• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part IV, Chapter 16 - Kindness, Part 3

Thorax and his guard escort had originally went back to the police station to find Fluttershy, but a police pony there had told them that the pegasus didn't want to stay there anymore, and requested that her friend Treehugger take her back to her hotel room. After getting the hotel's address and giving a quick "Thanks", the pony and changeling began making their way to Fluttershy's hotel.

The journey there was quiet, as Thorax was deep in thought and the guard had nothing he could really add to any conversation, besides drumming up some small talk. In his mind, Thorax kept replaying the encountered and wondering to himself if he could've done anything differently. Ultimately, he reached the conclusion that, besides not losing his disguise in front of the stallion and trying to suck him dry of any love he had, his only course of action would've been to start shouting as loudly as he could.

That said, he felt guilty that he hadn't done so at that moment; the stallion might've been scared off, or the police would've heard it and made haste to get there and catch him in the act.

Something caught Thorax's attention from the corner of his eye. Looking up, he saw an alleyway with a pair of yellow crystals set up on the walls of the two buildings on either side of the alley. The changeling immediately recognized these as being boundary markers that the guard would use to keep ponies out of a crime scene.

At that moment, Thorax realized where they were: the same alleyway where Fluttershy was attacked.

Losing himself to anger for a brief moment, he let out a hiss from deep within his throat.

"Sir?!" the guard addressed him, alarm clear in his voice.

Thorax looked over at him, seeing him tensed up and with his spear at the ready. Remembering himself, Thorax calmed down and gave the guard an apologetic look.

"Sorry. It's just... this is the alley where my friend was attacked."

The guard stood there for a few more moments, before he lowered his spear. He gave Thorax a sympathetic look.

"I can't blame you for that. If I had a friend that was attacked like that... Well, that stallion would be a gelding."

The remark caused the changeling to flinch a tad, but he gave a nod in agreement. "I certainly hope the ponies who put him on trial give him a punishment befitting the crime."

"With the statement your friend gave, and the rape kit she agreed to having done on her, it should be pretty open and shut case. That said, her attacker could try to arrange some kind of plea deal for a lighter sentence."

"Lighter sentence?!" Thorax repeated, sounding incredulous.

"It happens sometimes," the guard answered back. "Judges can show leniency to the accused if they confess to their wrongdoing. Of course, they could also decide to throw the book at a pony if they consider the crime to be abhorrent enough, which they might very well do in this case."

"I should hope so," Thorax replied in agitation. "My friend was attacked. She deserves every bit of justice due to her."

"I wholeheartedly agree. Now, how about we get to your friend's hotel so you can check on her?"

"That's a good idea," Thorax answered, calming down from the irritation the guard's words caused him. They continued on with nothing further said between them.

The duo reached Fluttershy's hotel a little bit later. Walking into the front lobby, they then approached the check-in desk, where a mare was sitting and reading a book.

"Excuse me?" Thorax got her attention.

The mare looked up and put on another one of those smiles that wasn't actually happy. "May I help you?"

"I'm friends with a guest here in the hotel, and I was wondering if I could check in on them."

"Do you know their room number?"

"I do. It's 414."

"And their name?"


"Hold on for one moment, please."

The mare went over to a book and opened it. After browsing a few pages, she looked back up at Thorax.

"I'll have to contact the room to see if they're willing to see you. May I have your name so I can tell them who is here?"

"Tell her it's Crystal Hoof."

The mare gave a nod as she walked over to a speaker on the wall and pushed a button underneath it.

"Hello, this is the front desk calling. Is Miss Fluttershy available for a visitor named Crystal Hoof?"

There speaker is silent for a few moments, then it clicked as a pony spoke into it.

"One second please."

Thorax arched a brow upon hearing the voice. It was familiar, but he couldn't place it.

Maybe one of the police ponies stayed with her to make sure she was okay?, Thorax pondered.

The speaker clicked again. "The vibes are good. He can come up."

"Thank you," the front desk mare answered as she turned back to Thorax. "You can head on up now."

"Thank you," Thorax answered back, heading over to the elevator. He was more calm now that he knew what pony was with Fluttershy.

"Are you gonna be okay now?" the guard escorting Thorax asked. "I'd like to head home now if there's no other issues."

"I should be fine. You can go home and get some rest."

The guard gave Thorax and nod and left the hotel. The changeling turned around and boarded the elevator, finding the button for the fourth floor and riding up the brief trip. Once the doors opened, he stepped out and began looking for the room number.

"Four sixteen, four fifteen... four fourteen! Here we go."

Thorax went to knock on the door, but noticed it was slightly ajar.

"Hello?" he called out.

"Come on in," Treehuggger answered back, coming into view and pushing the door open. Thorax stepped inside and looked around the room.

There were a pair of beds, as well as a dresser, and two doors. One door was open and revealed a bathroom, with a toilet and sink with a large mirror across one wall. Next to the dresser were a set of saddlebags, as well as a rolling case that was zipped shut.

A click behind him told Thorax that the door to the room was shut.

"You can drop the charade, my insectoid friend,"

Thorax froze in place, his blood running cold and a look of shock on his face as he turned and looked back at the mare.

How did she find out?! he thought in a panic.

The look on his face must've showed, because Treehugger began to chuckle.

"All is good, my friend," the green pony assured him. "Shy gave me the down low on your whole incognito thing."

The eyes of Thorax's disguise shrunk to pin holes. Fluttershy sold me out?

"Sorry, Thorax," came the soft voice of the mare in question, stepping out of the bathroom and into the main room. She looked worried, but he could see, and sense, some of that dissipating as she saw him standing in the room. "I called you by your real name on accident, and when I tried to walk it back, I ended up putting my hoof in my mouth and then spilling the beans."

"You don't have to worry, though. Treehugger can keep a secret. In fact, I've confided a lot of things to her over the years that I haven't even told the other girls back in Ponyville."

"I thought you were all close?" Thorax questioned.

"We are, but sometimes there's things that they don't quite understand, but Treehugger gets, so I'll confide those sorts of things to her. It's nothing personal against the others; I just feel better telling some things to other ponies than them."

Thorax could understand that. There were things he felt comfortable talking to Princess Cadance about, and things he felt that he could only confide to Brass.

"Anyways," she continued, "Treehugger doesn't have a problem with you being the real you. The door to the room is locked and it's just the three of us, so you can drop your disguise."

Thorax spent a good minute looking back and forth between the two mares, uncertainty weighing on his mind. After casting a glance at Fluttershy and seeing a smile, albeit strained, that was meant to encourage him, he let out a sigh and dropped his disguise.

"Neato!" Treehugger cried out, quickly approaching him and examining his form. "What's with all the cup holders though?"


"Come on, Shy. I'm just..."

Treehugger's words died in her throat as she suddenly moved past Thorax and over to Fluttershy.


Thorax's own words died in his throat as he heard whimpering from the pegasus. She was sitting on the floor, her hooves and wings curled around her in a defensive gesture, and her eyes were screwed shut, tears starting to roll down her face as she continued whimpering.

"It's okay, Shy," Treehugger said as she sat down beside her. "I'm right beside you. Can you look at me?"

Fluttershy continued whimpering for a few more moments, but eventually she turned her head up a little and fought to get one eye partway open.

"Please, look at me."

The pegasus fought against her urge to go back to trying to hide herself and eventually gave Treehugger her full attention.

"Good," the green pony said with a smile. "Now, Fluttershy, please tell me five things you can see."

She looked around the room for a few moments before answering.

"I... I see... I see... that dresser."

"That's good," Treehugger said, attempting to encourage the pegasus further. "What else?"

"Um... the bathroom door... umm... the bed, the other bed, and you."

"Great, Shy. Now, what four things can you hear?"

"Your breathing," Fluttershy answered, her voice less shaky and her elevated breathing beginning to slow down. "I hear the ponies next door talking. I hear the air conditioner for the room running, and I hear those bulbs that make the humming sound in the bathroom."

"Terrific. Now, what three things can you touch?"

"My feathers, the carpet, and the bed sheets."

"What two things do you smell?"

"The air freshener and the smoke from your incense burner."

"Great. Now, open your mouth for me, please?"

Fluttershy did as asked, opening her mouth and letting her tongue hang out slightly. Treehugger reached over and grabbed a small square thing wrapped in foil and unwrapped it. The smell told Thorax it was some kind of chocolate. Treehugger then placed the chocolate on Fluttershy's tongue.

"Tell me what you taste?"

Fluttershy closed her mouth and moved the candy around on her tongue. After a moment, she said, "I taste... chocolate, and mint."

"Good," Treehugger told her. "How do you feel now?"

Fluttershy's breathing had returned to normal. She returned to a sitting position and her wings had unwrapped and returned to their places on her back.

"I feel better," she answered. "I'm calmer."

"Good. Now, remember, you're here with friends. I'm your friend. Thorax is your friend. We want you to feel safe. Do you feel safe with us?"

Fluttershy looked at Treehugger, then to Thorax, and then nodded.

"Good," Treehugger said with a smile, before letting it drop into a more serious expression.

"Now, Shy, you know I don't like to be a buzzkill, but after what happened to you earlier tonight, I think it might be for the best if you went back to Ponyville and spent time with your friends."

"B-But I'll miss the adoption clinic!" she cried out in protest. "It's my favorite part of the expo!"

Treehugger frowned. "Fluttershy, you just went through some really heavy stuff tonight. Those bags are gonna stick around for a while. You need your friends to help you unload all of them."

"Aren't you my friends?" she countered.

"We are, but you also need to get away from here. I know you love the adoption clinic, but there'll be an adoption clinic at the next expo. You can see all of the animals there then."

"But I don't want to leave!" Fluttershy replied defiantly. "I won't let that AWFUL stallion ruin this trip for me!"

Treehugger was taken aback by her friend's sudden outburst. She turned to Thorax pleadingly.

"I might not know much about you bugs, but you can all feel out our emotions, right?"

Thorax nodded in confirmation.

"Then please back me up on this. You gotta be able to feel what's going on inside her, right?"

Thorax frowned. He could feel what was inside Fluttershy, and it wasn't any good. There was a great amount of fear, anger, sadness and uncertainty. Even worse were the feelings that ponies associated with depression. If he had to take a guess, Fluttershy must've had the belief that she had done something to provoke the stallion who attacked her, as wrong as that thought was.

However, underneath all of those feelings was a strong sense of resolve, as though the pegasus had no intention of letting the incident hold her back or keep her down. It was a good sign, but at this point, it was a water soaker trying to fight a forest fire.

"I have to agree with Treehugger, Fluttershy," he told the pegasus honestly. "You got a lot of things going on inside you, and being away from here and with the girls back in Ponyville would do you good."

"That said, I don't think Treehugger or myself should try and force you to go. Just understand that we're only telling you this because we think that's the best thing for you."

Treehugger gave Thorax an appreciative smile, but the changeling could tell she wasn't completely pleased by what he had said. Fluttershy had sat there and thought over what the two had just told her before looking them both in the eyes.

"I want to stay for the adoption clinic, but I'll leave right after it's over."

Treehugger closed her eyes and nodded, unhappy that her friend was still going to be staying in the city, but happy to know that she would be leaving tomorrow sometime.

"I suppose that's good enough," the green earth pony conceded. "Now, how about we all catch some winks? Lots of excitement and everypony has gotta be worn out by it."

Thorax gave a nod and started to walk out.

"Where are you going my buggy friend?"

Thorax looked back at Treehugger. "I'm heading back to my hotel for the night."

Treehugger gave him a stern look. "Nope. Those chakrahs don't align. You're staying here with me and Shy."

Thorax looked at her in shock. "You want me to stay here with you two? There's only two beds."

The pony frowned and closed the distance so that their conversation was as private as possible.

"You felt her bad vibes, bug boy. She needs the two of us since she doesn't have any of her other friends here. You're gonna sit there and tell me that you're gonna bail on her when she needs you the most?"

Thorax was thrown for a loop. The intensity of this mare caught him off guard. Before, she seemed very chill and easy-going. Now, she had a fire burning inside her, and his actions seemed to make her want to roast him on a spit over top of it.

"Well, no," Thorax conceded, "but there's some stuff I need back at my hotel for the morning, so I gotta go back and get that."

A knocking at the door caused Thorax to stiffen and grow fearful. After a quick utterance of "Excuse me", he rushed into the bathroom and shut the door, quickly throwing on his Crystal Hoof disguise and heading back out.

Treehugger had answered the door, where a royal guard was standing. "Is Crystal Hoof still present?"

The green mare looked at the guard in confusion. "He might be."

"What's going on?" Thorax asked as he walked over to the door.

Upon seeing him, the guard hoofed him a paper. "The commander wished for me to bring all of your personal effects, and this note to you."

"My personal effects?" Thorax parroted in confusion.

The guard nodded, stepping aside to reveal all of Thorax's luggage and personal items. Looking confused, Thorax elected to look down at the note, hoping an answer was contained in its writing.

Thorax, a.k.a Crystal Hoof,

After some questioning of Miss Fluttershy earlier this evening, the VHPF deduced who you were and immediately located the hotel you were staying in and confiscated your personal belongings. With the matter that occurred earlier this evening resolved, I made the request for them to release your belongings to me, which I am now returning to you. A portion of the bits you had was taken to settle the bill for your hotel stay. Unfortunately, the VHPF informed them of you being a changeling, and the manager made the decision that they didn't want you staying in their hotel any further.

I apologize for what has happened, but if you so desire, I can offer you a spare bunk in the barracks here at the guard station for the night if you can't stay with your friend. Just let the guard know and he'll escort you to the station.

Imperial Gold,
Commander, Van Hoover Guard Station

"What does it say?" Fluttershy asked.

"The hotel kicked me out when they found out about the incident and gave the police all my stuff," Thorax told her. "I don't have a place to stay tonight now."

"Yes, you do," Treehugger retorted. "No friend of ours goes without a roof tonight."

"May I have your answer, sir?" the guard asked, waiting for Thorax to respond.

The changeling looked at the green mare and the yellow pegasus, both with a stern and pleading expression on their respective faces. He sighed as he looked at the guard and gave his answer.

"I guess that I'll be staying here tonight. Please let the commander know his gesture was greatly appreciated."

"Very well," the guard replied. "I shall let him know. Good night, all of you."

The guard turned and left. Thorax brought his things in and closed the door.

"Well, let's get some shut eye," Treehugger said as she headed into the bathroom. Thorax would wait his turn, but as he did so, Fluttershy asked him a question.

"Um, Thorax?"

The changeling looked over at her. "Yes?"

"Can I... ask you a favor?"

"Sure. What do you want?"


Fluttershy trailed off, looking a bit uncomfortable, but resolving herself a moment later.

"Could you... change into my brother?"


"It's kind of silly," Fluttershy admitted, "but when I was a filly and my brother was just a foal, I would sometimes take him from his crib into my bedroom and hold him while I was asleep. It made me feel calmer and helped keep me from having nightmares. I think doing something like that might help me sleep better tonight."

Thorax chewed on his disguise's lip. "I don't know, Fluttershy. I'm not really supposed to turn into other ponies."

"Oh... okay. I'm sorry I asked."

Fluttershy's sadness hit Thorax like a tidal wave. He couldn't bear to feel it for more than a second.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Thorax, you don't-"

"I'll do it," he reiterated. "Just... please don't mention it to another pony. It's actually one of the rules I'm supposed to follow while I'm in Equestria."

"Oh my gosh!" Fluttershy suddenly exclaimed. "Then, please, don't. I don't want you getting into trouble on my account."

"I want to help you, Fluttershy," he repeated, "and I'm pretty sure the commander and the princesses would understand my decision for doing this."

Fluttershy looked at Thorax with worry for a few more moments, before letting out a breath and smiling at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, do you have a picture of your brother I can see?"

Fluttershy nodded and went over to her bags. After a moment, she produced a book full of pictures: a photo album. Flipping through, she showed him one of Fluttershy as a filly. She was so young in the photo that she didn't even have her cutie mark yet. Sitting beside her was a foal with a mint-green coat and blonde mane and tail. His purple eyes were similar to Twilight's, but a shade more pink.

"That's your brother?" Thorax asked.

"Mhm," Fluttershy replied. "He was a lazy bones for a long time, but he just finished his degree for mane-styling, so now he's gonna start his own salon somewhere, probably up in Cloudsdale so he's not far from our mom and dad."

Thorax nodded as he examined the photo, taking in as much detail as he could. Once he was sure he had it, he triggered his magic and, in a wash of green fire, turned into the colt in the picture.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy cried out, suprised by how much Thorax had changed. "If I hadn't seen you do it, I would've thought Zephyr was here and he'd been turned back into a foal."

"I'm glad to know that I was able to do a good job then," Thorax replied in a small, squeaky voice, which made Fluttershy chuckle. Wanting to make the mare smile further, he then asked, "Can we go beddie bye now?"

Fluttershy had a good laugh and nodded, picking Thorax up and putting him on the bed. She then climbed in and got into a comfortable position. "Zeyphr" walked over and nestled into her, allowing her hooves to wrap around him.

Thorax couldn't help himself; as soon as her hooves wrapped around him, he very quickly drifted off to sleep.

It was a bit later when Thorax woke up to a pair of hooves grabbing him tightly. The quiet whimpering that he heard behind him told him immediately that it was Fluttershy.

The mare was having a nightmare.

A sudden rush of hooves approaching him made Thorax look to see Treehugger moving behind Fluttershy to try and calm her down.

"Just relax, Shy. Luna will come and take care of you."

Luna. Thorax had forgotten about her, or at least, her special abilities with dreams. He turned his head over his should and looked up to see a pillow behind him. He then looked back down and saw he had lost his form in his sleep, likely having happened from being woken up so suddenly.

He eventually turned around to see Fluttershy with her face scrunched up in fear, her hooves grabbing him and holding him close. The whimpering seemed to be getting worse, and her breathing was speeding up. Thorax watched her with a fearful expression, hoping this bad dream wouldn't evolve into a night terror.

Then, as he watched the sleeping mare, a dark blue mist seemed to form over her eyes. A few seconds later, and her quickened breathing and whimpering began to die down, her grip on him loosening. After a moment or two, the pegasus was breathing easier, and her whimpering had ceased. Her eyes had also unclenched, and she appeared to be resting far more comfortably.

Treehuger let out a sigh of relief. "Just in time."

Thorax had to agree. "I'm glad Luna was able to come to her. Hopefully she sleeps easy the rest of the night."

Treehugger nodded in agreement. "Night princess came with her vibes and made our Shy balanced again."

"I don't know about that, but I certainly hope that she helped."

"She did that for sure."

Treehugger let out a yawn and walked back over to the other bed.

"Ain't trying to make it weird for ya, but maybe giving her a hug will help her jive with the dreams."

Thorax wanted to protest, but he soon felt Fluttershy resume her hold on him, though much more gently.

"Well, sometimes friends need a hug," Thorax thought, rolling over in her grip and carefully bringing his hooves around her sleeping form. The sleeping pony cooed in her sleep and grabbed a little more tightly, though nothing like the grip she had in her terrible dream. Smiling at the sleeping mare, the changeling found his eyes getting heavy, and soon he had drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Again, this was a difficult chapter to write and to do the subject matter justice. If you have opinions on how I could've done things differently, I am open to hearing those opinions.

The "grounding technique" that Treehugger uses with Fluttershy is something I've heard of being used before, but I've also heard varying opinions on its efficacy.

I also included a little nod to the author NamelessNarrator by featuring a joke from his stories in regards to changelings. Do check out his stories if you're looking for some levity and laughs.

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