• Published 25th Nov 2020
  • 2,272 Views, 51 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Magic vs. Venom - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies team up with a secret, military force to take on a ruthless, terrorist organization.

  • ...

New Mutant Recruits

Out in the Egyptian desert, a lone G.I Joe helicopter flew towards the Pit.

“So, is this the first time teaming with a Black Ops group?” The pilot asked.

Mona sat in the passenger section and answered, “Yes, but I hope to provide excellent support.”

“Ah, my friends will be happy to hear that. My name's Lift Ticket, I'll be providing you and your friends aerial support.”

“A valuable support, indeed.” Mona nodded.

“Thanks,” Lift Ticket said as he started contacting the Joes. “General Hawk, this is Lift Ticket. I have the new arrival and request permission to land.”

General Hawk answered, “Permission granted.”

As Lift Ticket started landing, Mona was impressed by the structure and vehicles she saw.

Mona grinned, “Not bad for Earth Technology.”

Lift Ticket noted, “You can thank Hi-Tech for that.”

As Mona exited out of the helicopter, her friends’ voices shouted, “Mona!”

Mona smiled as she spotted her friends. The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Allies ran up to Mona and greeted their longtime friend.

“It's good to see everyone again.”

Sunset beamed, “Great to see you too, Mona.”

“Lieutenant.” General Hawk walked up to Mona as she saluted. “At ease, I'm General Hawk. Leader of G. I. Joe. By your friend's recommendation, you're now acting Commanding Officer.”

“Understood, sir. Thank you for this opportunity to work with your unit.” Mona said and shook hands with General Hawk.

“You should be thanking Leonardo. He's the one who gave me the recommendation.”

Mona looked at a smiling Leo, who just shrugged his shoulders.

“Wow, an actual alien!” Tunnel Rat exclaimed, popping out a vent from underneath.

Rainbow corrected him, “An alien salamander to be specific.”

“Either way, I hope you actually come in peace.”

Mona chuckled, “Rapheal showed me the movie. I do come in peace.”

Heavy Duty came by carrying a crate. “Sorry about Tunnel Rat's lame joke. He has bugs for a brain.”

“It's fine. Let me help you with that.”

Heavy Duty smiled, “Great, cause this right here is for your pals.”

Mona grabbed the other end and helped Heavy Duty drop it in front of Leo's party.

“Boys and girls... Merry Christmas.” Heavy Duty announced as he ripped it open and inside were G.I Joe standardized versions of their respective weapons and armor.

Raph cheered, holding up his upgraded sais. “HO-OH YEAH!”

Donnie observed his weapon until he smiled. He commented, “Very impressive.”

Leo grabbed two katanas with the Hamato symbol carved into them.

General Hawk told Leo and his allies, “If you're going to be fighting with us, you'll need our gear. I'll also be asking you to wear some special communication devices in case of the need for medical evacuation.”

“Understood sir.” Leo confirmed.

Everyone was grabbing their respective weapons, except for Fluttershy, who was glaring at a Dreadnok’s profile from Tunnel Rat’s phone.

Tunnel Rat noticed her and asked, “Hey Flutters, you oh... Uh-oh.”

Fluttershy angrily asked, “You knew about him, Tunnel Rat?”

Tunnel Rat was terrified of Fluttershy when she got like that around her one trigger word. “Uh, yeah. The Joes and I met them a couple of years ago back at a small town when we were on the run.”

Applejack said, “Ah hate bullies as much as you, pal. But that doesn't sound like something Fluttershy would get mad at.”

Tunnel Rat noted, “She's referring to Gnawgahyde.”

Shini asked, “Who?”

“A member of the Dreadnoks. A poac...” General Hawk began.

Tunnel Rat interrupted him, “Sir, please. I beg you not to finish that word!”

Everyone else was confused, but Rainbow Dash was just as terrified as Tunnel Rat.”

General Hawk raised his eyebrow and looked at Tunnel Rat. “Something you want to share with the class, Tunnel Rat?”

Tunnel Rat answered, “Uh, Fluttershy. Why don't you kindly escort your dear friend, Mona, to Lifeline for the routine physical while RD and I explain to the General and the rest of your friends about your... Sensitive word, please.”

Fluttershy took Mona out of the hanger bay, leaving a relieved Tunnel Rat and Rainbow Dash with their comrades.

Tunnel Rat sighed, “Well that was close.”

Rainbow nodded, “Agreed.”

Mikey asked everyone, “Dudes, what was that all about?”

Tunnel Rat questioned his friend, “You never told them, Rainbow?”

“Didn't want the risk of setting her off.”

Karai asked, “You two are afraid of Fluttershy?”

“Only when she hears the word... Poacher.” Tunnel Rat answered.

Karai understood them, “Well that makes sense.”

Everyone murmured in agreement.

Heavy Duty told Tunnel Rat, “She must really hate that word if it scares you two.”

“Trust me, pal. That's one bomb I never want to set off again.” He answered.

Before anyone else could ask, Scarlet rushed in.

“General, our spy in Cobra got some information for us. Says it's important.”

Leo questioned, “Spy?”

“One of yours?” Sunset asked.

General Hawk answered, “We've planted a Spy in Cobra ranks for intelligent purposes. Normally, I'd tell everyone the identity of this spy. But because of the severity of this situation, Leo and Sunset will be the only one to know.”

Leo nodded, “We understand. So, what's the information?”

Back in Cobra HQ, Stockman entered Cobra Commander’s throne room.

“You better not be wasting my time, Stockman.”

“Don't you worry, sir. I brought in an old acquaintance who I've worked with will help us.” Stockman said as two B.A.Ts escorted Fishface to Cobra Commander.

“This is your recommendation? A WALKING FISH?!”

Fishface kneeled down in respect, “Cobra Commander. It is an honor to meet you. My resumé will help you change your mind.”

One of the B.A.T.s walked up to Cobra Commander with the resumé in the robot’s hand. He snatched the paper and read it.

Cobra Commander was pleased with the resumé and answered, “On second thought, he might be useful.”

“Oy, is that really you, Switchblade?”

Fishface turned and saw his Dreadnok friends.

“Zartan? Dreadnoks?” Fishface questioned with shock and awe.

Torch blurted, “No way, it is you, Xev. I'd recognize that voice anywhere.”

Fishface could help but smile at his old friends.

Buzzer said in amazement, “Crikey mate, we knew you were into exotic foods.”

Machete added, “But this is ridiculous. What happened to you?”

Fishface sighed, “Si, mi amigos. I would love nothing more than to be human again.”

“Well, today's your lucky day, Switchblade. Mindbender and Stockman can fix you right up.” Zartan announced.

Stockman said, “I might be able to use my de-mutated DNA to synthesize Retro Mutagen.”

Fishface was surprised by the news. “Really? You can really turn me back into human?”

Mindbender answered, “Of course. Step into my lab and we'll get started.”

“Sounds more like a spider welcoming his meal.”

Storm Shadow stepped out of the shadows.

Cobra Commander yelled at the ninja, “STORM SHADOW, I DEMAND TO KNOW WHERE YOU DISAPPEARED TO!”

Storm Shadow answered, “I was getting MY recommendation.”

And to Fishface and Stockman’s surprise, out stepped Takeshi a.k.a. Tiger Claw.

“Oooooh, him I like. What's your name?” Cobra Commander questioned.

“My name is Tiger Claw.”

Cobra Commander nodded, “Hmm, interesting.”

“You people dare drag me into this place?”

Baxter assured him, “Easy, Tiger Claw. They have pretty good offer.”

Fishface noticed Tiger Claw had his tail. “I see you have your tail back.”

Takeshi scoffed, “Don't waste my time.”

“Then I'll cut to the chase. Help Cobra take over the world and you'll be rewarded. I just need you to deal with them.” Cobra Commander offered and pointed his staff to the screen with Leo and company.

“No.” Takeshi answered.

Everyone was taken off guard and Cobra Commander shouted, “What?!”

Takeshi swore his oath, “I'm honoring my truce with my former enemies. Get someone else to do your dirty work.”

Cobra Commander replied, “Unfortunately, I chose Mindbender as my scientist for a reason. SEIZE HIM!”

Tiger Claw armed himself with his laser pistol on his left hand and his metal arm on his right as he turned it into a laser gun as the Dreadnoks armed their weapons for a fight.

As the Dreadnoks closed in, Storm Shadow readied himself.

Takeshi said, “I've fought enemies tougher than all of you. You really think you could beat me?”

“Of course not. NOW!” Zartan answered.

Storm Shadow came at Tiger Claw from behind and threw a few quick jabs at Tiger Claw. Storm Shadow then knocked Tiger Claw over, unable to move.

Zartan laughed, “Stupid Tiger. Didn't even realize a fake-out when he saw it in front of him.”

Everyone laughed at Tiger Claw's misfortune, including Cobra Commander.

Cobra Commander sighed, “Alright, haul him to Mindbender's laboratory. We'll collar him later.”

Zartan bowed, “Right away, boss.”

Just as the Dreadnoks dragged the unconscious tiger out of the throne and the rest of the goons exited, a Viper Trooper rushed in.

“Sir, Baroness is asking for you.”

Cobra Commander answered, “Bring her in.”

The Viper Trooper bowed, “Yes sir.”

As the Baroness walked in, the Viper Trooper, who was secretly the G.I Joe spy, secretly recorded their conversation.

Back in the Pit, Lifeline was in the medical room checking the Ninjas’ condition while Donnie helped.

Lifeline told Mona, “Okay, as far as my medical knowledge goes, your in fighting condition, ma'am.”

Mona nodded, “Thank you.”

Then, the intercom announced, “Attention! Attention! All combat personnel report to the briefing room for an important announcement.”

As Fluttershy and Mona walked towards the briefing room, Mona noticed her friend's thoughtful expression. “Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy turned her attention to Mona. “Hmm?”

“Something troubling you?”

Fluttershy didn't want to say her hated word, but she needed to talk to someone about it. “Do know the concept of "Illegally Hunting Animals"?”

“Yes, my people call them 'Nik'hals'. It means hunters without honor. Why?” Mona answered.

“Cobra has one.”

Mona assured her, “Fluttershy, I know your love for animals is great and I can only imagine how strong your hatred is towards these kind of hunters. But if you strike down an enemy who has done evil, you become just as bad as them.”

While Mona and Fluttershy continued discussing, the Joes and Ninjas were at the briefing room.

General Hawk announced, “Alright, now that we have our 5 leaders, our spy has sent us an audio feed from Cobra.”

Hi-Tech played the audio from Cobra HQ. From Baroness’s voice, “My fortress in the Russian mountains is complete and ready to begin our operation.”

“Excellent. Prepare to send out our new mind control signal all throughout Russia. Take Major Bludd with you as additional support.” Cobra Commander said.

“Right away, Commander. Oh, and Destro was willing to give me Sergeant Scrap-Iron. I hope you don't mind.”

Cobra Commander replied, “Fine. But don't you fail me Baroness with your mission. Is that clear?”

Hi-Tech turned off the recording and General Hawk said, “Alright everyone, we have a location in Bear Paw's Canyon.”

Rocksteady said, “I know that region of Russia. My brother and I used to scout there when we were teens.”

“Then you'll be accompanying the group. Scarlet?”

Scarlet answered, “Right here, sir.”

General Hawk told her, “You'll be in charge of this operation.”

Rarity raised her hand and announced, “I'll join too, sir.”

Longshot added, “I volunteer as well.”

Mikey cheered, “Sign me up.”

Casey spoke up and raised his hand, “Yeah, me too!”

Tunnel Rat answered, “I’ll go too.”

Tiger Claw raised his hand, “I'll go, sir. I'm ready for action.”

“Easy, rookie. You got a long career ahead of you.” General Hawk informed him

Rainbow then noticed Tunnel Rat feeling nervous. “Why the long face, Tunnel Rat?”

“Well, it's a funny story, Rainbow,” Tunnel Rat sheepishly said. “You see…”

Author's Note:
  • Tunnel Rat losing a bet against Heavy Duty was used from Sigma 6