty cut on his arm from some debris.

Scarlet coughed, “Everyone in one piece?”

Mikey shouted, “Yeah, we're good!”

Everyone raced forward and found a prisoner convoy being loaded. Bebop scanned one of the prisoners and had a Red Star among them.

Bebop asked his bud, “Rocky, can you play Gatling Sniper for us?”

Rocksteady acknowledged, “Da.”

Tunnel Rat raised his hand, “I can play Shadow Bomber, too.”

“Good, I have an idea. But I need two Viper Uniforms,” Bebop informed them.

Scarlet surveyed the area with her binoculars and said, “Seems like these M.A.R.S. security troops got issued with shotguns instead of force shields.”

Bebop chuckled, “Like that’s going to matter for this small army.” He went invisible as everyone got a decent sniping position.

“Not sure how this ninja thing works, but here goes nothing.” Tunnel Rat stood still and held up a piece of branch with leaves to hide his face.

Mikey facepalmed and Kamakura shook his head.

Bebop got the uniforms and released two prisoners. He told them, “Get to the driver's seat. Drive east till you see the temporary base. My friends and I will draw their attention on us.”

The two prisoners nodded and followed Bebop’s request.

“Time to go loud,” Bebop decloaked and fired a flare gun from his pocket.

Tunnel Rat told Rocksteady, “Guess that's the signal.”

Rocksteady and Tunnel Rat then started firing at the M.A.R.S. security troopers who were guarding the base.

The convoy guards raced to the commotion, but they got ambushed Mikey and Kamakura.

Then, a voice rang out from the prisoner’s cell, “Comrades, let me out. I can help.”

“State your name please?” Mikey questioned.

“Russian Intelligence.”

“You know this guy, Scarlet?” Kamakura contacted Scarlet.

Scarlet replied through comms, “Yeah, you can trust him.”

Mikey let the prisoner out and handed him a rifle from the guards.

“Thank you. Follow me and we can soften the defenses for the others.”

“What?” Mikey asked.

“But why?” Kamakura questioned.

“The Baroness is heading back to her base of operations.” Red Star answered. “Which is her castle, by the way.”

“Scarlet, you hear that?” Mikey contacted her.

Scarlet answered through comms, “Affirmative, you three go ahead and wait. We'll draw the enemies towards us while you three attack from behind. Good luck.”

“Okay, let's do this.” Kamakura said.

The three ran off to find Baroness with Tunnel Rat following behind them.

Baroness watched the monitors from her castle as Cobra Commander came onscreen.

Cobra Commander said, “This better be important, Baroness.”

“I request permission to proceed ahead of schedule with the signal. Scrap-Iron and Bludd were captured.”

“Those fools! IDIOTS!” Cobra Commander growled, but he did notice a Viper sneaking in. Cobra Commander sighed, “Fine! Start the mind control immediately!”

The Cobra Viper hid away from him and contacted the Joes. He whispered, “Mercer to G.I. Joe, come in. Mercer to G.I. Joe, come in.”

Comments ( 5 )

Now this is getting good.

Neat update


“Storm Shadow, please listen. Cobra has you under mind control. You have to fight it!”

Storm Shadow's under mind control?

Whoops, he is not under mind control. So, I fixed it.

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