• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,733 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

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Epilogue: Dawn of the Century, Pt. 1

Author's Note:

This is going to be the final chapter of the story, dear readers. I enjoyed writing the story with Edward Sapphire for as long as it lasted, however after hearing from a friend of mine that it went absolutely nowhere without a clear goal for the protagonist, I decided to end it with this chapter, which is the first half of the epilogue to the story.

After this, I'm going to be working on other projects to both learn and experiment my own writing style. Currently working on a science fiction war book that will be published in my country (Denmark), but I am not giving spoilers to readers asking what it's about (you'll just have to wait until it's out to the world ;P)

I'll work on Part 2 of the epilogue in a few days. I hope you've been patient enough, my readers. Until next time, my friends!

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was up and everypony was doing their daily stuff. I was trotting alongside Crimson who was smiling at me as we were together. It has been at least two weeks since my return from Canterlot, and everything was well. My friends had been doing better, so has Crim.

“It’s such a good day outside, wouldn’t you say, Dawn?” Crim’s calmed voice sounded in my ears as I nodded in agreement.

“Indeed. I think it’s about time no bad disasters happen in Ponyville for a while,” I spoke. Then I added, “Besides, wouldn’t it be strange if one was to happen later today out of the blue?”

“It would,” she agreed. “But I don’t think it will be going that way, my little Darkness.”

I looked away from her, cheeks reddening at the nickname she had given me since we have been together for a couple of weeks. I didn’t mind it, since I knew she means it well and I wasn’t angry or anything at being given nicknames — well, except that time my bullies from the school had called me rude names. “So,” I started, looking at her. “What is on the list today?”

Crim raised her hoof to touch her chin. “I thought about flying to my parents’ house in Cloudsdale. You?”

“I have got nothing to do,” I shrugged in admittance. “So I’m free to do anything I want. Twilight’s been busy organizing the library with Spike, and our friends are doing their own things.”

“Would you come with me to my parents?” she offered.

“I’d love to,” I nodded. “Would be nice to know them.” And since it would be the first time I’m getting to see them, I’m more than happy to oblige to know my friends’ families.

“Great!” Crim beamed. “Let’s get going, then! Last there will be the one doing the meal!” She spread her wings and took off.

I chuckled softly, then took off after her. I was getting the hang of flying now, thanks to Rainbow Dash’s teachings and they really paid off with how much better I’m becoming to flying each day. Everytime she and I were together, she would teach me new skills to learn on using my wings.

Getting the thoughts out of my head, I continued after Crimson, who had briefly stopped to let me catch up to her.

As we flew, I was feeling the excitement of feeling the wind blowing in my head, and I relaxed. We soon saw Cloudsdale in sight and landed on the cloud city.

It has been over a month since I last was here with Rainbow Dash to see how big the city was. Once I get to know my way around, I might be able to go here by myself. For now, though, I have my friends showing me around so I don’t get lost.

Crim and I headed down the road as we made our way through the city. Pegasi were going about, chatting with each other and going into shops to buy some accessory or items they could use.

“It’s nice to be here again,” I spoke.

“Have you been here in Cloudsdale before?” Crim asked, then realized, “Oh, right. You and Rainbow was here to see what the city was like. How was it?”

“It was good,” I replied. “It was good to know where the Young Flyer competition takes place. Have you participated in it?”

“I have,” she nodded. “While I was a filly, I participated.”

“Imagine my surprise when I found it was held in Cloudesuem,” I stated. “Boy, I was amazed at how we pegasi are in this kind of stuff. Definitely better than being stuck on the ground.”

Crim nodded in agreement. “Flying is a relief. Sadly most of our friends are Earth ponies and unicorn.”

“Don’t forget dragon with no wings,” I added.


I was thoughtful at my own statement. If Spike was able to grow wings at some point, would he be able to walk on clouds as we pegasi do? Or would he be relying solely on his wings if he were to grow them?

“Here we are,” Crim announced.

I blinked and looked at the building in front of us. I haven’t realized we were trotting while I was in my thoughts. I must’ve been drifted off there. Heh…whoops. “So, this is where you live?”

“Yes,” Crim said, opening the door to the medium-sized house that had a rainbow above its rooftop.

Once we were inside, I was amazed at how neatly organized the place was. Everything was in place, there was a bookshelf with books in a row. To the right was a window where you could look down to the ground below. To the middle was a stair that went up to the next floor. On the floor was a cloud-based carpet.

“What do you think?” Crim asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

“Seems neat,” I answered. “It looks like a great place to live.”

“Thank you,” Crim said. “My mom is an organized pony who would place everything in order so it is easier to spot and clean.”

I must say, being an organized pers—or pony—tend to have its own advantage when you want to look through things you have in the house.

“Crim, dear, is that you?” A sweet, soft voice greeted us from the stairs.

We looked and saw a crimson colored pegasus with the same eyes as Crimson had. Her wings were folded and the smile on her face was shown as motherly.

“Yes, I’m home, and I brought a friend of mine with me,” Crim gestured to me.

“Oh, who is this sweet little colt?” Her mother trotted up to me.

“My name’s Dawn Darkness, ma’am,” I greeted with a short bow.

“A gentlecolt, I see,” the mother of Crimson laughed. “You don’t need to be like that, Dawn. Oh, and call me Red Pearl. A pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise,” I smiled at her.

“We were just about to be ready for a trip downtown,” Red Pearl said to us. “Would the two of you like to join us?”

“Sure, we wouldn’t mind. Right, Dawn?” Crim looked at me.

“I wouldn’t mind joining you,” I nodded.

“Great!” Red Pearl cheered, clapping her forehooves for a second. “Blue Sapphire, dear!” she called up. “We’re ready when you are!”

“I will be down in a minute!” called the voice of Crim’s father. “Who is joining us?”

“Our daughter and her friend, Dawn.”

The head of a male pegasus stallion looked down to spot me. “Ah. Hello, Dawn. Be sure to feel right at home with us.”

I nodded to him in thanks, as his head disappeared upstairs again.

After a while of waiting, we were finally ready to leave as Crim and I were eager to leave for downtown in Cloudsdale. I was definitely excited to have another trip through the cloud city. It feels like I was right at home up here in the clouds than down in Ponyville.

We spread our wings and took off towards the main street of Cloudsdale. As soon as we landed, we trotted forward.

It was a little busy on the streets of Cloudsdale, as ponies were trotting along as they were going about their daily lives. Sometimes even if I was amongst a busy city, I wouldn’t be able to go around for much longer, but since I was with Crimson and her parents, things were a little easier for me to be around them—since I know Crim and all, and also her parents now.

“So Dawn,” started Red Pearl as she looked at me. “When was it that you met our daughter? We’d love to know a little more about you.”

I blinked, as I began to recall the event that made me remember when it was the first time I had met her. “It was when…Twilight Sparkle, a friend of ours, were feeling stressed one day due to the rest of our friends practically begged to go with her to a large event that’s going to happen later this year.”

“The Gala?” Blue Sapphire asked, looking for confirmation.

“Yes,” I confirmed with a nod.

“It’s not good to let their own friend to be stressed about something so small about being taken to the Gala,” Red Pearl commented. “I’d rather not think about what would happen if it were me or Blue Sapphire who was asked it.”

I smirked. “Believe me, it’s a good thing it was resolved at a later time, and all our friends—us included—was invited.”

“How wonderful,” Red Pearl smiled happily. “I hope you will have a good time at the Gala, dear.” She looked at Crim.

“I will,” was Crim’s answer.

While I knew what would be a fantastic time for the two of us, I couldn’t help but understand what I was to do once we get closer to the Gala. It was still far away from now, and that was a good sign for me. I will have more time to have the courage to tell Crimson who I really am. As soon as we were alone at the Gala, I’ll tell her my origin and where I was born—not before then.


We were sitting in a restaurant of the street we have been trotting on for a few minutes. I must say, the place was nice. There were just a few more customers than I’d liked than how it was down at the Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie worked with Mr. Carrot Cake and Mrs. Cup Cake.

I was sitting beside Crimson as we were waiting for our food. Her parents were sitting in front of us, and we were talking about how Ponyville was as a place for us to live in—well, mostly Crimson they were speaking to.

“So, dear. How’s Ponyville?” Red Pearl asked.

“It’s a good place, nice and easy, and quiet, too,” Crim replied. “And since there hasn’t been anything going on there, I’d say it is a perfect place for me to live. You should come down and join us, Mom and Dad.”

“We might.”

I looked at Crim with a secret, raised brow. Nothing’s been going on in Ponyville, huh? I began to recall the events of the dragon, and Trixie and the Minor Ursa, as well as the Nightmare Moon incidents and the misunderstanding with Zecora. If those things weren’t much of “anything going on”, I can’t wait to see her parents’ reactions when they find out about them.

“So Dawn,” started Blue Sapphire as he looked at me. “How did you came to know your friends?”

I rubbed my chin with my hoof, thoughtfully. “Well, I was passing by,” I half-lied. “And I happened to come across them as they were preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration. At first, I met Fluttershy, a relative quiet pony. As we were going around Ponyville, I met the rest of our friends.”

“And their names are…?”

“Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie,” I explained.

“Sounds like good friends,” Red Pearl commented.

“They are,” I confirmed with a nod.

As soon as our food arrived and we had eaten, we began to trot around Cloudsdale to look over the cloud city. The pegasi were hovering over the streets and made their own way.


We were now at the Cloudeseum, where I had previously been at with Spitfire and Rainbow Dash some weeks ago. I was beside Crimson as we were trotting about, and I was having a closer look at how the Cloudeseum was like. It confirmed my theory that it was inspired by the Olympian and Romanian colosseum.

As we looked around, I was soon spotting a familiar orange colored mare who was talking with a Wonderbolt. It was their captain, Spitfire.

“Oh, hello, Dawn!” Spitfire greeted with a wave for us. “I see you’re looking around again, hmm?”

“I am,” I nodded as we trotted closer to the two Wonderbolts. “How’s things, Spitfire?”

“It’s going well, I am still training the trainees at the Academy.”

“Do the two of you know each other?” Blue Sapphire asked, glancing between Spitfire and I.

“Well, we’re acquaintances,” I said.

“Acquaintances is right,” Spitfire nodded. “Soarin,” she added, “please return to your duty.”

“Will do, Captain,” the light blue pegasus known as Soarin nodded and he flew away from the area.

Spitfire looked back at us. “Why don’t you guys look around more? I am a bit busy right now with the training of the new Wonderbolts.”

“Sure,” I nodded. “Have a good time with them, Captain Spitire.”

“Just Spitfire, really, Dawn,” she chuckled.

We trotted away from her as we went to another location in Cloudsdale.


I was getting a little bored, I have to admit. Today was mostly being going around in the cloud city and see how things were doing. Nothing exciting, really. I need some action if it was to be a more interesting day. If things were this easy in Equestria after those eventful days, I can’t wait to see what the next few months will bring me.

Right now, Crim and I were trotting around Cloudsdale ourselves. Her parents were home and checking up on their house. I let out an audible sigh. Crim looked curiously at me, “Is there something the matter?”

“Yes, it’s too…boring today,” I admitted.

“I must admit, I feel the same way,” she agreed.

I was getting tired of having nothing to do than walk around and talk with ponies. Why would some days in Equestria feel so boring? I must be over-exaggerating a bit here. As soon as we get back to Ponyville, I am going to have some sort of better eventful days.