• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 15,190 Views, 814 Comments

Mare of Steel - iowaforever

  • ...

Part 2, Chapter 11

Chapter 25

One week later...

For once the wind around the Fortress of Solitude had died down, allowing Rainbow to fly more or less in silence. Tucked under her left foreleg was Kandor, the city still unchanged since her fight with Brainiac, while a large crate hung suspended from one of her free legs. She turned right and landed outside the Fortress, using her heat vision to sever the rope carrying the crate.

Resting Kandor on top of the crate, Rainbow began to push the two objects into the Fortress. Briefly she considered bringing the shrunken city in first, but decided that that was too much work. As she pushed the crate and Kandor into the Fortress, the standard automated systems turned on and she was once again greeted by an image of Jor-El.

“Welcome back, my daughter.” he said, watching as Rainbow finished pushing the crate and city in. “I see that you have found Kandor.”

“Yes.” Rainbow reached up and plucked the city off the crate. “I managed to recover it when I was onboard Brainiac’s ship. I want to find a way to restore it, along with the other cities he had in his possession once I find suitable planets for them to inhabit.”

“A noble cause, Kara.” Jor-El looked to the crate. “And that?”

“Brainiac.” she gave the crate a kick, causing it to fall open. Resting inside was a stone statue of Brainiac, the Coluan as emotionless as ever. “I couldn’t deal with the thought that he might break free and start his plan all over again, so I convinced Princess Celestia to use the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone. He’ll be staying here, where I can keep an eye on him.”

“Most likely a wise course of action. I will make sure that he remains secure.”

“Thank you.” Rainbow looked around the Fortress in silence, her eyes tracing every single ridge and crack in the surrounding crystals.

“Something is troubling you, my daughter.” Jor-El said after a period of silence.

“Yes.” Rainbow looked towards the petrified Brainiac. “I was thinking... maybe there was some way I could have prevented this. Maybe if I had just cut loose when I first met him, none of this would have happened.”

“That is not something I can answer for you, Kara. Personally, I would not wish to see blood on your hooves, but there may come a time where what I wish and what would keep your home safe will not align. I believe the more important question is are you that kind of pony, and if such, would you make the decision lightly.” Rainbow frowned and looked away.

“... I don’t know.”

“Think on it, my daughter.” Rainbow nodded and turned to leave before Jor-El spoke again. “I do not wish to pry, but how is your adoptive mother?” Rainbow paused, looking out at the snow beyond the Fortress before looking back at Jor-El.

“She’ll live.” With that, she spread her wings and took flight, heading south towards Ponyville.


With Brainiac missing, Silversmith had to modify his plan, again. He still had enough technology to reasonably challenge Supermare, but he was still one pony against an alien with the powers of a god.

Well, that can be remedied. He turned to the sound of the door opening. In stepped a brown Earth Pony mare in a chauffeur’s uniform, a box resting on her back.

“Your trip to Cloudsdale was a success, Mercy?” he asked, stepping behind his desk.

“More or less.” Mercy replied, reaching around and plucking the box off her back. “There were a few issues with the repair crews, but I was able to... convince them to let me through.”

“Good work.” Silversmith reached over and opened the box. Inside were the remains of Deathstroke’s sword, somehow overlooked during the fight between Supermare and Brainiac. Carefully, Silversmith pulled the fragments from the box, examining each and every one closely.

“If you don’t mind me asking, sir,” Mercy said. “What good is a broken sword? I mean, unless you’re going to reforge it or throw it at someone then it’s pretty much useless.”

“You’re not looking close enough, Mercy.” Silversmith held up one of the fragments to the light. On one side was a small splash of blood. “What do you see?”

“... Blood?”

“Not just any blood; Supermare’s blood.” he set the fragment down on his desk. “More importantly, her DNA is within my grasp. Given enough time, I can clone myself an army of loyal superponies, more than even Supermare can handle. No more meddling around in the background, no more deals with wannabe dictators. I can finally take what I want, and she’ll be powerless to stop me.”

“Sir,” Mercy raised a hoof. “You’re ego-tripping again.”

“Oh, of course.” Silversmith composed himself. “Apologies, Mercy. Would you be so kind as to bring these fragments down to the lab? I want a closer look at them once I’m finished.”

“Yes sir.” Mercy took the box of fragments back and exited Silversmith’s office. Once he was sure she was gone, Silversmith pulled out another pad and pencil and set to work on his newest project.

I can carry on without Brainiac... This will be perfect.


He had asked to speak with her on the hill they had their first meet up on. He did not say why, but she was not the kind of pony to jump to conclusions... well, she thought she was not the kind of pony to jump to conclusions. She put those ideas out of her mind as she neared the hill, slowing down and pulling up once Thunderlane was in sight.

“Hi.” she said, landing beneath the tree. “Sorry I’m late. I... I needed to check and see how my mom was doing.”

“That’s okay.” Thunderlane gave her a quick smile. “How is she?”

“... Better.” Rainbow sat down and looked out towards the west. “Still unconscious, but her vitals have gotten better. At this rate, the doctors say she’ll be out in a week or two, but she won’t be able to fly faster than twenty miles an hour, and even then only for a few minutes.” she sighed. “I... I don’t really want to talk about it, okay?”

“Okay.” Thunderlane found a spot next to her and sat down, pushing her cape out of the way to make room.

“How long have you known?” she asked, not looking over at him. “About who I am?”

“Well...” Thunderlane brushed his mane, blushing. “I sort of ran into Scootaloo when... when you sent here to find your mom. Now, I’ve met your mom before, so I asked myself, ‘Why would Supermare put so much trust in her?’ After that it just came together.”

“Oh.” there was silence. “So... are you mad at me?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Are you mad at me for not telling you sooner?”

“Not really.” Thunderlane shrugged. “I mean, I understand why you would want to keep it quiet and all. I mean, you can’t spend the rest of your life being Supermare all the time, can you?”

“I guess not.” Rainbow glanced over at Thunderlane. He gave her a small smile before she looked away. “But where does that leave us?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said you liked me, but now that you know who I am, you’re probably not going to carry on with this, are you?” Thunderlane frowned.

“Rainbow Dash...”

“There was the whole mystery thing, right? You’re probably upset that ‘Supermare’ turned out to be me instead of some other pony... not to say I’m not cool, but come on, we’ve had our arguments in the past.”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“I mean, I actually punched you in the face two years ago!... Okay, it was more like a smack, but it still counts! What kind of pony would do that? I wouldn’t be surprised if you just-”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow stopped and looked over at Thunderlane.


“You’re killing the moment.” Rainbow was about to respond when she found two lips pressed up against hers. She blinked in surprise, unsure of how exactly to respond, before she closed her eyes and allowed some of the tension in her body to subside.

I... I could get used to this.


The hunchback kept his head close to the monitor, not looking up at even the slightest stimuli. His work was too important, and no distraction could draw him away... less He arrive and find the hunchback delaying.

It had taken many years of work, ever since He had commanded the hunchback to take up the task. Many had failed before him, and he had their screams to remind him what lay in store for him should he fail. He was not usually a cowardly sort, but he valued his existence and poured that value into his work.

He will be here soon... he thought, entering a few more keystrokes. So close... He will not be disappointed.

The hunchback heard the sound of the large doors behind him opening. What few servants he did have stopped their work, some of them quivering in fear as He entered. The hunchback could feel His gaze upon his back, but he dared not look up, even for a second.

“Well, Desaad?” He asked, stopping next to the hunchback’s terminal. “Is it ready?”

“Almost, my lord.” he replied, entering a few more pieces of data. “The device shall be up in just a moment.”

“Good.” He looked past the hunchback to the testing platform before Him. “When it is finished, open it fully.” Now, the hunchback took a moment to look up.

“My lord, we do not know if that will cause the device to fail. We all could die.” He looked down at the hunchback, eyes glowing red with power.

“Are you questioning my judgment, Desaad?” He asked. The hunchback chose his next few words carefully, for they may have been his last.

“N-no, my lord. Forgive me, for I have allowed myself to fall to cowardice.” He looked down for a moment before His eyes stopped glowing.

“Very well.” He looked back up, fluffing His wings for a brief instant. “Open it fully when you are finished.”

“Yes, my lord.” the hunchback returned to his work. A few more keystrokes, a few adjustments, and they were ready. “I am turning on the device now, my lord.” He gave the hunchback a satisfied grunt, and the hunchback pressed a button.

At first nothing happened, but soon a wind began to flow through the room. The servants and the hunchback hurried for cover, but He remained as He was. He stood there as wind and lightning whipped around him, scowling at the testing platform before him.

The wind grew in ferocity before there was a rush of air followed by a small booming sound. A small white circle appeared in the air before Him, and as it grew more circles began to form until they took the shape of a tunnel, leading off to places only He knew.

As the boomtube to Equestria opened wider, a smile spread across the face of Darkseid, Dread Lord of Apokolips.

End Part 2

Supermare will return in Justice League of Equestria

Author's Note:

Three guesses who the villain of Justice League of Equestria will be (first two don't count)
Mare of Steel is finished, but Rainbow Dash as Supermare is not. I will return to her as soon as the other heroes are finished, but until then check out the Side Stories I have made for the story.
Thanks to everyone that tracked this story and left their comments. If you're still interested in what I have here, be sure to check out The Princess of Themyscira, detailing this universe's version of Wonder Woman, and the TVTropes Page for Justice League of Equestria (WARNING: will ruin your life).
Thanks again, everyone.

Comments ( 121 )


Have I mentioned you're awesome for writing this?


You're awesome for writing this.

“Sir,” Mercy raised a hoof. “You’re ego-tripping again.”

Every criminal mastermind needs a henchpony like this.

Well that was fun. Guess I'll have to take a look at the side stories.

Darkseid obviously:trollestia:

Looks like we may see Bizarro soon if that bit about clones is used...

:rainbowderp: This. Was. AWESOME! :rainbowkiss:

So Brainiac has been Taken for Granite, Silversmith plans to create clones of Supermare using the blood from Deathstroke's broken sword, which will probably result in either the clone having Cloning Blues or create our own Bizarro, Firefly survived, but Brainiac gave her a Game Breaking Injury, and Darkseid is making his preparations to launch his attack.

And I guess Reinbow Dash will only use the option of really going all out and using lethal force as a Godzilla Threshold, or for opponents like Darkseid, who can take attacks like those without being killed.

Badge time!


And it's nice to see that Thunderlane has no intention of breaking up with Rainbow Dash. I guess he's our Lois Lane.

So if this were two movies (one for each part), I assume the Darkseid stuff would be the post-credits scene.

Thus far I see the order as:

Mare of Steel
Mare of Steel 2: Braniac Attacks
Princess of Themiscyra
Green Lantern: In Brightest Day
*Untitled Flash Story*
*Untitled Batman Story*
Justice League of Equestria

(GAAAAAAAAAAAAAASP!!!!!!) It's complete! I better catch up

Obviously, the villain, the real villain will be none other than...

Granny Goodness!

2768863 I actually have plans for bringing Granny in as a seperate villain (it would also explore Trixie's connection to Mr. Miracle and Big Barda), but those won't come to pass until after Justice League of Equestria

Hey maybe pinkie can turn out to be mr myzptlk

Hey maybe pinkie can turn out to be mr myzptlk

“Sir,” Mercy raised a hoof. “You’re ego-tripping again.”

Hahahahaha, I can’t believe she said that…hahahahahaha!

Nice to find out that Firefly is doing well, at least where things count. Shame about her flying impairment, though. But, now Supermare and friends got to deal with Darkseid and his minions...well, can't wait to read this. And, grad to know that the Elements of Harmony haven't been forgotten as well!

Keep up the awesomeness!

...and if such would you make the decision lightly.
> Comma after ‘such’.
Now, I’ve met your mom before, so I asked myself ‘Why would Supermare put so much trust in her?’
> Either a comma or a colon after ‘myself’.
“You said you liked me, but now that you know who I am you’re probably not going to carry on with this, are you?”
> Comma after ‘am’.

A nice wrap-up. Naturally, you had to bring in Darkseid just as Joss had to bring in Thanos at the end of Avengers. Ol' Stone Features is the only DC baddie who is seriously in Supes' league so he's needed as the ultimate, closing Big Bad.

Now, I'm looking forward to seeing who are going to be the other members of the League.


“Sir,” Mercy raised a hoof. “You’re ego-tripping again.”

Hahahahaha, I can’t believe she said that…hahahahahaha!

It's an indication of how sane this particular Lex is that he not only let Mercy get away with saying that but thanked her. A few doses of Kryptonite and Venom should have him turned into the paranoid megalomaniac we all know and love though.

2769815 Well, there is Doomsday, but I don't want to kill Dashie... yet :pinkiecrazy:

And just you wait: we will be seeing Silversmith lose a few SAN points

Soo.....who's batman?
Whos the green lantern?
Who's Aqua Man?
Who's The Martain Headhunter?

1. Probably Fancy Pants
2. Shining Armor
3. Not sure
4. Pony J'onn J'onzz (most likely related to changelings, somehow. May not actually get around to this)

Welp. I was completely impressed by this.

It was very well done, and well thought out. I'll be looking for the next one and catching up when I can on it.

~Skeeter the Lurker

HA HAAAAAA, yes....YES!! Michael "Ironside" Darkseid shall come to Equestria, and fun times shall be had!
Also, more kissy kissy times with Rainbow and Thunderlane... YAY!

So, next up we'll be seeing Darkseid and Bizarro? :pinkiehappy:

Well, my overall thoughts of this story? I actually thought it was pretty good. The action was very nice, the story was easy to follow, the characterization is spot-on, the villains actually do have much weight to them, and the story does have quite a few emotional moments. If I have to complain about something though, I kinda felt that the story was a bit rushed - not by too much, but I did feel that some moments went by a bit too fast. But, compared to all the strengths this story has, you can ignore that. Overall, i enjoyed reading this story, and I think I will look at the Supermare side story, and "The Princess of Themyscira."

Also just before I forget here's a special message for the mare of steel: Doomsday is coming.

Silversmith isn't completely self-centered, he has Mercy.

She drives him around while he plots world domination.

This is probably a fun crossover story for the uberfans, but for someone like me who has only ever seen the Christopher Reeve movies and some of "Lois and Clark", it doesn't really work all that well. Some of the characters and situations just come off as plain bizarre- though I'm sure they make perfect sense to anyone who knows who Vril Dox is.

I wanted to like this, but I really couldn't- sorry.:applecry:

3164497 Which I don't get. Even though Batman is one of my favorites and I hate Superman I think Batman should have been number 2.

Fan-favoritism, I guess.

2769098 thats a scary thought...but i dont think shed be that hard core...

a question, u have not updated in quite some time with any of ur storyies...u update now, yes?

3204172 work faster, even Supermare would have a hard time facing my Darkstar Legions. picture a weapon, so advanced, that it can operate without direction. imagine that its not only self powered but mobile enough to conquer any terrain. imagine that it has modular components enabling it to adapt to any battlefield conditions. imagine that the individual units can repair itself, that every unit knows what every other one knows through a massive 'group mind' while still being able to operate individually. and lastly, imagine it can learn. in short, the Darkstars have all the strength of the Borg from Star Trek, with none of the weaknesses. they will never eat, never sleep, never. stop. coming. and ull have at least four Hunters, the one Darkstar that is mission specific, on ur ass...normally i only send one out, four is overkill frankly. they have one mission and one mission only...Search and Destroy...

He is overrated, but he IS cool.
Personally, though, I prefer the Marvel movie's heroes.

3259565 Yeah, I figured that out when I saw the blog post. Made sense.

3259548 No, they're usually at least speaking terms. Just really nasty speaking terms.

3257688 You remember his hypo-glasses? Or his eye-color-changing glasses? Besides, I think a full illusion spell might come across as a bit too J'onn J'onzz.

3259388 Brown. Definitely Brown. Rosenbaum was awesome, but Brown has hammered his voice into my head as THE Lex Luther. I might have stronger feelings about him that I even have for Hammill as the Joker.

3362632 That's who I had in my head when writing

In what chapter does Brainiac hurt Rainbow Dash's adoptive mother?

3430308 the previous one (magic blasts to the face tend to hurt)


So until last weekend I had no idea this story existed, or that anyone had ever thought to write a Superman version of ponies. When I saw that the first chapter was actually pretty good, I started reading the whole thing whenever I could find time. It's been a while since I felt excited to read a ponyfic, more so given that the story is quite long.

I really like the imagination behind this idea, but the one thing I didn't like that kept happening for almost all the chapters is that a lot of events happen in a rush. Events such as Rainbow Dash's transformation from her boastful, cocky and immature nature into the dependable and mature Supermare could have used more fleshing out, though by part 2 of this story her new character did feel established. The villains in this story also seem to throw themselves into hating Dash for unconvincing reasons. Zod had good reason at least and his character was done very well, but Steel Wing and Lex seemed too eager to hate Dash for rather weak reasons, particularly Lex.

Some of this may be nitpicking on my end. I believe this story could have been a few thousand words longer. Scenes like Supermare's first capture were more funny than serious (come on, they took a page from Killer Croc and threw a rock at her, supposedly pinning her whole body but her neck and head and somehow not crush her?) and the scene of Dash waking up in Brainiac's ship with something in her mouth that didn't really seem to matter once she got up felt not only copied from the animated movie but also just thrown in for the sake of putting it there. There's hanging details that seem to dangle in the story rather than be woven into it. But, the majority of the story is woven together rather nicely. I'm really happy I got to read this, and I'm very eager to read the other stories you have. I hope you don't take my nitpicking the wrong way - I'm totally a fan of what you're writing now.

3451947 Thank you for your response, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story :twilightsmile:
To be honest, the only part of the DCAU and other DC animated products I have seen are Justice League, Superman the Animated Series, a few BTAS episodes and Superman vs The Elite. Others like the Wonder Woman Movie or Superman Unbound I have not seen (that scene you mentioned was actually based off of the Brainiac arc in the comics). But I do understand what you mean about the story being a bit rushed, and if I had a bit more time I'd love to go back and do a few revisions. Alas :fluttershysad:
Once again, thank you for the response, and I hope that you enjoy the rest of my work

If you had a bit more time, I would hope you'd go back to a lot of your dialogue scenes and break them up with some visuals of body language. That is something I see you don't do a lot of, like when Scootaloo asked Dash if she was an alien. Some reaction other than more follow up dialogue would have allowed the reader to know more of Dash's heart and how she views herself, given that she made such a big deal about it at the beginning of the story.

Lol, not that you're asking for advice or anything :twilightblush: It's just something I wanted to bring up because your way of developing characters makes me eager to read about them. They aren't totally fleshed out, but they leave questions about themselves that leave me wanting to read what happens next. Getting to 'see' these characters talk would be awesome.

3362560 Actually, no, I don't remember those. :twilightblush:

3602236 BBC? What, was that in Dr. Who or something?

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