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Chapter the Twenty-Third: Oneiros

Kai helped Nikolas onto his feet. He turned and faced Remy the painter. "I want to help him. You said you had no problem with him accepting assistance?"

Remy shook his head. "You can't help him through this challenge."

Kai scowled. "Why not!?"

Incubus stood. "He faced his fear, and on top of that, we think he's learned something. At any rate, the rest of his party did. We consider that a success." He tossed the stone orb through the air.

As it sailed through the air, it was caught by the massive fish-like creature that Nik had seen breaking through the sky earlier. It circled around and landed in a clearing of its own making. It was massive. Its gills pushed forward, stretching out its face to be visible by everyone in the grove.

"I am Oneiros, the dreamstrider," It bellowed. "Every thought you've ever had, I've seen. Every dream, idea, or judgement you've ever made is the result of either myself, or those I've chosen to assist me. I am referring to those who live in my grove."

Remy stood up. "Lord Oneiros, we are humbled by your presence," he said, bowing. "But I'm confused. Did Nikolas not meet your challenge?"

"He did," boomed Oneiros. "He performed admirably. I have no objection to his success. That is not the reason I interfere with your ceremony. I come to you with a warning."

"Are we in danger?" asked Twilight.

"Not all of you. No more so than you know. That is, save for three of you." He turned to Nik. "Nikolas Jameson. I realize that your coming to Equestria was mere accident, but you must realize that you've set in motion a chain of events that cannot be stopped until you reach the end of your journey. As to what end that is, even the wisest cannot tell. But I can tell you the two likeliest outcomes. The first is the easiest. If you are to die, then all will be at peace. Your existence has caused a disturbance in reality. The other likely option is that your crew succeeds in severing you from your world. This will save your life, and those of your friends, both here and in your own world. You are the gateway through which the assassins are pouring. If you don't close this gateway, you will tear the very fabric of reality apart."

"How do I do that?" asked Nik.

Oneiros extended his long tongue, at the end of which was the orb Incubus had tossed. Nik accepted it, being surprised that it was dry. "You are already on the correct path. While I support your cause, I doubt that all of my siblings will. You have a long uphill battle. Despite this, I am confident that, between you and your newfound comrades, you will have no issue seeking an audience with our master."

Nik bowed his head. "Thank you. I'll try my best."

Oneiros turned to Kai. "Akaitora. I know you are the ringleader of this operation. You've planned everything out as best you could. However, I must caution you that even with the best laid plans, complications tend to arise. Especially the best laid plans. You're taking quite a gamble with this little venture of yours. You are well aware that if you were to simply end the life of your charge in his sleep, you'd save your world, and everypony in it?"

Kai stood tall and puffed out his chest. "I am well aware of that. I knew from the start that this was the more difficult path. But it's the right path."

Oneiros scowled. "Right and wrong are not so cut and dry as you may think, sorcerer. Could it be that your shortsighted attempt to impress Fluttershy is the reason why my brother's home has been reduced to ash? Could your selfishness be the reason your colleagues are trapped, or perhaps dead?"

Kai lowered his head. He had never intended to cause harm, but death was following in his hoofsteps. He was already beginning to question himself.

"Now, hold on a minute!" shouted Fluttershy, stepping forward. "Those incidents were not his fault! He wouldn't willingly cause harm to other ponies."

"You've known him for all of two months, eighteen months ago. Are you really in any position to speak as to his moral ground?"

Fluttershy said nothing, but she continued to stand next to Kai.

Oneiros grinned. "Good. Stand by him. Trust in your method, dear Fluttershy. Kindness is what he needs." He turned to the rest of the group, still sitting down. "Lastly, I have words for my acolyte, Incubus. You've been overstepping your bounds by quite a wide margin. I understand that you're the one who started these events in motion."

"I have my reasons," replied Incubus.

"And those reasons have cost these ponies dearly. If you want to be involved in their affairs, then I insist that you do so wholly. From this point forward, if any of them die, you shall follow in their wake."

Incubus jumped to his hooves. "What!? You can't do that!"

Oneiros scowled. "I can, and I will."

Succubus stood as well. "I'll not stand idly by and let my husband die!"

"Then I suggest that the two of you put together your efforts to keep them alive," growled Oneiros. "Otherwise, you'll be separated." With a flap of his fins, Oneiros flew into the air, heading back toward the crack in the sky.

Remy turned his attention to the visitors. "It's time for you all to go back to the waking world. You can't stay asleep forever."

"We've been asleep this whole time?" asked Twilight.

"The whole time," nodded Remy. "This is the grove of dreams, after all. You can only come here if you're asleep."

"So, can we come back?"

"It's unlikely that you'll be able to return to the grove," answered Incubus. "You shouldn't stay in one place any longer than a single night. We'll be in touch."

With those words, all of their vision faded to black, and they found themselves awakening together at sunrise.

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