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Chapter the Fourteenth: Explanation

"How did you change your cutie mark?" repeated Fluttershy after they returned to Kai's study. "That's not something you can just do lightly."

"You're right," answered Kai. "It's not to be taken lightly. There are, in fact, three ways to change a cutie mark that I know of. There may be more than that, but for now, let's focus on the two that may be at play here. First is the change of personal interpretation through sheer force of will. If you change who you are so completely that you can't recognize yourself, your cutie mark will change with you. The second is through ridiculously powerful magic interfering with the latent magic within every cutie mark."

"I'm still not sure exactly what a cutie mark is," confessed Nik. "Humans don't really have them."

"It's an outward expression of your own interpretation of yourself," explained Kai, displaying his. "For most ponies, it's an identifying trait. When you find yourself, and you know who you are to be, it just shows up. While I was here, however, I've read reports of cases where cutie marks were swapped, added and removed. Changing one's cutie mark is a very dangerous thing, if not done correctly. But enough about me, Let's talk about you, Nik."

"I'm an open book," chuckled Nik. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know, first and foremost, how and why you came to Equestria."

Nik's head dropped. "I'd like to know that, too. One minute I was under attack, the next I was here. I don't know how it happened."

"Well, what about this attack? Why were they after you?"

"I don't know. I was actually hoping you could tell me. You seem very knowledgeable on my world, more so than anypony else. You somehow even knew that I was from Kansas. I haven't mentioned that once since I came here, and you just knew somehow. How did you know that?"

Kai reached back and rubbed his neck. "I'll be honest, I feel a little guilty about this. When the portal to your world opened, I rushed to its location, but by the time I arrived, they were already hauling you off. Had I been there half an hour earlier, you might have been here days ago, and we'd already be on our way to fixing your problem."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Right. I looked back through the portal gate on my arrival. There were still a few traces of magic kicking around. That's how I found my information on your world. Which reminds me..." Turning around, Kai walked over to the cloak Rarity had given him and fished around in the pockets. Finding a wad of duct tape, he tossed it to Nik. "I don't know if you dropped this, or just didn't know that it fell through with you, but after seeing the contents, I'm fairly certain that it's yours."

Nik caught it and opened it up. "My wallet? I had left it on the table in Jim's basement. How did it fall through the portal?"

Kai shook his head. "I have no idea. But it was on the ground, about five metres from where I would guess you landed."

Nik slid the wallet into his back pocket. "I suppose that'll be useful if ever I make it back home. Although, I have to wonder if that's even possible at this point."

"Even if it is, I wouldn't dare send you back."

Nik scowled. "Why not?"

Kai scowled back. "The ponies currently coming after you and the humans who previously tried to end you. They're still out there, and they'll stop at nothing to see you destroyed, and your remains ripped apart. It doesn't matter who sent them after you, the fact that they were the ones chosen to hunt you down puts you in extreme danger, as well as those around you. Before I send you anywhere, we need to remove whatever spell they're using to track you. We've managed to stay a step ahead so far, but we still need to keep running for the goal."

"Actually," interjected Terra. "They were a step ahead in San Palomino."

Kai grabbed Terra's shoulder. "How so?"

"They arrived before us and convinced the innkeeper to help them," answered Nik. "We're not sure how."

Kai let out a heavy sigh. "Looks like we need to tighten up our plans a bit. The good news is, I'm joining your group from here on out, so any communication will come directly through me."

"And the bad news?"

Kai looked at Nik. "What bad news?"

"Every time one of you ponies has given me good news, it came with bad news."

Kai shrugged. "I guess the bad news can be that we're not going to end up going into towns anymore. I prefer nature over city life, anyway. Spending time in the forest is my preference. What about you, Nik? Is this bad enough news for you?"

Nik chuckled. "I suppose I'd prefer it that way, too. Less hiding required."

"What about food?" asked Fluttershy, having been silent for most of the conversation. "If we don't stop for supplies, what are we going to eat?"

"The land will provide for us," answered Kai. "Even with Nikolas's diet, I'm sure I can use my expertise and experience to ensure that we're all well-fed. Even if it's not the best tasting, it will keep us alive."

"With my diet?" questioned Nik. "I'm omnivorous. I've been eating exclusively vegetables since I came here."

"You need protein, Nik," responded Kai. "Meats. Or more likely, fish. That's something I can help with."

"When will it end, though?" asked Nik. "I don't want to die, but I don't want to keep running forever. That would destroy your lives. Do you really want to spend the rest of your years running away with me?"

Kai shook his head. "We're not running away forever." Shoving several stacks of books aside, Kai pulled out a map of Equestria. A long twisting line dictated the path he intended to take. "I've plotted a route that takes us to all the places we need to go to have any chance of finding your freedom. I'm prepared to take that path."

"Are you sure?" asked Fluttershy. "These ponies after him are very dangerous. They had no qualms about slitting my throat back at the inn."

"I can defend us," assured Kai. "And I can make sure Nikolas is well taken care of." He walked over to Fluttershy and placed his hoof on her shoulder. "If you feel it's too dangerous, Nik and I will undertake this journey on our own. His life is already in danger. Yours doesn't have to be."

"Neither does yours. I'm coming with you."

"I'd prefer it if she came with us," said Nik. "Even if she's not capable of fighting, she makes me feel at ease. If she wants to come on this journey, I will stand behind her decision."

"I'd be a really shitty friend if I didn't watch your backs," chuckled Terra. "I'm coming with you, too."

Kai nodded. "In that case, our first stop is right here. Allow me to escort you to the chamber of trials."

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