• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 2,516 Views, 26 Comments

FizzleFloat, Filly of Chaos - FizzleFloat

When Discord breaks free from his stone prison a human is sent to Equestria as a pony and all chaos breaks loose.

  • ...

Nightmare Night

Author's Note:

WARNING: this chapter contains questionable acts of violence and sexuality(brought up in conversation); read at your own discretion.

Nightmare Night is finally here! Yay!
I finally get to reveal my special act; on this night I'm going to masquerade as not just any horror, but the horror of which this night is based on... Nightmare Moon!

Yes, Nightmare Moon! It's going to be such a show that if I'm not on Celestia's shit list already, I definitely will be now.
And the best part is that I'll be changing my actual form to that of Nightmare Moon, rather than using a puppet. So my body will not only be far more durable, but I'll also have a much greater variety of abilities that I can use now since I don't have to worry about my puppet body exploding from magic overload.

Changing into my Nightmare Moon form, I ponder which town I should hit first. 'Decisions, decisions.' I muse to myself. 'Ah, I've got it!'
Seeing me look over to him, Fredrick questions, "Have you decided where we're going to go first?"
"Indeed I have," I respond, raising a hoof in the air, "Dodge Junction and Appleloosa for starters as they're close enough to Ponyville and Canterlot to get the element bearers' and Celestia's attention."
"A splendid plan, so which are you going to hit first?" Fredrick asks.
After a few moments of consideration, I respond, "Appleloosa first, just to get warmed up, and then Dodge Junction." Laughing to myself, "Hahah, I can't wait to finally terrorize the ponies of that dreadful little town."

I spread my wings, having decided that I should test out this new body to get used to it. That and I also felt like flying this time, I have been teleporting everywhere lately; I need the exercise.

By the time I reached Appleloosa, I was more than ready to begin my spree of terror. Landing just outside the town, I go over what I have planned; I decided to start with my grand entrance first to introduce myself to the ponies of this town. Then terror would rain down on them. I took flight again, momentarily wondering how they could possibly grow any crops with the kind of terrain their town was situated on. 'It must have something to do with magic, it always does.'


The ponies of Appleloosa went about finishing up the last of their work for the day; since Appleloosa was still pretty new, the townsponies were not planning to make a big celebration out of Nightmare Night. They did however set up a few decorations and even had a small party planned for that night, but that was really all that they were going to do; the town was still pretty new after all. There was still much work that needed to be done.

The townsponies looked up, confused as the sky started to darken; up above them dark clouds were forming, blocking out the light from the afternoon sun. Some of the ponies murmured, "Why are there storm clouds all of a sudden?"
"Did we have rain scheduled for tonight?"
The ponies were so confused that they disregarded rushing indoors to escape the storm.

Braeburn was among these townsponies.
Staring at the clouds, he asks nopony in particular, "Where are the pegasi? Those clouds couldn't have appeared by themselves could they?"
He and the other townsponies quickly ducked for cover as lightning was unleashed from the storm clouds. Once the lightning stopped, Braeburn poked his head out thinking to himself, "That's no ordinary lightning, they struck in such a way as to keep us from entering any buildings."

Suddenly chilling laughter rang out, "Mwahahahah! It is good to be back."
The townsponies watched as an imposing dark alicorn mare appeared and smiled at them, showing off her deadly looking fangs. As the townsponies wearily came out from their hiding spots, I spoke, "Greetings subjects! It is I Nightmare Moon, and I am here to liberate you all from Celestia's reign."

Braeburn being the closest to the alicorn, trotted towards her, just close enough to garner her attention. "Nightmare Moon? I've heard about you from my cousin."
Tilting my head at the stallion, I say, "Have you now... thats interesting."
Ignoring the shiver that went down his spine from the look that I gave him, Braeburn continued, "Yes I have, and what do you mean by liberate us."
Chuckling at him, I reply, "That's good to hear, and by liberate I mean that I'm going to overthrow your precious Princess and take her place as sole ruler of Equestria!"

Braeburn's blood froze at that; he had heard about how Nightmare Moon's power rivaled Pricess Celestia's, and could only imagine how horrible it would be if the Princess were to lose. "W-well you wont get the chance!" Braeburn could see a few stallions and mares sneaking up behind the alicorn wielding lassos and other farm tools; all he had to do now was keep the threat distracted.
"Oh, I assure you, my little pony," I say mockingly, "I've already taken measures to deal with any unwanted retaliation, even the elements of Harmony."

With that Braeburn nodded and the attack group sprang into action; two of them, a mare and a stallion flanked me on either side and threw their lassos in an attempt to restrain me. But their attempt was futile as since I was already aware of them, I simply caught their lassos in my magic. I tugged hard on the stallions lasso, throwing him at one of the building with a resounding crash; the mare I pulled towards me with her lasso, and hog-tied her.
"Anypony else want to test their luck against me?" I ask while I discreetly took pictures of the mare's rump and crotch with my invisible camera. After taking pictures of that royal guard mare it kind of became a hobby of mine; the camera i have is really high quality.
Then about nine ponies, a mix of mares and stallions, charged me with an assortment of farming tools. I merely smirked, already anticipating the simple method of attack that they would be using; the first pony to close the distance struck at me with a sledgehammer. I casually sidestepped him, smacking him with my wing on the side that he was on and ripping the sledgehammer from him with my magic; I then proceeded to beat down the rest of them, switching between striking with the sledgehammer and striking with my limbs. After a few minutes there were only two left, a mare and a older colt who was half the the size of the other stallions. He really shouldn't have joined in on the fight

The mare looked at me wearily while the colt's legs were shaking in fear, before hardening his resolve and charging at me with the intent to end me; I struck him in the face with my tail, sending him flying a short distance away. Seeing this the mare charged as well, but instead of throwing herself at me like the others had, she stood up on her hind legs and taking up a boxing-like stance. I raised an eyebrow at this; it looked incredibly awkward and even a little cute, so much so that I couldn't help but coo at her. "That is so adorable."
The mare obviously heard this if the look on her face was any indication and charged at me; I momentarily panicked from the speed that she was now exibiting. She struck at me with her
front hooves, expertly throwing out combinations; I got hit a few times, they were really solid blows. I was no stranger to competitive fighting, having studied traditional karate in my world for nearly a decade and having first Dan or first degree black belt depending on your preference; of course this is old school Okinawan karate that I do, not that modern, watered down crap that they teach at mcdojos these days.

It was too much of a hassle to dodge her hoof punches, they were far to quick, but they were also predictable. It seemed that this world's version of boxing was simpler than the one back in my world; it probably has to do with pony physiology, but while it was simple that didn't mean that it was any less dangerous.

After a few minutes of defending against this mare, I could tell that she was struggling to keep it up; she wouldn't last much longer. You see, I was using a strategy where I'm on the defensive, but am throwing in counter strikes every few steps to give my opponent the belief that I was actually fighting back, while in reality I was merely wearing her down by letting her thinks she has me on the ropes and striking her guard or body to numb her limbs. She didn't realize that she had been played until she noticed that while she was exhausted, I on the other hoof was barely winded. I could have easily dealt with her using my magic, but this was far more entertaining.

The mare was done now, she was panting, out of breath and was overall exhausted; I decided that while this was amusing, it was time to wrap this up. She threw another punch, it lacking the speed and power that she had shown earlier, I easily intercepted it with on of my wings. Lifting her arm up, forcing her to stand up straight on her hind legs, I got a little curious, especially with what part of her anatomy was on display; turning until my body was at an angle where my rear was nearly facing her, I took a moment to make sure I was lined up properly and... I shot my hind leg out at her. My back hoof made contact against her crotch with a loud thud, sinking in a little from the force of the impact. The mare screamed in pain. Releasing my hold on her and letting her drop, she curled up with her eyes shut and teeth gritted, her front hooves pressed against her crotch.

'Hey that was pretty fun!' I thought to myself. 'I kinda want to hit a stallion down there too now, just so that I'm not discriminating because of gender. Yeah that makes sense.'

I eyed all the stallions, searching for one that I liked, my eyes settled on the young colt that had tried to fight me right before I fought that boxing mare; and he was in the perfect position too. There, only a few meters away lied the colt with his face down in the ground and his rump in the air. His tail was out of the way, and his hind legs were spread enough to give me a wondrous view of his family jewels. His position was just asking for it, and who was I to refuse such an invitation.
'He's so young... so perfect!'
Trotting up to him, I measure my distance, coming to the conclusion that with the size difference, not only would this be a difficult execution, but also my enhanced strength would surely send him flying. I hit the mare at full strength, so I'm going to do the same to the colt; it's only fair. Thinking for a moment, I come up with a perfect solution to the problem; flaring my horn, I wrap my magic around his body like restraints. This would ensure that he wouldn't move from this spot no matter how hard I hit him.

Satisfied with my work, I turn around, my rear now facing his, and I crouch low to get more on his level so I could line up the shot more accurately. Taking a moment to relish in the anticipation, evening out my breathing, I buck both of my hooves out with all the magically enhanced strength that I could muster, but only extending one of them all the way out. My hoof slams into the colt's sack flattening the little orbs inside, a sickening squelch emanating from his crotch. Upon hearing it I turn back around and started inspecting the colt's genitals.
"Well... no foals for you then."
I felt a little guilty for a few seconds, then it disappeared just as quickly as a smile formed on my face. "That was quite the experience, but i believe that I've done enough in this town." I decided to leave. I had wanted to scare these ponies, not get into a brawl with them; but I did get to find out where I stood both physically and magically with these ponies.

Seeing that I was about to leave, Braeburn, who was terrified by what he had witnessed me do, decided to will himself to try and stop me. He knew that it was futile and possibly suicidal, but he had to do something, lest more ponies get hurt. Taking out a lasso of his own, Braeburn twirled it for a few seconds before tossing it at me; I was facing away from him, and since I wasn't expecting any further retaliation, I was pretty surprised when a lasso appeared over my head and wrapped around my throat tightly.
"I've gotcha now!" Braeburn shouts. "You're not going anywhere!"
I stare at the lasso that was now around my throat for a moment before turning my gaze to the stallion who thought it a good idea to attempt such a thing. When I saw who it was I internally groaned, 'ugh, it's Braeburn...' weighing my choices I come to a decision, 'I can't hurt him, or I just can't do any irreparable damage to his body that could potentially be detrimental to the timeline.'
Smirking, I say to myself, "Doesn't mean that I can't rough him up a little."

Braeburn tried to keep his lasso tight to keep me restrained; and I admit he was pretty strong, but not strong enough it seems. I moved around easily despite his efforts. Chuckling at him, I say, "While I admire your bravery, it is a pretty stupid idea to attack a much stronger opponent," looking at him with an icy stare, I say in a cold tone, "especially one who has already destroyed your entire defense."
With that I grab the lasso with my front hooves and took flight; I started swinging him around, he yelled as he tried to hold on. Whenever his hooves touched the ground, Braeburn would try to pull me down with him; whenever i did stay on the ground for a few moments Braeburn would charge me; it didn't take me long to figure out that he was trying to tie me up.

This went on for a little while. I had smashed the stallion through a few carts, and his resolve was already showing signs of giving out. With one last mighty thrust, Braeburn lost his grip on the lasso; he soared threw the air, crashing into the wreckage of a cart, where he stayed. He tried to get back up, but his body had reached its limit.

"Your attempts were in vain, but I commend you for trying."
Braeburn just stared at me in fear, unable to speak. Now was the moment. Would this alicorn destroy the rest of his town now?
Looking at his expression, I speak with humor, "But I'm done here for now, there are other towns that I must hit."
Braeburn watched I disbelief and some relief as I turned away from him. Trotting a few paces, I look over my shoulder at him. "Goodbye for now subject."
And with those parting words, I spread my wing and took flight, leaving the townsponies to clean up the mess.

Braeburn's relief turned into panic when it dawned on him what I had just said. Getting up quickly he rushed to the train station. He had to get to Ponyville to find his cousin and her friends; they could contact Princess Celestia and stop this before it escalates.


My hooves touched the ground with a thump when I landed; I was now on the outskirts of Dodge Junction. I took a few minutes to rest, my adrenaline rush having calmed down already, and took the time to go over what had happened in Appleloosa.
"Ok... that did not go as I had planned, I think I might have gone a little overboard."
Pacing a little, I continue with my fake, serious rant, "They just had to attack me! All I wanted was to have a little fun, but it's they're own fault that they ended up getting hurt."
Stopping, I giggled to myself, "I can't believe that I hurt a colt down there, I mean, it was pretty funny but I really did not mean to do that."
Giggling to myself some more at the memory, I could not bring myself to feel guilty about it despite knowing that I probably should.
"Oh, that poor colt! I hope he wasn't an only foal, because that would really suck."

I then looked towards my new target.
"Enough of that, there's a town right here that I've been itching to lay waste to."
Then muttering in annoyance, "Of course, I'm not actually going to destroy Dodge Junction. I'm just gonna make it more lively."
Sighing to myself, "Yeah, Dodge Junction is so boring. Causing a little mayhem will do this town some good... I think."

I started making my way towards town. I was alone as I had sent Fredrick to Ponyville to keep the element bearers busy. It wouldn't do to have them show up and end my fun early. No, the fun has only just begun. I will be going to Ponyville when I'm done here though.
'I wonder how Fredrick is doing over there.'

In Ponyville...

Ponies ran around screaming as different kinds of trees and plant life attacked them. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were trying to stop the mutated plants and trees. All of them were in their Nightmare Night costumes.
"How did this happen!?" Twilight cried out.
"Ah don't know! " Applejack yells back.
"Ah went to the farm to get somethin for Applebloom and 'er friends and the next thing ah know mah trees are coming tah life!"
She ducked as one of her trees threw an apple at her, it missed, flying over her head. "Who'd ah thought mah apple trees would turn gainst me."
Twilight spent most of the fight catching apples and other fruits and vegetables that were being thrown to preserve them.
The others weren't fairing to well. Pinkie's party cannon, while strong, didn't do much damage to the trees; Rarity could only distract them; Fluttershy's stare just didn't work on them, and her animals could only help so much; Applejack was trying to tie them up with her lasso with only minimal success; and Rainbow Dash could only do so much without damaging Applejack's trees.

Speaking of Rainbow Dash, she was currently charging at an apple tree; she slammed her hooves into its trunk, nearly ripping the tree in half.
"Hey! Be careful with mah trees Rainbow!"
Rainbow Dash had the nerve to look sheepish, yelling back, "Sorry Aj, I'll be careful from now on, but those trees are a lot stronger than they used to be."
Applejack sighed, "Look, just try not tah damage them too much ok?"
Rainbow Dash gave her a nod while saluting, then shot off at another tree.

Back in Dodge junction...

I had already made my introduction to the ponies of this town; and like how I wanted, they reacted with fear rather than violence.
"Mwahahahahah! Yes, fear me my little ponies!" I yell in glee while chasing them. "Soon you will all be my loyal subjects wether you want to be or not."
This time, since the ponies of this town were not attempting to retaliate, I was able to actually show my creativity; I turned their fruits and vegetables into spiders and other creepy-crawlies; i spawned smoke formed monsters to chase them.

Eventually all the ponies had ran away and hid themselves from me... or so I thought. Just as I was about to leave this town, I feel a tug on my tail. Turning my head, looking over my shoulder to find out what foolish little pony wanted to play with me. When I saw who it was, my joy faded a little.
"Um, ex-excuse me." The pony now revealed to be Smooth Shot tries to gain my attention. 'Ugh! It's him.'
"Yes? What is it young colt?" I question, acting like I didn't already know who he was.
"Um, well... I think um..." he stammered, trying to form his sentence.
"Out with it colt! I have important things to do and places to be."
That seemed to snap him out of it.
"Well I just wanted to say that... I think you're beautiful and..."
My face drops, already having an idea of what he was going to say. No! I was almost certain of it.
"I was wondering if a fine mare like yourself would be willing to teach a young colt like myself what its like to breed a real mare." And there it is. I just stared at him, not even remotely surprised that he would request such a thing from a mare. And not just any mare, but from the Nightmare Moon herself!
"I'm willing to do anything you demand of me, what do you say?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I just stare at him for a full minute; he stared back with a cute little smile which would melt just about any mares heart; but unfortunately for him, I already knew his game.

Finally moving, I wrap him in my magic, lifting him up and towards my face, close enough that our noses were touching.
"You want to breed me?" I ask him in a low tone.
I should have expected this. I really should have. His answer to my question was to immediately lock lips with me, catching me completely off guard. By the time I regained my bearings and pulled him away from me with my magic, he had already shoved his tongue in my mouth and had gotten a few seconds of swirling his tongue with mine.

I gave him a death glare, and he had the nerve to smile at me.
"Wow, that was incredible! Do you think so too?" His smile never faltering.
I just glared at him for a little longer, then I turned him around so that his rear was now facing me, still at eye-level.
"Um, what are you doing?" The colt asks.
Ignoring him, I lift his tail. "Uh, not that I mind, but is this a fetish of yours?"
That did it. I poofed a paddle into existence, holding it in my magic; Smooth Shot couldn't see this as I was using my magic to keep him from turning his head.
I wanted to get a genuine reaction out of him.

I raised the paddle, pausing for a moment, then I swung it firmly; the colt yelped when he felt the paddle connect with his rump.
"Wh-what are you..." he didn't get to finish his sentence. I started swatting his rump, only pausing inbetween each swat to ensure that the stinging had time to actually set in. He yelped with each swat that I gave him, all of which were only at a fraction of how hard I could actually hit with my magic. I wanted the last hit to be the one that he would remember.
I swatted him for a few minutes before finally stopping. The colt wasn't crying, he seemed to be more shocked from the ordeal than anything else. I waited a few moments, until I was sure that he was aware again; I lifted the colt's rump up a little, just enough that it was above his head, like he was presenting his rear to me... And I swung the paddle, this time not holding back any of my power; the paddle slammed into his sack, sinking into the orbs inside with a loud thwack.

The colt wriggled and writhed for a minute before going limp, his mouth open in disbelief, an expression that I found amusing. I tossed him to the ground where he curled up, I just watched him for a short while with a satisfied smirk on my face.
'Oh, I've been wanting to put him in his place for so long now, that was really enjoyable!' I thought to myself with glee.
"Now... time to head to Ponyville."

At Ponyville...

Braeburn stepped off the train and rushed into town to look for his cousin and her friends; he found them at the town square doing crowd control. They were trying to keep the other ponies calm and into a safe place. Spotting his cousin, Braeburn yells, "Applejack!"
The mare turns in the direction that the voice had called her from, doing at double take at seeing who it was.
"Braeburn? What in tarnation are ya doin here?" She asks in confusion.
"Appleloosa got attacked by a alicorn mare calling herself Nightmare Moon."
Looking at all the frightened ponies and destruction, he asks, "What happened here? Were you attacked by her too?"
"Nightmare Moon? No, we're being attacked by plants and trees, though we've already dealt with the plants. It's the trees that are the real problem."
Braeburn gave her an odd look. "You're joking right?"
Applejack sighs, responding, "Ah wish that ah were, but this is really happening."
"We need to contact Princess Celestia." Braeburn shouts. Before Applejack could respond in the affirmative, a voice interrupts them.
"No need!" Princess Luna lands on the ground flanked by a few members of her personal guard. "We have already informed our sister."
"Whew! Well that's a relief, I'm plumb tuckered out."
"Do not relax just yet, it seems that another town, Dodge Junction was also attacked at around the same time as Ponyville."
Twilight, having heard that last part, says, "But that would mean."
Luna nods her head. "Aye. We believe that this is the work of not one, but two individuals, and possibly more."
"So what are we going to do?"
Luna responds, "The only thing we can do is hold out, and hope that Celestia is able to find and apprehend the culprits."

Comments ( 14 )

I think Fizzle Float is turning evil. She deserves a spanking.

Awesome chapter and I can’t wait for the next one

That she does, but I wouldn't say that she's turning evil. She only wanted to scare the ponies, she didn't expect then to retaliate so early.
She fought back of course because she wanted to test herself. I know that seems evil, but think about it; she has chaos magic that she can't really test unless there's somepony to oppose her.
I'm going to explain a little about why she got carried away in this chapter; you see, chaos magic affects whatever it's directed at, but it also affects the user to an extent as well, that's all I'll say. I'll go into more detail on that bit of information in a later chapter.
As to her sexual acts in this chapter; she's not the type to shy away from such things, she's not going to be a character that forces abstinence on herself, but she's also not going to go around looking for to for sex either. If I do more inappropriate (as some would call it) scenes, it'll more than likely be every few chapters; I'm not going to turn this story into one of those fetish kinds.
FizzleFloat hitting ponies in their genitals, regardless if they're male or female; it's just something that I see her doing.

My knowledge of chaos comes from Dadonequus. Chaos is as chaos does. All chaos spells must complete, there is no cancelling. If you're not careful, you'll end up cursing yourself.

Nah, she ain't evil. Just very Chaotic Neutral. From a humans pov with that much power, that would be something I would do. It's a very human thing to do, a chaotic human thing, but still a human thing.

So, she quite clearly going insane. In quite literal sense. Or were she like this from the start? Lack of empathy can lead her to very dark places and not the fun ones either. What she did with that mare and especially colt is fucked up and not fun at all.

Smooth Shot almost deserved his entire punishment, though. --_--

That's not chaos, that's insanity in its clinical sense. But indeed quite a few may end up like this would they acquire this power. Not sure chaos wielders have to be insane, but it's very easy to end up one when you can do just about anything.

She is going to have a hell of a time not being turned to stone for sterilizing the stallions.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

I hope he/she will get out of it and realize that it’s a Colt doing pranks

I really hope this story continues. It's exciting, funny, and a little kinky. :raritywink:

"Anypony else want to test their luck against me?" I ask while I discreetly took pictures of the mare's rump and crotch with my invisible camera. After taking pictures of that royal guard mare it kind of became a hobby of mine; the camera i have is really high quality.

Should also mention that this part actually made me burst out laughing. :rainbowlaugh:

Painfully sterilizing ponies for fun is not something I'd call "not evil" lol
I think you've made your main character at the very least a sociopath

When the next chapter?

I hope the next chapter is going to be amazing, keep up the good work if you can!

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