• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,733 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

  • ...

Chapter 1: New Pegasus in Town, Pt. 1

I groaned, shaking my head as reality returned to me. I felt the light of the sun shine on my face, letting me give out a hiss of irritation. I blinked my eyes open as consciousness finally got its grip back. I looked to find some trees around me, and I gave another blink.

Where was I? Oh.

It hit me. The portal! I remember going through the interdimensional gate to...Equestria?

Yup. This is getting real now, I think. But, where in Equestria have I landed?

I grumbled. Then, I realized something: the scroll!

I need to get it to this Princess Celestia, like what Merlin had told me before I went through the gate. I looked to find it lying near my hands...hold on...hooves? Yeah. Hooves. And it’s dark blue hooves. Just perfect. How did I turn into...

Merlin said I would be changed to blend in. I guess he meant this.

And now, where do I go now that I have the scroll with me?

I got up and took a good look around.

From the looks of it...I seemed to be in some kind of forest.

I blinked. I wasn't sure if I knew this place...but somehow...it felt naturally familiar. Where did I see this forest from? Oh.

I facepalm...or facehoof myself. My stupidity got in the way. Well, wherever I am going, I need to find a town to see where I can have the scroll to the Princess before something bad happens. Who knows, maybe I could run into someone I can get some words with on what happened...no. The ponies here wouldn't know what is going on with me. I need to keep that thought to myself.

Let's see...where to now?

I shrugged it off and started trotting in some direction. I wasn’t really sure where I was going, because next thing I knew, I was in front of a path leading to...a cottage? It kinda reminded me of the same cottage from that movie, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

Well, whatever that thought came, I need to find some help. I began to trot over to the cottage that was in the forest. And I seriously need to get to a nearby town, before it gets dark. Whoever lives here, I need their help in directions.

I stopped near the cottage, tilting my head as I inspected it further. Similarity or not with the Disney movie, I shrugged it off and went to the door and knocked on it gently.

“Coming,” came a rather sweet voice from inside the cottage. Moments later, the door opened, revealing a beautiful yellow pegasus in the doorway.

"Um..." I started to say while looking at the pegasus awkwardly. "...Hello?"

“Uh...” said the pegasus back, “...hello.”

Trying to get the awkwardness away, I cleared my throat, “You must be wondering why a stranger is standing in your doorway, right?”

The pegasus nodded.

“Forgive me,” I said. “I’m a traveler and I’m a little lost. Do you think you could show me directions to the nearest town...please?”

“Oh,” said the pegasus, “sure thing, uh...”

“Dawn Darkness,” I said, using my real name for the first time, even if it felt a little weird.

"Um...if you want me to escort you to the nearest town...um...come with me..." the pegasus spoke a bit quietly, but not too quietly that I couldn't hear her.

I smiled gently to her, and she gave a small 'eep' in response. Tilting my head, I shrug it off as she trotted out of the doorway.

“Hold on,” I said to the pegasus, “I never got your name.”

“Um...” said the pegasus, a little quiet, but not so I couldn’t hear her. “It’s Fluttershy.”

"Ah," I smiled gently. "A nice, fitting, and beautiful name for a pegasus such as yourself."

She blushed at my comment. We then began to make our way to the nearby town.

It sure seemed like a nice trot, and before we knew it, we got right out of the Everfree Forest, whereas we saw a small town up ahead. I saw a sign that read: PONYVILLE.

"So," I started to speak to Fluttershy. "This is Ponyville? Sure seems like a nice place to live."

She nodded, “It’s been home most of my life.” We then resumed our trot down the road, soon to arrive in town. Kinda reminds me of some kind of medieval village...minus the Black Plague, that is.

I looked around in Ponyville...before I saw something speeding its way to where I was. The pink pony had a huge smile on her face.

"That's Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy said, "she's the town's resident party planner. She also likes meeting new ponies."

"We'll see," I said.

We came face to face with the one called Pinkie Pie. "Go on," said Fluttershy to me, smiling sweetly.

I took a deep breath and then... "Hi. You must be Pinkie Pie. My name is D-"

Next thing we knew, Pinkie gasped and ran off somewhere.

"What's up with her?" I asked Fluttershy, confused.

"She must be...planning something..." Fluttershy replied.

Planning something? It can't be a trap, can it? Oh, wait: IT'S A TRAP!

Or maybe not. Honestly, I haven’t been in Equestria for an hour, and I’m already assuming the worst. What is wrong with me?

I shook my head at my inner assumption, looking at a waiting Fluttershy. "How about we go and show me around? I'd like to see this place some more before going to that pony's...party, was it?"

“Indeed,” said Fluttershy, as we both set off to explore the town.

But not before we heard a voice shouting, “LOOK OUT BELOW!!!”

I looked up, eyes widening before I ran and pushed a yelping Fluttershy away from the crashing owner of the voice.

I shook my head, getting up with my pegasus companion. "Are you alright?" I asked her, and she nodded in response.

"Thank you..." she whispered to me.

"No problem," I smiled before turning to face the crashed being. "Alright, who are you? Didn't you know that it's not much appreciated to crash down to peo-...I mean, ponies?"

The cyan pony, another pegasus, got up, holding her head.

"Forgive me," she said, "I didn't know where I was going."

"Just look where you fly to next time," I sighed to the pegasus. "We don't want somebody to be hurt, would we?"

"No," the pegasus replied. "And, it's somepony!"
I rolled my eyes at the correction.

"Sorry," I said, "I pronounce things differently where I come from."

"Well, you've got to pronounce things here, then," the pegasus sighed. "Who are you? I've never seen you around before in Cloudsdale or Ponyville. Are you new?"

Cloudsdale? Where's that?

"I am new," I nodded in affirmative. "And the name's Dawn Darkness. A pleasure to meet you...uh..."

"Rainbow Dash," the pegasus, now named Rainbow Dash, smiled at me. "You're a new flyer, aren't you? I can tell by the looks of your unused wings."

Is it that obvious?

"Yeah," I said. "I have no idea how to fly."

"Say no more," said Rainbow Dash with a prideful smile. "I can show you how, if you want to."

"Perhaps at the weekend," I suggested, "Right now, Fluttershy here was gonna show me around town."

"Alright," Rainbow nodded. "See ya 'round, then!" She then went off to some other place at a fast pace.

"She seems nice," I noted to Fluttershy.

"She is very nice, and very loyal," the pegasus agreed. "She has been my friend since we were fillies."

"Huh, sounds like a nice story," I hummed before we resumed our exploration of Ponyville.

Pretty soon, the whole tour came to an end, whereas my stomach started to grumble a little.

"My," I said, giving a small flush. "I'm surely getting hungry."

I chuckled nervously before Fluttershy smiled sweetly at me.

"We can always take a look at...Sugarcube Corner...if you will, Dawn," she spoke to me softly.

"Sure," I nodded as we began to trot over to Sugarcube Corner.

We soon came to Sugarcube Corner.

We entered and were greeted by two ponies dressed in baking attire.

"Hello, how may we help you?" the one to the right asked.

"We would like something to eat, thank you," Fluttershy requested the female who had asked.

"Of course," she nodded. "Take a seat, and we will present you an order."

Huh, they're very nice. I seem to think that all ponies here are nice so far. Ah, who am I kidding? This is a pretty good place so far.

"Say, Miss..."

"Cup Cake is my name," introduced the one who called herself Cup Cake, "but everyone simply calls me Mrs. Cake."

What do you know? I guess the term "everyone" is okay to use here without any problems.

"Anyway, Mrs. Cake," I went on, "what do you recommend?"

"Well, we have some goodies here," Mrs. Cake took out a list of food and presented it to us. "We have..." She then began to read the list of food to us.

"Cupcakes, Cakes, and Pie."

I ordered an apple pie, whereas Fluttershy ordered a couple of cupcakes.

Later, we got out with full stomachs.

"That pie," I said to Fluttershy, "was genius. The best one I ever tasted."

It was a good sweet. I must've been feeling in heaven while eating it.

"They serve some very good sweets here," Fluttershy told me.

I licked my lips before I looked up in the sky, seeing the sun was getting a bit high on the blue sky. "I guess we'd better get to that party, with whom I'm guessing Pinkie had planned with, and get this over with."

"Actually," said Fluttershy, "I must do something for the Summer Sun Celebration. It's in Ponyville this year, you see."

The Summer Sun Celebration. I remember my mom telling me about it in a bedtime story.

She said that it was something like the Summer Solstice.

"Say, Fluttershy," I asked her, "this Celebration...will Princess Celestia be there too?"

"How did you know about Princess Celestia?" asked Fluttershy in shock.

I realized how I just asked that question, so I had to think of something.

"Well," I said, "my parents used to live here in Equestria before they moved to some other place in the world." I thought long and hard about what to say, until I recall my Dad once telling me about a place called... "Trottingham."

"It must have been some move," Fluttershy spoke, but smiled anyway. "But, yes. Princess Celestia will be in this year's Celebration. Why do you need to see her?"

I blinked, then remembering about the scroll I had with me. "Some...personal matters," I replied.

"No worries," said Fluttershy, smiling sweetly. "If it's personal, then I won't ask any further. I better go. Those birds won't orchestra themselves after all."

She trotted off, leaving me to wonder what she meant by that.

I then noticed something on her backside, or flank in that case.

"Say, Fluttershy," I asked, getting her attention, "what exactly is that beautiful picture on your flank?"

Fluttershy giggled. "My goodness. Don't you know a cutie mark when you see one?"

I remembered. My parents told me about that one. Apparently, everyone in Equestria has a so-called cutie mark on their flank that represents their special talents.

"Well, I..." I started to think. I was thinking before I decided to say, "I'm kinda new here. So, how should I know what a cutie mark is?"

"Well," said Fluttershy, "that on my flank is definitely a cutie mark. It represents my connection with animals."

"Oh," I gave a small chuckle in response. "So, it basically means which specific talent you have, right?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Exactly."

I then noticed some pony entering what seems to be the town tall. Maybe I can ask the town’s mayor to let me look into Equestria’s history...if they have enough books on it.

"I better go now, Fluttershy," I said to her as I dismissed her, "Good luck with those birds."

I soon trotted over to the Town Hall, and started to enter it.

No sooner did I enter the Town Hall, I was surely impressed on how beautiful it looked.

"Yes," I heard someone say, "the décor is coming along nicely."

"No doubt about that," I said, getting that pony's attention. "Hi. My name is Dawn Darkness. I'm kinda new here in town, you see."

The lavender pony, an unicorn given by her horn, gave me a smile. "Ah, a new face. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike," she gestured to the dragon she had with her. "A pleasure to meet you, Dawn."

"The pleasure's all mine, Miss--"

"Please, just Twilight," she interrupted me.

I shrugged, and then I saw the dragon she called Spike look lovingly in a direction. I looked to find a white unicorn looking through ribbons. I wonder who that is...she surely is beautiful.

"My guess," I said, "is that she is in charge of the decorations."

When I looked back at a surprised Twilight, I finally noticed what was wrong with her mane. I blinked, a few snickers coming out of me when she groaned in annoyance.

"Please don't," she warned me.

"Sorry," I apologized, clearing my throat before we looked at the white unicorn.

"Excuse us--" Twilight started to say when she was interrupted by the unicorn.

"Just a moment, please!" said the white unicorn, who was clearly looking at... ribbons, "I'm 'in the zone', as it were."

I looked as she levitated a sparkling ribbon to her.

"Yes. Sparkles always do the trick does it not?," she said before looking back to us. "Now, um, how can I help yo--" She gasped upon seeing Twilight's messed up mane.

Yup. Had a feeling this might have come somehow.

"Oh my stars, darling!" she exclaimed. "Whatever happened to your coiffure?!"

I had a feeling that the unicorn meant Twilight's hair, or rather her mane.

"Oh, you mean my mane?" asked Twilight. Called it. "Well," she went on, "it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair!"

"Out of my hair? What about your hair?" The unicorn then pushed Twilight with her, and I looked as Spike somehow followed them in mid-air by his tail that was spinning around.

Just...how did he do it? I shrugged it off and started to head out of the Town Hall...before stopping by the doorstep and looked back, humming as I realized I could use a book on this world's history.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I called after and headed back inside the Town Hall, then to bump into some random pony, who I guessed must be the Mayor of Ponyville.

"Please see where you're going," the pony grunted to me.

"Sorry 'bout that," I apologized. "You must be this town's mayor, right?"

"That I am," she said, "Mayor Mare, at your service. And you are..."

"Dawn Darkness," I gave her a polite bow, which she chuckled at. "I am a new face in Ponyville, and I could do it if I could borrow a book on a subject I'm interested in."

"Sure thing, Dawn Darkness," said the Mayor, as she led me to the Town Hall's archives.

"These scrolls," she explained, "contain everything there is to know about our town's past. Help yourself to whatever suits you, but be careful, as these are all one of a kind."

"I will be careful," I nodded to her in thanks and she trotted away for the moment while I looked at the scrolls. "Let's see...what is there to know?"

I then got straight to work, beginning with a very interesting scroll that was entitled "The Founding of Ponyville".

Interestingly, I instantly recall another story that my parents told me involving the exact same topic.

It was almost as if my parents were preparing me for in case I ever was sent to Equestria.

"Well then," I smiled at the memory as I began the reading. "Let's see if what they told me is true."

I opened up the scroll, and began to read it.

The more I read, the more I realized that what my parents told me about the Founding of Ponyville was completely accurate.

After some time reading, I finally had to let my eyes rest from the scrolls. I let them back to where they once were, and I got outside the archives and met up with Mayor Mare.

"Did you find anything useful in there?" she asked me.

"Yes," I nodded. "It was interesting while it lasted, but I need to rest my eyes for a while. I'll be out for the afternoon."

"I'm glad it was of any help, Dawn Darkness," the Mayor smiled as I trotted out of the Town Hall and wandered the streets of Ponyville.

Interestingly, I said afternoon to the Mayor, but much to my surprise... "It's night?!"

I was practically looking into the town's past all afternoon.

Talk about passing the time.

I still hope Pinkie's party was still happening. But hey, it's okay to be fashionably late.

I then made my way over to the Golden Oak Library, and when I opened the door…

"SURPRISE!!!" I surely was startled.

I fell on my rump by the loud call. I saw Pinkie in front of me with a, ahem, big smile on her face.

"Hi, Dawn! I'm Pinkie Pie! I made this party just for you!" the party pony said hyperactivity at a speed I could almost not understand. "And when I saw you at the edge of Ponyville, I was like--gasp--and then when you started to say my name, I just had the feeling to throw you a party! Are you excited? Were you, were you, were you?!"

"Very surprised!" I gasped, holding my heart as if I had just been given the biggest heart attack.

I looked around, and noticed that the party was inside the local Library.

"You know, Pinkie," I pointed out, "I know this is supposed to be a party, but why a Library of all places? I mean, it's kinda ironic, as Libraries are supposed to be, well, quiet."

"Well, silly, that's because quiet is BORING!" Pinkie rolled her eyes in a funny way.


"Still though," I continued, "You could've just done this in a place outside the library."

I then noticed Twilight from before making her way upstairs.

"I'll be right back," I said, as I went upstairs after Twilight, who happened to be rinsing her mouth in the bathroom.

She noticed me in the glass of the bathroom, looking surprised. "I thought you were partying with those crazy ponies," she told me.

"Well, I wanted to see how you were doing," I replied with a shrug.

"I'm fine, just not with the ponies who think of making friends all the time." When she said 'friends', she rolled her eyes.

"Why do you think they're crazy?" I wondered. "Is it because of their friendliness?"

"No!" said Twilight. "It’s because those ponies are nothing like him!"

Twilight realized what she just said.

"Him?" That last part had definitely piqued my interest.

Twilight sighed. "Alright, I'll explain, but you must promise not to tell anypony."

"Cross my heart," I smiled, keeping it to myself in my promise.

Twilight then had me follow her to what seemed to be a bedroom.

Kinda practical. A bedroom inside a library.

Making sure the coast was clear, Twilight looked towards me, and began.

"I was only a little filly when I met him. I don't why, but he was different from the other foals. He was always there for me, no matter what. We would always hang out, we would always make each other laugh, we even would nap together. Mom once told me that he and I were so cute when they slept together. Heck, it went so far, that we considered each other as best friends. And then...five years ago...he just stopped showing up for the summer. I never saw him again since."

"Hmm," I hummed. "And did you remember his name by any chance?"

"I did," said Twilight, nodding. "His name...was Solar Eclipse."

Hold on a sec...

"Did you say...Solar Eclipse?" I asked, making sure I did not look that surprised.

"Yes," said Twilight. "Apparently, his mother gave him that name due to him being born within the time of a total solar eclipse. Kinda fitting, if you ask me. Why? Do you know him by any chance?"

Well, let's see...what to say?

"You can say that," I shrugged, as if it was nothing.

"Where is he now?" asked Twilight gingerly, "Is there a reason why he never returned to Equestria for the past five years?"

"Well..." I said, "I don't really know why he never returned. However..." I took out the scroll Merlin gave me and showed it to Twilight, "he wanted me to seek out Princess Celestia and give this to her."

"Well," said Twilight, smiling, "if that scroll is for Princess Celestia, perhaps I can give it her for you. You see... I'm her student. No wait. I meant to say that I am her protégé."

I was totally speechless.

"You're the Princess'...protégé?!" I asked in surprise and shock. "Well...if you can do that...I don't see why you can't give it to her, then. I don't mind it, actually, if you're her protégé."

Using her magic, Twilight levitated the scroll out of my hoof and placed it in her saddle bag.

"Interesting," I said. “It reminds me of a spell that I heard somewhere.”

"Really?" asked Twilight, "How did the incantation go?"

"Actually," I said, "there are two incantations. One is called Wingardium Leviosa, whereas the other one is Aloft Elevar."

"Interesting. How do you know about such incantation spells?" she asked.

"Oh, from somewhere, really," I shrugged.

I then noticed that Twilight was looking at the stars.

"Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars..." she began, when suddenly, “...will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night.”

I practically took over with finishing the prophecy involving Nightmare Moon's return, taking Twilight completely by surprise.

"How do you know about the legend?" she asked, surprised.

"I just memorized it from my memory," I replied.

"Really?" Twilight was surely not buying it. "Because no one ever took that prophecy seriously, not even Princess Celestia."

"Okay, you got me, Twilight," I gave in. "My parents would often tell me stories about Equestria, day by day. I practically grew up knowing about this amazing country, yet I never thought that I would be going there one day."

"That would at least explain how you know about Nightmare Moon and that prophecy," assumed Twilight.

I smiled at her, before we heard the door open with the pounding of the party going on.

"Come on, Twilight! It's time to watch the sunrise!" Spike called us, and he noticed me. "Oh, you're that new guy."

"I am," I nodded as me and Twilight got up to him. "And you must be Spike."

"That's me," he smiled proudly. "Come on! We'd better not miss the sunrise!"

We hurried with him over to the Town Hall to see how the sun will rise and begin a new morning.

We took our places, ready to greet Princess Celestia.

Just then, the one known as Pinkie Pie came up to us, and I could tell that she was excited, like she probably always was.

"Isn't this exciting?" she began, "Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited— well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went [deep gasp] but I mean really, who can top that?"

Then, we heard the horns go off as we were shown Mayor Mare who was giving her speech.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!"

I heard the ponies cheer, and I just smiled while she continued.

"In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..."

While the Mayor had spoken, Twilight and I noticed how the so-called mare in the moon had vanished.

That meant the legend was true. Nightmare Moon had returned.

Oh great. This just goes perfectly wrong...

"Ready?" I looked to see Fluttershy with her birds before the Mayor finished.

"Princess Celestia!"

The curtains were pulled by the white unicorn, revealing...nothing.

"Huh?" I heard her say in surprise.

"This...can't be good..." Twilight whispered, and I agreed with her silently.

"Remain calm, everypony," said the Mayor, "there must be a reasonable explanation!"

Twilight and I had a feeling what the explanation could be.

"Ooh, ooh!" I looked at an exciting Pinkie. "I love guessing games! Is she hiding?"

Kidding me?

"She's gone!" I heard the white unicorn call down to us, and the ponies gasped.

"Ooh, she's good..." Pinkie then yelped in surprise as a blue mist started to appear on the stage where Princess Celestia was to be.

Oh no...don't tell me...

And before we knew it, the one and only Nightmare Moon appeared before us.

"Oh no..." Twilight started before I finished for her, "Nightmare Moon..."

A chuckle came from the large black winged unicorn as she began to speak. "Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces."

"What did you do to our princess?!" came from Rainbow Dash, as she was about to attack Nightmare Moon, yet for some other pony to hold her back.

"Whoa there, Nelly..." the orange pony was the one who held Rainbow Dash by the tail.

Nightmare Moon chuckled again. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who
I am?"

Oh, I don't know. Maleficent?

"Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!" said Pinkie Pie with excitement, as if the current situation was some kind of game to her, "Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty—" Good thing the orange pony shoved an apple into Pinkie's mouth, because this was really serious.

"Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" Nightmare Moon asked us.

"We did!" Twilight called up, and the winged unicorn looked at me and my companion. "And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon--Nightmare Moon!"

The ponies gasped in shock.

"Well, well," Nightmare smiled, pleased. "Somepony who remembers me."

"And so do I." Yup, I just spoke right there.

"And who might you be, pegasus?" she asked.

"Why should I give my name to you?" I countered.

"Very well," Nightmare cackled, then said: "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Then, thunder boomed from her starry blue mane while I gritted my teeth.