• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 2,516 Views, 26 Comments

FizzleFloat, Filly of Chaos - FizzleFloat

When Discord breaks free from his stone prison a human is sent to Equestria as a pony and all chaos breaks loose.

  • ...

New world

I woke up to a really sweet scent, it's not unpleasant, the opposite actually. I wanted to continue sleeping but the scent was very distracting.

After a few minutes of trying to fall back to sleep I gave up. Sighing I give in, pushing myself up and stretching a bit before rising to a sitting position.
While doing so I had noticed that my body felt a little off. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I realized something.

My hand was firmer than I remembered and I also couldn't feel my fingers. In fact I couldn't feel my toes either. More aware now, I opened my eyes and figured out why this was.

My hands and feet had somehow turned into hooves. I was surprised at first obviously, I mean who wouldn't be. But then I got a little curious. Did the rest of my body change as well?

Looking down at myself I got my answer.
What i saw wasn't the human body that I would wake up to everyday.
No, it was the body of a pony that now greeted me.

After my initial shock wore off at finding out I was now a pony, I decided to see where I was.

Was I still in my world or was I in Equestria? Because it really did matter after all. So I took a look around.
What I saw a bunch of trees below me.

Did I mention I'm on a cloud?
And not just any kind of cloud, it was a pink cotton candy cloud. Now where have I seen that I wonder.

So I guess Discord must be near, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what point in time this is.
I'm also pretty sure that means I'm in equestria.

Looking at my surrounding some more, I see what appears to be a town far off in the distance. A very chaotic looking town I might add what with all the floating houses and pink clouds in the sky above it. If I had to make a guess I'd say that's Ponyville.

'Now how do I get down from this cloud without killing myself in the process?'

My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of an explosion and then rainbow lights which seemed to originate from the town I had seen.
Rainbow lights that were headed in my direction at this very moment. Bracing myself i jumped out of panic right as the rainbow hit, dissipating the cloud I had been on.
I wasn't affected in the slightest by it, only feeling a funny tingle as it passed through me.

Looking around it seemed everything had changed back to normal which meant Discord was defeated already. It was then that I realized I was still in the sky.

"Shouldn't I have fallen already?" I say aloud, startling myself when a soft, childlike comes out instead of the somewhat deep, low voice that I was used to.

"Am I a girl?"
Before I could get an answer to that I remember that I was still in the sky. Looking at myself and then the ground beneath me I realized that I was floating.
"I can fly." Now distracted from my new voice.

Getting a thoughtful look, I imagined going forward, and it happened.
I imagined going backwards, and it happened.
Then side to side, it happened.

Rather thrilled with this new information I slowly made my way to the ground.
"So I have magic," I say after landing.
Looking around where I landed I appeared to be in a small clearing, which is good because I'm still curious about my voice and what that means for me.
Luckily the were trees all around me, wouldn't want anyone to witness this after all.
Making sure that I was truly alone I sat dow and started my new body over starting with the obvious spot first.

Spreading my hind legs I take a good look at my crotch. "Well that confirms it, I'm a girl." Bringing my hoof to my chin, "I guess the correct term would be filly now that I think about it."
Checking over the rest of my body and I will admit I spent a far longer amount of time checking my butt than i did any other part of my new body.

My coat was a tan cream color while my mane and tail were a dark caramel. My mane was a little spiky and wasn't very long, only just reaching a little past my chin but not touching my shoulders; my tail being the same way though a little longer.
I don't know what color my eyes are as I don't have anything to see my reflection in. Also I feel really small as even while sitting my head isn't very far from the ground. So I guess I really am a little filly.
Which I'm not mad about by the way; I've always wanted a second chance at youth, and being a filly is just the icing on the cake.

After I was done checking I floated in the air again, this time only two feet off the ground and slowly making my way through the trees, heading in the direction of the town I had spotted earlier.
When I arrived I learned that it was in fact Ponyville if the six colorful ponies that I would recognize anywhere were any indication. The six of them were currently standing before what I could only assume was the recently petrified Discord.
'At least now I know when I am.'

I watched them as they conversed with each other, 'probably already planning a celebration for their victory.'

I spent some time watching them, trying to decide wether or not it was a good idea to approach them. Because if I'm what I think I am then I don't believe that they would take too kindly to me especially after they just defeated Discord.
I mean an earth pony with magic, ( did I mention I was an earth pony)?
They would probably think that I work for Discord or that I was a pony that hadn't been cured of his corruption and blast me with their elements without a second thought.
So no, I'm not going to do that just yet.
With my mind made up I started to leave, which turned out to be a good thing since the royal guards were starting to show up.
Here to take Discord back to the palace.

And with that I headed away from Ponyville to start my new life. This was the beginning of my adventure.