• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 15,190 Views, 814 Comments

Mare of Steel - iowaforever

  • ...

Part 2, Chapter 3

Chapter 17

Rainbow Dash landed outside of Ponyville, looking around for anypony that she could talk to. Finding no one, she sighed and walked into town, heading in the general direction of Rarity’s boutique. Some other ponies noticed her and waved, but her thoughts kept distracting her and she barely noticed them. She moved on, not really watching where she was going and nearly running into a few ponies.

She barely even noticed a familiar buzzing coming towards her.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow managed to snap out of her daze and saw Scootaloo racing towards her. The filly pulled to a stop next to her idol, gently pushing her scooter back and forth and looking up at Rainbow Dash. “What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing much.” she smiled weakly and kept walking, Scootaloo following. “Just wanted to talk to Rarity about... things.”

“Things?” Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “Why would you need to ask Rarity about ‘things’?”

“They’re the kind of things she’d be interested in.” Scootaloo pulled her scooter to a stop, looking at Rainbow Dash.

“You’re not getting into that weird girly stuff, are you?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then if it isn’t girly stuff, then what is it?”

“Things a filly like you shouldn’t be worrying about.” Scootaloo gave Rainbow Dash a weird look, but did not press the matter. “But enough about that. What have you been up to?”

“Crusading, mainly.” Scootaloo buzzed her wings “I was looking around for other things for me and the other Crusaders to do, and then I saw you and I thought ‘Hey, maybe Rainbow Dash knows a lot of cool things to do’. So... Do you know any cool things to do?”

“Do I? Of course I do. I remember that there were these caves near the river that Fluttershy used to talk about a lot; said she’d find a bunch of weird things floating around in them.”

“Really? You know where they are?”

“I might. Go get the others and I’ll show them to you.” Scootaloo nodded in excitement and turned her scooter around, flapping her wings for extra speed and racing off into the crown. Rainbow Dash was prepared to continue towards Rarity’s boutique when there was a loud crash. Hero instincts cut in and she raced towards the sound, tugging at saddle bags that weren’t there.

In her rush, Scootaloo had clipped a small fruit stand. Nopony was hurt, but a large amount of fruit had been spilled on the ground. Rainbow Dash released some of her tension, planting her hooves back on the ground, before hurrying over to Scootaloo.

“I’m fine.” the filly said, dusting herself off. “See? I’m fine.”

“Good to hear.” Rainbow Dash looked at the mess. “Think you could help me clean this up?”

“Yeah, I probably should.” Rainbow Dash smiled and walked over to the stricken fruit stand, tossing a few pieces of fruit back into their respective bins. Scootaloo pushed the fruit towards Rainbow Dash, and once that task was finished the filly began searching around for her scooter.

She found it, lying before two fillies she did not want to deal with right now.

“Very impressive, Scootaloo.” Diamond Tiara said, smirking. “I think you, like, doubled the amount of damage you caused since your last screw up.”

“Yeah, totally.” Silver Spoon added, the two fillies giggling as Scootaloo took back her scooter.

“Hey, it could be worse.” Scootaloo grumbled. “I’ve seen the school floor crack every time you walk.” Diamond Tiara glared at the Pegasus, her face flushing red with anger.

“You better take that back, Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash decided that now was a good moment to intervene and stepped towards the three fillies.

“Leave her alone, Diamond Tiara.” the older mare said once she reached Scootaloo.

“Oh, well if it isn’t Miss ‘has-to-protect-Scootaloo-from-everything’. Trying to get me in trouble for something I didn’t do?”

“Hey, you did steal Cheerilee’s notebook.”

“Nopony can prove I did that!” Rainbow Dash gave the filly a blank stare.

“Get out of here.”

“I don’t have to do anything you say, you know; nopony can boss me around.”

“Silver Spoon!” a voice barked from behind them. The two fillies froze in terror as a pony approached, a grey stallion with almost no mane. He stopped behind the two and looked down, his steely gaze causing the two to quiver. “Would you care to tell me what’s going on here?”

“Um, n-nothing...” Silver Spoon stammered, shuffling her hooves a bit “W-we were just... talking about that mess over there that she made.” Silver Spoon pointed over towards the damaged cart, smiling sheepishly. The stallion was unimpressed.

“We will discuss this at a later time. Take your friend and return home.”

“Yes father.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened slightly and her jaw lost a bit of tension. Silver Spoon has a father? The stallion looked up at her, his expression softening slightly.

“My apologies for any discomfort my daughter may have caused.” He said.

“Thanks...” Rainbow said. “Um, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I don’t really know who you are.”

“That’s understandable, as I don’t really enjoy visiting this town; bad experiences.” the stallion held out a hoof. “My name is Alexander Silversmith, but you may call me ‘Lex’. And you are?”

“Rainbow Dash, weather manager.”

“Oh really?” Silversmith smiled. “I was always fascinated by weather management. I tried working on a device to handle minor weather issues in case there was an absence of Pegasi and, well...” he pointed to his head. “That didn’t work out so well.”

“You’re an inventor?”

“I dabble from time to time. I would love to stay and chat, but I have other matters to attend to. Good day.” and with that Silversmith left. Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash, then back at the retreating stallion, then back up to Rainbow Dash.

“Did you know about this guy?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Why would I care about Silver Spoon’s family?” Scootaloo got back on her scooter. “Anyway, I’ll go get Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and then we can go check out those caves you were talking about.”

“Okay, see you in a few minutes.” Scootaloo gave a small salute and raced off, a cloud of dust trailing after the filly. Rainbow Dash was not focused on her, though; she was focused on Silversmith, watching the stallion as he drifted through the marketplace. He seemed to have no real direction, although he did shoot a few glances back in her direction before heading down another street and out of sight.

Something deep inside her told her that Silversmith was up to no good.


“Silversmith? Grey pony, no mane, tells everypony ta call him ‘Lex’?”


“Yeah, Ah know who he is.” Applejack reared back and bucked, knocking down a tree’s worth of apples.

“So, what’s the deal with him?”

“Look, RD, Ah said Ah know who he is, Ah never said Ah know him.”

“Uh, isn’t that kinda the same thing?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, it ain’t.” Applejack finished gathering this batch of apples and moved on to the next tree. “Ah met him once, when Ah was livin’ in Manehattan; showed up at Auntie Orange’s dinner first night Ah was there, said he was workin’ on some thingymajig fer airships.”

“He did say he was an inventor.”

“Yeah, well he was downright weird if’n ya ask me; he’d be all fancy one minute, then he’d slink off ta who knows where. ‘Least Twilight’d say goodbye if she ever wanted ta get back ta science.”

“Maybe he just likes being alone.” Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Ah don’ think so. Ah’m good at readin’ ponies, Rainbow, and he didn’t seem like the loner type. Seemed mighty smug, like he was lookin’ down on all of us.”

“Then what’s he doing living in Ponyville? Don’t all the snobby ponies live in Canterlot?”

“He don’t live in Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and followed Applejack further into the orchard.

“What? But then how come Silver Spoon-”

“She lives here, he doesn’t. Just gone and dropped his whole family here a couple years back. Ah think he lives in Manehattan, but Ah never saw him around all that much after that first night.”

“Well, then what’s he doing here now?”

“Beats me. Ah ain’t a gossip like Rarity, and Ah don’t think she’d want ta know a lot ‘bout Silversmith.”

“Well, is there anypony else I can talk to?”

“Big Mac’s met him a few times, but he’s in Appleoosa ‘till next week. Other than him Ah can’t really help ya.”

“What about Pinkie? She’s probably thrown a welcome party for-” Rainbow Dash was interrupted by an orange hoof to the nose.

“Don’t talk ta Pinkie. Don’t say anythin’ ta Pinkie ‘bout Silversmith.”

“Was the party really that bad?”

“There weren’t no party.” Applejack sighed and bade Rainbow Dash to sit. “It happened a couple weeks ‘fore ya moved into town. Pinkie’d just moved in with the Cakes’n had gotten into the habbit’a givin’ new ponies welcome parties. Well, one day Silversmith comes in fer who knows what reason; Pinkie took one look at him and ran away screamin’ her head off. Ah was takin’ Applebloom ta a doctor’s appointment when Pinkie comes runnin’ up, ravin’ ‘bout some ‘evil evil stallion’ she’d seen comin’ into town. Ah didn’t pay her no mind; Ah thought she was just bein’ Pinkie, and she was scarin’ Applebloom somethin’ fierce. But Pinkie just locked herself inside Sugarcube Corner ‘till Silversmith left, and she was all twitchy until ya moved in.”

“Wait, this guy scared Pinkie?”

“Ah know it’s hard ta believe, but that’s what happened.” Rainbow Dash shook her head; Pinkie, the mare who sang constantly about facing fears and loved Nightmare Night more than any other holiday in Equestria, was scared of some bald high-class pony. It made even less sense than Pinkie’s usual nonsense.

“Where does Silver Spoon live?” Rainbow Dash said, standing up to fully face Applejack.

“Now hold on there, ya ain’t gonna do anythin’ stupid, right? Ah know yer pretty protective of us, and yer... well, a superhero, but Ah don’t want ya ta pick a fight with this pony just ‘cuz of somethin’ in the past.”

“I don’t start fights just because I want to fight; something told me that Silversmith was up to no good, and I want to make sure that I’m right.”

“Well... s’long as ya don’t get yerself hurt.” Applejack pointed to the northwest. “She lives in a big ol’ mansion near the road ta Canterlot. Lotta trees ‘n stuff, so it’s kinda hard ta see from the road. Nopony Ah know’s ever been up there, so Ah can’t really tell ya what ta expect.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it.” Rainbow Dash took off, circling over the farm. “I am Supermare, after all.” And with that she was off, drawing up plans for how to best confront Silversmith.


Rainbow Dash looped over Ponyville once more before heading northwest, her cape flapping in the breeze. Under the cover of darkness she was almost invisible, a shadow in the night sky that nopony would mind. After spotting her destination, she slowed down and skimmed over the trees, sweeping her head back and forth in order to spot any ponies that might have been hiding.

The mansion was massive, dominating a chunk of land the size of a small town block. Groves of trees blocked the view from the road, and Rainbow Dash could spot a few ponies, presumably guards, milling around outside. She rose higher into the air to avoid being seen and allowed her gaze to zoom in on the house, her x-ray vision allowing her to see every single room in its entirety.

Silversmith was sitting at a table in what Rainbow assumed was a dining room, perusing through a few pieces of paper. Silver Spoon was seated at the opposite end of the table, slowly eating a small salad. She did not look up from her food, as if she was afraid of drawing Silversmith’s wrath. Rainbow Dash flew in a little closer, swiveling her ears to pick up any conversation they may have been having.

“So, about that little incident in the market.” Silversmith said, not looking up at Silver Spoon.

“That wasn’t my fault.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t. However, how you handled the situation is less than satisfactory; you drew attention to yourself and turned multiple ponies against you, and once everypony is against you you will suffer. You should have waited for a more opportune moment, when any comments made would have assisted your position.”

“Yes father.” the two were interrupted by a third pony, a skinny unicorn wearing a tie.

“Um, sir?” Silversmith looked up at the unicorn.

“Back from Manehattan so soon?”

“Well, there wasn’t much left to set up.” Silversmith nodded and looked at Silver Spoon.

“Go up to your room and finish your homework. We will continue this discussion later.”

“Yes father.” Silver Spoon got up from her seat and left, passing the unicorn on her way out.

“Now, all the ponies have their assigned tasks?”

“Yes sir, and anypony that might object has been well bribed, as per your orders.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and inched closer.

“Good.” Silversmith rose and crossed the room, heading towards a door Rainbow Dash assumed led to an office. “Make sure to send a message to our... ‘friends’, and ask them if they are still interested in my deal.”

“Um, well, we did. They said you could go burn in Tartarus.” Silversmith stopped for a moment and looked at the other pony.

“Well then, tomorrow should be an interesting night for them.”

“Uh, yes...” the unicorn fidgeted a little.

“You don’t think this will work, do you?”

“Um, well... Are you sure this is the best idea, going after-”

“They didn’t accept my deal, and now I have to convince them to.”

“B-but I mean, trying to undermine a small company is one thing, but-”

“But nothing. What alternative would you have me do? Go after Mane Enterprises?” Silversmith snorted. “Oh yes, that would work out so well. They’d probably have spies in our establishment before we even think about how to undermine them.”

“Well, I never said-”

“But you were thinking it.” Silversmith turned and continued towards his office. “Go back to Manehattan, and once everything is finished come back and report to me.”

“Yes sir.” Silversmith smiled slightly, something that seriously unnerved Rainbow Dash.

“I always hated the name ‘MagiTech’.” he muttered before stopping in front of his office. “On your way out, would you be so kind as to notify the local authorities to a potential break in?”

“Break in, sir?”

“Somepony set off the silent alarm about.... three minutes ago. There’s nothing here to steal, but may as well get rid of such distractions.”

“So that’s what that ringing was.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she turned and shot off into the night towards her house. “Guess I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow night.”


The following night found Rainbow Dash hovering over Manehattan, scanning every street for signs of trouble. Twilight had managed to procure a layout of the city, allowing Rainbow to find most of the major MagiTech buildings fairly easy. Using a few clouds as cover, she was able to remain unseen to the populace, something she was enjoying since there seemed to be a higher percentage of Supermare fans in Manehattan.

Rainbow Dash had just finished eating a few cupcakes Pinkie had given her earlier when she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. Pushing her cloud cover closer, she saw a small group of ponies, mainly unicorns, moving towards a building with a large box. A quick scan saw that the box was loaded with various explosives, but none of them seemed to be marked with anything that could incriminate Silversmith. She abandoned her cloud cover for just long enough to take cover on the roof of the building they were heading towards.

“So, what do we have to do again?” one pony at the rear of the group asked.

“Just set this up and run for it.” the lead pony said. “We spent three hours talking about this. What’s the matter, you scared or something?”

“Well... I’m just nervous, that’s all. You remember that story about those guys in Trottingham?”

“What, you mean the idiot that wanted to be Supermare’s arch-nemesis?” Rainbow Dash frowned. Why does everypony have to make such a big deal about that?

“No, I mean... those other ponies...”

“They’re all nuts. Besides, this is Manehattan, not Trottingham; there hasn’t been a vigilante here in twenty years.” Well, I guess I do count as a vigilante... I should talk to Princess Celestia about that. Rainbow Dash crawled closer to the edge of the roof, and looked down, watching as the ponies pulled out crowbars, hammers, and a saw.

“Okay, this shouldn’t take long. Make sure nopony is watching.” And that’s my cue. Rainbow Dash leapt off the roof of the building, spun one in the air, and landed on top of the explosives crate.

“Excuse me,” She said, catching everypony off guard. “But if you are planning to do some remodeling I’ll have to see your copy of the builder’s permit.” The ponies looked at her in shock and confusion, unsure of how to proceed.

“Where did you come from?” the lead pony asked.

“Krypton, if you really want to know. Now, so we don’t make a mess here, why don’t you go turn yourselves in and save us all the trouble?”

“You’re not Supermare!” one pony cried. “Supermare’s taller, and the colors on your suit are weird!” Rainbow Dash rose into the air and looked at the pony, crossing her forelegs and allowing her eyes to glow red for intimidation.

“And do you want to prove that?” The pony swallowed and shook his head “no”. “Good. Now, go find the cops and turn yourselves in.” The ponies nodded and ran off, dropping their tools to shed excess weight. Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself before picking up the crate, turning and flying towards the harbor.

“I’ll just get rid of this and then make a few sweeps just in case Silversmith paid off different ponies.”


Silversmith was sitting in his office, looking through a few forms. Silver Spoon was on her way to school, and if he had deemed that important he would have joined her. However, work took precedence and was more enjoyable, and he had to make sure that everything was ready once news from Manehattan arrived.

“Um, sir?” Silversmith looked up. Standing in the doorway was a unicorn, different from the one he met with the other night.

“May I inquire as to why you are here?”

“Well, um... I think you should see the paper.” the unicorn produced a copy of the Manehattan Times and passed it to Silversmith. Upon opening it, he saw that the front page was dominated by an article that read “Supermare Stops Saboteurs”, the article giving a fairly detailed account of how Silversmith’s plan had been foiled.

“Do they know it was us?” he asked, not even looking up from the paper.

“I don’t think so, sir.” the unicorn shuffled around nervously.

“We can’t risk having this get out to the public; get in touch with some of our... friends in Manehattan and have them eliminate anypony that was there that night.”

“Yes sir.” the unicorn turned and left. Silversmith looked at the newspaper once more, focusing mainly on the image of a tan Pegasus in a blue suit and red cape.

So, you wish to interfere with progress, “Supermare”. He thought, his glare intensifying. Then I’m afraid that we are going to be in disagreement with each other. Smirking, Silversmith pulled out a small pad of paper and a pencil and began to scratch out a few rough outlines.

“We’ll see how well you perform next time we come into conflict.”

Author's Note:

Not much to say about this chapter. I feel like I could have gone over more things, but... well, my brain is a few degrees of fried right now and I can't think up much of anything. Meh.
Next chapter: Rainbow talks to Rarity about 'Things', and Steel Wing begins to draw up a plan to capture Supermare
I still don't own Ponies or Superman. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.