• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,632 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(6-4) Anger

“Hmm... well, I’d say that went fairly well,” Starlight decided as the ponies left in the room watched Sombra give Fluttershy a brief hug before walking away with Radiant Hope, the yellow pegasus heading on her own way not long after as well. “I mean, it could’ve been a little bit better, but still, it was very good I think. What do you say, Princess Luna?”

“Yes, it went decently I can say,” the alicorn answered, staring ahead blankly for a second before turning to her and continuing, “However, I must say that I do have an issue with you speaking for me.”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It was just-”

“There is no ‘just’,” Luna broke in. “It is not up to you to determine what shall happen to him, and it’s especially dangerous to make promises to him that might not be fulfilled.”

“Well, he hasn’t done anything wrong yet, and he even said we’re not his enemies. So I don’t see why-”

“It is not your job to see, Starlight,” Luna interrupted. “That is our job, and we will see to it that justice is delivered fairly, whatever that justice may be.”

“Well… I just don’t think it’s right to punish him again now, and I don’t agree with it." Luna gave her a look, and Starlight nervously continued, "I’m sorry, but I don’t, especially since he hasn’t done anything yet.”

“Well… maybe we should have a roundtable?” Twilight suggested. “I mean, we could have a dinner sometime and talk about it, all the things that happened and, um… decide from there... what should happen… because of it… I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize, Twilight. It is a good idea. As well, you are still an alicorn, and therefore, a princess. Your say does matter. I was actually meaning to ask you if you ever planned on resuming what my sister had in store for you, even if it was a reduced role. Our night court will always have available space for you if you wish to get into ruling as was planned before.”

“Oh, well, no,” she answered. “I can’t. I just- I wouldn’t be able to do it. I can’t tell somepony that they… um, yeah…” She paused for a moment before adding, “Besides, that’s just going to make Prin- I mean, Cadance, more upset. I don’t want to get her angrier than she already is. I mean, that’s what caused this whole thing in the first place, right? I don’t want to rile her up more.”

“Speaking of which, I think we’re starting to make a little bit of progress with her,” Starlight added. “I mean, she’s still angry, but she’s at least starting to admit a little bit of what she did was wrong, so it’s something. I think we’re starting to break through to her.”

“That’s very good, I do appreciate hearing that about my niece. Although I still say if it were my decision, she would be locked in Tartarus. Although, perhaps it’s best that it is not my decision for that reason.”

Maybe she was wrong.

The doubt of her being in the right was starting to creep into Cadance’s mind. Maybe she really truly was in the wrong, even despite what Shining Armor, Luna, and Celestia had done to her. And Sombra. He was also certainly a part of this, that was a fact. Maybe not Alex, but it couldn’t be denied what Sombra did. He went along with her plan, so he was to blame as well. They were treating her unfairly, that she knew. But even still, despite what she knew, the doubt creeped in, and she began to wonder if Starlight and Twilight had a point in what they were telling her. Maybe, just maybe, they were right when they said she was wrong, right when they said she had to move past this.

She thought these things while she walked the castle halls, making her way to the kitchen for dinner with Starlight and Twilight, and perhaps Alex and Hope. She certainly wished not to see those two though. It was always awkward, considering she only spoke to them when it was absolutely necessary for her to do so. As well, it annoyed her to see them without any consequences. It wasn't fair.

Of course, though, once she hoped not to see them, they came upon her in the hallway, heading to their bedroom she assumed and kissing each other deeply like they always seemed to be doing. It made her nauseous to see so often, practically every time they were around her, and she made even more of an effort to steer clear of them because of it. She huffed and rolled her eyes as she moved past them, doing her best to try and get through without making eye contact.

But eye contact she made, and she practically jumped when she saw it. Normally, when she saw the stallion's eyes, they were hate filled, full of anger at her for what Alex perceived she had done to him. However, these eyes were indifferent when they saw her, looking at her like she was no more than a nuisance. Alex had never looked at her that way. He always had contempt, and always showed it in his eyes, which could only mean one thing.

The pony looking at her was Sombra.

She didn’t say anything, continuing on her way, trying to contain her now boiling blood as she made her way into the dining hall and sat alone at the large table, ignoring the conversation that Luna, Starlight, and Twilight were having. It didn’t matter what they were saying, Cadance already knew who it was about based on what she saw, and knew that because he wasn’t in custody like she was, she was completely, firmly in the right. That was a fact now. She was in the right, and nothing they said, nothing they said, would change that. The hypocrisy they showed in not doing anything to him proved that.

She had her jaw clenched as she stared ahead at nothing, knowing that she had to do something, and hating that the ring on her horn prevented her from doing so. This wasn’t fair. Nothing that had happened to her was fair at all. She was being punished when she didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t fair.

“Oh, hey Cadance!” Twilight greeted once she saw her, trying her hardest to pretend to be oblivious of her brooding expression. "We’re not ready for supper yet, but we should be in a couple of hours. How are you doing?” All Twilight got from her in response was a glare and a growl, one that caused her to take a slightly fearful step back.

“Not good, huh?” Starlight commented as she made her way up to the alicorn as well, trying to sound lighthearted. “You look angry. Was there anything you wanted to talk-”

“No! I don’t!” she yelled, flapping her wings angrily as she stood back up and stomped off on her own. She didn't want to speak to them and had nothing to say to them anyway. None of this was fair, that she knew, and she was going to show them.

Author's Note:

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