• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part III, Chapter 13 - Defense's Arguments - Part II

The trial reconvened an hour later and the judge called for the next witness from the defense. With a clear voice, Plea replied "Defense calls Heartfelt Sentiment to the stand." Heartfelt, whom Thorax had last seen shortly after the attack meant to kill him, made his way to the witness stand and was sworn in. Plea stood up from his seat and approached the stand, ready for his line of questioning.

PB - Would you please state your name for the court.

HS - Heartfelt Sentiment.

PB - What is your occupation?

HS - I am a psychiatrist.

PB - How long have you worked in that role?

HS - Ten years.

PB - Have you treated any of the ponies here in court today?

HS - I have.

PB - Without revealing any personal details, as to stay compliant with the empire's confidetialilty laws, would you please describe some of the conditions you've treated?

HS - I treat a great many mental ailments. Some ponies simply come to me to sort out their jumbled thoughts and feelings after things like a recent break up or loss of a job. Others have afflictions that require me to prescribe medication to help combat the effects. A good bit of my work is spent on treating ponies with PTSD.

PB - Okay. Now, you're acquainted with my client, correct?

HS - Yes, I am.

PB - How long would you say that you've known him.

HS - I first met him two days before he was allowed asylum.

PB - That long? So you were aware of his presence before everypony else?

HS - Well, I was aware of the warnings about a changeling being spotted in the outskirts of the empire initially.

PB - When did you first officially meet my client.

HS - It was shortly after I elected to help the guards search for the changeling.

PB - You elected to help the guards? What services can you offer to help guards looking for a changeling?

HS - (gestures to cutie mark) My special talent allows me to see the emotional states of other ponies, usually as an aura surrounding their body and corresponding to a color usually associated with that emotion, like red for anger, purple for fear, yellow for happy, etc.

PB - This doesn't explain how it would help you locate a changeling.

HS - I couldn't confirm it before, but I had a theory about changelings.

PB - A theory? Please, let us hear it.

HS - I thought that because ponies and other living creatures radiate their emotions outwards, and changelings feed on those emotions, then they might actually draw them in towards themselves, so my thought was that if I saw a pony with emotions radiating towards them, rather than away from them, then that could mean that they're a changeling.

PB - Interesting. So, you helped the patrols find my client, correct?

HS - Actually, Spike the Brave and Glorious found Thorax.

PB - Ah, yes. The hero of the empire. He was the one to find my client first?

HS - He was.

PB - And where were you when he found him?

HS - I was searching nearby.

PB - How was my client discovered?

HS - Spike had let out a scream and disappeared in the snow while we were searching. Fearing that he was attacked by a changeling, I ran to the last place I saw him and saw the mouth to a cave opened up. When I looked inside, I saw Spike being rescued by Thorax.

(murmurs in both the audience and jury)

PB - My client saved the hero of the empire?

HS - He did.

PB - How do you know he saved him and wasn't trying to make off with him?

HS - Because I didn't see them initially when I looked inside the cave. However, the two emerged from a crevice near the back of the cave, with Thorax carrying Spike.

PB - And this actually happened? This wasn't a hallucination being brought on by a changeling attempting to control your mind?

HS - Yes, it happened. No, a changeling wasn't trying to control my mind.

PB - How can you be sure?

HS - Because Princess Twilight visited the same cave later on and found dragon scales from Spike all over the ground near the crevice and down inside of it as well.

(more murmurs from the audience and jury)

PB - So, my client saved Spike from falling into a crevice. Did you manage to get a closer look at the crevice?

HS - Later on, I was able to see it. It was deep enough that Spike wouldn't have lived if somepony hadn't intervened.

PB - When was this later on?

HS - After Spike brought Thorax to the throne room the first time.

(shocked gasps and shouts from the audience)

Judge - (bangs gavel) Order!

(audience settles down)

PB - So, my client was brought to the throne room after saving Spike's life?

HS - Not immediately.

PB - Would you please explain that remark?

HS - I overheard a conversation between the two. Spike wanted to show gratitude to Thorax for saving his life, so he promised to try and convince the empire to give him a chance to prove he wanted to make friends and not hurt anypony.

PB - And how successful was he?

HS - Not successful at all. The ones that he asked took what he was telling them as him making a joke.

PB - Did he approach you?

HS - He did.

PB - And your response?

HS - I offered to hear out Thorax.

(murmurs from the audience)

PB - So you and the guards went back out to the cave where you found my client initially. How could you be so sure that he was still in there?

HS - Actually, the guards didn't follow us.

(shocked murmurs from the audience)

PB - You mean to tell me that you went to face a changeling with only Spike there as backup?

HS - I brought items to defend myself. Specifically, I brought along throwing daggers and a riot baton.

PB - Do you have experience using those items?

HS - I do. I briefly served in guard reserves before being released and taking up my current profession.

PB - Why briefly? And how briefly?

HS - I was a reserve guard for about six months. The post I was stationed at in Trottingham was assessed and the high ranks decided that there were too many reserve guards stationed there, so they offered those in the reserve to change their contract to become full-time guards or be released with favorable letter early with a bonus amounting to the remaining time left on our reserve contracts.

PB - I take it you took the second option?

HS - Yes. I was, at best, a decent guard, but I knew being a full-time guard wasn't my calling. I used the bonus I received to finance the first semester of my schooling.

PB - Okay. Now, tell us. Was my client still in the cave when you returned with Spike?

HS - He was.

PB - Was he not afraid of being discovered by some other guards?

HS - From what I could see, there were some tunnels in the cave, possibly made by ponies before the empire disappeared all those years ago. He had plenty of hiding places if somepony got curious about the cave.

PB - Sounds more to me like he had plenty of places to set up an ambush.

HS - Well, when we got to the cave, Spike went in and brought him out. He came over and we conversed briefly.

PB - With this meeting, I imagine you were able to test your theory. What was the outcome?

HS - The energy around Thorax was swirling, kind of like a whirlpool in a river. I don't know if that's common for all changelings, but that's what I saw looking at him.

PB - Please, take a look at my client and tell me what you see now?

HS - (looks at Thorax) ...interesting.

PB - Something wrong?

HS - No. With his magic restrained, Thorax can't pull in any emotions. Looking at him now, the emotional energy coming off of him looks no different than a normal pony.

PB - Can you identify his emotions?

HS - He's afraid and nervous.

PB - Understandable. Most of my clients feel those same emotions during trial. Back to my origial question. What happened during your conversation?

HS - I spoke briefly to him and examined his emotions. There was no malice in them.

PB - No malice? He wasn't trying to hide it?

HS - No. Hiding emotions is somewhat easier when doing it to a normal pony, but trying to do it to me is pretty much impossible.

PB - Why is that?

HS - It's practically impossible to disguise the energy one generates with their emotions. Everypony I've seen that's tried to do so has failed to fool me.

PB - I hate to point this out, but that doesn't necessarily exclude changelings.

HS - Admittedly, it doesn't. However, the emotion energy I saw Thorax emitting and his behavior were matched up with each other, so I had no reason to doubt that he was trying to hide any malice.

PB - Okay, I'll accept that for now. Please continue with describing your encounter.

HS - As I said, we spoke for a few minutes, and it was during that conversation that he stated his intentions for wanting to make friends here.

PB - So he could feed off of them?

HS - Feeding never came up as a topic.

PB - Was he avoiding that question?

HS - No, and I didn't push the issue.

PB - So what happened after this conversation?

HS - Spike insisted Thorax return with us so that he could have a chance to prove what he told us was the truth.

(shocked murmurs from the audience and jury)

PB - Spike wanted to bring the changeling back to the empire? A potentially dangerous enemy?

HS - I voiced opposition to it, but he continued to insist.

PB - You didn't try to physically stop them?

HS - Nothing I could do would've stopped them, so I just made sure that Thorax wouldn't cause trouble for anypony.

PB - So, let me if I understand this correctly. You escorted a wanted fugitive of the Crystal Empire into the throne room of the Crystal Palace, right to the royal family and their infant, and not to a guard station so he could be arrested?

HS - If Thorax had been arrested, nopony would've bothered hearing what he had to say.

PB - So what happened once he was in the throne room.

HS - Things were okay initially. Spike introduced him as a pony named Crystal Hoof, which Thorax went along with.

PB - Pardon me, but this changeling put on a disguise to meet the royal family and you were okay with this?

HS - In hindsight, I shouldn't have been. In my defense, I was trying to keep an open mind and give Thorax a legitimate chance to prove himself, even if I disagreed with the manner that he and Spike chose to go about it.

PB - Okay. So, when did things go south?

HS - When he met the royal family. More specifically, Princess Flurry Heart.

PB - He met our newest princess?

HS - Yes. I've seen the aura she radiates. It's almost as strong with love as her mother has.

PB - You say that almost as if you yourself were a changeling.

HS - I am not. However, we know very little about them. For all we know, there could be unintentional cross-breeding of our two species going back to the time of Nightmare Moon.

PB - An interesting idea, if not perhaps a bit disturbing. So what exactly happened when he met Princess Flurry?

HS - He lost the disguise he was using.

PB - So he was revealed in the throne room?

HS - Yes, he was.

PB - I can't imagine he was given a warm reception then.

HS - No, he wasn't. Prince Shining Armor ordered him surrounded immediately.

PB - Was he arrested?

HS - No. He barreled past a pair of guards and escaped through a window.

PB - Did he get away?

HS - He did. Prince Shining sent two pegasi after him, but they couldn't determine the direction he went in once he got out the window.

PB - You understand my client barreling out the window doesn't exactly make him look innocent?

HS - No, but in all honesty, had he been captured by the guards, I honestly believe Prince Shining would have had no good intentions for Thorax.

PB - What do you believe would have happened to him?

HS - At best, imprisoned. At worst, executed.

(murmurs from the audience and jury)

PB - Do you believe the Captain Shining Armor capable of such an act?

HS - I do.

PB - What has convinced you of that?

HS - Actions he took when Thorax was brought back to the throne room for a second time later that day.

(murmurs from the audience and jury)

PB - He returned to the throne room for a second time? How did this come about?

HS - After Thorax escaped, Spike, our empire's hero, went back to his room in the palace and began sobbing rather uncontrollably. Princess Twilight went in to console him, but he had told her about what happened in the cave and said he was upset because he didn't stand up for Thorax when he needed to.

PB - He was upset that he didn't stand up for my client?

HS - Yes, he was.

PB - So, he told Princess Twilight about what happened. How did she take that news?

HS - She was unsure what to think, and invited me to her chambers so we could discuss what was happening in privacy. After she confessed her feelings on the matter, I decided to come clean and tell her what I knew.

PB - I thought you had told Spike and Thorax you wanted nothing to do with their plan?

HS - I had a change of heart. Seeing Spike so upset and the look on Thorax's face before he bolted out of the throne room made me realize I'd made a mistake.

PB - So what happened then?

HS - Princess Twilight insisted that she confront Thorax herself, and I suggested that he possibly returned to the cave he was originally found in.

PB - So you went back?

HS - We did.

PB - And was my client there?

HS - He was. He was quite upset.

PB - I could imagine. Thinking he had succeeded in making friends only to have them turn on him the moment he needed them most. That has to sting.

HS - It was worse than that. He was convinced that we were there to bring him back so he could be either tortured or executed.

(shocked gasps from the audience and jury)

PB - He honestly believed we intended to execute him? On what charges?

HS - Probably just for being a changeling.

PB = So he honestly thought we would put him to death just because he was a changeling?

HS - He did.

(murmurs from the audience and jury)

PB - What happened once you confronted him.

HS - He made it clear he wasn't in the mood for talking, so Princess Twilight elected to investigate the cave to see if the story was true or not.

PB - Did she find any evidence?

HS - Plenty. Besides his claw marks in the snow from falling into the cave and the chasm, she also found a good many of his scales embedded on the sides of the crevice from where he'd fallen in.

PB - Scales?

HS - To my understanding, when dragons are in a life or death situation, they'll instinctively shed scales in a fashion similar to birds shedding feathers when pursued by a predator.

PB - Okay. So Princess Twilight found this evidence. What did she do with it?

HS - She asked Thorax if he truly did save Spike. When he told her he did, she apologized for how she acted towards him and swore to help him.

(shocked gasps and murmurs from audience and jury)

PB - So, the Princess of Friendship, and the Element of Magic, apologized to my client and swore to help him with his goals?

HS - She did.

PB - Did you offer your own assistance?

HS - I did. I apologized for how I acted and swore to help, regardless of consequences for me.

PB - Like possibly being fired or arrested?

HS - Yes.

PB - So did you immediately go to the throne room after that?

HS - No. The princess teleported us to Spike's chambers at the palace so that he could apologize to Thorax and join us in helping plead his case to Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor.

PB - So the three of you went back to the throne room and pleaded on Thorax's behalf to Princess Cadance and her husband. What was the goal you were hoping to achieve?

HS - According to Princess Twilight, Thorax would face the same kinds of severe punishment for going back to the changeling hive that he thought would befall him if he was captured by the guard and left at the mercy of Prince Shining Armor.

PB - So he would've been executed if he returned to wherever it is the changelings call home?

HS - Yes.

PB - He didn't happen to mention where that hive was, did he?

HS - If he did, it's a secret that is only to be known by members of the Royal EUP Guard and the Crystal Guard, as well as the princesses.

PB - So you can't comment on it?

HS - I can't say that he did or didn't, because I honestly don't know.

PB - So how does what would happen if he returned to his home relate to the case the Princess Twilight wished to present on his behalf?

HS - She believed that his execution would've been politically motivated, so he qualified as a case for receiving asylum.

PB - Was that asylum granted?

HS - Not initially. When each of us testified for him, Prince Shining Armor was livid and convinced that we were under mind control. Princess Cadance seemed to have a more open mind on the matter.

PB - Once you had all made your testimonies, what happened next?

HS - Well, when we first walked in, Prince Shining ordered the guards to take Thorax prisoner. When they moved in, Princess Twilight put up a shield to keep them away.

(shocked murmurs from the audience and jury)

PB - So the princess put up a shield to keep my client from being captured? Could you all have not made your case for him if he was in custody?

HS - Prince Shining Armor had no interest in hearing what we had to say, and attacked the shield as we made our testimonies.

PB - Did he break through the shield?

HS - He conjured a concussive blast inside and knocked us all to the ground and made Princess Twilight release her shield.

PB - Did he arrest my client once the shield dissipated?

HS - No. He tried to kill Thorax.

(shocked gasps and shouts from the audience)

Judge - (bangs gavel) Court shall come to order!

(audience calms down)

PB - So the Prince tried to carry out a summary execution right inside the throne room?

HS - He did.

PB - What prevented him from doing so?

HS - Princess Cadance.

(shocked gasps from the audience and jury)

PB - Princess Cadance kept her husband from executing my client?

HS - She did.

PB - How did she go about doing this?

HS - She put up a shield that deflected his spell into the ceiling. It was a killing spell; the force with which it hit the ceiling was enough to tear a chunk of stone from it as large as a dining room table.

PB - Why would she do that?

HS - According to her, she wanted herself and her husband to make the final call together on what to do with Thorax.

PB - And what was that final decision?

HS - Ultimately, they granted the asylum, but under some rather ridiculous conditions.

PB - Would you elaborate on these ridiculous conditions?

HS - He was to be restrained at all times, including a magic inhibiting ring that only allowed basic telekinesis, a muzzle, wing restraints, and some kind of rubber horseshoe so he couldn't strike hard hoof blows. It basically made him even less dangerous than a kitten.

PB - What else?

HS - A guard escort that went around the clock, even watching him as he slept, and he was also "requested" to complete community service to prove his want to be here peacefully, and I suppose to also offer a form of recompense to the princess and prince for what happened in Canterlot during their wedding.

PB - That doesn't sound quite that ridiculous to me.

HS - The terms would've fit better if you had replaced the word 'asylum seeker' with 'prisoner'.

PB - I see. Tell me: Have you seen much of Thorax since his asylum began?

HS - No, I hadn't. The next time I saw him, he had been beaten near to death by Feather Duster and Elbow Grease.

PB - Where did you see him at this time?

HS - The Palace Infirmary.

PB - What was his medical condition?

HS - From my understanding, he was injured pretty badly when he was first admitted, and even had a concussion that could've left him comatose. When I got in to see him, he was already conscious and recovering rather well.

PB - Infirmary food must be better than hospital food.

HS - Well, when the princess goes to the hospital, they're not gonna make her eat cold oatmeal and old apple juice.

PB - Was that the last time you encountered my client?

HS - Yes, until today.

PB - One last question for you. Do you trust my client enough that you would be comfortable with him being free to go where he chooses without guards nearby and and restraints placed on him?

HS - I was doing it before he had the restraints, so I don't see a problem with it now.

PB - Thank you, Mister Sentiment. I have no further questions.

Plea returned to his seat, where Thorax was giving him a shocked look. "You were asking the same kinds of questions the prosecution was asking," the changeling said with confusion, "Why?"

Plea just smiled. "A pre-emptive strike" he replied. "I figure if I ask the kinds of questions that State is likely to ask and get responses that reflect on you more positively, that that might help our chances with this case."

Thorax continued looking at Plea with surprise as the judge announced for State Evidence to begin her cross examination. Before she stepped up, she walked over to Plea Bargain and said in a low voice "Nice move, but the queen is still on the board."

SE - Mister Sentiment, I won't take up much time since the previous examination took a good bit to get through. My first question is about your knowledge of the whereabouts of the defendant. Did you or did you not report it to the guards?

HS - I did not.

SE - And is it not a crime to fail to report the whereabouts of a wanted individual to the Royal or Crystal Guard when one has such knowledge?

HS - It is.

SE - So, you had the knowledge of the whereabouts of the defendant, who at the time was wanted by the guard, and you did not tell them of this information.

HS - That is true.

SE - Am I to assume you've already been punished for this crime.

HS - I have.

SE - I seem to have doubts, as the punishment for said crime is five years imprisonment. So, I ask why you are not currently imprisoned as opposed to your being free and testifying here and now?

HS - Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor elected to decide on what disciplinary action I was to face. For the court records, the resulting discipline is considered confidential.

SE - By the princess's authority?

HS - Yes, ma'am.

SE - Very well, my final question. You claim to have seen the defendant save the life of Spike the Dragon, hero of our empire on several occasions. How sure are you that what you saw wasn't a hallucination brought on by changeling magic?

HS - As I said in my previous testimony, there was physical evidence to demonstrate what I saw happened in reality and was not a farce created by a changeling. I also stated the Princess Twilight Sparkle has bore witness to this evidence as well.

SE - But the princess isn't here to testify to that statement, is she?

HS - Unfortunately she is not, though I am quite sure that she would very much like to be.

SE - I'm certain she would. Nothing further.

Heartfelt was dismissed from the witness stand. He gave Thorax the same kind of sympathetic look Brass had, and Thorax returned a less than confident smile. The judge then called for everypony's attention.

"I'm adjourning the court for today. We shall reconvene tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, at which time, the defense may continue with their arguments. Dismissed."

The judge banged his gavel and the courtroom emptied out. Thorax was taken back to the prison, and Plea returned to his office. When he got there, he was surprised to find a note slid under his door, in what appeared to be a foal's hoofwriting:

Mister Plea Bargain,

I'm the filly that was almost foalnapped two weeks ago. I want to help Mister Thorax not go to jail. I know he's not a bad pony, but my mommy won't let me tell everypony the truth. She says that bad stallions will hurt me or my daddy if we do or say something. Please tell me how I can help. I go to I.S. 11 and have lunch outside at noon. I will talk to you if you come.

Raspberry Mint

Plea looked over the letter and decided to investigate in tomorrow. If it really was from Raspberry Mint, then he would have to find a way to meet with her and get her testimony. For all he knew, it could be what he needs to win his case, and keep Thorax out of prison.

Author's Note:

And finally, Thorax catches a bit of a break with Raspberry finally reaching out to make contact.

This arc in the story is still serving as the bane of my existence at current, but I shall persevere! Still trying to finish all the drafts so that I can finish this story arc once and for all so that I can move on to the next one, which I have mostly mapped out but just need to tweak and add some minor details.

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