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Chapter the Twenty-Ninth: The Blood of a Warrior

The lower rotunda was empty. While the upper rotuna had some lounge furniture, the lower one was completely empty. With Kai and Bone inside, Flesh took Nik to a viewing area, where they could watch the fight with their meal.

"Normally, I make some sort of creature, and Bone fights it in there," explained Flesh. "It helps him to test his weapons against different foes. Even foes that don't really exist."

"You make your own monsters?" asked Nik, swallowing a mouthful of medium steak.

"That's right. We've written down our findings, too."

"So you're like Doctor Frankenstein?"

Flesh shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Is that a reference to your human culture?"

Nik paused for a moment. "I suppose it is. I don't know if there's a pony equivalent, but I'd guess you're as close as they come."

Bone returned his attention to Kai. He had grabbed his weapons, two swords and a mace, as well as a shield that was much too small for him, but would be massive in the hooves of a pony. "Are you ready, then?"

Kai pulled out his spear and took a defensive stance. "Whenever you are."

Bone leaned to the side, inspecting Kai's weapon. "Are you sure? That glaive looks to be quite worn down. Look here." Bone set down his mace and pointed to several spots on the blade. "There are chips everywhere. It certainly looks like you've tried to repair the damages, but you didn't have the proper tools to do so. Furthermore, this hook is facing rearward to be used against mounted foes, and the blade looks to be bent." He stepped back. "And to top it all off, you're using a pike stance, when the glaive clearly needs a polearm stance. Who trained you in combat?"

Kai lowered his weapon. "I'm self-trained. Most of my experience comes from fighting off wolves and bears. I have a dagger, too, but I didn't think it would be that effective against you."

Bone shook his head. "This won't do. Not at all." He disappeared once more into his workshop, returning with a similar-looking weapon. "This is a bardiche with forward-facing spike. The blade is kept in peak condition, and it may suit your fighting stance a bit better. Approximately two and a third metres long. Give it a try, see how you like it."

Kai accepted the new weapon, setting his down on the ground next to him. It was lighter than he was expecting, with a bit longer of a reach than he was used to. The blade was certainly not made of steel, but some other metal Kai was unfamiliar with. He gave it a few wide swings, as well as several rapid thrusts. "It feels nice," Kai admitted. "Though I have to ask about the integrity of the blade. Are you sure this material can handle combat? I'm not familiar with it."

"That blade was specifically crafted by me, for my own use. I guarantee its integrity." Bone held out his free hand. "If you so desire, I can repair yours after our little trial?"

Kai shook his head. "I need it to protect those I hold dear. I can't leave without it."

"Leave with the one you're holding, then."

Kai was taken aback. "You'd do that for me?"

Bone nodded. "Of course. I admire your bravery."

Kai nodded and levitated the spear up to Bone, who took it and placed it in his workshop. Taking their stances once again, Kai felt his confidence rising. "Now, I'm ready."

Picking up the flanged mace he had set down earlier, Bone flourished his blades as he moved closer. With the larger sword, he chopped down. Kai only just managed to slide out of the way, lunging the tip of his polearm at Bone's midsection, only to have it bounce off the chitinous exoskeleton. Kai pulled the weapon back to himself just in time to catch a swing from the mace.

Kai was expecting the hit to shatter the polearm's shaft, but it sprung quickly back to form. He would have marveled at the flexibility of the handle's material, but he had to pull himself away as the smaller sword was coming quickly at him. He jumped to the right, only to have the shield bash him in the face. He stumbled backward a few steps, using the butt of the poleaxe to steady himself.

"Your friend isn't a very good combatant," said Flesh, a disappointed look on his face. "Is he really the best you have?"

"He's better with magic, I think," said Nik through a mouthful of asparagus. "I've seen him shoot lightning a few times. Either way, I'm pretty sure he knows better than I do."

Kai spread his wings. with a powerful flap, he propelled himself forward. Being much smaller than his opponent, he managed to slip between Bone's legs, swinging at his ankle in passing. While this would normally be a good move, Bone was prepared for it, swinging his mighty tail in front of Kai, knocking him aside. As Kai stood back up and grabbed his weapon, Bone had more than enough time to turn around.

Kai tried the same maneuver a second time, now ready to watch for the tail. But Bone had learned from the last attack as well. Before Kai could slip between his legs, Bone had shifted all of his weight onto his other ankle, and with a swift kick, Kai was sent flying into the wall.

The blow had knocked the wind out of him. Desperately, Kai tried to stand, but he was having trouble breathing. As he struggled to climb back onto his hooves, Bone bore down on him, pinning him to the wall with his forearm. Kai had lost.

"That's enough!" shouted Flesh, standing up. "Let him go."

Bone pulled away from the wall, letting Kai catch his breath. "Already? The rules say we need to be impressed, and I've only barely begun."

"Well, I've seen enough. Look at your ankle."

Bone looked down. "It's just a mild cut. It'll be healed in no time."

"It's not the severity of the injury that matters, Bone," explained Flesh. "Look at the shape. He drew that blade exactly along the softer tissues, twisting around your ankle. It even looks like he nicked the tendon. If he'd pushed a bit harder, you'd be on one foot only."

"But he didn't," replied Bone. "I'm still standing."

Flesh shook his head. "Did you forget that he has no formal training?"

Bone stepped back and sat down. He took a closer look at the wound Kai had given him. It wasn't a killing blow, even if it had gone through all the way. This wasn't a warrior's move at all, especially against ponies. Furthermore, Kai was a large pony. Against any of his own kind, that maneuver would be useless, only serving to have him stuck beneath his opponent. Even though it hadn't been effective, Kai had been able to analyze his foe, and adapt to an effective maneuver. He even managed to stick to his ideal of non-lethality. Even the blow to his midsection wouldn't have killed him quickly enough to be effective. A stab that low would only serve to cause pain. Any surgeon would be able to treat such a mild wound quickly and easily.

After a few minutes of thought, Bone stood up. "I've made my decision. I'm not satisfied with this fight."

Kai picked up the bardiche, having planned out a new strategy for his second fight.

"However, I recognize that my opponent had no chance of ever beating me. The fact that he was able to think quickly and take note of his opponent's defenses on the fly earns him a small amount of respect from me. And even though I feel he has a lot of learning to do, I think he has, at the very least, matched the average pony, and at most, the average pony soldier."

In one of Bone's claws appeared the orb. It was grey, having two boxes in the center, with two horizontal lines going out in either direction. "To that end, I grant him this token of Vgaarklak's favour, as well as the personal gifts of the weapon he now holds, and a treatise on its use." He offered the orb to Kai. "You can read, can't you?"

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