• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,733 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Griffon, the Brush-Off

It was yet another beautiful day in Equestria. Rainbow Dash and I were in town, her teaching me further how to fly properly. True, I may know all the basics by now, but I've got a long way to go if I want to prevent myself from crash landing in the dirt from time to time.

"Come on, Dawn," Rainbow said. "You are better than that."

I was flying as she taught me more on learning the flying thing. However, I made something that got me to land face-first onto the ground. "Damn," I sighed. "I hate when this happens."

I shook myself off, then noticed Pinkie Pie down on the ground.

"Hi!" she greeted me as I pulled myself back in surprise. "What are you and Dashie doing?"

"She's teaching me to fly," I replied.

“I see,” said Pinkie, “Say, wasn’t she just with you a moment ago?”

"Huh?" I blinked in confusion. "Rainbow?" I called up, but she had flown off in what seemed to be a hurry.

Pinkie simply bounced off to where Rainbow Dash dashed off.

I stood there, utterly confused. "What the hay's happening today?"


I looked and saw something coming my way. It was… a griffon.

I jumped away before the griffon collided with me. "You could've watched where you were going..." I muttered.

The griffin stopped and slowly flew back to me. "What did you say?" she demanded in a soft voice.

"I said, 'You could watch where you were going next time'," I repeated.

The griffin and I gave each other the cold stare for quite some time, until eventually... she simply flew off without saying a word. I got a weird feeling that I have NOT seen the last of her.

"Can I at least get your name?" I called after her.

The griffon stopped for a split second and looked back at me with that cold stare of hers. She continued on her way without answering.

"Huh. She’s rude much?" I asked nopony in particular.

I then decided that I would go look for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, whom I found had just played a prank on Spike.

"Good..." Spike gave a hiccup. "...one, Pinkie..." He continued to give hiccups. "You're always pulling a fast one on...me..."

I blinked. Did they really need to prank him? That is not cool, I'd say. I saw Spike hiccup again as he accidentally sent some scrolls off.

Good thing dragons are fire proof. That, and Princess Celestia will be in for a surprise.

I trotted up to Spike. "You okay, Spike?"

"I..." he gave another hiccup. "...am, Dawn."

I found it quite amusing, but at the same time, I thought it was not funny in the slightest at the sight of it. I looked at the laughing duo, shaking my head. “Honestly, girls. You shouldn’t have done that to him.”

“Why not?” Pinkie asked. “Pranks are always so much fun to do!”

“Besides,” Dash added, “it’s not like nopony got hurt.”

“Yeah…” I sighed, looking away, which got them concerned.

I understood their looks. I didn’t like it when someone pranked another. Back on Earth, I was often being pranked on by the older kids and was always mocked by loving “girly” stuff. Good thing Bloodonia High was nothing like those older kids. The whole school there played pranks on each other all the time.

"But I didn't take you for a prankster, Pinkie," said Rainbow then.

"Are you kidding?" Pinkie smiled. "I love to pull pranks!"

I, however, didn't agree on that statement. Then they were off somewhere.

I rolled my eyes, and decided to go meet up with Rarity, see if she can help me fix up a new suit for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala.

When I came to her home, I knocked on the door before waiting for her to answer. It took a few seconds when she opened.

"Oh, Dawn!" she said. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask if you could help me with a suit," I responded, then adding: "For the Gala.”

“Ah, yes,” said Rarity, “The Gala. Say no more, Dawn. I shall get to it right away… right after I take your measurements.”

Measurements? Oh. I guess she wants to see the size and how it should be beforehand.

I was actually kind of nervous about the Gala. I’ve never been someone who liked fancy parties, but if my friends would like to go, then I don’t see why I can’t go there to have some fun with them. After all, I wonder what kind of other ponies I will meet? And I wonder if they’re also friendly just like Ponyville. From what I’ve heard from my friends, it takes place in the capital, Canterlot. Now I’m only left to wait for the day to arrive.

Besides, what’ll happen if I didn’t go with my friends? They would be sad, I know that for sure.

The more I thought of the Gala, actually, the more I thought back on all the parties Merlin and I went to. He surely knew how to party, not gonna lie.

As soon as Rarity finished the measurements, I decided to take a trot outside to take a breath of air. She was fine with it, as it takes some time before the suit would be ready.

As I was left in my thoughts, I almost bumped into somepony I had met before. I blinked. It was the same pegasus on my first week in Equestria.

“Hello, Dawn,” she greeted me warmly.

“Oh, Crimson,” I recalled her name. “What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you,” she said. “I wondered if you’d like to hang out with me for today.”

“Sure,” I nodded.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash?” Crimson asked.

“Out with Pinkie Pie,” I replied. “They are having fun with each other.”

Crimson smiled. “Anypony can have fun with one another. Why don’t we go to your place?”

“Sure,” I smiled and nodded in agreement.

After we flew up into the sky, Crimson noticed something. “You’ve learned to fly better, Dawn,” she noted.

“Thanks. Rainbow’s and Grandpa’s lessons helped me a lot,” I said. “Though I still get crashing onto the ground from time to time.”

“That’s new to somepony who’s never learned to fly,” Crimson chuckled.

As we were flying, I noticed Pinkie together with Rainbow and that same griffin I met earlier. I saw how the griffin hissed to Pinkie and popped every last one of her balloons before her bicycle fell down with her. I gasped, before seeing that Crimson were hovering just above me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’d better go check up on my friend,” I answered before diving to the ground near Pinkie. I landed close to the party pony. “Pinkie, are you all right?”

Pinkie groaned. “No, I’m not alright. That big, meanie griffin popped my balloons! And all that I wanted was to hang out with both of them!”

“What are you gonna do?” I asked, looking over her body once more to check her condition. She seemed perfectly fine, nothing broken.

“I’m going to observe Gilda.”

I blinked, unsure about the choice. “Isn’t that kind of spying on somepony?”

“No, silly. I mean I am going to observe what she will do next.” Pinkie blew a raspberry at me, and I chuckled at her exchange. “Will you help me?”

“Sure.” I nodded.

After that, we began to go into town where we would be observing Gilda's behavior. I was curious as to how Rainbow knew about the griffin, so Pinkie explained that they had been friends since a flying competition in school during their younger years. When I saw Pinkie’s look, I knew she was not happy about Rainbow pulling her away like she does today.

I understood her. Back in my old school, I never had a reliable friend to assist me, only when Merlin arrived at my school that everything in my life changed.

We were currently sitting on a table, having a drink together. “What do you think about Gilda, Dawn?”

“I dunno,” I shrugged. “She seems…cold and like a bully. I met her earlier today, and she was rude but I was unfazed by her glare.”

“Oohh, you must be some cool guy, eh, Dawn?” Pinkie smiled humorously as she took a sip of her chocolate drink.

I laughed a bit before spotting Fluttershy trotting on the street…and bumped into Gilda while she was unexpectedly behind her.

“Hey! I’m walking here!” Gilda growled rudely to her.

“Oh…um, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy apologized shyly. “I-I-I was just trying to…”

Gilda began mocking her. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Why don’t you just watch where you’re going, doofus?”

I widened my eyes in shock. Did she just call my friend a doofus?! That’s unacceptable!

“B-B-but, I…” Fluttershy began before Gilda inhaled as she roared in Fluttershy’s face!


“Dawn?” Pinkie gasped in shock as I stomped over to Gilda, stepping between her and Fluttershy.

“Oh, it’s you,” Gilda looked impatient. “Look, dweep. I’m going to be late. I have no time for you.”

“Why do you have to be so rude, you pile of shit!” I yelled at Gilda, earning gasps from everypony watching from the sidelines. “My friend here was just minding her business, for God’s sake!”

“Oh, really?” Gilda rolled her eyes. “Well, she bumped me.”

“No, clearly not,” I scowled in disgust. “It was you who bumped into my friend! I simply cannot forgive that!”

“Oh? What are you gonna do?” Gilda asked.

“This.” I growled before kicking right into Gilda’s chest hard which had sent her staggering back for a moment, causing more gasps of shock from those watching. I saw Gilda shake her head in disbelief, before that changed into a serious expression.

“You’re gonna regret that, dweep!” Gilda warned.

“Oh, come on, then! Let’s get this on!” I challenged the griffin.

Gilda didn’t need to be told twice as she charged immediately at me with claws raised. I ducked under her claws, giving her a kick in return before I “punched”—or, “hooved”—her in her face, causing her to get back a bit. Gilda growled, and she attacked me again. I dodged this time, before my expression turned serious as I kicked Gilda on her chest again, before I punched her in her chest. This caused the griffin to cough up some saliva.

I dodged more of her claw strikes, when I managed to land a kick of my own, hitting her on the face. Gilda looked mad and she struck me on my cheek. I cried out in pain, which had some ponies gasp in shock once more.

However, I didn’t let that distract me as I held Gilda’s next attack with my hoof. This prompted a shocked expression from the griffin before I punched her in her chest, making her staggering back for a moment. When I saw her coming straight for me, I flew up in the air, with Gilda following after me.

We attacked, kicked, and clawed and punched each other in the air for who knows how long. When I saw Gilda flying straight for me from above, I flew right up to her and punched her on the cheek, causing some blood to spit out from her.

“You’re gonna regret that, dweep!” Gilda shouted angrily and dangerously.

“Okay,” I said with a Saitama-like expression when she flew for me by rapidly beating her wings. Once she was close enough, I flew to the side rather quickly, making her stop in her advancement.

Once she tried to land another strike at me, I did the same thing again.

There was one thing I forgot to tell you all. Thanks to Merlin teaching me self-defense and combat styles, I am able to dodge relatively fast from an opponent’s strike. This came pretty handy in this situation.

Gilda continued to try and land a hit on me, but I continuously dodged every last of her attacks. When she got tired of attacking, I got serious before I landed a powerful “Death” punch to her face (which was Saitama’s ultimate attack) and she gasped before I stopped inches near her face. However, she was fooled and I managed to kick her underneath right afterward.

Gilda shook her head, as if she couldn’t believe she was deceived. She and I continued our fight well into the afternoon.

Once she was exhausted, I was nearby, still able to continue fighting. “Giving up?” I asked.

“Never, dweep!” Gilda answered back.

“Okay.” With that, I flew straight to her and kicked her hard in her chest, prompting blood to be coming out of her mouth. “How about now?”

Gilda roared, but regretted that as she gasped for air. “I’ll come back another day!” she told me before flying away in defeat.

I cheered in victory before I landed near Fluttershy, who had been staring in shock at my fight with the griffin. “You alright?” I gently asked her.

“Y-yeah…” she whispered low. “Thanks…Dawn.”

“No problem,” I smiled.

I noticed Pinkie who had been looking at me with saucer eyes. I then decided to trot away from the attention to mind my own business.

Two things were done today. One: Defend Fluttershy? Check. Fight Gilda into submission? Check.

I was strolling through Ponyville’s streets, whistling in my own thoughts before somepony crashed into me. I blinked, and realized who it was that bumped me.

Rainbow Dash. And she looked…mad.

“So,” I started, “you found out, huh?”

“What in tarnation’s name were you THINKING, Dawn?!” Rainbow shouted at me. “You attacked my friend!”

“Hey, I defended our shy friend from being bullied,” I retorted. “At least you could’ve thank me for that.”

“And you fought Gilda!” Rainbow continued on. “Tell me one good reason for why I shouldn’t scold you now that I got you.”

“Look,” I said. “I was only trying to defend Fluttershy from Gilda. I didn’t mean to attack your so-called friend, who happened to be a bully. I dislike bullies, especially those who threaten my friends.”

“Then, what about Gilda?!” Rainbow practically yelled. “She is hurt, because of you!”

“That was a slight mistake on my part, then,” I said dryly while rolling my eyes. “Can you let me up? I hate being locked on the ground by somepony.”

“Fine.” Rainbow scoffed before letting me stand. “You’re still going to apologize to Gilda for attacking her.”

“Me? Apologize? To Gilda?” I was confused. “As if.”

“If you don’t like to apologize, then I’ll let Twilight know about your fight,” Rainbow growled.

I sighed. “Okay. Okay. Fine. Whatever.”

“Good.” Rainbow narrowed her eyes at me for a moment. “And let me tell you: if I ever find you attacking one of my friends again, I won’t be so soft next time.”

“Understood.” I gave a nod of understanding before she left with that scowl on her face.

Man, this just wasn’t my kind of day. I’d better go back to my grandparents.

Once I was back home, I was faced with a very angry grandmother of mine who had that look I didn’t like whenever I would get scolded. Well…shit.

“Look,” I said. “I was already faced with scolding from Rainbow, can I be let off for now? I’m tired as it is.”

“Fine, but I’ll still be scolding you once you’re rested,” Grandma reminded.

I sighed before going into my room.

(Twilight’s POV)

"How could he do that? Attacking Rainbow's friend?" I was still in shock that Dawn would attack Gilda. I mean, sure. Gilda's been mean to Fluttershy and Dawn sprung into a defensive stance, but still. Violence is not the thing to solve every problem.

"Maybe there was a reason for it, Twi," Spike shrugged.

"A reason?" I frowned. "Sure the reason was defending Fluttershy. But he must learn that being violent is not helping in making friends."

We were in the library, with Spike and I conversing about Dawn's earlier attack on Gilda, a friend of Rainbow's. And for some reason, we need to know why he struck out at her like he did. I know we need to ask him directly, but he is resting for the afternoon.

"Maybe we could host a party for Gilda," Spike suggested.

It was then that the door to the library opened, and we saw... Dawn Darkness and Rainbow Dash entering. Let me tell you, Rainbow Dash was livid.

"Was she really being rude to the ponies?" Rainbow asked him.

"Yes," he nodded. "I saw what happened back on the street. Nice of you to come to your senses about what actually happened."

"I still can't believe it," she said, "Gilda, my best friend, is actually a bully."

"Okay," I piped up, "would somepony tell me what is going on?"

"Basically," Dawn shared in the short version, "Gilda has been bullying Fluttershy and others. It would continue if I didn't show and stop her from it."

"It's true," said Rainbow Dash, "All this time, my old friend is treating my new friends like they're nothing."

"Oh," I realized. "Then we've got to do something."

"How about throwing her a party?" Spike requested again. "That way, we could let her show her true colors and let her have a taste of her own thing."

Dawn took in exactly what Spike had suggested, and then... he sported an evil smirk. "That is a great idea, Spike," he said, "and possibly the only way to reveal Gilda's true colors."

"All right," Spike nodded. "Let me get Pinkie Pie, and then we'll invite Gilda over at Sugarcube Corner."

Spike set off to notify Pinkie Pie. As for Rainbow Dash, she gave Dawn that same evil smirk he was sporting.

"You're setting her up, aren't you?" she asked.

"Even better," he said, "We're gonna set up a prank or two all over the party. We'll let her fall for it, and when we least expect it, she'll lose her cool in front of everypony, thus exposing herself as the bully that she is."

(Dawn’s POV)

I honestly couldn't wait to get Gilda for having done those terrible things she had to my friends. It's going to be amazing. Currently, we were off to Sugarcube Corner and joined Pinkie Pie and Spike before the rest of our friends got there. Once she has exposed herself, I'm going to enjoy this very moment.

"Welcome, welcome!" said Pinkie as we entered the building.

"Who's this Gilda I've heard nothing about?" Applejack asked.

"Let's just say, she is a friend of Rainbow," I replied.

"A friend?" Applejack raised a brow.

"Remember the earlier conflict between her and me?" I asked.

"Wait... say what?" Applejack blinked in shock.

“Did you really fight Gilda?” asked Rarity in shock and awe.

“And did it to protect our friend over there,” I smiled at Fluttershy who trotted up to Pinkie Pie to question her about the party.

Honestly, whenever I think of that griffon, I get bad feelings for her. It’s like I want to vomit just by the mere mention of her name. I mean, who wouldn’t after seeing how rude and unfriendly that griffon was to one of my friends? If only I actually had struck harder at her, I would have left her for… let’s not think of that right now. I should be focusing on the party that Pinkie had setup for the griffon with Rainbow’s help.

“Gilda!” said Pinkie with a smile as the guest of honor entered the Sugarcube Corner. “I’m so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst us pony folk.”

As Gilda took her hoof for a shake, she got paralyzed by a buzzer Pinkie wore on her hoof.

I took that in for a laugh. Funny how that went, huh, Gilda?

“Oh, Pinkie Pie!” laughed Rainbow Dash. “The old hoof-shake buzzer. You are a scream.”

Gilda chuckled nervously. “Uh, yeah, good one, Pinkie.”

“Come on, G!” said Rainbow to the griffon. “I’ll introduce you to some of my other friends.”

“Right behind you, Dash,” Gilda replied.

I trotted along with Twilight and the others, but Gilda stopped me by pulling my tail. I blinked in shock.

“I know what you’re planning,” she growled low. “Both you and Pinkie.”

“Great,” Pinkie giggled. “I hope so. This wasn’t supposed to be a surprise party.”

“Yeah,” I agreed with her.

“I’ve got my eyes on you two,” Gilda told us.

“And I got my eye on you,” I replied seriously.

“Everyone, I’d like for you to meet Gilda,” called Pinkie, “a long-time friend of Rainbow Dash. Let’s honor her and welcome her to Ponyville.”

“Please, help yourself,” I said and gestured to some drinks.

“Vanilla lemon drops,” Gilda said. “Don’t mind if I do.” She took a sip and she was literally breathing fire. “HOT!”

We laughed at the sight before us.

“G, the punch!” called Rainbow.

“Huh?” Gilda looked confused.

“Well, whaddaya know?” Pinkie smiled as she held a drink in her hoof. “Pepper in vanilla lemon drops, and the punch served in a dribbled glass.”

“Priceless!” I laughed.

“Yeah, priceless!” Rainbow added.

Gilda gulped and gasped. “Yeah, hilarious.”

“Hey, Gilda, look!” said Rainbow. “Presents!”

Gilda immediately went over and opened one up…before a snake popped up from the box.

“Spittin' snakes,” said Applejack with a laugh. “Somepony pulled that prank on me last month.”

“I know who that was,” Gilda narrowed her eyes at Pinkie and me, whilst I whistled innocently.

“Cake time, everypony!” said Pinkie.

“Hey, can I blow the candles?” Spike asked.

“Why don’t we let Gilda do the honor of that, Spike?” I suggested.

“Yeah,” Twilight added. “She is the guest of honor, after all.”

“Exactly,” Gilda nodded in agreement and went to blow the candles…which didn’t actually go away as the flames returned. Gilda continued to blow the candles until she gave up.

We laughed again.

“Re-lighting birthday candles!” Spike laughed. “I love that prank! What a classic!”

“Now,” I said, “I wonder who could’ve done that.”

“Me too,” Pinkie nodded.

“Yeah, I wonder,” Gilda narrowed her eyes dangerously at us.

“Hey, y’all,” said Applejack. “Pin the tail on the pony. Let’s play!”

“Oh, my favorite game,” added Rarity. “Can I have the purple tail?”

“Well, I am the guest of honor,” Gilda reminded, “and I’ll have the purple tail.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Gilda should definitely go first.”

“Let’s get you blindfolded!” added Pinkie and put on a blindfold mask around Gilda’s eyes.

“Hey what –” started Gilda. “--what are you doing?”

“We’re spinning you around and around,” said Pinkie. “And then you can pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight and pin the tail.”

Now just walk straight and pin the tail,” I heard Gilda’s mocking. “Hmph, yeah, right. This is another prank, isn’t it? I’m going this way.”

But Gilda stepped on something that was on the floor and began to slide across the room. “Whoa, whoa!”

And then she crashed.

“Uh, Gilda?” asked Pinkie. “You pinned the tail on the wrong pony.”

Lo and behold. Here comes the moment you’ve been waiting for. Gilda roared loudly in anger and glared heatedly at Pinkie.

“This is your idea of a good time? I’ve never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life!” she said loudly. “And Pinkie, you and you, Dawn! You two are king and queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool? Well, Dash and I are ten times as cool as the rest of you put together! Come on, Dash, we’re bailing on this pathetic scene.” She waited, but Rainbow didn’t move an inch. “I said we’re leaving!”

“You know, Gilda,” Rainbow admitted, “I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party.”

“WHAT?!” Gilda gasped.

Shocker. Who would’ve guessed?

“So, I guess I’m queen lame-o,” Rainbow added.

“Come on, Dash, you're joshing me.”

Rainbow shook her head. “They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off.”

“I shoulda known, that dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it,” said Pinkie.

Gilda couldn’t believe her ears. “No way, it was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me.”

“Me?” Pinkie questioned. “I threw this party to improve your attitude.”

“She’s right,” I added. “And because she thought a good party would turn that frown upside down.”

Rainbow added, “And you sure didn't need any help making a fool of yourself. You know, this is not how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else.”

Gilda growled. “Yeah? Well you, you... you are such a flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next. When you decide not to be lame anymore, gimme a call.”

She closed the door behind her.

Rainbow and I looked at each other before she looked over to everypony else. “I'm sorry everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her,” Rainbow apologized.

“Hey, don’t mention it,” I smiled at her.

“He’s right,” Twilight nodded. She turned to Pinkie, “Hey Pinkie. Sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda. Looks like I'm the one who misjudged you.”

“It’s okay, Twilight,” Pinkie smiled. “Even you can’t be a super smart smarty smart-pants all the time. Come on, everypony! There’s still a whole lotta party to finish!”

We all cheered with her.