• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part III, Chapter 18 - Raspberry's Testimony - Part I


Thorax was again brought to the courthouse and seated at the defendant's table. His lawyer Plea Bargain was not there to meet him. According to the stallion, he had managed to secure Raspberry Mint, the filly who was considered the key witness to this case. The changeling scanned the room to see if the filly may have been present, but he only found the scowls of the ponies in the audience.

After a minute or so, Plea Bargain finally entered the courtroom and took his spot beside his client. He opened his briefcase and proceeded to remove several documents that were held together with a large clip.

"What's all of that?" Thorax asked him.

"This," Plea answers while holding up the documents, "is everything we need to have Raspberry approved as a witness for our side. It's a copy of her side of the story, an affidavit from a child psychologist that determined she is mentally sound and able to give testimony, a form of consent signed by Mint Julep, Raspberry's mother, that we may perform a clearing spell on her so as we can verify that her testimony is one hundred percent her own and not a fabrication caused by latent spell work from a mind control or hypnosis spell, and Mint's consent to allow her daughter to give testimony."

Thorax took in all of the paperwork. "That's quite a bit."

"It is," Plea admitted, "and I'm hoping that with it, the judge will allow us to call her immediately. Besides the testimony of our expert witness, Raspberry's story will be our best shot at convincing the jury that you are innocent."

Thorax nodded, but didn't reply verbally. He hoped that the judge would permit Raspberry to testify as soon as possible. "Where is she right now?" Thorax asked Plea.

"She's here" Plea replied. "We've decided to keep her in another room until we're ready to call her."

Thorax looked at Plea with confusion. "How come she's in another room?"

"We don't want her to feel pressured to give a statement one way or another" Plea explained. "She might nerve up if she were to see those three stallions before taking the stand and stumble through her testimony. That would look really bad for us because it could suggest witness tampering, even with Night using the clearing spell."

"I suppose that would look pretty bad for me, huh?" Thorax responded.

Plea's mood changed to a more positive one. "I don't anticipate that happening, Thorax. I feel very confident that Raspberry will give us a testimony that will be quite beneficial to our case. If I haven't said it before, staying positive is the best thing for the both of us to do as we argue our case, and we need to stay positive that the judge will permit Raspberry to take the stand."

Thorax gave a nod, happy to hear that the filly would be here, but clearly worried about whether or not the judge would permit her testimony. He honestly couldn't think of a reason he wouldn't; she was the victim in this, so her story would be the most important.

Just then, State Evidence and another two lackeys followed her in and took their place at the prosecution's table. They said nothing to Plea or Thorax as they prepared their documents for today's day in court.

The bailiff for the court clears his throat as he calls out commands to everypony in the room.

"All rise as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza enters the courtroom!"

Everypony stands up as the princess takes her place in the audience chamber. As she has done since the trial started, she looks at Thorax with a scowl.

"Remain standing for the honorable Judge Iron Gavel!"

The judge enters through his chamber doors. Taking his spot at the top of the pulpit, he sits down and gestures to for everypony to do the same.

"We reconvene the trial of Case S6E16O133 - The Crystal Empire vs Thorax the changeling" the judge announces. "The defense may call their next witness at this time."

Plea looks over to State Evidence and gives her a nod. State returns the gesture before Plea looks back to the judge. "Your honor," he begins, "both myself and the prosecution would like to approach the bench at this time."

Murmurs quickly shoot through the audience, and Thorax overhears the words "plea deal" uttered by several ponies.

"You may approach" the judge answers, as Plea and State Evidence both approach the bench.

"Your honor," Plea addresses the judge, "Through pure chance and effort, I was able to obtain the victim's testimony and her guardian's consent to be called as a witness. I would like to have her added to my witness list immediately and have her called as my next witness. Here are all of the necessary credentials."

Plea passes the paperwork over to the judge, who reviews it all before looking at Plea. "This has all been filed with the court clerk?"

Plea nods. "I took care of all of that on Friday."

The judge turns to State Evidence. "Do you have any objections to this witness being called?"

"No, your honor" she replies. "We were allowed to interview the filly and I reviewed the submitted paperwork as well. He's fulfilled all the obligations necessary to have her testify, so we see no reason to object to her being added to his witness list and being called at this time."

"Very well" the judge responds. "Return to your benches."

Plea and State return to their seats as the judge looks over the last of the paperwork. Once satisfied, the judge addresses the audience. "I have been made aware that the defense has added a witness to their list and wishes to call them forward at this time. Prosecution has made clear they have no desire to object to the witness being added or called to testify, so the defense may call upon this witness."

Plea stands back up and announces the witness to the courtroom.

"Defense calls Raspberry Mint to testify."

Raspberry Mint sat patiently waiting to be called as a witness for Thorax. As she sat, she thought about the recent past regarding the changeling. Not her attack, but the day Thorax was revealed to the empire.

She remembered hearing him speaking on the school radio. He had apologized for causing a panic in the city, and said he had not intended to do so. He was apparently just as scared of ponies as they all were of him.

She then remembered how after the speech, the teacher then gave the whole class an impromptu lesson on the known knowledge of changelings, which elaborated on things like what they looked like, how they had been observed to behave, theories on what their lives were like in their kingdom, and how to protect yourself from harm should you encounter one of them.

After her teacher concluded the lesson, she then did something unexpected. After giving everypony this information, she then told the class that if they should ever run into Mister Thorax when he is outside the castle, they should be polite to him.

"As much as I've told you about how dangerous changelings are, you must also remember that these rules and guidelines are not always necessary. I have it on good authority from the mare in charge of the palace custodians that Mister Thorax has been a hard worker and does not act anything like the changelings that were encountered at the royal wedding and the subsequent times since then. He even has friends among some of the ponies in the palace."

"So, to conclude the lesson, I give you this last piece of advice in regards to these rules: Be cautious, but cordial. There may very well be other changelings that share Mister Thorax's views, but are simply afraid to do so for one reason or another. Perhaps if we were to show them that we were willing to let bygones be bygones and turn over a new leaf with them, than we could all work together to bring about a peace between one another."

"Just remember, though, that not all the changelings may share his viewpoint, so always be cautious first. Let them make the first gesture towards you, and be ready to react if that gesture is violent."

Raspberry hadn't forgotten the lesson. Be cautious, but cordial. It resonated with her. It didn't resonate with her mother, however, and she had been told that, regardless of the lesson, the only thing she should do was run screaming to the nearest guard and let them handle the changelings.

That had left Raspberry conflicted about what to do. A week later, and she had been cornered by the three stallions and nearly abducted. They would have succeeded, had Mister Thorax not been there.

Because of him, she was returned safely to her mother, but unfortunately, he got blamed for all the stuff those stallions did.

"No good deed goes unpunished" she thought to herself.

Her thoughts were cut off as a door opened and a mare poked her head inside; it was a bailiff mare.

"They just called you Sweetie" the mare said with a smile. "It's time to go now."

Raspberry nodded and got up to follow the mare. She didn't know how things would turn out, but she knew that she was going to tell all the ponies there that Mister Thorax shouldn't be going to jail!

For several minutes, the courtroom was filled with murmurs in regards to the witness that was just called. The judge eventually lost his patience.

"Mister Plea Bargain," he addressed the stallion, "would you kindly explain why your witness is not here at the moment?"

Plea stood up before replying. "My apologies, your honor," he begins, "but there was concern for the safety of the witness, so we had her in protective custody in another area. She is on her way to the courtroom as we speak."

A second later, and the doors to the courtroom opened, and in walked a bailiff mare and a young filly that was quite clearly Raspberry Mint. The audience whispered energetically, curious as to what kind of story this young pony would tell on the witness stand.

As the bailiff and Raspberry approach the stand, a unicorn mare in guard uniform follows them. Once the filly is seated on the witness stand, Plea approaches the judge's bench.

"Your honor, I have requested that a member of the royal guard be present here today to conduct a clearing spell on Raspberry Mint before she gives testimony. Do I have permission for this guard to carry out that spell?"

The judge turns to State Evidence. "Do you have any objection to this request?" he asks her.

State stands up and clears her throat. "Your honor, the prosecution asks that sufficient evidence be presented to prove that guard who will be conducting this spell is both an actual royal guard and a pony."

The judge turns back to Plea. "Can you provide sufficient evidence that the pony carrying out this clearing spell is who they say they are?"

"I can, your honor" Plea responds, then produces a set of paperwork from his briefcase and presents it to the judge. After reading it over, the judge nods.

"I have been given a sworn affidavit that declares the pony here in the courtroom today as one Miss Night Divining, a member of the 3rd Mage Corps of the Canterlot royal guard. Miss Divining, there is a code phrase attached to this document. Would you please repeat that code phrase to me now?"

Night clears her throat and replies "Soft churned butter."

The judge gives a nod and puts the papers down. "Miss Divining has given the correct code phrase attached to her affidavit, so the legal burden of proof of identity has been met. Do you still object to her performance of the clearing spell, Miss Evidence?"

"I have no objections" State replies.

"Very well" the judge responds, then turns to Night. "Miss Divining, you have the court's permission to carry out a clearing spell on the witness. Please proceed."

Night nodded and approached Raspberry on the bench. "My name is Night Divining" she told the filly. "I'm going to perform a spell on you now. I just need you to stay still while I cast it. It won't hurt, but you might feel a tingling sensation, okay?"

Raspberry nodded. Without any further delay, Night cast the spell, her horn lighting up and the filly being enveloped in a field of magic the same color as the mage's aura. After about five seconds or so, the magic fades and the guard turns to the judge. "The witness has been cleared of any enchantments that may have been placed on her by either a pony or changeling" she declares.

"Thank you" the judge replies, then turns to Plea Bargain. "Counselor, you may now begin your questioning."

A/N - This next part of the witness testimony will be written as normal dialogue in the story. It will be the only witness testimony written that way.

Plea gives a nod to the judge and approaches Raspberry, the having just been sworn in.

"Hello" he greets the filly. "Can you tell everypony here your name, please?"

"My name is Raspberry Mint" she replies.

"How old are you Raspberry?"

"I'm ten."

"That's nice. Raspberry, I asked you to come here today because of something bad that happened to you a little while ago. Are you comfortable with telling everypony what happened to you."

"I am."

"Good. Please, tell your story to everypony."

Raspberry then scowls and points a hoof at the three stallions. "Those ponies tried to foalnap me!"

As soon as Raspberry finishes her sentence, the courtroom erupts into shocked gasps and whispers. Iron Gavel striking his namesake quickly brings order back to the courtroom.

"That is quite the accusation you are bringing against these three stallions" Plea points out. "Can you tell us exactly what happened?"

"Yes" Raspberry responds. "I left my weekend tutoring and was coming towards the big open market at the base of the Crystal Palace when the red stallion cut me off and started smiling at me."

"He was smiling?" Plea asked.

"Yes," Raspberry confirmed, "but it wasn't a happy smile. It was one like a pony about to do something really bad would have."

"Something really bad?" Plea questioned. "What kind of really bad?"

"Really, really bad!" Raspberry reiterates. "Like 'I was gonna get hurt' bad."

"That sounds terrible" Plea remarks. "What did you do after you encountered this red stallion?"

"Your honor, I object!" State Evidence called out. "This is an unfounded accusation against one of my witnesses!"

"Your honor," Plea interjects, "the witness has only indicated the pony she believes committed a crime against her. I can hardly call that an unfounded accusation."

"Objection overruled" Gavel decides. "If there is merit to the accusation, then it will be investigated at the appropriate time. Please continue with your examination Mister Plea Bargain."

"Thank you, your honor" Plea says to the judge before addressing Raspberry again. "Please tell us what you did next after encountering the red stallion."

"I was trying to find help," Raspberry continues, "but there was nopony else around, so I tried to think of a way to escape, and a saw an alleyway and just ran for it."

"You ran to an alley" Plea repeats. "What happened once you were in the alleyway?"

"I kept running down the alley, hoping I could find some way to lose the pony."

"He started chasing you?"

"He did."

"Could you find somewhere to get away?"

"No. I ran to a spot in the alley where it went around a building, but there was another stallion waiting for me."

"Another stallion?" Plea questions. "You mean there was more than one?"

"Yes" Raspberry answers. "There were three altogether, but I only saw the two at first."

"So a red stallion began chasing you, and another stallion stepped out to stop you from escaping another way. What did the second stallion look like?"

"He was kinda whitish-gray with a dark mane" she stated. "He had a whip for a cutie mark and his eyes were green."

"Do you see any ponies here today that match that description?"

"Yes" Raspberry answers, then points her hoof at Leather Whip. Immediately, murmurs travel through the audience and jury box.

Thorax looks around to see the faces of the ponies in the courtroom. Some have looks of confusion and concern, while others are scowling. The jury box appears mostly confused, some of the louder murmurs making question of whether the clearing spell done by the guard had worked.

Thorax then looked over at State Evidence and her lackeys for the day. They were conversing on what the changeling could only assume was their strategy for rebuttal.

A banging noise causes all conversations to cease. "Order in the court" Judge Gavel declares, then motions for Plea to continue speaking.

"So, as a recap, you're saying that two stallions that look like two of the prosecutor's witnesses cornered you in an alleyway?"

"They did" Raspberry responds.

"What did they try to do?"

"They were trying to foalnap me!"

"They were trying to foalnap you?" Plea questions. "In broad daylight, and fairly close to the marketplace?"


"Why would they do that?" Plea asks her.

"Because my mom owes their boss money!"

Again, gasps travel through the courtroom, the ponies in the audience surprised to be hearing such things from a filly.

"Your mother owed the pony who employs them money?" Plea asks, continuing his questioning. Raspberry nods.

"Do you know who their employer is?"

"Some pony named Mint Eagle."

"I see. Please, what happened next?"

"The two stallions were about to do something to me, but Mister Thorax showed up."

"Mister Thorax showed up? How did he approach?"

"He came running towards the stallions and was shouting at them. He didn't look happy."

"How did you feel when you saw Mister Thorax coming towards you and the stallions?"

Raspberry paused for a moment, looking unsure. "...I was scared, at first."

"You were scared?" Plea asked her.

"Yes" Raspberry answers. "I didn't recognize him immediately as Mister Thorax, so I just thought he was another changeling."

"But when you saw it was Mister Thorax," Plea reasoned, "you stopped being afraid?"

"Yes" Raspberry replied, causing murmurs to travel through the audience and the jury.

Thorax looked around and saw ponies looking towards him, some with malice and others with confusion. "Perhaps they're all starting to reconsider things?" the changeling thought to himself.

"So Mister Thorax approached you and the stallions" Plea continues. "What happened next?"

Raspberry paused a moment to take a sip from a glass of water that had been placed at the witness stand earlier. "The red stallion told the other to watch me and he tried to attack Mister Thorax."

"The stallion attacked Mister Thorax?"

"Yes. He tried charging at him."

"What did Mister Thorax do?"

"He stepped to the side really quick and the stallion ran straight into a dumpster."

"When he hit the dumpster, did he hit with his head first or his chest?"

"He pulled his head back and hit with his chest."

"I would think he got the wind knocked out of him doing that."

"He did. He fell down and was gasping for air."

"What did Mister Thorax do then?"

"He kept coming towards me and the unicorn and he was shouting for the unicorn to leave me alone."

"Did the unicorn listen?"

"No. He said Mister Thorax should mind his own business."

"Did the unicorn try to attack Mister Thorax?"

"No. There was another unicorn that attacked Mister Thorax."

"Is that unicorn here today?"

"He is" Raspberry answered and again pointed her hoof, this time at the third stallion to testify against Thorax. The courtroom was again filled with murmuring, which prompted the judge to call the court to order with his gavel.

"So Mister Thorax was attacked by this third stallion" Plea continues. "Did the third stallion succeed?"

"He hit Mister Thorax with a spell that knocked him out" Raspberry replied.

"I see. Mister Thorax got knocked out. What happened after that?"

"The first unicorn started charging up a spell. I turned to see what he was doing, but he had cast it on me."

"What happened to you after he cast that spell?"

"I felt really tired, and then I fell asleep."

"What happened after you woke up?"

"I was on the one stallion's back, and they were walking towards my home."

"Did you say or do anything to try and get away or get anypony's attention?"

"No. The one pony saw I was waking up and told me to stay quiet or I would disappear and never see my mom and dad again."

"Did they take you home?"

"They did."

"If those stallions were trying to foalnap you, why did they take you home?"

"They said the guard were gonna check and make sure that I got home safely."

"So if you didn't get home, the guard would be suspicious of them?"

"I guess."

"What happened after you got home?"

"The stallions told me to go to my room because they wanted to talk to my mom alone."

"Do you know what they were talking to her about?"

"The payment for the loan she took out."

"Did your mom give them the payment?"

"No. She didn't have the money."

"What did the stallions do?"

"...They got physical."

The remark caused more murmurs, and Thorax shot a glance over towards State Evidence. The three stallions were seated behind her, and she had turned to leer at them and make some accusatory remarks. When accused, the stallions all adopted confused expressions and shook their heads, clearly denying what Raspberry had accused them of.

"So, they got physical" Plea parrots. "What happened after that?"

"They took what money we had, and they told my mom that if she didn't have the money next time, they'd make her regret it."

"How would they do that?"

"They gave her a picture of my daddy in the hospital with two hooves holding a pillow, and a picture of me being looked at from behind a loaded crossbow."

Gasps, murmurs and shocked cries carried through the courtroom. The judge was quick to pound his gavel and bring order back to the courtroom.

"So these stallions threatened to hurt you if your mom didn't pay them?" Plea continues.

"Not just that" Raspberry replies.


"They said the guard would ask about what had happened to me earlier in the day, and that my mom wasn't supposed to let me talk to the guards."

The murmurs picked up once again, but this time, they were low enough to allow Plea to continue undisturbed.

"So the reason nopony could talk to you was because your mom was afraid you or your dad would get hurt if you talked?"


"I see. So, to recap for the jury and according to the victim of the crime, these three stallions tried to abduct her, but my client intervened. During this intervention, he himself was attacked and the victim having had a sleep spell placed on her. From what previous testimony we've heard, I am under the strong opinion that my client was framed, with evidence either planted or fabricated in such a way as to implicate him in this horrible act against a child."

"I object, your honor!" State called out. "The defense is making unfounded accusations based on their own interpretations of evidence and testimony presented in this trial. We are here today to determine if this changeling is truly guilty or not. If the defense or victim feels that they have just cause to lodge a criminal complaint against my witnesses, they may do so after the conclusion of this trial."

Judge Gavel thinks on this for a moment and renders his decision. "Objection sustained. Mister Plea Bargain, I will admit myself that the testimony we just received is rather jarring compared to what was presented during the prosecution's arguments, but I must agree with the prosecution that the situation you proposed is your interpretation of both testimony and evidence and is possibly slander against the witnesses for the prosecution. I ask you not to levy such accusations again, lest I have to find you in contempt of court."

Plea looks a tad bewildered for a moment, but gives a simple nod. "I understand, your honor. Raspberry, there is one last question that I would like to ask you. Has there been anytime since the princess announced the acceptance of Thorax into the Crystal Empire that you felt that you needed to be afraid of him?"

"No" Raspberry replies. "Mister Thorax was always nice and he never tried to hurt me. Those stallions would've taken me if he hadn't stopped them. My mom and I owe Mister Thorax all the thanks we can give him for what he did."

The remark got mixed responses from the audience and jury. Some were unsure of how to react, while others seemed to think that the comment was somehow goaded out of the filly by the changeling.

Thorax looked up to see how Princess Cadance had reacted. The princess looked unsure of herself, but her eyes steeled once she saw Thorax looking at her. Was it a tough act, or did she think he had manipulated her into having that response?

"Thank you for telling us your story, Raspberry" Plea tells the filly, then turns and faces the judge. "I have no further questions for the witness at this time." His examination complete, Plea makes his way to his seat.

"So, what do you think that did for our case?" Thorax asks Plea.

"A lot, I'm hoping" Plea answers. "Raspberry has planted some doubt in their minds about your guilt, but things still aren't going to be easy. State gets to examine her now, and if I know her like I do, she'll cook something up to throw all my hard work out the window."

Before Thorax can ask what he means, the judge clears his throat. "The prosecution may now cross-examine the witness."

State looks over her paperwork and talks with her two lackeys. Based on how they're talking and the facial reactions Thorax was seeing, he had a bad feeling in his gut. The mare stopped speaking and then stood up, but didn't move from her spot.

"Your honor," she begins, "I would like to request that we recess for lunch now."

The judge looks at the clock on the wall and nods his head. "I shall grant the request. We will adjourn for lunch. Court is in recess now." The judge bangs the gavel, and ponies start filing out of the courtroom.

Author's Note:

Raspberry has given her testimony to the court. Now, what exactly did State Evidence have in mind calling for a lunch recess? Whatever it is can't be any good.

I figured this chapter was going to take much longer for me to edit, but I ended up liking the majority of the testimony to not feel the need to change it up too much from what it was already. Though, coming into another work week, I can't promise I'll get the next chapter done as quickly as I did this one. All I can say is enjoy the rather frequent updates while they last. I am planning to start writing the next part of the story soon, and while it won't be quite as ambitious as this past chapter, it also won't be quite as tedious as what I took on here.

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