• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 15,191 Views, 814 Comments

Mare of Steel - iowaforever

  • ...

Part 2, Chapter 5

Chapter 19

“C’mon, Dad, just one time around the lake!” Rainbow Dash was standing near the banks of Ponyville’s local lake. Her parents had set up a small blanket and some food near the treeline, and now the wide-open space around the lake was calling to Rainbow. Normally she would have just taken off without hesitation, but she was moving to Ponyville in a few weeks and wanted to spend just a little more time with her parents.

However, she had been caught off guard by her dad turning down her offer for a race.

“I don’t really think that’s a great idea, Dash.” her father said. “Probably wouldn’t be much of a race, anyway.”

“That’s a lie and we both know it. You’re the best flyer I know.” Rainbow bounced on her hooves. “Just one lap, please?”


“Pleeeeease?” Thunderhead paused before chuckling.

“Okay, just one lap. But that’s it.” Rainbow Dash nodded quickly before rushing forward and hugging her dad.

“Thanks Dad, you’re the greatest!” Thunderhead chuckled again and tousled Rainbow’s mane before she broke from their hug. “Okay, last one back has to explain to Mom why the rainbow fountain clogged up. Onetwothreego!” Rainbow Dash spread her wings and shot forward, heedless of her Dad’s rebuttal. Down the banks of the lake she flew, zipping over rocks and around trees as she circled the lake. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw her Dad gaining on her, so she increased her speed and surged ahead.

We should do this more often, Rainbow thought as she rounded the last corner and headed towards where they had set up. Dad never gets out to race. She smiled and pressed onward, stopping only when she was sure she had crossed whatever passed as a finish line.

“Yes, I won!” Rainbow did a victory loop in the air, giggling as she landed.

“Nice job, Rainbow.” Rainbow’s mother Firefly said, walking over and giving the younger pony a hug. “With that kind of speed, you’ll be able to keep the skies clear before anypony notices there’s a problem.”

“Thanks Mom. Hey, do you think that I could-”

“No Rainbow. If you want to join the Wonderbolts, you’ll need to get in on your own merits, not because of connections.” Rainbow Dash groaned and gave her mom a playful poke. “Come on, you’re probably starving. I packed a couple of those dandelion sandwiches you love.” Rainbow smiled and started towards the camp, but stopped halfway there.

“Hey, where’s Dad?” Firefly stopped and looked around.

“He was right behind you. Maybe he got distracted.”

“Dad gets distracted?”

“You’d be surprised how many times he messed up proposing to me.” Firefly rose up into the air, scanning the shoreline for any sign of Thunderhead. Rainbow Dash joined her, searching amongst the trees and rocks for her dad.

Worry went straight to horror when she saw one of the rocks move.

“Dad!” Rainbow cried, racing towards him followed by Firefly. Physically he seemed fine, but his breath was choppy and he was clutching at his chest. Rainbow reached him first and pulled him up as gently as possible. “Dad, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said between gasps. “I’m fine.”

“You’re lying.” Firefly said. “What’s wrong, Thunder?”

“I’m fine,” he gasped out in pain, his wings seizing up. “I’m fine... just fatigued.”

“And I’m Princess Celestia.” Firefly looked up at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, go into town and get help. I’ll stay with him.”

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash took off, flying towards Ponyville as fast as her wings could carry her. Please Celestia, don’t let my Dad die.

She raced in between the buildings, heedless of anypony else. Sweat broke out on her brow as she neared the hospital, the building dark and foreboding as she neared it. The closer she got, she noticed irregularities; the windows and doors had been boarded up, and copious amounts of graffiti adorned the walls.

“No... this isn’t right. This can’t be happening!” she landed and raced towards the dilapidated hospital, hoping that there was anyone or anything that might help. “Somepony help me! I need help!”

“They won’t help you.” a familiar voice said. Rainbow turned and saw Prince Blueblood walking towards her with the tattered remains of her cape. He grinned before tossing her suit to the ground. “Not here.”

“N-no! You’re dead... you’re supposed to be dead!”

“Does that really matter?” Zod said, advancing on her. “What does matter is that you have failed once again, daughter of Jor-El.” Rainbow Dash tried to run, tried to do something, but she found herself frozen into place as Zod pulled back and slammed his right hoof into her face.

“No!” Rainbow Dash cried out, nearly jumping out of bed and startling Tank. She gasped for air, looking around the dimly lit room for any sign of trouble.

It’s okay, Rainbow; it’s just a dream. Your fine, everyone’s fine, Blueblood’s gone, Dad...


Alone, wracked with bad dreams, Rainbow Dash curled up and wept.


Sunday morning. After a night of restlessness, Rainbow Dash made a stop by Rose’s flower stand before heading south, towards the road that lead to Trottingham. It was a quiet day, with nopony really out and about, so she did not see any reason to rush.

She paused for a moment before adjusting her flight path, heading for a small field near the road. The only sign of civilization other than the road was a small house near a grove of trees, where an elderly earth-pony tended to a vegetable garden. Rainbow pulled up and landed, tucking the flowers beneath her wings for stability.

“Morning Mr. Waddle.” She called. The old pony turned to her and smiled.

“Why good morning, Rainbow Dash. I haven’t seen you here in awhile.”

“I’ve... I’ve been busy. I’ve been meaning to visit but-”

“Oh, no need to explain things to me.” Mr. Waddle chuckled. “I’ve been having a slow day today, so you should have all the time and privacy you need.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash walked past the house while Mr. Waddle returned to his gardening.

There were no cemeteries in Cloudsdale, not even one in the immediate surroundings. The nearest one was the Ponyville cemetery, where Rainbow now stood. She walked amongst the headstones, some still fresh as the day they were carved, while other were no more than worn pieces of rock. She went down several rows before arriving to a small plot of land near a bush, where a single headstone rested. She stopped, placing her flowers down at the base of the headstone before composing herself.

“... Hey Dad.” she said after a long pause. “It’s me, Rainbow... I’m not sure if you can hear me, but I hope you can.” she sighed. “Sorry I haven’t visited more often... I, well... I guess I decided what kind of mare I wanted to be.” she chuckled. “Yeah, so... I’m a superhero now, more or less. I’m not sure if that’s what you wanted, or that’s what you were telling me all those years ago... but if it was, thanks.” She sighed.

“I... I had a dream about you last night... haven’t told Mom about it, you know how she is with that sort of thing. Besides, you were always better at telling me about dreams, and... w-well, I really miss that.” she sniffled. “I miss a lot of things about you, and... I-I wish you could see me now.” She looked up towards the sky. “I-I think sometimes... what you thought about me being an alien and all. I never got to ask you about that... I-I didn’t ask you about a lot of things.” She wiped away a few tears. “I... I-I miss you; I miss you a lot. You were probably the greatest pony I ever knew, a-and you taught me a lot about... well, everything.” more tears. “Mom still thinks about you all the time... she probably misses you more than anything else in the word.” Rainbow wiped away the last of her tears. “Well, it was nice... saying this, and seeing you... I love you, Dad.” She smiled and turned to leave, but before she could get very far one of her ears flicked towards the Everfree Forest.

Cutie Mark Crusaders... Why do you have to get in trouble now?


“Ah’m not sure if this is a good idea, Scootaloo.” Applebloom said as the trio of fillies trekked through the forest.

“We’ve tried everything, and that mare said this would be easy.” Scootaloo pushed a branch out of the way, heedless of her friend’s concerns.

“She said we should have an adult watching, or... what was that word she said?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Somethin’ ‘bout lights, or somethin’.”

“So? We go find Zecora, and she can watch over us.”

“Ah don’t think Zecora knows a lot ‘bout manticore slayin’.” Applebloom stumbled over a small log. “Maybe we should go back.”

“C’mon guys.” Scootaloo turned around to face her friends. “Do you know how awesome it would be to have a manticore slaying cutie mark?”

“I’d like to be alive when I get my cutie mark.” Sweetie Belle said. “I agree with Applebloom, we should go back.”

“C’mon guys! We can’t just give up! Please?” the Earth Pony and the unicorn looked to one another before looking back to Scootaloo.

“Well... Maybe just a little longer...”

“Yes!” Scootaloo turned and continued back into the forest. “Come on, Crusaders! We’ve got manticores to catch!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gave half-hearted cheers and followed after followed after her.

Unbeknownst to them, a second unicorn drifted through the forest, heading towards Froggy Bottom Bog.


I think I’m overreacting. Rainbow said as she finished suiting up and began racing towards the Forest. They could just be going to see Zecora... I should still watch them and make sure they get there safe. she increased her speed once more, cape fluttering as he raced over Ponyville.

As she neared the Everfree Forest, something caught her attention; it was the sound of flapping wings, coming down on her from above. She pulled to the right just as a spell exploded where she had been flying only seconds before, tendrils of energy lashing out at her but failing to slow her down. She twisted around and saw one of the flying chariots used by the Equestrian military, the ponies onboard shouting something to her.

“Were you the ones that fired on me?” she called. The ponies said something to one another before firing a second spell, Rainbow easily dodging the attack. “I’ll take that as a yes. Have I done something to offend you?” another spell, another evasion. “Please, cease this before somepony gets hurt.” The ponies in the chariot prepared for another spell, but had barely any time before Rainbow charged and hit the chariot head on, knocking the ponies towards the ground. She swooped down and caught on to them before they managed to hit the ground, pulling them up and turning them around. “Why are you attacking me?”

“You have been accused of crimes against the Equestrian government.” one of the ponies said. “Will you surrender?”

“Not yet... ponies are still in danger.” not wanting the other ponies to get hurt in any ensuing fight, Rainbow Dash merely knocked them out and gently placed them on the ground. As she turned to continue on to the Everfree Forest, she spotted several more chariots flying towards her.

“Well, this isn’t good.”


Vril Dox had just entered Froggy Bottom Bog when he heard the sound of spells being fired. Using his superior optics, he spotted Supermare and several Equestrian military Pegasi and flying chariots chasing each other near the edge of the forest, the Kryptonian ducking and weaving to avoid incoming attacks.

“Steel Wing has launched his attacks too early.” he muttered, ignoring the fight as he continued further into the swamp. “I should have looked for someone less impulsive. Oh well, his distraction may yet bear fruit.” Vril Dox stopped by one particularly large puddle, grabbing a branch in his telekinesis and throwing it into the water. At first nothing happened, but then the water began to boil as four large heads broke through the surface, reptilian eyes glaring down on him.

“This will suffice.” he said before his horn began to glow. The hydra cried out in confusion before it’s eyes took on a violet hue. “I have given you the images of three fillies wandering this forest; attack them, but leave them alive long enough for the Kryptonian to find them.” The hydra growled before stomping off into the forest, Vril Dox following silently behind.


Rainbow Dash dove towards the ground and turned north, evading the military ponies once more. She would have tried to disable them with her powers, but they were so persistent and densely packed that it would be impossible for her to save anypony that fell. She dodged another spell and pulled up, trying to lead her attackers away from Ponyville.

Okay, evasion isn't working... guess I’ll just have to lose them. Another spell exploded in front of her, forcing her to weave away. at the same time, her ears flicked back towards the Everfree Forest. And there’s a hydra on the move... come on, why does a hydra have to be on the move when I’m being attacked? Another spell dodged, and Rainbow Dash found herself over the mountains near Canterlot, a large airship hovering out just outside her field of view. Another spell exploded near her, and she dove back towards the mountains in another attempt to escape.

As she neared the airship, though, she caught sight of some kind of beam racing towards her. She dodged the first easily enough, but doing so caused her to run into the second beam. Immediately all of her limbs and her wings went limp, and trying to move them proved fruitless. Rainbow Dash hung in space for a moment before the beam pulled her upwards towards the airship.

Okay, this is bad... can’t move, captured by lunatics, and there’s a hydra running around the Everfree... Think, Rainbow; how can I get out of this. She mulled over this as the beam pulled her up, so that now she was level with the deck of the airship.

From here, she could see the device that held her, and the ponies that were her captors. The leader was a white Pegasus with a black and white mane, and he seemed very happy that she was captured. “Sir? If it’s too much to ask, there are ponies in danger because of a hydra; may I save them and then come back to hear your accusations?” Rainbow asked, using a limited amount of power to make her voice reach the ship

“No.” Steel Wing shouted back. “You have done too much damage already; I must see to it that you are contained so that you may not subvert any more ponies with your wiles.”

“‘Wiles’? Charming ponies is not one of my superpowers. Please, ponies are in danger, and I need to save them.”

“Likely story.” Steel Wing turned to one of the unicorns near the device. “Pull her in.” The unicorn nodded and Rainbow Dash was dragged closer to the airship.

Really not good... this might be my last chance. Rainbow Dash looked towards the device, her vision intensifying until two red beams shot from her eyes. The beams struck the device, which exploded and left a large gash in the deck of the ship. No longer suspended by the beam, Rainbow Dash plummeted towards the ground as feeling rushed back into her wings. Just before she struck the ground, she regained her balance and shot towards the Everfree Forest, a mach cone forming over her as she flew.


Scootaloo was ready to give up on Manticore Slaying. They hadn’t managed to find a single one, not even the cockatrice that attacked them during their sleepover at Fluttershy’s. They had wandered around the forest for close to an hour, but there were no manticores whatsoever.

“Scootaloo, ah’m gettin’ tired.” Applebloom called. “We should go back.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Scootaloo turned around. “Let’s go back. Maybe we could try out Cutie Mark Crusader Forgery Spotters.” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle perked up at this, and the three fillies began walking back towards Ponyville. They had not gotten far before they heard the sound of something big moving towards them, small twigs and rocks shaking as whatever it was approached. Scootaloo looked around, trying to spot the oncoming monster before it attacked.

“Guys, start running, now!”

“But then wouldn’t whatever is attacking us be able to get us quicker?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I don’t know, just run!” the other fillies took off, with Scootaloo looking behind to make sure that they were not being chased. She tried to speed up, but at that moment the hydra attacked, one of the beast’s heads slamming into the ground right in front of Scootaloo. The force of the impact threw the three fillies to the ground, dust and twigs raining down around them. Scootaloo coughed as the hydra rose up and looked at her, its heads smiling at her before rushing down at her.

But before the hydra’s attacked connected, a shadow fell over Scootaloo and a blue-clad hoof slammed into the hydra’s face, sending it reeling. As Scootaloo watched in silence, Supermare flew up and punched the hydra once more, the beast crying out in shock and pain as the superhero attacked. The hydra distracted, Supermare raced down and scooped Scootaloo up in her hooves, stopping only to find Sweetie Belle and Applebloom and pull them out of the underbrush.

“Don’t worry, girls; you’re safe now.” They rose over the top of the forest and turned towards Ponyville, wind rushing past Scootaloo’s ears as they flew. “What were you doing in the Everfree Forest without an adult?”

“We... We were going to find Zecora, but we got sidetracked.” They began slowing down as they neared the edge of Ponyville, Supermare setting them down on the road.

“Don’t do that again. Stay out of the Forest unless you have somepony watching over you.”

“Yes, Supermare.” The superhero smiled before turning north, taking off and disappearing into the cloud cover. “C’mon guys, let’s go see if we can find Rainbow Dash.”

“What about that other pony?”

“... Maybe we should ask her about good manticore catching skills.” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes.

“Let’s just go find Rainbow Dash.”


Vril Dox watched the scene unfold from the edge of the Forest, watching as Supermare departed from the town and left the three fillies.

“Hmm, interesting...” he muttered. “My previous estimate of her protective instincts seems to be inaccurate.” he began walking through the woods, headed in no particular direction. “Steel Wing has become too much of a liability; I shall have to deal with that. In the meantime, I shall move to the next part of my plan... the orange Pegasus should be sufficient.”


Steel Wing was mad. Not only had Supermare gotten away, but his airship was badly damaged, one of the devices he had purchased from Silversmith had been destroyed, and he was certain that the little aerial display had drawn attention.

“Sir,” one of the ponies at the helm said. “ We should be able to get back to base with minimal issues.”

“‘Minimal’ issues? You call the destruction of a very expensive piece of equipment and the loss of a dangerous criminal ‘minimal’?”

“Uh, no sir. I never meant it like-”

“No of course you didn’t. You’re more interested in saying what you think I would like to say. Get us moving, then join the repair crews.”

“Yes sir.” Steel Wing was about to give out more orders, but heard the sound of hooves against wood. He turned and saw Supermare standing behind him, the mare standing as if she did not mind the damage around her.

“I’m sorry for the damage, general.” she said. “But you should have listened to me when I said I needed to go.”

“You... you came back?”

“Yes. You have accused me of some wrongdoing, and I want to make sure that you and I can work together to smooth out any animosity between us.”

“... You either have an ulterior motive, or you are an idiot.”

“Or you are just untrustworthy. Perhaps you should have considered that.” Steel Wing gritted his teeth, trying his best to hold back his anger.

“Put her in chains.”

Author's Note:

So, the new Man of Steel trailer gave me more energy to finish a chapter. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe that's a bad thing, I'll let you decide.
Rainbow giving herself up is based off of one screenshot of the upcoming movie where Superman is surrounded by military personnel and in handcuffs.
The pony that was talking about catching manticores? Her name is Diana. Is it out of character? Maybe, but I guess that Themyscria's probably got a bunch of monsters and what have you for young amazons to deal with
And Vril Dox is eyeing Scootaloo for his plans. This is very bad...