• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 2,510 Views, 26 Comments

FizzleFloat, Filly of Chaos - FizzleFloat

When Discord breaks free from his stone prison a human is sent to Equestria as a pony and all chaos breaks loose.

  • ...

First interactions

I've been in Dodge Junction for a little while now; I was able to learn quite a bit about Equestria, specifically its big businesses and important locations. This helped me in learning where exact locations in the show were. I read some books on a few different subjects; food, farming, business and culture. But that's really all there was; Dodge didn't have much of a selection when it came to books.

There were mostly adults in Dodge Junction it seemed, I had only spotted just a little over a dozen fillies and colts during my stay here. Most of them stuck close with their parents, at least the ones who were physically younger than me, the fillies and colts that were my 'age' were the ones who went around without parental supervision.

The ones who were my 'age' hung around each other in small, separate groups. One of the colts in particular, I found to be kind of cute in the handsome, mature kind of way. After actually meeting him when he decided to introduce himself to me and talking with him for a few minutes my opinion of him took a one-eighty. He was a complete sleazebag. He was good looking I admit but he was overconfident and had a lecherous personality. The colt made no effort to hide how he viewed fillies, that being that they were good for nothing more than being a quick lay.

Speaking of said colt, here he comes now with that annoying smug smirk on his face.

"Hey there again cutie, looking good as usual."
Keeping myself from growling, i respond, "hello Smooth Shot."
'Smooth Shot, seriously... that is one of the laziest and wishful attempts at a name that i have ever heard.'
After a few moments of waiting for him to continue and hearing nothing I huffed, asking, "what do you want?"
This just caused his smirk to grow. Man I wanted to smack my hoof upside his head already.

"Oh, I just noticed you don't seem to be doing anything right now... "
I just raised one of my eyebrows, momentarily thinking to myself, 'do ponies have eyebrows?' Something to look into later.
I wondered where he was going with this but already had a pretty good idea of what it might be.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me somewhere, you know somewhere private where we can be alone, just the two of us."
I couldn't help but think that there was more to this than him just simply wanting to hang out with me; whatever it was I probably wouldn't like it.
"I know a very nice secluded spot that's a little over a mile from town; how about we go there and have a roll in the hay."
'And there it is.'
"Nopony ever goes there, so it's not likely that we will be caught," he continues, "come on, what do ya say?"

I will admit that I was a little tempted , being curious of how doing that as a pony and as a female would be like. But as I said earlier, I don't like this colt's personality and because of that I won't be taking his offer. So I respond, "No, i have things to do... and in case you've forgotten we only just met like two days ago."

"But you are interested, right?"
I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
"What exactly makes you think that?" I continue in exasperation, "Even if I was interested in THAT, it would have to be after we got to know each other better," then stating firmly, "but until then the answer is no."

I leaned away from him a little as he trotted up to stand side by side with me, close enough that our sides were almost touching.
"Then why don't we get to know each other better right now," he whispers to me, bumping his hip against mine and nuzzling my ear, causing me to shudder.
I hopped away from him quickly when he tried to wrap his arm around my shoulders.
"U-uh, maybe some other time..." i say quickly, and then in a lower voice I whisper, "or never."
From the glint in his eyes I could tell that he found my reaction amusing.

"Yes, of course, some other time, but let's not wait to long though." Turning and trotting away from me, the colt left. Probably to go find some other filly naive enough to fall for his charms.

Watching him leave I shook my head.
'That colt is way too confident.'


It hadn't taken me very long to find a place to stay. I had been practicing shapeshifting and could now take a few simple forms which included that of an adult mare; that adult form allowed me to avoid any unwanted questions about why a little filly was not only by herself but also trying to find a place to stay. They would probably assume that I was a runaway; which while not true, it also wasn't entirely false.

You see in all the time I had been in Equestria I had not once tried to find a way back to my world; something I could do in theory, it all really depends on if my chaos magic could reach that far. I honestly don't see why I would want to go back, there's really nothing nothing for me back there; no attachments I mean.

My life before coming to this world wasn't going anywhere and my family wasn't very helpful either; I didn't have a job or a car, and I lived with my parent still; I had no close friends, the friends that I did have I rarely saw or even spoke to.
The only things I valued were my writing, drawing/art, and martial arts skills of which I had nearly a decade worth of experience in.

I had decided on becoming a book writer and possibly doing comic books too once I perfected my art skills; this was something my family didn't really think was a good idea. While they thought writing books was impressive, they didn't believe I could make much money doing that, so they would tell me that I needed to get a real job so that I could make real money. Because working a job just for the money was apparently more important than doing something because it's your passion.

But screw them, because not only have I traveled to a different world but I also have chaos magic now. Which is more than any of them could ever hope to achieve.

Now enough of that, there's more important things to to go over. Like the new abilities that I've been working on.

Like I said earlier, I had worked on my shapeshifting or transformation ability, whatever you prefer to call it by. Being able to change my form, I found, was incredibly beneficial. I could turn into a mare or even just change my form to look like a different filly. I had not found much use for the filly forms, but turning myself into an adult mare made it easier for me to acquire knowledge. Nopony questions an adult... most of the time.

For example I found a place for myself to stay; I just spun a tale to an older mare that I was a single mother on the run from an abusive family, and that we were just trying to get by in the world.

And she just ate it up.

As for my other abilities, I have actually gotten the hang of my chaos magic. It was nowhere near Discord's level, but I could do what he can just on a smaller scale. I figured out why my magic was so weak instead of being strong and uncontrollable like most would expect; after focussing on my internal magic reserves I discovered what the reason was. I actually did have a large amount of chaos magic, most of it was just sealed off, though I could tell that there was a small amount of it trickling continuously at a slow pace into the portion that I could use and causing it to grow gradually. What I found interesting is that I had a second magic reserve, this one being much smaller than the other; I could only assume that it was my earth pony magic.

I was causing small amounts of chaos so as not to attract attention to it, also small amounts was all that I could do at the moment unfortunately.

Now as I mentioned, I am currently staying with an older mare in one of her spare rooms under the pretense of being on the run with my daughter, which luckily I was able to pull this off by making a temporary clone of my filly self. The downside to doing this was that my magic was not at Discord's level, so instead of being able to make a thinking and independent clone, I had to actually split my mind and control both bodies; this meant that I had to be careful so that I responded to ponies without getting mixed up on which form of mine they were speaking to.

It is incredibly tiring and really weird to do.

The older mare's name was Cream Spill.
I almost snorted when she told me her name, it just sounded really naughty to me and I even wondered if that was her special talent. It turns out her special talent has to do with desserts, which was my second guess; she owned a dessert shop and was even in charge of dessert making in the different events that were held in this town.

The name I had came up with for my mare form or mother form as I'm now calling it is FizzleStick. Don't judge me on my creative naming skills, I was introducing myself to Cream Spill and realized that I didnt have a name for that form and I had to think one up on the spot. She didn't question it as apparently parents giving their foals similar names to their own is actually very common. Cream Spill gave me a part time job in her shop after she noticed my cutie mark, which was a see-through cup of soda with some fizzle at the top and a little red spoon next to it; when she asked about it I told her that my special talent was making soda flavored ice-cream treats. This got me on her good side as she was excited about there being another pony with a similar talent to her own in town since until now she was the only one.

The day after that she asked me for a demonstration of my special talent. I knew she was going to do that so I had prepared the previous night by poofing into existence a small set of equipment that I would use for the demonstration; when asked about where I got the equipment I merely told her that I picked it up at the train station, which she seemed to by that story. She was impressed with my demonstration, and I will admit that I was in fact using my chaos magic to help me. But she doesn't need to know that.

So now I work at a dessert shop making soda flavored treats; the upside is that I'm making some bits.